Thunder In Paradise. (Chapter 2)

Story by ThunderWuff on SoFurry

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Its the thrid month of school and Bryan is out doing his daily wake up calls. Hes running down the sidewalk but past Thunder's house, over to Viktor's. Bryan knocked anxiously at the door, looking around onto the road. Viktor answers the door in his pajamas, Bryan not knowing as he continues to knock on his forehead. Viktor sighs lowly,"Yes?" Bryan spins back around,"Oh! Heh.. g-goodmorning." He flashes a smiles quickly. "What do you wa-" Suddenly Bryan covers Viktor's mouth, pushing him back into his house and kicking the door shut behind them. "I.. need advice." Viktor's face hardened, shaking away from Bryan's grasp,"What would you nee-" "Shh!" Bryan interupted, holding his mouth shut again,"I want to ask Thunder out." Viktor looked at his friend, his feline ears pressing down against his head slightly. "So.. please?" Bryan asked quietly as he stepped back, letting go of his mouth. Viktor crossed his arms and looked down,"Well, I dunno.. pull her away from the group after school and.. kiss her or soemthing." He shruged. Bryan crossed his arms too, holding his paw over his mouth,"Hm.. ya know.. I actually think I can do it! Yeah! Hey, thanks man." He grinned and patted Viktor's back, jogging back out of the door and down the sidewalk. Viktor rolled his eyes and shuffled back upstairs to his bedroom. He grunted as he stretched his arms over his head, looking out of his window. Viktor sees Thunder still sleeping and he smiles softly. His ears perk slightly as she shuffles under the blankets, moving to sit up in her bed as Bryan walks through her bedroom door. Viktor's ears go back down, growling softly and whipping his curtains shut.

"Well good morning." Thunder smiled lazily as she stretched across her bed,"Sorry. Your Mom let me in, its not like I was gonn pass up that offer." Bryan laughed and sat next to her on her bed. "well, you're a real pain, I wasn't going to come today but now I kind of have to." She smiled over at him,"Well then, I'm glad I came, I have a feeling today is gonna be a.. rather rememberable day.." he trailed off, still looking at her,"Oh? Whats today?" she said as she tilted her head slightly. Bryan looked her in the eyes, her ears pressing down as he slowly leaned in towards her. "Thunder!" Haley busted in again, making Bryan jump. Thunder gasped and grabbed at her chest, glaring at her sister,"What." she said firmly. "Are you and your booyfriend going to have breakfast?" Thunder mumbled,"he's not my boyfriend." Bryan mumbles back,"Not yet." "What?" Thunder asked. "Hm? Oh, uh, had something in my throat," he cleared his throat nervously and smiled. "Aalrighty then.. let's go eat," Thunder smiled at him and got up from her bed, taking him by the paw and going down stairs.

"Well, it's about tiime!" Destiny laughed as Bryan and Thunder walked down the front steps. "Sorry, my Mom made him eat," she grinned. "Alright alright, enough of your Mom stuffing my face, let's go." Bryan laughed and started walking with the group. They all walked close together in the crisp, cold air. Thunder shuddered loudly, slightly falling behind the group. She then feels a heavy material drapped over her back. Viktor comes into view from the side and she smiles,"And that was foor..?" Viktor flashed his smile,"what, can't someone be nice? Besides, I don't need it, I'm used to this weather." Thunder slipped her arms into his thick, tan coat, she looked at him curiously,"Why are you even in Arizona? You're, well.. a snow leopard, we're in the desert." Thunder kept her eye on him as they turned the corner, him sticking his paws in his pockets,"Well, my mother was addicted to drugs and I couldn't live with her in Virginia anymore, so I moved down here with my father when I was nine. So here we are, seven years later." He smiles again,"Where are you from?" Thunder kept walking silently, looking at the air coming out of her nose,"I lived down near the boarder in a town called Arivaca.. when I was three I lived up here with my uncle and moved down there with my Grandmother.." she trailed off quietly. Viktor layed his ears back slightly, looking down at the sidewalk,"So.. what happened?" Thunder looked up at him, breathing from her mouth and shrugged,"Things went down hill.. we had to move and.. here we are." She smiled softly, looking forward again. Viktor smiled too, softly bumping into her with his shoulder,"Well.. I'm glad you came." he said quietly. "Yeah.. me too." she bumped him back and smiled as they got onto the school campus.

"C'mon, pick it up ladies!" The coach's whistle blew and echoed through the gym, the girls hitting the volleyballs faster to one another. "Soo.." Destiny said to Sandra, her focusing on not dropping the ball,"I think Bryyan has a thing for Thunder, don'tcha think?" Sandra looked over at Thunder as she hit the ball back and forth to her partener,"Yeah, seems like it. I think it's cute that that big lug has finally fallen head over heels for some girl." she teased. Destiny looked over too, smiling,"Yeah, she's cool and all, but shy and.. closed away, yah know?" "Eh, she's quiet, so what? She's new here." "Well, still. But Bryan gets her talking." Destiny giggled and Sandra smiled, focusing back on the game.

"Move it, Marks!" The coach yelled across the field. Bryan speeds up on the track, huffing as he catches up to Henry and Leo. "Hey slacker, what;s up with you?" Henry chuckles, running along side Bryan,"Nothing, just kinda zoned out." "Thinking about what?" Leo asked. "Eh, Thunder," Bryan blushed slightly. "Duude, either you're reeally wearing yourself out or you're blushing." Henry taunted as they turned the corner of the track. "Shut up man, it's ju- Hey Vik." Bryan looks over at Viktor coming up behind them. "But it's just.. I can't get her off of my mind." "Why don't you ask her out then?" "I am, after school." Bryan grinned,"Vik helped me out with that." He reached over to Viktor, messing up his head fur. Viktor rolled his eyes and flicked it back. "Well man, I'm positive she'll say yes." Henry bumped him playfully as they walked back to the gym.

The day went by quickly, but not for Bryan. He was jumpy and zoned out most of the day, studying the clocks in each class. When the last bell rang he was the first one out, a few confused and curious faces following him. Thunder and Leo were talking as they came out of their class, Bryan loovking over the crowd of students to find her. He finds her and smiles, dropping down his sunglasses and prancing over to Thunder and the group. They all gather at their lockers, packing up for the week. They start out of the halls, everyong making small talk. Bryan hesitates, pushing his sunglasses back up,"Hey!" He called and they all stopped and turned to look at him. "Uhm.. I have to.. s-stay and unload some books for.. Mr. Johnson.." the silence stretched on,"anyone wanna help me out?" Everyone looked at eachother. Destiny coughed a couple of times in the silence. Sandra groaned and pushed Thunder foward from behind her and coughed too. Thunder looked back at her then at Bryan and smiled,"I'll.. help?" Bryan smiled at her and started to lead the way and Thunder followed. Destiny and Sandra both giggled and the group continued to move forward.

Bryan and Thunder walk around the left corner side of the school, ferns and grass all slowly turning to a shade of brown. They walked quietly, Thunder chattering from the cold wind and Bryan biting his lip. "So, uh.. what do we need to help out with again?" Thunder asked to Bryan. He stopped walking, looking down at the ground. Thunder stopped too, tilting her head,"what?" He looked back up to her, slowly pulling off his sunglasses, his bangs sliding down willingly. Thunder layed her ears down in confusion. Bryan moved forward, laying his ears back also. Thunder swallowed and backed up only to meet the wall of the school. He stepped into her, putting his paws on either side of her head against the wall, breathing softly. "Wh-" Thunder was interupted by the sudden pressure on her lips, moving against them. Bryan kissed Thunder lightly, her kissing him back. He smiled against her lips, pulling back slightly and whispering,"Does that answer your question?" Thunder smiled back softly,"I think so.." Bryan leaned down and rubbed his nose against her neck, purring," So is that a yes?" he said quietly. Thunder murred, closing her eyes,"Of course."