He Needs Some Loving!

Story by furry_nice_guy on SoFurry

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#1 of Life

It was a pretty sunny day and the temperature rose steadily, causing the fox to start sweating under the heat. He looked quickly at the clock.

Great, 3:55. Another 5 minutes and I can finish my shift...

Mikey is a fox. His main base coat is an orangey - chestnut brown color, covering much of his tail, back, neck, upper arms, the top side of his muzzle and face and most of his legs too. His chest, abdomen, cheeks and inner thighs, leading under his tail, are a pearly white. His pointed ears are tipped in a coal black, as are his hands, forearms and feet. His soft palms are also a luscious, fleshy pink. The fox looks to be around 19/20 years old.

He sighs, wiping the sweat off his brow, finishing off the final desert of the afternoon. You see, Mikey is a chef.

It reached 4pm and the fox was on his way home, sighing under the heat. He proceeded into the park which was particularly busy this evening. The odd frisby or soccer ball would skim past the fox, soon to be recovered by a kit, pup or young fur of that nature. He noticed a discarded newspaper sprawled over a vacant bench and decided to grab it, walking while reading it.

Boring... boring...all politics.... oh, how to make a strawberry meringue...

The fox delved deep into the newspaper. He felt a small bump beneath his feet and soon found himself falling, landing with an 'oof' and sprawled over the floor on top of someone, or something. The newspaper was whisked away by the passing wind; it flailed away into the distance...

The fox stood, not looking at the fur he had fallen on. He began to brush himself down, cleaning his fur and clothes.

"I'm sorry, really... I didn't mea..." He looked down at the fur. "J...Jerry...?" He gazed down at the mouse, grinning up at him.

"Hey Mikey." He chuckles, standing, brushing himself off.

The fox blushed, grinning to himself. "S..sorry. I didn't mean to fall on you..."

The mouse giggled, wiping off a little dirt on his shirt. "I'm sure you didn't..."

Mikey stood there, gazing into the mouse's eyes... The mouse looked back, though not as interested. "Erm... you okay?" He asked, ending in a slightly high pitched squeak.

The fox gave a rather distant, day dreamed style nod."Uh...yeah... I was just..." He began to blush, the deep red radiating out of his pearly white cheek fur. "Er.... wh.... what are you doing here?" He sighed, perhaps he could have said something a little more exciting.

"Well, I was enjoying the atmosphere, until someone decided to use me as a couch." He giggled softly again.

The fox nodded. "Er... So, what do you do now?" He looked directly into Jerry's eyes... those blue pools of sparkling sapphire, unable to draw his gaze away.

You see, Mikey and Jerry used to be mates... But they separated somehow, however Mikey was still pretty much in love with the little mouse.

The mouse blushed a little, staring right back into the fox's chocolate brown eyes. "Er..." He turned, picking up his guitar. "I am at college, studying a music course."

The fox smiled. "Ah, doing what you do best." He grinned. "You always were... still are a great musician, I am sure."

The mouse nodded, smiling, still emitting a faint pink blush. "And yourself?" He replied, laying the guitar gently against the tree he had been resting against.

"I..." He said proudly, holding his head up high." ... am a chef!" He chuckled slightly, gesturing to the restaurant he had just come from.

The mouse smiled. "Well at least you have a job. I am struggling to pay the rent on my flat... I need a job too..." Jerry sighed, picking up his guitar.

Mikey smiled. "How about we go for a coffee? My treat. We have a little catching up to do..." The fox looked down at the mouse who was busy packing away his books. He stood up, nodding.

"Sounds great." He murmured, zipping up his small bag and slinging the guitar over his shoulder.

"Two Cappuccinos!!" A voice yelled from inside the kitchen, behind the counter.

"Ouch, hot hot hot!" The fox was soon attempting to cool his burning tongue. The mouse continued to giggle, handing him a glass of water.

"I did tell you it would be hot!" Mikey scowled, sipping the cold glass of liquid. "So, Mr. Fox..." The mouse sighed, reluctant to ask the question. "...how has your love life been since..." The finished his drink, placing the glass down firmly on the table. He shrugged, sighing lightly.

"It has been okay I suppose..." He looked back up at the sad little mouse. "... and yourself?"

The mouse looked up at the fox, giving a weak smile. "....okay, I s'pose." The fox shook his head.

"In other words, no." He continued to look at the mouse, sipping his hot drink.

Jerry nodded slowly and sipped at his own drink. The mouse put down the mug and lay his hands out on the table, looking at them. He blinked, thinking about why he had been so unsuccessful in the past. He gasped quietly to feel his cold empty hands get clutched by the fox's. He looked up into his vulpine eyes and smiled, although it was a weak one.

The mouse and fox talked about Jerry's problems, not that he had many... Jerry was generally a shy person, but with Mikey... It was different. He could be himself. Do almost whatever he wanted without feeling embarrassed. They continued talking, drinking their hot drinks... holding one another's hands. The fox would gently rub the mouse's with his thumbs to soothe him; calm him down.

It was pretty dark now outside and fox yawned. He waved his hand at the counter. "Can we have the bill please?". A member of staff nodded and came over with the bill.

"Mikey?! Wow, I haven't seen you in a while!" The waiter beamed down at the fox, who in turn looked up and peered at the furry waiter... he was an otter.

"King?" The fox smiled "King, how are you" He stood, still holding onto Jerry's hands.

King smiled, collecting the mugs. "Pretty well thanks. Me and Night just moved into a new apartment, on south street." The fox nodded, yawning again. "You should come and visit sometime. Me and Night have missed you quite a lot..." The otter stacked the mugs on the counter.

"That sounds pretty good..." Mikey smiled, handing over a note of cash.

The mouse gently squeezed Mikey's hand, squeaking slightly. Mikey laughed slightly and squeezed back, before turning to King. "This..." He gestured to the mouse. "... is Jerry. He is a very good friend of mine." The fox grinned, blushing slightly.

The otter handed over the change. "Nice to meet you... Jerry" He smiled sweetly and sighed "I need to start cleaning these tables. I will speak to you later." He waved to the fox who was leaving with mouse, into the darkness, still holding hands.

The pair of furs slowly approached Jerry's apartment, reluctant to leave each other.

They finally got to their destination and stood there... watching each other for a short period of silence...

Mikey sighed, "Good night Jerry..." He began to turn when he felt a small kiss, planted on his cheek.

"Good night... Mikey." The mouse blushed, but it wasn't noticeable in the cold, black night, illuminated by a very dim street lamp. The vulpine stood there for a moment, left without words, trying to think of something.

"Er... can I have... another coffee? It is pretty cold, if you don't mind."

The mouse smiled, happy to have the fox stay with him... "Please, come in."

Jerry pushed his way into the apartment, past all the scattered objects. "Oh no... I should have cleaned before I left..." He began to pick up a few clothes before he felt the fox's own hands hold his wrists gently.

"No need... " The fox smiled at the mouse who nodded vacantly, dropping the clothes in a heap. The furs sat on the couch, situated across from a rather small television. Mikey moved a little closer to Jerry, sitting right next to him. He casually lay his hand on the mouse's knee, which twitched at the sudden touch. Jerry looked up at Mikey, leaning in a little closer to his muzzle.

"So...I, er..."

The fox nodded, moving a little closer too. "Hmm?"

Jerry blushed, mesmerized by the fox. He pressed his face closer, causing the furs' whiskers to touch. "I... I..."

Mikey leant in a kissed the mouse, quickly, before pulling back out, blushing slightly. He sighed....

Am I too quick?

He sat in thought before he felt the mouse suddenly lunged up to him, locking him in a deep kiss, pressed against the couch. Both furs murred at the warm, soft and desirable touch of the other. Their lips pressed close, muzzles locked and tongues gently brushing against each other, the mouse and fox kissed passionately under a moon-lit night.

The mouse drew back, panting, chittering slightly. "Sh...shall we take this somewhere a little more... comfortable?" He asked quietly, almost whispering into the fox's ears. In reply, the vulpine nodded, giving the mouse a very gentle squeeze on his rump. The mouse squeaked and blushed. He shuffled into the bedroom and turned to see Mikey, pressed close against him. Both could feel the other fur's sheath swelling slowly. They rubbed against each other, kissing deeply again, Mikey's tongue brushing against the mouse's teeth and tongue. Jerry churred quietly, pushing the fox down onto the bed, still kissing him. He lay on top of the fox, giggling slightly.

"Ah, revenge is sweet" He murred and sat, straddling into the fox's waist, feeling the fox's swollen sheath press against his rear through the layers of clothing.

Mikey took off his top and pants before tossing his boxers off carelessly to the side revealing his emerging member. The mouse did the same, letting his bare fur press against the fox's member, causing it to grow a little further until it was at it's full length. The mouse leaned forward to kiss the fox again, murring into the kiss, feeling his own member pressing against the fox's soft stomach fur.

Jerry leaned back, holding loosely onto the vulpine shaft. He pressed the head firmly against his tail hole, quivering at the familiar feeling of pleasure. The fox smiled up at Jerry and pressed forward slowly, groaning quietly as his organ slowly filled his new lover... The mouse eagerly pressed himself down, forcing his way to the hilt of the fox cock. He winced slightly in pain, feeling himself entered so quickly was a little painful, but it felt more exciting, more sexy. Mikey gasped as the mouse did this, unexpected to have the mouse force himself down his member. He held it there for a short moment, allowing for Jerry to adjust to the feeling of being filled. The vulpine member was soon, slowly pulled out of the mouse's tailhole, before being lunged back in, ploughing into the mouse. Jerry moaned, as did Mikey. Jerry squeaked, in a slight amount of pain, but the sheer pleasure obscured the pain.

The fox began to slowly, at first, pump his member in and out of the mouse, seeping pre into his lover, creating a smoother, more pleasurable ride for the mouse.

Jerry clutched the bed sheets, moaning again, a little louder, as he felt himself being filled, the vulpine member ramming against his prostate, causing his own cock to spurt a small amount of pre onto the fox's chest. The mouse's eyes widened slightly, feeling the vulpine knot forming steadily beneath him. He closed his eyes, churring and moaning loudly to the pleasurable sensations he was receiving. Other than continuously jackhammer his organ in and out of the mouse, Mikey could only do the same, his eyes clenched, his mouth agape, tongue hanging out and loud moans and sighs being projected into the room. The knot was now pretty close to full size as it pushed against the mouse's rump, demanding entry. Mikey continued to pump away, the knot now at its full size and humped even faster. He looked up at the mouse on top of him who gave a nod, knowing what the fox was asking. The vulpine smiled, rubbing the mouse's cock while at the same time pushing his member hard into the mouse. The knot pressed in, emitting a small 'pop' as it pressed into the mouse's already lubed bowels. The fox yelped in pleasure, his cock twitched and sent stream after stream of cum, spurting deep into the mouse. The mouse too felt his orgasms explode, sending spurts of mouse cum over the fox's chest, arms and face. Both furs moaned and sighed in great pleasure. Each panted heavily, both members streaming their seed out until there was only a little dribble left, seeping out of the organ.

Jerry sat there, leaned back into the fox's raised legs. He panted heavily, his heart racing. He could feel in love with the fox again. He slumped forward into the fox, kissing him lightly, his chest pressed against the cum covered fox's. The furs' breathing began to decrease back to its normal rate. Neither wanted to move; just lay there forever...

Both were happy, pleasured, and glad to have found new love...