Under the Quiet Moon - V - 01/25/2011

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#9 of Under The Quiet Moon

Under The Quiet Moon - V

Geoffry stared hard into the mirror of his bedroom and through of the woman he had lost. The bite on his body was from her, but she was no longer herself. The beasts had made her mad and she would likely run into their lair to be devoured.

The loss of Selora weighed heavily on his heart but he was not the only one who had lost. The trials of the past weeks had been hard on all as friends, family, and lovers were taken, one by one, never to be seen again. Thus Geoffry told himself to buck up and get over it for the sake of those who were left... but the truth could not be hidden and in the end, it would be something he could not accept.

A stark emptiness had settled into his life, and without Selora he feared he might fade away entirely. It was more than the lack of color in his home and proper meals in his belly. There had been so little purpose in his life that he felt the need for a family. Hope had been smashed upon the rocks and he no longer cared to think of such things. Thus he bathed in the cool water from the pump in his room and headed off to bed to smother his sorrow with sleep.

Dreams came swiftly and reminded him of better days. Of times with friends and bright sunlit parks where he walked with Selora. He wished to spend his life with her, but never understood her heart. Sometimes she seemed to return his love but other times she withdrew. He knew her friend Elizabeth would always know more than he, but the time they spent together still lifted him above the clouds of his misery into blue skies where doubt and fears could not reach... and in those dreams she said his name and he smiled with a lifted heart. Then the colors began to fade and she slipped back to the empty bed where he lay.

"Geoffry," he heard again and this time he felt it might be real. Though he was only half convince of it, the soldier in him needed to be sure. Tossing his covers to the side, he took up the short sword he kept near his bed, and stepped swiftly into the hall. A quick peak around the corner told him the coast was clear so he moved to the front. The spyglass showed two people there. The light was too dim to see details, but they were slight of frame so he dared to slide back the bolt and open the door.

"Ms. Elizabeth?" he asked as she stood there proudly, cradling Selora in a blanket.

"Yes, Geoffry," she said seriously, "may we enter?"

"Of course," he nodded as he set the blade aside and closed the door behind him. The bolt went back into place and he set to the task of reviving the fire in the hearth. "Where did you find her?"

"Near a place we used to play when we were children," the woman said as she settled on the couch with her childhood friend. "She was delirious, and might be coming down with a fever. Do you think you could burn some of this and make some tea?"

"Of course, my lady," he said automatically as he took the bundle from her and placed the contents in a place where they could burn. "She said the creature was after her."

"I know," the woman said as she laid Selora's head in her lap, "she told me too. Do you think she could spend the night here? It's too dangerous out there right now."

"It's too dangerous for anyone these days," Geoffry said, his pride slightly hurt by the one woman in Selora's life who never seemed to like him. "I should mention neither of you are supposed to be allowed to wander the streets at night, and my orders are to report you both and notify the constable."

"But you won't," Elizabeth said with a sneer-like grin.

"You think I won't?"

"I know you won't," she said as if looking into his soul. "You will care for her because you love Selora," she softened suddenly as Selora murmured something he could not hear. With a slightly softer tone she finished her sentence with, "and you always will be." He did not respond to the accusation, there was no way for him to truthfully deny the words she had spoken. To hide his shame be busied himself with the tasks of lighting the herbs and setting them on an end table that was near the couch. He then pumped water into the kettle and set it over the fire, but it did not reduce the flush on his face. "Am I wrong?"

"Of course I love her!" Geoffry snapped and immediately stopped and turned away. He was not certain he wanted Selora to hear this confession, especially not with that woman in the room.

"Then care for her now and share her with me," Elizabeth told him as she stroked Selora's hair, "for of all the people in this whole mad world, there is none whom I care for more." The words triggered ideas inside him that he was not certain he should speak of. There had been rumors of the relationship between these women and how it was not of the proper sort. But he had not cared, for if Selora was happy, then he was willing to live with the whispers... and maybe even the moans of this other in his bed.

A strong huff of air was breathed out as he wondered where the last thought had come from. He would never let a woman like that near him, but he was willing to let her have her relationship with Selora because it made her happy. That was all he really wanted, and that was why he would let them stay.

"For the sake of the woman I love," he heard himself say, "I will endure what I must."

"Good," said Elizabeth, who reached into her belt pouch and drew forth another packet, "then brew this for our tea and let us warm ourselves.

"What is it?" he asked as he gave it a sniff.

"Medicine," she said in a bored tone.

"It smells like spices," he said suspiciously.

"That is to make it flavorful," Elizabeth said without any indication of truth or falsehood. "What? Not all medicine must be foul. This will bring energy into her veins and sooth us as well. Besides, with all of the wind and rain and cold... we could all use a good drought."

"Good point," Geoffry admitted as he tossed the packet into the teakettle. The smell of the herbs filled the room as he jabbed at the fire with his poker. The musky scent made him warm but the spices of the tea soothed his nerves. He guessed this was some woman's remedy that only very young or married men were normally blessed with having. The death of his mother had left him without such comforts, but in this moment in this place, he felt he could relax and partake in the comforts provided.

When the tea was ready, he gathered his cups and poured them all a drink. Small sips burned the lips but warmed his pallet. In the silence they sat, watching each other... watching and waiting as if something was supposed to be said or done... but nothing happened. Geoffry refilled their tea, sipped, watched, and waited.

Selora looked better. The shattered expression appeared a little less lost and her pale skin gathered color. Elizabeth's gaze shifted between the two in the room and occasionally closed her eyes to sniff the aroma. But as the soldier sat sleepily in the relaxing combination of scents, he began to notice Selora staring at him in a way that made him uneasy. This was not a glance or a gentle look of indifference... but something more... predatory. The playful dance of the light from the fireplace bathed her in a bewitching light. An almost amber tint seemed to reflect from her eyes which did not blink when he looked into them. Several times he felt compelled to look away but was drawn back to her gaze, which never faltered.

A shot of adrenalin rushed through him, causing a straitening of his posture and an attention to details. The look was intense... alluring... like she was hungry for him in a way he had never seen. Part of him thought it was the trauma... part of him thought it was the herbs... but a hopeful part of him prayed the look was one that could lead to a better future. One that had her in it.

Selora's languid stretch enticed his eyes and a deepened breath caused her bosom to swell and then fall in the blanket she wore. With a shift of her body, she handed the teacup to Elizabeth and flashed the enthralled onlooker with a glimpse of her bare side. The realization of her nakedness under the blanket paralyzed his mind, forcing a part of him to attention that caused him to flush with guilt. Repositioning the blanket allowed him to glimpse more of her body, causing him to look away. When she wobbled to her feet, Geoffry automatically stood, as a gentleman does, and was drawn back to her, with enamored attention, as she swayed unsteadily toward him.

When the distance was closed, she leaned into his arms, where he held her close. His mouth opened but no words could be formed for fear that he might ruin this perfect moment. The heat from her body and the smell of her skin caused his heart to thunder and his emotions to blaze to the limits of his control. Tears welled in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. For the time she was there, the sparse apartment and the unwanted guest did not exist... and all was right with the world.

"Excuse me," Selora finally said as she stepped back and made her way unsteadily toward the bedroom, where the bathroom was located. A series of uncomfortable glances passed between the room's remaining occupants until Elizabeth raised a brow at him. Geoffry turned away from her and stared into the fire. His chest hurt and he thought he might scream... like the first time he saw her, he thought he might die.

"Well?" Elizabeth's voice brought him back to the world and caused him to spin. When he did not speak, she approached and was almost tall enough to stare him in the eyes. "Are you in love or in lust?"

"I... I have always... been in love," he said as he trembled on the edge of more tears.

"Enough to leave this all behind?" The point blank look in her eyes was lethal and filled with secrets. That look would require actions that might unravel his life and make him useless to the city he defended. But as she breathed her husky breath into his nostrils, they both knew there was only one answer he knew how to give.

"I swear that I love her, with all of my heart," he said as he clenched his fists, "and I swear I always will." A wicked smile crossed Elizabeth's face, giving her the look of a feral wolf.

"Then you must go to her now and do as she demands." The words were not complicated but the meaning was shrouded in shadows. She stepped back to the end table and fanned the smoke. As she did this her eyes still watched him, and motioned toward the bedroom door.

A hard swallow gave him strength to step forward into the room. For a moment there was nothing, no shape in his bed or shadows in his corners. Then a sound came from the bathroom and he drew slightly closer to it. As his thoughts turned toward her privacy, he heard a provocative moan. A cold sweat broke across his brow and his breath became deep and labored. The breathing from the other side of the door was delicate, excited, and inviting, luring his ear toward its surface. A sound of slick movements drew him erect, causing his hand to cover his soldier... but instead he squeezed both his eyes and his hand.

"Isn't she wonderful?" Elizabeth said from over his shoulder, causing him to turn quickly and try to back away. "She is stunning... both wild and warm." Geoffry was frozen as she pressed him to the edge of the doorway. The strength of her body stunned him but her eyes and her scent captivated his mind. "You know what you must do... to be in her life?" The sudden sensation of her hand wrapped around his engorged member and her lips were inches from his own.

"M-my lady..."

"Hussshhh," she hissed as she continued to breathe so closely he could feel the heat of her body. Then her eyes narrowed and she let forth a tiny growl. "Fine... if you won't do it on your own..." Elizabeth moved suddenly, turned the nob and flung the door open. Bent over the counter, in all of her naked glory, was Selora.

One of her hands was supported on the counter while the other was between her legs... fingers busily sliding in and out. Milky liquid oozed from her lower lips and formed glistening rivers on her hand. The scent of it was unbearable, shattering Geoffry's mind and reducing him to the state of a stunned observer.

Elizabeth pushed him forward, bringing him closer to the lightly bobbing bottom. A tearing sound emitted from his trousers, but before he could investigate, a feminine hand took his manhood and began to stroke it into an even more hardened state. The thoughts in his mind seemed to cloud as his vision became hazy. Gasping breaths attempted to find focus but the more he breathed, the more of Selora he smelled.

"Ahaaa..." Elizabeth finally said as she whispered into his ear, "I see... you live only to serve." A sudden blow to the back of his knees buckled him, and the release of his manhood dropped him to the floor. A sudden gripping of his hair pulled him up and forward into the waiting warmth of the woman he loved. "Obey you Master, slave!" Elizabeth hissed in a tone that made him obey. "Feast in the valley of her desire and please her with your servitude!"

With the warmth of her flesh around her mouth, he felt compelled to stick out his tongue and listen to her scream. The taste was intoxicating, and he developed an instant hunger for it. Without thought, his hands took hold of her bottom and parted them slightly, granting him more room to press more deeply. The volume of her moans intensified, telling him he was doing well.

Closing his eyes allowed him to focus on the sounds that she made, and his movements adjusted to the noise. Good noises received more attention while lesser ones were marked as boring in his mind. He licked her insides and traveled to the other entrance, debasing himself in her anus as his fingers worked in her sacred place. This combination worked best for her, and it caused the scent of her arousal to intensify. When at last she clenched, he thrust his digits in, then slowly pulled away.

"Good boy," his master cooed, like he was a dog, and for some reason he felt it was right. "You've earned a reward from your matron... stand," she commanded and he instantly obeyed. "Stay!" she ordered, and began removing his pants.

Selora was still leaned heavily over the counter-top, panting like a dog... and as he stayed he noticed she panted with an elongated tongue. When she glanced behind her, he saw a darkened nose and a tiny muzzle beginning to form. The body he had been servicing had more muscle, now, and thin dark fur sprouting to form a light coat. A sleek tail grew before his eyes and began wagging as she made needy sounds... and his body responded. As her eyes stared pleadingly into his, he knew she wanted him in her, but he was ordered to stay, and like a good soldier... he obeyed.

Finally, the one who had given the order took hold of his manhood and brought him forward to the entrance. Like the manipulation of a living doll, she lined him up and then pushed him by the bottom. "Forward," Master ordered, and into Selora's warmth he thrust. A bolt of lightning struck... and she clenched so tightly around him that he could not see. The heat of her body consumed his mind, drawing him in, making his frustration explode without further coaxing. The muscles around him flexed and released, milking him for what he gave. The world seemed to tilt forward but he gasped and stood tall.

"Already?" Master's voice sounded startled then began to laugh. "You didn't have permission to do that, soldier! You'll just have to stay in there and fight 'till the end!" The order was understood and the task underway. He did not pull back, though his length shortened inside her. Clenched muscles held him forward, pressed up against the burning wet body so he would not fall out.

"Good boy," chided the voice in his ear, as her hands reached around his front. Master pressed up against him, the strength of her muscles had increased, and he could tell she was stronger than he. The arms that encircled him were covered in dark brown fur, and soon, sharp claws were cutting along his chest... slashing open his skin from breastbone to ribs. Crimson lines formed and dripped on his skin... the sting of these wounds added to the sensations of his body, but nothing could prepare him for the fangs that entered his neck.

A gasp of exhilaration emitted from his throat, exciting his master and deepening her fangs in his flesh. As the blood flowed over, she drank deeply from the wound. As his life poured out of him, her gift to him poured in. The infection spread from the points where both females had him, rushing in and toward each other until they met in the core of his being. The burning from Selora's body moved with the same intensity as the flood from the fangs... but as he became faint with delirium, he was suddenly let go and pushed forward.

"Ooooohhhhh..." Selora growled with a vibration which traveled through his body... and he understood her command. The human body began thrusting, engorged with the strength of the beasts, new blood straightening him out, reaching deep into her cradle. But before he felt he was ready, a growling order from his other master caused his groin to tighten and shutter as the last of his human seed was expelled.

"Out!" ordered the master and he immediately stepped away. White ooze dripped from her opening as his own seed released onto the floor, the dark master scowled at its weakness. "I am alpha," Master said, "she is beta." Selora stood and turned, then both wolf-women knocked him to the floor and sank their fangs into his flesh. The muscles of his chest... arms... even his legs received marks from their teeth and claws. Every wound filled him with bliss, every mark gave him pride... his skin would show others who he belonged to.

When at last they had drunk their fill, Alpha stepped away. "Drink," she ordered as Selora straddled his mouth. As ordered he drank all that fell to him... his seed, her orgasmic emissions, and then, as his teeth became fangs, the blood from the skin he pierced. The bite from below caused Selora to scream but neither let go. Both obeyed their alpha, and thus Geoffry submitted to his place as Omega.

"Stop," barked Alpha, and then she ordered them both to the bed. Omega had a difficult time of it, as weakened as he was, but he crawled across the floor until he made it. There he was cuddled by Selora... Beta... the woman he loved... his superior in the pack... her claws pierced her breast and brought the wound to his lips. Omega suckled... the warm gift tricked into his throat and brought strength into his body.

Beta moaned with pleasure as the male serviced her with caresses from a slowly lengthening tongue. New teeth slid forward as his muscles began to swell and bulge. Beta pulled back, her own form changing into a wolf-beast as well. She pinned the male as he shifted and grew... bones popped and his body writhed... until his face pushed forward and fur covered his frame. A guttural roar rumbled from his throat and he howled with joy.

But Alpha silenced him, and straddled his muzzle with her tail in his face. By her command Omega serviced her hind quarters while Beta pressed him into her once more. All three moved in the rhythm of their new pack, stretching and grinding... licking and thrusting... pouring in and over each other again and again. There howls filled the night... their instincts were set. And when the three of them left the building, each knew their place, and never questioned it... ever.

Under The Quiet Moon - IV - 01/22/2011

**Under The Quiet Moon - IV** Wind blew... rain fell... lightning flashed... and beasts ran. Selora knew all of these things to be true, but the one thing she did not know was where she fit into all of this. There were monsters in the world and a...

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Under The Quiet Moon - III - 01/20/2011

**Under The Quiet Moon - III** The storm raged on, filling the night with a life all its own. Tears gushed into her eyes but were wiped clean by nature's hand. The nightmares were real... claiming victims. Angela was one of them now, and Elizabeth......

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Under The Quiet Moon - II - 01/20/2011

**Under The Quiet Moon - II** The pitter-patter was punctuated by panicked splashes as shoeless feet pressed their owner frantically through the night. _There are no monsters in the dark... there are no monsters in the dark... the old stories aren't...

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