The Character pt 1/2

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#1 of Character

I woke up slowly, my body feeling rested but at the same time well used, like I had been at the gym for a few hours.

Slowly getting my senses in order I opened my eyes slowly, only to be staring into the closed eyes of the most gorgeous red-head I have ever seen.

I tried to move, then I realised two things, one was I was still buried to the hilt in the girl, the otHer was someone was still likewise buried in me, what should have been a unique feeling, considering I am a very 'strait' guy, but then, that's the way my life had turned lately.

Rising to one elbow I looked to the night-stand, sure enough, another note.

Disengaging from the pair on the bed careful not to wake them I had to dodge two other bodies to reach the floor, my muscles definitely reported being well used for a reason...

The note was in my own handwriting, it began, as usual.


I enjoyed last night so much I...'

It continued on getting into ratHer a lot of detail.

I bluShed as I read this.

Wait, maybe I should start at the beginning?

Yes, it all started on an earlier morning.


I shook my head a bit as I woke, another night of dreams dominated by Her.

She was all I could think of these days, five foot eleven, mane of off-brown almost golden hair. The fact that She wasn't human didn't seem to matter to me, She was perfect. Long jaw line leading into a perfect muzzle, shining green eyes highlighted by a thin line of dark fur, leading into a fur colour similar but a little darker than Her hair. The confusion in my dreams the first few times I had them about Her sex was no more, the lack of breasts on Her chest no longer detracting from Her femininity but enhanced it, Her curves slid gently past hips, the back of which were striped in a darker pattern from the rest of Her. Her sex was barely visible, half covered by fur and half by the downward facing pouch, the dual sexual tunnels, one within one outside would leak profusely when She was aroused. Her curves flowed down to Her rear, perfectly proportioned and covered slightly by a thick semi-rigid tail. Her thighs covered muscles that dwarfed mine for definition but I knew intimately just how they felt wrapped around someone.

The problem was, in my dreams, I was Her, and She most definitely had full control of the dream.

The boxers I had worn were damp at the front again. I got up and threw them at my washing basket in disgust, I had to get this out of my head.

It was then my eyes locked on the books in my book case and an idea came to me, if I write it all down, if I get it out of my head, I won't have this problem any more.

It just might work.

So I wrote, I described Her and Her adventures as She... and I, lived them in my dreams. To say they were amazing would be an understatement, She had magic, She was strong and She fucked like you wouldn't believe.

My fingers now ached, I had been typing non-stop for nearly an entire day, but it was done, the previous nights exploits were done. I blushed just thinking about what I had written.

That night I had some surcease, and I slept like a babe for nearly twelve hours, but tHere was a problem I hadn't thought of, sure I had gotten that one little escapade out of me, but what about tonight?

I decided to take my mind off it with some exercise and afterwards, grabbed a book to read, something peaceful that wouldn't spark any more dreams. I grinned, reaching for a technical manual for computer systems.

As soon as my eyes closed I knew something had gone all kinds of wrong, not only was She back, but She was even more real and She seemed to be even more extravagant, again I spent the following day writing, but this time no rest did I get.

"Mmmm, your back." She murmured to Herself just as my dream started, "I am glad, it gets lonely in Here without you. Now, I have a treat for you today, I am going to let you have some control, isn't that nice of me?" I shuddered in my own mind, Her being at the helm was one thing, giving me a measure of control of this wanton body was another, and of course She waited until She was in the most deplorable of orgies before releasing some control to me.

It should have been control but in truth I was a slave to Her bodies needs, and I revelled in it.

I stopped the writing, it didn't seem to help, if anything it gave Her more power.

I was shaking as I lay in bed the following night, would She punish me for not writing, or would She think of something worse?

My dream, for the first time in what seemed like forever, was calm. She wasn't present at all.

I slept like a baby.

When I woke, I felt refreshed, that had gone so well.

I reached for my phone to check the time and something looked odd, it was mid-morning, but somehow the date was wrong, if this was correct I had slept through an entire day.

Shrugging this off I got up and showered, prepared to take another easy, slow day. My parents had died and left me their house, all paid up in full and quite a large sum of cash. I sold the house, brought a cheap flat and invested the money. Right now I was living off the earnings of that portfolio.

As I climbed out of the shower I looked in my bathroom mirror and noticed something odd, I had grown quite a bit of facial hair overnight. Picking up my razor I worked at it and soon was clean shaven again.

I guess, relaxed at not having the disturbing dreams any more I didn't notice the passage of time, before I realised it a few months of peaceful nights had passed.

I started to notice my hair looking a little different, it had grown a bit lighter, a bit more brown than the dark brunet that I was.

It was my beard that was making me more suspicious something odd was going on, no matter how much I shaved, each morning I had almost a fully formed goatee.

Then I had gotten the first note.


You are starting to catch on, but far too slowly, I can't believe you haven't even started to suspect yet. Let me break it down for you easy hun, every time you sleep, I take a day of your life and live it how I like.


It was from Her, Gwen, but... the handwriting was my own.

I staggered a little, re-reading the note again and again. What was going on Here?

I felt tired all of a sudden and without thought I lay down on my bed and passed out.

"Well, you got my note sweetie? Good." Gwen said as soon as I flowed into the dream, "I was much too cooped up in Here, outside is a lot more fun and I have to say, your world is a very interesting place, although some of the people can be a little up tight."

I tried to talk, tried to say something, all of a sudden I could and I gasped.

"Gwen, what are you doing? I, what have you done to me?" I pleaded with Gwen, with myself.

"Simple, you didn't want me in your dreams any more, even after you made me, so I decided to take matters to paw and be in your world, while you dreamt." She told me.

I sighed, "You seem to be the one in control Here Gwen, I guess begging for my own life back is not going to help?" I pleaded.

"Aw hun, you shouldn't be so down, I am pretty sure this is the first time anything like this has happened and I must admit, I am pretty excited about it, but one thing I promise you Rick, you are in no danger while I am at the wheel ok?" Gwen told me, phrasing it like a question if only to get an reply from me.

"Ok Gwen, just... what's going on, with the hair? With my face?" I asked Her.

"Oh, those, well there was bound to be some remnant of the process. Tell you what Rick, I will record the next day I have you, you can watch it and see for yourself what happens." She said, and I have to say the thought of it was making me a little excited. "Mmmm, there you go, now come on, we will be late for our latest adventure."

She marched us off, in the next room I could see a huge bed, a small army of female forms draped over it in various poses, "And for you, for being a good boy, a present. I know you like girls." She giggled and advanced on the bed.

I want to say that I was repulsed by being controlled like that...

I woke, again shorts soaked to my crotch, but remnants of the dream made my whole day a lot more enjoyable to go through.

I settled in that night, almost at peace, just as I closed my eyes I remembered Her promise. What would I find waiting for me?

Not my fault, this idea attacked me, as the title implies, its only going to be another two part piece.