Code Drop: Warmth

Story by Tempo on SoFurry

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#8 of Code Drop

Tess finds the best cure for the winter chill is a nice warm retriever.

Code Drop Promo 8: Warmth

Tempe O'Kun

It started with a cold paw.

Half asleep, Tess pulled the offending limb back under the covers. Consciousness drifted in like a cloud's shadow. The jackal lay in the warmth of her boyfriend's embrace, head resting on his arm. Her groggy eyes opened.

Erik drooled in his sleep. Not a lot, but enough that he got embarrassed when she'd teased him. I really should think it's gross, but...

Her fingers slipped through the silken fur of his chest. She would punch puppies to have fur this soft-- no amount of conditioner could provide what genetics pre-installed on a retriever. At least, this gave her an excuse when her touches lingered, though he never questioned her touch, simply enjoyed.

True to his blast-furnace metabolism, he rolled over in his sleep to cool off, wreaking havoc with blanket distribution. Her only options left to her were freezing or cuddling close against him. I really should hate him for that too...

Tiny clinks of snow on glass drew her attention to the window. Outside, the world's palette ranged from dingy grey concrete to stark sunless sky. Inside, her world hung in swathes of warm hue: the green in the bedspread, the red in the wine, the golden in her arms.

Wine had been her idea. He drank anything and everything, though never very much. But wine was romantic, right? At least in movies-- not that she watched those sorts of movies. He'd sipped his a while, but set it on the nightstand half-finished, beside their competing brands of smartphone. I definitely should hate him for that. He's never finished a glass of anything his whole life...

For all the reasons she should have found him annoying, none of them really sparked a flame. She could get mad at him, just like anybody else, but staying mad at Erik proved as easy as catching a greased otter. Determined to get at least some measure of revenge, she pressed her cold nose in against his floppy ear, eliciting a squeak.

"Tessieeeeee..." He moaned. "D'you really have to stick that there?"

The jackal snickered and kissed his cheek. "Would you prefer I stuck it somewhere more... intimate?" She slipped his paws over hers.

"Always stealing my heat."

"It's a matter of survival." Her kisses flowed down his neck. "We jackals aren't winter creatures."

"Is that so?" His sapphire eyes opened over a smile. Entwining his legs with hers, he pulled her close against the warmth of his naked fur. "I bet I could warm you up."

She tucked her muzzle under his. "Just what would you know about such things, Fluffyballs?"

"Plenty." Wide retriever paws trailed over her shoulders, smoothing the thin fabric of her tank-top. Tender and familiar, they caressed her back, blunt claws stopping for a scritch below her shoulder blades. She shivered. Accompanied by a warm chuckle, his hands meandered onward, across the narrow gap of fur between shirt and panties. He cupped her ass and massaged the base of her tail, pressing her hips to his. "Just what do you know about my fluffy balls?"

"Mmm." She squirmed, reached down for a little research. The heavy orbs fit so well in her paw, adorned with whiter fluff than the rest of him. "Plenty."

The golden bumped noses with her, fingers following the soft fabric of her panties down between rough-furred thighs.

A feather-light moan escaped her lips. She wrapped a leg around his waist, giving him easy access.

The pads of his paws rubbed soft circles against the bottom of her slit, moving upward with agonizing slowness.

A whine of anticipation.

Sliding in soft motion, top to bottom, his fingers traced the fabric-covered furrow between her lips. Up. And down. Up. And down.

The jackal looked into his blue, blue eyes.

He smiled.

She squirmed, whimpering with need.

Caressing upward, his claws tickled through the sandy fur of her stomach, sliding under elastic until his paw pads touched the naked lips of her sex. There they resumed their slow strokes, deeper now, flesh on warm flesh.

"Oh Erik..." Fingers interlacing behind his head, she looked down to see his paw disappearing into her panties. The black cotton stretched around his knuckles as he worked his way inside her.

Not far at first, just the teasing of his paw pads around the edge of her passage. His thumb, meanwhile, brushed through the thin fur of her mons, bumping over the top of her clit.


"Like that?" The golden's fingers sunk deeper.

She squeaked an undignified: "Uhh-huh..."

The pair of digits worked in and out of her, spreading juices over her vaginal lips; the cool of evaporation doing little to sate the fire he stirred up. Her cheeks burned under her fur, heat spreading down toward her racing heart. Abs tensed taut. The muscles of her passage clutched at the delightful intruders.


The golden offered no repartee, only shifting his floppy ears forward in concentration. His thrusts sped within her, the soft wet noises filling the room.

His free paw tilted her muzzle up for a kiss, then slipped under her t-shirt and cupped her left breast. Tess moaned into the kiss, savoring his smooth lips as her whole body shook with each thrust of his fingers. He groped one breast, then the other, toying with her tender nipples and pushing up her shirt. The jackal felt so vulnerable, one retriever paw exposing her chest, the other delving deep into her slit. And yet she squeezed tighter against him, both inside and out, panting against his lips. The kiss tapered off, leaving her staring through the haze of arousal at his smile. Breathing and eyelids heavy, she caught a whiff of arousal, his, mixing with hers.

With a gasp, she began bucking against him, hot canine shaft bumping against her thigh. "Nnnnuh! Mmmmuuuh!"

The golden's fingers curled inside her, rubbing the front of her vagina. His thumb mashed up against her clit. Her passage clenched, fluttered.

"Oh, Erik! Ah! Ah-aaaaaahhh!"

Pleasure coursed through her body. Wave upon wave surged from deep within, all four paws grasping at fabric and fur to anchor herself in this storm of passion. Her hips pivoted on his paw, shoving his fingers as deep as they would go. Her jaws hung open in a silent howl.

Coming down from the high, she panted into his fur.

His now-damp paw withdrew from her panties, both arms drawing her against his chest. Her bare nipples grazed his fur with every rise and fall of her chest. Hazy with endorphins, even a jackal mind could find nothing but joy at being held, being accepted so close and so freely. Cozy, even as the snow fell outside, her muzzle buried in his pelt and scent, deep enough to find peace.

* * * * *

Time drifted past on the half-dreams of post-orgasm. Thoughts danced to the beat of his heart. The retriever drew her from her reverie, whispering between kisses to her ears. "Warm now?"

Her hand slid up toying with the fluffy ruff of his cheek. Her eyes stayed closed as she sought the refuge of tucking her head under his muzzle. "You're really good to me."

He took her paw in his, pressing his lips to each pad. "You're worth it."

A paw caressed her back, slightly sticky. She arched forward in response, pressing her crotch against his thigh. Soft fur brushing through the thin fabric to paint her with desire.

Her hand found his erection, halfway out of his sheath, and closed around it. Precum slicked its surface, soaking into his fur. Her thigh felt more than a little damp where it had touched her. Somebody's excited... The jackal's paw stroked up his hot member. Erik moaned as her palm rocked back and forth over its dribbling tip.

Tess rolled to her back, taking her boyfriend with her. His weight atop her body assured her; his firmness against her focused her longing.

She pressed her lips to his silken ear. "Take me. Please..." Wriggling her hips under him, she pressed her simmering need up against the heat of his canine length. She ran a paw down his chest, her voice still a whisper. "I want to be tied by my golden."

Tail thumping against the mattress, he sat up. Her shirt still tucked above her breasts, cold air chilling them as he rose. She caught a glimpse of his member, red and ready against his slight pudge. He slipped his thumbs under the fabric and pulled it over her head and arms with care. Those same paws cradled her head as he leaned in and kissed her, his broad tongue sweeping into her muzzle, then pulling back with a chuckle. That little tease! She slipped off her panties and swatted them against his shoulder in playful retaliation.

Erik hesitated a moment, blue eyes searching her own, though her smile thawed his concern. A breath later, his growling laugh rumbled through her as he nuzzled and licked the fur of her neck. Naked beneath him, she lay back and basked in the warmth of his affection.

Luxurious seconds later, he sat back, seeing to his own needs. His erect cock bobbed between them, supported by its sheath. The sight of it made her heart flutter, knowing she caused that, knowing it would soon be inside her and a lot bigger. Groaning, he tugged his sheath back, bunching it up behind the growing knot. "W-we're gonna have to take this kinda fast if I'm supposed to..."

"I know." She offered a paw.

The retriever took it, fingers interlacing. He gave an unsteady smile. She squeezed; he squeezed back.

She spread her legs further, letting him scoot forward. With his free paw, he pressed his cock to her entrance. Still wet from their previous foray, the last few minutes had only slickened matters more. He began by rubbing the tip against her lips, working further inside until he could press his hips forward, burying himself in her. Jostling closer, he pressed harder, overcoming the resistance as he shoved that delicious knot inside her. He shivered. Her whole body squirmed under him, penetrated to the hilt. "Ahh! Ahhh..."

His thumb brushed their held paws. "You okay?"

"Fuck--" A giggling gasp. "--it's that big already?"

His ears folded back, tail dropped shyly against hers. "I was excited..."

Damn, he's adorable. "Think you can pull out?"

He nodded. Bracing himself, the golden's muzzle contorted with effort. Tess felt the knot pull inside her, pressure building against the inside of her lips-- then a sense of being spread wide open as the bulge slipped free. She yipped at the feeling. The very tip of his cock lingered between her lips, squirting a little burst of liquid heat now and then, dripping with her juices. The jackal trembled with the need to be filled again, wringing his paw. I love that he always holds my paw.

Erik took the hint and began thrusting back into her, then out again, establishing a rhythm. The heavy knot battered against her lips, rolling against her clit on the higher thrusts.

She lifted her legs into the air, opening herself even more to this welcome intrusion. Shaky hands gripped behind her knees for support. Dainty hind paws swayed above his back, toes clenching and splaying as he plowed her eager pussy. She bore down on him, her juices and his precum seeping into the fur of her crotch, down her ass to dampen her tail, help along by each swing of his sac.

His body rolled in waves above her, pelt shimmering gold against the grey-lit room. Morning wind howled outside, rattling the windowpane, unable to chill their passion.

Driving his cock deep inside her slippery passage, he moaned. "Ohhhh, Tessie..." The canine's floppy ears swayed in time with their lovemaking. His teeth grit, entire body tensing as he shoved her against him, knot pressing at her entrance with frantic vigor and then--

Tess wrapped her legs around him, pulling him close, howling with desire as the bulge stretched her to the limit. "Eriiiiiiiiiiiik!"

His knot popped into her, holding fast, swelling faster.

Vaginal lips contracting behind it, hot and tender, the jackal gasped. "Uh-hhhuh..."

Tied again but never slowing, the golden bounced her hard against the bed, sending tremors through her breasts. Mattress springs creaked and sang under their combined weight. Bed clattered against nightstand. His fevered pants spoke of the wild lust she'd awoken within him.

Ecstasy blazed through her. She writhed under him, arched up against the source of her pleasure. Heat flushed her chest and face, tingling under her fur. Orgasm overtook her-- hurtling her onward in a state of gasping rapture.

They thrashed together at the reins of passion, paw in tender paw.

Her golden howled a long, needful moan, clutching near to her with lust-granted strength. His cock jerked within her, straining, and then it was spurting wave upon wave of thick canine cum. Each shot discharged a shiver through the retriever's body. Each spray of heavy, viscous heat painted her walls, tinges of pleasure ricocheting through her. Erik clutched her tight, dog semen pooling heavily against his knot.

When at last their bodies gave out, they collapsed together in a tangle of entwined limbs and lolling tongues. Tess caught her breath staring at the ceiling texture, muzzle gaping in the curve of his shoulder.

Erik panted, sprawled atop her, his paw still clasped to hers. The golden's weight pressed her into the bed and his half-glass of wine had tumbled from the nightstand, both of which should have annoyed her. The phones lay unharmed. She noted, too, in a distant way that the blankets had fallen back at some point in their lovemaking, but her paws, tangled in his silken fur, never felt the cold.

Well, folks, that's eight stories in this series now. Hope it brought a little warmth to you winter day as well. ~_^

Having completed some projects for Sofawolf Press, I've kicked my writing back into high gear.

Editing by: SillyNeko & Vendetta

Comment if you enjoyed this. : )
