Beware the Babysitter (Edited)

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Well this is my first every story for a friend of mine so here it is.

Warning this story contians sexual act between two males with cub interaction please if this is not your cup of tea then dont read.

"Andy wake up! Wake up" A feminine voice was heard in the room. Around this room could be seen a television, gaming system and an assortment of toys littered about the room. In the corner of the room was a bed laced with an orange blanket that hid a small lump of a figure inside. It stirred. A low groan came from it as the blankets were throw away revealing the form of a small shepherd puppy. His brown and lack fur looked well kept as the sun from a nearby window shown on his fur.

"I'm up mom" The young pup gave a slight yawn before getting up from his bed and stretching. He immediately stood up wearing only his boxers as he made his way over to his dresser. He pulled open one of the drawers and took out another pair of boxers, blue jeans, and a white collared T-shirt. He slipped of his old boxers and threw them into a nearby hamper. He looked really healthy everything was normal about him. He quickly slipped on the new pair of boxers and threw on the rest of his clothes and headed out the room,down the hallway, and into the kitchen. His parents he noticed the bag at the door as he saw breakfast waiting him on the table.

His mother was putting the last touches on some eggs as she set them down on them plate his father was waiting by the door. His mother came smiles and kisses him on the cheek. "Now eat your breakfast and be good before the babysitter gets here. "

He rolled his eyes at the though of a baby sitter coming over for the weekend while they went on a second honeymoon.

His father spoke up right after his mother. "I don't want to come home to a pile of ashes when we get back"

he chuckled a little as both parents sat at the door. "Ill try not to burn the house down" he sat at the table and ate his breakfast as his parents walked out of the door and hopped in their car and drove away. Andy watched as they drove away as he had a little time by himself to finish eating and fool around while his parents were away. " Hmm what to do first?" he grabbed his plate and made his way into the living room to turn on the T.V and watch some cartoons while he finished his meal.

After about fifteen minutes of watching T.V the doorbell rang. He let a slight sigh as the little fun he was having was interrupted.. He hopped of the couch and lazily walked over to the door and opened the mail flap to at least see who it was. He took a brief looked to see a who it was seeing a slightly bigger white furred being outside. He opened the door and looked to reveal a male white wolf wearing cargo shorts and a purple v neck T-shirt . "So are you the little one I have to baby sit?" He scanned the small pup and smiled. He looked to be about eleven in age compared to the wolf's fifteen. "This should not be too hard. Tell me pup what is your name?" he smirked and walked inside as Andy closed the door.

"Uhh I'm Andy. And who are you?"

the wolf took his bag in his paw and and smiled "Well the name's Chain" he offed a paw to the little pup and smiled. Andy took his paw and shook it feeling a little out of place. "Well, just to let you know I am not one of these babysitters who is a tyrant with rules and stuff . We are here to have fun, Okay?"

Andy smiled brightly thinking this may be a lot more fun then he first though "Okay!" his tail wagged excitedly behind him as he looked up to the wolf.

"Well how about I get settled in a little bit while you play one of my video games I brought over." He pulled out three game cases and handed them to the pup

"Thanks!" the pup rushed off into his room and shut the door with haste as the wolf grabbed his bag and went to the couch seeing that the T.V was still on. His set his bag down and kicked back on the couch rest for a little. He grabbed the remote for the T.V and started flicking through the channels finding nothing to watch. He soon got a tad bored and tip toed to the pup door listening to the sounds of the game as he pressed his ear on it listening. He smirked and quietly made his way back to the living room where he pulled out a blank DVD case from his bag. He made sure no one else was around before making his way to the player and sliding the disk in the tray closing it right after. Soon after grabbing the remote the wolf pressed play and the image appeared on the screen. It started out with a studly looking lion laying relaxed on a bed with an obvious erection standing out in his underwear as a naked wolf come into frame and kissed him rather passionately.

All the while chain was on the couch rubbing the front of his jeans as he undid the zipper and fidgeted with his boxers to reveal the tip of his pink member. He pressed a digit onto it rubbing to coax the rest of his length out of it's fuzzy sheath. After a few moment of gentle teasing he got the rest of his pink length out into the open air as he continued to watch the video. The lion was now mounting the wolf and chain grabbed a firm paw around the length and started to stroke it. The remote fell from the arm out the couch on the floor as he moaned and pawed himself watching a trickle a pre ooze from his cock. The two stars on screen continued their romp as chain pawed. Suddenly the little pups voice was heard over the moaning and groaning on the T.V "Chain! guess what I..." He stopped what he was saying as he took a look at the screen on the T.V.

Chain dove over the side of the couch and grabbed the remote turning the T.V off as he hid behind the arm of the couch "What happened to your game?" He blushed a little bit and asked.

"I paused it for a moment to tell you something but It looks like you were playing your own fun game."

chain got a slight idea and hid his crotch behind a pillow. "Well if you want to play there are a few things you need to do. You need to promise not to tell anyone what you did here today and then you must take off your clothes."

the pup cocked his head "Ok I promise not to tell anyone" the pup took off his shirt and jeans and sat there in his boxers .

"Now pup sit on the the couch with your legs spread open this will feel good I promise " The pup hopped up on the couch and spread his legs open as he was told and looked over at chain. Chain moved in between the pup legs and slid down the boys boxers taking them off and looking at the shepherd's immature sheath and balls. He moved his muzzle and started to lick the pups sheath.

"Chain what are you doing!" the pup squirmed as chain licked watching a red tip emerge from the sheath

"Just relax and let it happen pup it will feel good just wait." Chain started to lick the pups tip cause him to whimper and moan out as the little five in member sprang to life showing off his little knot at the end. Chain instantly dove onto the length with his maw and began to sink onto the pups length. He wrapped his rough candid tongue around it and starts to suck. He looked up at Andy and saw the look of immense pleasure on his face. Chain bobbed his head over the candid cock as he reached a paw and fondled the immature pair of orbs the pup had.

After a few moments Andy cried out "Chain! Stop! It feels like I have to pee!" chain knew what was going on and continued at a faster pace making sure that the pups cock was fully engulfed as he suck away. Soon andy cried out as he cock erupted in chain's maw shooting his first load into the wolvern maw. The pups immature seed was sweet as it dribbled into chain's maw as he swallowed it.

Chain slowly pulled of the length and licked his lips. "So pup how was that" Andy was panting heavily as he leaned back on the couch "So your first time was fun right pup?" Chain chuckled

"Yes..Yes it was. That was amazing."

chain stood up showing off his ow erection "Well we are only half way done now. It is time to show you some other things you can do that are fun. Now get on all fours on the couch and lean over the arm of the chair." Chain watched as Andy did as he was told moving into position while chain moved behind him the pup looked back and watched him. Chain threw off his clothes and tossed them to the floor. He grabbed the pups tail and lifted it showing the pup's puckered tailhole. "M,mm this is going to be fun" He moved his muzzle over and began to lick over the pup's hole coating it with saliva. This sent shivers down the pups spine as he looked forward feeling the all to pleasing sensation of the lick across his unused hole. Without notice the the wolf shove his tongue inside Andy's hole lapping at his insides making sure they were all coated with his saliva. Andy let out moans of pleasure clenching down on the tongue. Once chain thought he had done a good enough job he pulled his tongue out and petted the pup's head moving his own eight inch length over to the lubed up entrance. His knot was already apparent as he whispered to the shepherd "Now this is going to hurt at first but soon after all you will feel is pleasure like you did before"

Andy gave a slight nod "Ok" Chain started to gently push his cock forward making the pup yip as it opened up his tail hole and accepted the throbbing pre spurting cock Andy bit his lip and grabbed the couch feeling the cock enter him slowly and painfully. "Chain it hurts!"

Chain looked at the pup and smiled "Shhh I know just let it happen trust me" chain pushed in further and further until the cock was fully wedged up to the knot letting Andy a just before he would begin to thrust into him "Alright pup here we go" Chain pulled out up to his tip and pushed back in causing Andy to squirm and move on it clenching his hole onto chains candid cock. "Relax Andy and enjoy it" Chain started to make a slow pace rocking his hips into Andy's rump. Andy's pain was now replaced with the full pleasing feeling of have the length shoved up his little rump. Chain started to get a little rough slamming his hips into the pup forcing the knot on his opening trying to spread it open to tie him. "Relax Andy this is going to hurt" he slams his hips grinding his inflated knot into the young shepherd's hole grinding it until it made a slight pop inside. Andy yelped feeling the knot make its way in. Chain let out a howl as he came right inside smearing the pups anal walls with a fresh load of wolf seed. Andy murred feeling the cum fill him as chain gave a few last thrusts before grabbing Andy and laying them both on their sides on the couch "Well pup it seems this is going to be a great weekend. And now you can call me uncle chain" Chain nuzzled into the back of Andy's neck and smiled Andy feeling exhausted nodded and snuggled back into the wolf as chain wrapped his arms around him making Andy feel safe and warm as they both dozed off into sleep.

Please this is my first ever writing I want to be helped so please comment