Forgotten CH 7

Story by Seraph Fox on SoFurry

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i hope nobody hates me for this chapter!!! please be nice but i cant live with this charcter any more x.x

please tell me what you think of this sudden change.


Forgotten Ch. 7

Anxiousness was getting the better of me. My normally calm demeanor had changed into one of a frantic child. As I left the store my feet carried me at a slow pace till I reaches the sidewalk. I had to calm myself down. My fear and eagerness to run to his house was beginning to show. My tail swayed side to side and my ears were laid back.

"hey Kyra! What a surprise seeing you here" hollered a familiar voice. It sounded slightly hostile and it reminded me of the vile taste you get when stomach acid creeps up your throat. I knew I should've run while I had the chance. In an endurance run I could always beat him but in a sprint I would lose all head and be caught before I could even blink. Sol, my older brother, was watching me with a smirk pacing on his lips and victory written all over his face. "What would mom and dad think Kyra? I don't think they would approve of what ever it is you're doing. Whatever should I do" he was feigning the confusion and concern. As they say misery loves company. That was his job. To make me feel more worthless and stupid then I was. I had accomplished more then he had. Id survived more then he had. Why couldn't he just leave me alone.

"what do you want Sol?" I asked taking a tentative step back. Moving as slow as possible hoping not to attract his attention to the distance. My only chance was to put some object in-betweens us.

"Why Kyra I'm only here to see my younger sister. Is there something wrong with that?" he asked with false concern. NO! It's not okay!!! Just go home! I was yelling these things in my head. Why couldn't telepathy work for me. I could probably beat him down with mental power but not physically. This was an impossible battle without a good strategy.

"I have somewhere I need to be sol. What do you want?" I took a few more steps back. What should I do next. The street was to my left and a small bus booth to the right. I could choose a challenge that might end up causing an accident or I could choose to take my chance with the bus booth. I heard the sound of wind rushing by my head and my hair leapt foreword. I heard a gurgled scream and a muffled thud. Sol was pinned to the ground by. By what nothing was there. Just a second ago I could've sworn that I had seen a person pin my brother to the ground.

I took my chance and ran. Sol didn't know where Jase lived. I was safe there. There wasn't any way I could get a hold of him. His cell was down and I couldn't reach him. I hope he wouldn't mind me showing up out of the blue but I needed to feel safe. I started at a mild jog till I got to South Boulevard. Instead of hooking a right onto Capper Street I continued foreword onto Salt Street. Just another 3 blocks and I would be on his porch.


The windows were blocked off by curtains and the door was locked when I attempted to open it. I knocked a few times hope he would just be sleeping in. it was only 9am. Standing on my toes I reached and felt over the trim of the front door. A small silver key fell down. Lucky he had told me where it was a few months back. Fitting it into the door I twisted it and heard the solid click of the lock. I pushed the door open a closed it behind me. It was completely dark in the house. None of the lights were on and all light that could have come in was blocked off. I set the bag down and flicked the light switch in the entry way but nothing happened. Odd. I walked into the living room and looked around. Nothing was here. All the furniture was gone. I took a step into the living room and had my breath knocked out of me. I stumbled and fell to the ground gasping and holding my chest.

"Its about time you showed up Kyra. Im not used to waiting so long for my prey to show up. Although I guess we could blame your father for that one." the voice was Jases's but it was not sweet and loving as it had been the night before. It had a cruel side to it. I was scared. This place was no longer safe.

"Jase?" my voice cracked as I said his name. he couldn't be doing this to me. This had to be an imposter. I coughed as he beat my back again. My hand slipped and I fell completely to the floor. What was he hitting me with. I couldn't breath anymore. It felt like my lungs had been crushed with a flaming hot metal bat.

"You know your parents sure paid me nicely to trick you like this. Point is I never loved you. You cry to much for any one person to handle. Now I saved a chair here just for you." he said pulling me to my feet and dragging me into the kitchen. All that was left was the chair he had mentioned. Why was this happening. Immediately I felt the tears start to swell. I couldn't cry not now. I bit my lip till I could taste iron in my mouth. He roughly threw me into the chair.

"I never thought one girl could be this much trouble." he jerked my chin so I was looking him directly in the eye. I could see the hate and disgust written on his face. There was something else as well though. I think he was having fun. "now then time to finish you off so I can get my check."

I watched helplessly with my lungs burning for air as he dropped a crowbar. So that's what he used. I slumped in the chair and laughed a hoarse laugh. It was all I could manage. This situation was just to great. I had nothing left now. He paused and looked at me. "you really are revolting." he pull a kitchen knife from somewhere behind him. I was laughing to much to know where. I watched as he pulled his arm back and threw it foreword to slash my throat.

It didn't happen. A clang with a few sparks and Jase was on the floor. A 6 ft. person stood in front of me. His waist length black hair was like silk. He was wearing a black suit and he held a katana in his right hand. I laughed one more time and slumped further into the chair. I was fading into darkness. Who knows maybe all of this was just a dream.

Forgotten CH 8

enjoy... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forgotten CH 8 I could feel a wrap on my neck, it was a little tight and cutting off my air supply. I lifted my hand and pulled at it. My arms...

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Forgotten Ch. 6

Sorry For the Very much delayed chapter. ill try working on 7 today/tomorrow. please tell me if the recovered version is as interesting as the previous chapters. thanks a lot guys and...

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Forgotten Ch. 5

sorry x.x again lol x.x stupid early bed time. --------------------------------------------------------------------- As I walked up the cemented walkway I knew what was coming. My mother and father would be angry as soon as I walked inside that door....

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