Lachrymatia-Chapter Two:The Boogeyman

Story by Binx0013 on SoFurry

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Dear Reader,

This is the second chapter to my first story here on sofurry. If you enjoy it please leave a comment and look forward to chapter 3.

The beast lives

Out of the raging storm

In the dead of night

The ravenous

Blood-sick creature

Searches for it's sacrifice

Through the hideous darkness

It lurches

Driven by death itself

Only the satisfaction of slaughter

Will cause it to return to the darkness

From which it came


"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKK!" The naga screamed storming into his dingy apartment.


The naga disoriented from his gun shot wound grabbed a small end table and threw it into the mirror over the fireplace sending glass shards flying everywhere.

"Tiffany! Where the fuck are you?" he shouted down the hallway.

"I'm coming Angel, I'm coming. Whats wrong baby?" the mouse said hurrying to his aid.

Angel quickly ripped off his leather jacket exposing the wound to her. She cried out in shock as she watched his blood drip down his black tanktop onto the already stained carpet below.

"I've been shot bitch!" he shouted while smacking her across the face.

She fell to her knees in pain and held her face.

"You said there wouldn't be any cops!"

"There wasn't supposed to be baby. I didn't know, please believe me!"

Angel crouched down and stared at her, she was terrified and he loved every moment of it. Her trembling body dripping with sweat, the tears falling down her face, and the sound of her beating heart racing at the thought of what he could and what he would do to her if she made one more mistake.

"Get in there and get my pliers," his snaking tongue whispered in her ear.

Without even looking at him she quietly obeyed, whimpering and holding her swelling face. A minuet later she returned holding the gleaming pliers in her shaking paw. Angels eyes narrowed and he stared a moment at his girl. Her daisy dukes and tight pink spaghetti strap top left little to the imagination but that's what he loved about his "bitch". He pulled off his tank and sat at the kitchen table with his back to her,

"Take it out."

She quietly walked up to him and stared deeply at the hole oozing in his shoulder. She was disgusted and afraid,

"Baby I....."


She shoved the pliers in and Angel let out a groan as she dug in deeper. The gaping hole gushed blood onto her paws and she immediately felt like she was going to puke, the scent of his flesh was more then she could bear. As she twisted the pliers slightly to the left she final struck the metal, the slight opening of the tool caused pain and arousal for the naga as she finally pulled it out and quickly dropped both on the floor.

"That's a good girl," he said standing and flexing his muscular figure.

Tiffany ran to the kitchen sink and began scrubbing her paws. Frantically she pumped the soap dispenser leaving trails of his blood dripping from the bottle onto the chrome, she watched hypnotized as his blood spiraled with the water down the drain. He sat back in the chair and lit a cigarette, amused by the horror his "bitch" was enduring. The smell became to much for her and she bent over the counter and released the entire contents of her stomach, again and again she heaved into water.

"It's about time your fat ass lost some weight," he laughed while he let out a drag.

He stood up and kicked the chair back under the table, its vibrations scattering the cockroaches back into the shadows under the wall trim. As she continued to vomit he stood behind her and placed his arms around her,

"You like making me angry don't you?"

Tiffany wiped some vomit from her lips and turned to him,

"No baby, I'm sorry. Did I make it feel better?" she cried.

"Yes baby you did a good job. But, you fucked up didn't you?"

As she glanced at the floor she muttered a Uh Huh.

"Yeah, you made a mistake?"

"Yes." She started to cry

"What happens when you make a mistake?" he said eyes narrowing.

In an instant a rush of ice filled her stomach.

"No baby, no I won't make another mistake! I PROMISE! PLEASE!"

The naga placed his hands on her neck and slowly moved them down her chest. Her nipples stood erect as he traced his claws over them, making little spirals around them as they grew harder. She moaned as he slid his right hand down to the front of her shorts, slowly tracing her slit with his nail. She didn't want this, she hated him with every ounce of her being but he was stronger and she would never be able to fight back.

"You like that don't you?" he laughed, "Fucking whore."

He traced his hands back up to the top of her straps and with a flick of his wrist sliced them with his claws sending it to the floor. There she stood topless in front of him, she was his own little toy, helpless and defenseless to him. She tried to cover herself but was instantly thrown into the counter. She struggled as his claws ripped and tore her shorts to shreds and once he was finished he threw her again onto the table. She sat there legs spread, tears barreling down her face,

"Please baby don't do this. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Not as sorry as your going to be bitch."

His tale rose from behind and he shoved twelve inches in. Tiffany screamed in pain as he shoved it in and out again and again. She tried to move with the thrusts but he was moving to quick, her walls were being stretched more then they could take and she began to drip blood onto the table.

"Oh, yeah." He hissed as he dug his tale in deeper, "Still so tight. I can't let you have all the fun though."

He ripped his tale out and flicked blood across her face. She quickly wiped it away and placed a hand over her womanhood trying to ease the pain. As she did so she watched in terror as Angels 12 inch cock slid from its slit.

"Angel please," she screamed shaking her head. "I don't...NOOO!"

Angel grabbed her hair and threw her from the table onto the floor causing her wrist to snap as she tried to brace the fall. She screamed in pain as he ripped her head back and shoved his cock down her throat. She gagged and struggled to breath as he fucked her mouth over and over.

"Yeah! Oh god baby I love it when you gag on my cock," he said thrusting deeper in.

Her tears streamed down her face and she held her broken wrist as the naga continued to rape her mouth. He slid his claws through her hair to the back of her head and shoved his cock all the way in, pressing her face fully into his body releasing wave after wave of his Naga cum down her throat. He breathed heavily and threw her to floor, leaving her there whimpering as he walked into the bedroom for some clean clothes. When he came back she still laid there silently holding her wrist, his cum dripping from the sides of her mouth.

"Don't you fucking move," he told her. "You stay there like the piece of shit you are! Daddies going hunting."

Angel left the apartment slamming the door behind him, leaving Tiffany laying there naked, alone, and in pain. There was no escape for her, she was his and there was no way around it. As she slowly stood up and walked to her bedroom she wondered if whoever he was looking for wouldn't have to suffer as much as she did.

To be continued.....