The Wag

Story by Trim Six on SoFurry

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#1 of The Wag

After roleplaying a storm up on Taps, I get a bunch of ideas for stories. I haven't written in a long time, but I've been getting ideas like wildfire now. One of my alts has a pet named "Kit," and he wanted me to write a story about him. So I did. He's alright with me doing this, so don't cry "OMG ART THIEF" or something when you read this. By the way, I'm aware there's another person around the fandom named "Sly," but my alt on Taps is named Sly, so deal. Heh. I'm not ripping off the guy in Florida, so don't worry. Feel free to email me with requests or comments or anything. My e-mail's trimsix [at] imabadlittleboy [dot] com.

  • * * Something I always noticed about this little gay bar called "The Wag" was that the bathroom wasn't exactly like all the other bar bathrooms. Usually those bathrooms go unused unless either someone needs to piss like a racehorse, or if they drank so much that they're going to vomit and pass out. Usually it's a balance of the two, but leaning heavily toward the people who really need to let their bladders go. However, like I said, this bathroom was different. It was probably the only bathroom "in town" that was a haven for people who were nymphos, or just loved to perform. Name's Randy; hey. I don't work at this place, but I hang around in the bathroom for the unsolicited shows. I'm just your average cheetah--same patterns, same height, though I ain't a feral. I also got glasses, so maybe that's why people always give me weird looks when I sound like I'm from Texas or somethin'. I guess Texans don't wear glasses. There's a curious thing about this place--if you've ever done any of that crazy... what was it... tiny sex or whatever--you know, where you type "I'm taking off your shirt" back and fourth to each other over an IM or something--if you've ever done that, then you know of the places they have on there for ever'one. Y'know... stuff for the people who love bondage, stuff for the people who love rape, stuff for the people who love piss, stuff for the people who--well yeah, you get the idea. Anyhow, this was one of those places, and I guess it focused on rape, since I noticed some regulars of the bar like to come and peel people from the urinals and shove them into a stall, where you start to hear yelps of "no, please!" followed by the clack of zippers going down. It makes me smile, though. I guess I'm one of those rape aficionados. Anyhow, some story that's always stuck in my mind was the time I got to watch one of these rape things happen. I love tellin' it, too. It all starts out with this cute little kitsune named Kit walking in. I think he just got off the dance floor, or was running from someone, since he was panting and sweating like all Hell. He leaned against the hallway and caught his breath, then slowly sauntered in, giving me a nod. Oh, that's one thing I forgot to mention--they even had a couch up against the wall. That's where I was. Swank lil' couch, too. It was purple and had the softest fabric you ever felt. Kit strolled up to a urinal, chittering things like "fuck I gotta go--I gotta go!" and was dancing again. Maybe that's why he was sweating. He was dancing and finally got his zipper down, then groaned out as a steady stream of urine flowed from his pulled-back sheath skin. He slowly clapped his forehead against the wall as he went, panting. "You alright," I asked. The kitsune turned to me, nodding. "Yeah, fine. I just... fuck. Drank so much. Heh." "Not too much alcohol, I reckon? 'cuz this is bathroom is one bad place to be drinking too much." He shook his head. I guess he didn't hear my warning, since he responded so nonchalantly. "I drank a ton of water before comin' here, and all I had was one drink. Was a shot of vodka." He sighed as he just kept on going. I think about a minute passed. Well about a few seconds after that minute passed there was a loud whining noise from the creaky hinges of the swinging door to the bathroom. Another fur walked in--and this is where it gets interesting--and eyed the kitsune. He smirked contently and strolled up to the mirror, pretending to mess with his hair, but he had his eyes on that kitsune the whole time. I knew what was comin', and I was shiftin' around in my seat the whole time waitin' for it to happen. Here comes one of them shows. "Hey, what's yer name, anyway?" I ignored the wolf that was giving Kit the look-down-and-up. "Oh. It's Kit." "Neat. I'm Randy." "Hey, nice t'meet ya, man." "You too." I smirked. If the kitsune was paying any attention as he looked at me, he would've seen the reflection of that towering timberwolf coming toward him. "So, not to be clichéd, but... you come here often?" He smiled. Mine just got bigger. "Yeah, actually. I usually just hang in here, though. Sometimes the waiters come in here and take my order. I'mma regular." He gave me a quirked eyebrow. Oh man, that timberwolf was almost a breath away. He gave me a look, and I nodded to him slowly, wondering if the kitsune would get the hint yet. The kitsune spoke: "What happens in here that's so interesting that you hang around in here for?" I didn't respond, as I just nodded my head, as if pointing the kitsune in that direction. Look behind ya, I thought to myself. Though he didn't, and by the time he realized what I was talking about, a huge, gray-furred paw covered his orange face. The kitsune's eyes went wide and stared me down, as if asking me for help. This is where I just chuckled. "That's what happens. And you ain't even drunk." The ktisune begin thrashing against the wolf's arm, even biting it. "Ah, fuck!" The wolf smacked the kitsune hard on the stomach, causing him to squeal in pain a bit. That sure was a meaty slap, anyhow. The kitsune stopped thrashing and eventually submitted, though by the time this all happened the wolf had drug the fox into the handicapped stall. I chuckled as I watched this happen, then slowly moved toward the stall next to it. Someone had put a glory hole through the wall leading to the handicapped stall. I don't think anyone used it to use, but I think it was used to look. I used it to look. The wolf shoved the kitsune into the stall, then forced the latch in place. The fox found a seat on the toilet with a fearful look on his face. The wolf just chuckled and opened his arms in a welcoming manner. "Welcome to 'The Wag,' foxy!" "Fuck you." Laughter. "What are you going to do to me, anyway?" The wolf blinked. "Is this your first time at the bar?" The fox nodded. This elicited a smirk from the wolf. "Are you a virgin?" The fox blushed a deep red, and nodded slowly. The wolf chuckled and smiled. "That's so cute. I didn't know. Maybe I'll be easy on you, then." The fox blushed even more now. "Err, what?" "You heard me." "I heard but didn't comprehend." "Then maybe you should unfold your ears." The fox's ears folded even more downward, since he was so afraid at the moment. "Lift your ears, bitch." He did. "How old are you, by the way?" Kit bit his lip. "Erm... ei.. eighteen?" The wolf lowered his head slightly and gazed down at him. This made Kit blush. "Okay... sixteen. Sixteen and a half." The wolf chuckled. "That's better. What are you doing here so young, by the way? This is a bar." Kit nodded. "I know, but... they let me in. They were mumbling something about needing more business." The wolf chuckled. "I see. So they didn't even check your I.D.?" "No." He grinned. "Well... you're so damn cute. I ain't gonna rape you." The fox sighed with relief. "But I'm still gonna mate you." The fox perked. "What? Er... how?!" The wolf blinked. "You don't know what sex is, kid?!" Kit shaked his head swiftly. "No no, I do, it's just that... well, we're both guys!" The wolf blinked again. "So?" Kit blinked back at him. "Well... how do males mate?" The wolf just chuckled. "Well, the same way girls mate, kid. It's just... a harder process." Kit just nodded at him. The wolf let out a contemplative sound and got an idea. "Would you like me to show you?" Kit nodded slowly. He was very curious. The wolf smiled again. "Alright." The wolf was wearing a pair of slacks, accompanied by the bottom-half of a dress suit. He slowly ran his strong, hefty paws down his front-side and began fumbling for the buttons to his fly. Kit perked and began having a flashback--back in the country, before he moved out to the city, he knew a boy. They were both fourteen at the time, and they figured out what they and where they were at in life. The boy was a kitsune just like him, though he was silver-colored, instead of the orange that Kit was. They were fooling around with their pants off in the silver's room, and then he asked Kit if he wanted to taste him. Kit nodded, but this was about the time in the story where the silver fox's parents caught them. This was one of the reasons that Kit and his family moved out to the city from the country--too much embarrassment from the town and that silver fox's family. By the time Kit had snapped out of this fantasy, the wolf had slipped his slacks and boxers down to his thighs, exposing his rock-hard flesh. There was a slight swell at the base--the entire length was a charcoal black. Kit's eyes went slightly wide as his mouth watered. He then blushed deeply as he looked around the stall, as if seeing if it was alright to continue. His eyes caught glimpse of me looking through the hole, but he didn't really notice or pay attention to it. The wolf stared at the content gaze the fox gave to his shaft, a smile on his face. "What?" Kit blinked. "Oh, um... I just... remembered something a while back from when I was in the country... and was with a boy." The wolf perked, listening. "Well, um--he--we were playing around in his room... and... he asked me to taste him. But I never got to, since his--" his face turned beet-red "--parents walked in on us." The wolf smiled, leaning against the door, his cock standing up on end. "Well... my parents don't even know where I live at the moment. They just know I'm alive." The fox gave a soft smile, though in shyness still sat on the toilet. The wolf just chuckled again, then thought of something. He slowly curled his fingers around the base of his throbbing flesh and began to stroke it. A bead of pre formed at the tip, causing his already shining length to shine even more. This elicited a whimper from the kitsune, as he licked his chops again. "Go ahead, foxy," the wolf whispered in a seductive tone, "lick it clean." The kitsune panted softly, looking up at the wolf's face, then his cock, back and fourth; back and fourth. He eventually mustered up the strength to walk forward and kneel before the wolf's flesh. "Good boy." He slowly let go of his length and let it flop onto Kit's forehead. This caused Kit to turn beet-red again. The fox slowly leaned his head back, curled his digits around the base of that ebon meat, and gave the end a very, very slow lick. The wolf leaned back against the door and cooed with pleasure, his tail slowly wagging and causing a slight scratching sound against the wooden door. I grinned as the juicy stuff was now happening, causing my sheath to bulge in my pants. I slowly unzipped, silently, trying not to startle the "couple." "Now, do you know how to give a good blowjob, fox?" Kit shook his head. "Would you like to learn?" Kit flushed, but nodded. "Alright, well..." The wolf perked his ears. I think he heard me, but I'll never know. Or maybe I will if he returns. Either way, he resumed: "Well, what you need to do is open your mouth wide. Make sure to shield your teeth with your lips, and relax your throat as this--" he idly rubbed his dick" --slides into your mouth. Think you can do that?" Kit nodded and smiled. The wolf released his fingers from his cock, and soon those fingers were replaced by the fox's, as Kit was trying his best to get a good grip on the member. Slowly, he opened his mouth, then curled his lips around the flesh, and pushed down as far as he could go. Due to the length of his muzzle, he easily nursed the entire length from the top of the knot upward in his mouth. He swallowed slightly, and this just caused the wolf to moan out again. "Nngh... oh. Good boy. Now... just bob up and down on it, like I'm sure you've seen in smut videos." Kit nodded, then slowly drew his mouth away, and then back forward. I was being driven nuts here, so I pulled my dick out and started stroking myself. I was panting pretty heavy right now. I wrapped my fingers all around my meager length and jerked, loving every second of the pep show I was getting. I put a hand over my mouth, though, knowing I was going to get loud. I blinked and kept watching the two go about their business. Kit was now moving back and fourth on that tool like a pro. The wolf groaned out with great delight as he felt that fox's tongue ravishing all over his member. He even panted heavily, his tongue lolling out from his muzzle. I guess the wolf was about to cum, since he leaned back against the door and pulled Kit's muzzle off his cock. "Gods... you're a natural, kid. Mmm." He shivered with delight. The fox blushed deeply from the wonderful comment he got. He's a natural-born cocksucker. The wolf smiled down at him from that cute blush. "Alright." The wolf slowly walked around the rather large stall, and stood beside the fox. "Stand up and lean against the wall. I'll do the rest." Kit nodded, then slowly stood and put his paws against the wall, leaning back. The wolf slowly moved behind Kit and began to lift his tail. Kit eeped and blushed for probably the millionth time. "Oh... is... that where it's gonna go?!" Gods he was so innocent. It was making me hornier. And he was so young. "I swear, I'm gonna take advantage of him when this wolf is done," is what I was thinking the whole time. The wolf nodded and grinned. "Yeah. Don't worry, it may hurt at first, but it will feel wonderful once you get used to it." Kit whimpered, but the wolf hushed him and rubbed his face affectionately. "It'll be alright, babe. Trust me." This was rather ironic, after what the wolf had done to him earlier. However, the kitsune nodded and spread his legs a bit, figuring that it's going to hurt going in. The wolf chuckled and slowly began moving his saliva-slicked cock into the boy's body. Kit tensed and whimpered a bit, so the wolf stopped. "Shh..." That paw caressed his face again. I stopped jerking myself, as I was hard and throbbing and about to cum. I was saving that for later. Kit relaxed his rump muscles and leaned a bit more against the wall. He groaned and whimpered, and then the wolf was fully hilted inside of him. Mmm... seeing that wolf fully sheathed in that sexy little kid. I reached down to very, very slowly stroke myself. I was making a mess of pre beneath me. The wolf wrapped his paws around the boy's hips, one paw stroking his length to try and relax him, the other rubbing up under his shirt and teasing his chest. Kit panted softly and looked back to the wolf with one eye. "O--okay... I think--I think I'm relaxed now... I feel so full..." The wolf smiled and nodded. "You should." The wolf slowly pulled half his eight-inch length from the boy's body, then pushed back in. Kit gasps and moaned softly, feeling his prostate rubbed hard with that thick length. The wolf did this again. Another moan was elicited, and Kit's length throbbed and spit more pre. The wolf smiled and began to stroke the kitsune's length even more, a deep murr leaving him as he finally picked up a good enough pace to move his tip out and shove it back in. Kit was moaning like mad now. "Oh... it feels so nice," Kit whimpered, "I f--feel like I'm gonna pee." The wolf chuckled and began to move a bit faster. "Good. You know what'll feel even better?" I could hear their hips slapping harder each time. Kit didn't know, and perked his ears. The wolf grinned, then pulled his paw away from Kit's cock. This made the kitsune whimper, but pretty soon, the wolf was fucking him hard--like a true wolf. Kit gasped and almost mewled out as he felt that cock battering his prostate, causing his cock to throb and drip like a leaky faucet. "Ohmigod!" He cried out as he pressed his body against the door, his cock rubbing against it. The wolf growled and suddenly bit Kit's neck. This made Kit squeal and finally have his very first orgasm with another male, splattering the wall with his teenage seed. The wolf, however, wanted to leave right after cumming. His cock pushed harder and harder against the fox, until he finally paused with his knot at the outside of Kit's tail hole. It exploded inside of him, painting his innards with white, wolven fluids. The wolf panted, then quickly pulled away from the fox, causing his seed to drip from the boy's devirginized rump. The wolf grinned and pulled him away from the door, sitting him on the toilet. The fox perked his ears in confusion while the wolf pulled his pants back up. "That was great. What's your name?" "Kit." "I'm Sly. Come here again tomorrow--same time. I'll tie you the next time we meet." The fox smiled warmly and blushed deeply. He felt such emotion with the wolf now. It was his very first mating. The wolf fully dressed, gave the fox a wave, and pulled the door open, stepping out and strolling out, causing the cold tile of the bathroom to kiss against his dress shoes. I stepped out of my pants and walked out of the stall, no longer caring. Kit perked, and then I was in the doorway. I grinned and closed it, locking it. "Turn around, Kit." He was confused. I didn't ask again, and just slapped him. Kit yelped and fell to the floor, but I didn't care. I pulled him by the legs and spun him around, his face now facing the door, some of his own seed now leaking onto his face. I crawled over him, and instantly shoved my thick six-inches into his body. He yelped, as he was still stretched out, but I slapped him again. "Quit makin' noises," I exclaimed. The kitsune was crying now. I just smirked. I wrapped my arms around his belly and started fucking him hard. I groaned out loudly as I kept moving and moving, panting heavily. "Mmm, little bitch. You were so sexy being fucked by that big wolf. I want you for myself--I want you for a pet. Be my pet, Kit." I just kept pushing my hips hard against him, causing him to shift. He cried and figured that if I said no, I'd wind up killing him. So he just nodded and I smiled, kissing his neck. "Prr, good. Come home with me af--OH FUCK!" I wasn't paying attention, but his ass was so hot and lubed, that I came almost instantly, my cock flaring and exploding inside of him, mixing my semen with the wolf's. I panted heavily and fell over his back, purring deeply and nuzzling his neck. "Well... nngh... come home with me, Kit. After I catch my breath." He whimpered loudly and nodded. I smirked and pulled him up to my body, kissing his neck. "Love ya, kit. You won't understand now, but you will later." Kit just perked his ears, not understanding. I reached under the stall and pulled out my pants. I still had my collar and my leash from walkin' my dog earlier. I pulled it out, hooked it around Kit's neck, and tugged it hard. He slightly choked. "Mine!"