Bolts Fourth Lesson...

Story by kimo on SoFurry

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#4 of Bolts First Lesson -- The Series

Disclosure-this story is not meant for children under the legal age to view sexual content all characters (with the exception of Tabbs/Theo as well as other characters not named in the movie are copyright of me) are copyright of Disney. This story is of my minds own inner workings and dose not reflect on Disney in anyway if reading about such characters in a sexually explicit manner (or terrible grammar/spelling) offends you in any way please hit the back button on your browser.... However I find it hard to believe that you found this page without liking this sort of thing, also if you are under aged you better pray to which ever religious character you happen to worship that you don't get caught. Also if you are under aged and an atheist... well good luck...

Bolts Fourth Lesson...

"Hey there partner, you ok?" Came a strained whispered voice

Bolt shot up and tackled the intruder ignoring the odd taste in his mouth and very sore rear end with out any forethought and was about three seconds from tearing out the throat of whichever new member of this farm had come to rape him or Mittins before he looked down at a small tabby cat...

Who... are... you... were the three words that came out of Bolts mouth.

"M-My names Theo, but the master calls me Tabbs, either one is ok by me but I kind only use my first one when I'm talking to my ma, but she's about three farms over so around here I go mostly by what the master calls me."

Bolt slowly backed off of the poor cat remembering that a couple of months ago he wouldn't have given this feline a chance to explain it's self. He glanced behind him and looked down at Mittins who was still sleeping off the traumatic events of that afternoon. Lowering his voice to a whisper so as not to wake Mittins he said

"What do you want?"

"Well I recon I came here to see if y'alls all right being raped like that and all."

Bolt walked to one end of the clearing closely followed by Tabbs. Bolt took a long look at him realizing that he only hat one ear. It looked as if the left ear had been torn off. At this thought Bolt became aware of how sore his own ear was and brought a paw up to gently touch it to make sure that his own ear did not mimic the cats. Tabbs's eyes were a nice yellow about the same shade as the cats underbelly, kind of a sandy yellow color, that came up from the bottom of his lower lip always down to just past his tail, his top was a orange, pure and simple like the fruit, except for the stripes that went down his legs and sides all the way down his tail. Still touching his ear Bolt thought about what would happen if he lost an ear...

"Ye better not touch it too much." Tabbs warned "That's a nasty bruise that one is."

Bolt put his paw down and almost absent mindedly asked

"You have too names?"

"Only round me ma, and she only calls me that caus it was her dad name and she loven him more than a fish loves water I think. I've seen him a couple 'o times round the old corn mill but that's suppose to be a dangerous place, that there is, ya see. And-well listen to me I'm a rambelin' on and you asked me a question, the answer is yes, yes I do have too names, one from me ma, and one from the master.

Bolt, a little confused by the surplus of information asked "your mother gave you a name?"

"Well yeah, didn't yers?" Tabbs asked innocently.

"No, I never met my mother past maybe two or three days after I was born, there are times that I wondered if I even had a mother." Came Bolts sobering reply

"No ma? Not even when you was a suclkin' babe... wow... who raised ya then?"

Bolt chuckled at that, well there was a nice man at the pet store for about a year, then I was on my own so far as life after that, but I had a lot to do at that age, I was learning to protect my person, Penny."

Tabbs nodded though Bolt got the impression that he didn't quite understand what Bolt meant. Then Bolt asked

"How did you know that we were raped?"

"Oh that!" Came Tabbs reply "those three bastard mutts rape anyone and everyone with a hole they can get to... that is 'cept me..."

"They haven't raped you?" asked Bolt incredulously

"Well they tried, dern near had me before I got away... oh but it did cost me dearly, yes sir it surly did" said Tabbs gesturing at his ear. "So seeing as you two got the full welcome wagon an all I don't suppose you folks want any revenge?"

Bolt was about to say no but before he could he glanced over his shoulder at Mittins who was still curled in a tight ball...

"Revenge... sounds nice but I cant be sure... can I get back to you on that?" Bolt asked

"ye surly can!" came Tabbs enthusiastic reply. "You aint the only ones that's been raped ye see, and some of the other victims be liven here on the farm 'an they been wantin revenge for a while now, I'll be around here if ye need me..." as Tabbs walked off he stopped and said "oh, 'an when yer misses wakes up you two come 'an find me. I'll set up the two 'o yous together in a safe place... them three pieces scum have been known to want repeat performances before 'an you two seem like nice enough folk as to not deserve that kind a treatment, yall come ant fine me when you are ready." Then Tabbs walked off into the varying shades of green of the bamboo grove...

Bolt went back to Mittins and curled up around her giving her a small lick on the head before putting his head on the ground next to hers, not to go to sleep but to guard her agents anyone else who might mean them harm, he was determined not to be caught off guard.

About an hour later Mittins lifted her head and looked over at Bolt, who sensing her movements looked up at her also. There was a moment there, where time seemed to stop, and all that was the world didn't matter to Bolt, all that mattered was Mittins, his Mittins... he looked into her green eyes, and she into his brown... they sat there for a moment before Bolt have her a small lick across the side of her muzzle and said

"I met someone who can give us safe haven for the night"

"Who?" asked Mittins.

"He has two names, his mother calls him Theo, but he mostly goes by Tabbs" came Bolts reply

Mittins ears gave a little twitch at this and she started to say something but decided agents it and instead said "I feel safe anywhere as long as I'm with you."

"But I let you down" Bolt said "I let those... those monsters get to you, I feel horrible now, I feel like I don't deserve you..." Bolt said, his voice cracking at the end.

"You wear caught off guard and outnumbered three to one, and then you were disabled by two dogs hat were almost twice as big as you, and mean ones at that, you are a good dog, and I'm lucky to have you as a friend, and as... as a mate" Mittins said a little shyly at the end.

"You mean that?" Bolt asked.

"Absolutely" came Mittins firm reply and Bolt knew that she meant it.

"Come on, he said getting up, it's about five o' clock by the sun. We should see what Tabbs has in store for us." Mittins got up and followed him out of the bamboo grove.

They walked in silence until they came to the edge of the grove and then Bolt said

"stay here, I'm gonna make sure that nobody's about to ambush us" and then carefully stood back up and retreated back into the shadows of the grove leaving Mittins alone. The half to the grove that they were was in the general shape of a crescent moon, and anyone who was planning an ambush would expect the to come out of the center, so Bolt went around to the left and carefully walked out to inspect the surrounding area. There was a road that divided into two separate roads, one led to a pasture, the other led around three trees and a couple of bushes before completing a circle around them, it also led off to the parking structure where the van and tractor was parked. Bolt looked around and was making his way over to where Mittins could see him.

As Mittins waited in the shadow for Bolt to give her the all clear she began to let her thoughts wander, finally she came to the name Tabbs, or Theo... as he was also called, why that name sounded so familiar she couldn't tell...

"Well hello there miss Mittins..." came a country voice

Mittins whirled around to see a face she hadn't expected to see ever again... though he had both his ears the last time Mittins saw him, the charming tabby cat was again standing before her with a goofy grin on his face

"Theo!?!?" she said in a strained whisper.

"Well I go mostly by Tabbs now but you can still call me that... where is your friend, the white one I met earlier?"

"Oh, Bolt? He went out to check if the coast is clear." Came Mittins reply

"He did what?!? The idiot! He doesn't know what he's done!" said Tabbs in a half shout that turned into a strained whisper.

Just then Bolt came into view and called over to them

"Tabbs! There you are! You said that you'd give us a save place to rest!!!"

In a strained yell Tabbs said "Get down! Hide!"

But before Bolt could understand what was happening he was tackled by one of the Dobermans from before...

Practically sitting on Bolt so that all his paws were trapped under his weight he said "Hey, sunshine! Remember me? I fucked that bitch cat and now since it seems like you don't have the brains to stay away, I'm gonna fuck you too!"

Bolt gave out a growl and freeing one of his paws he gave a swat to the Dobermans snout.

Tabbs and Mittins, hidden by the under growth of the bamboo grove, watched in horror as from behind the three trees Bolt was no longer facing one of the Dobermans emerged and tackled Bolt to the ground.

"Bolt, No!" shouted Mittins "Tabbs! You have to save him!"

"Shhh! I cant here what he's saying" said Tabbs as he watched intently as Bolt worked a paw out from underneath the massive Doberman and used it to swat him across the face,

"Idiot Don't do that! That'll make him pissed!

Straining his ear he herd the Doberman say "You really are a stupid fuck! And for that you're gonna die!"

Just then the Doberman gave a growl and brought his head back to prepare himself to rip out Bolts throat...

"Oh the fuck you're gonna do that!" shouted Tabbs and he lunged forward and sprinted up to the dog that was easily six times his size and jumped at his neck and bit down savagely at the scruff and clawed at the eyes and ears of the huge Doberman.

The large dog gave a yelp and tried to buck the cat off. Tabbs had a good claw hold and shouted "Bolt! Run back to the grove! I'll meet you there."

"No!" Bolt shouted back and tackled the big Dobermans shoulder, knocking him off balance and Bolt jumped up again and bit into the shoulder that he had just butted, Tabbs jumped off and shouted "What? No, this is no time for argument, go back now!" The Doberman gave a yelp and a whine before starting to back up Bolt said there's no way you can take him alone"

Before Tabbs could respond the Doberman said;

"You two don't know who you just pissed off do you"

Instead of addressing Bolt now Tabbs looked at the Doberman and said nonchalantly;

"Why o'course we know! We just pissed off the three biggest dumbshit bullies this side 'o the Mississippi!"

"Were gonna get you, you little piss ass. Someday, were gonna get you" the Doberman said before running off into the pasture.

"Ha-ha! He was just bluffing!" said Bolt "they wont bother us again after we whipped them that good." Smiling he turned to Tabbs who was scowling,

"No Bolt" he said, "they will bother us again, and next time there gonna be all three of 'em and they wont back down just caus you got the guts 'or the stupidity to hit 'em across the nose." turning around he said, "Mittins, c'mon! it's not safe out 'ere" Mittins emerged from the grove and walked towards them "next time I say you run, run... you aint cut out for war."

Before Bolt could ask what he meant by war Mittins ran forward and said "Oh Bolt! Thank goodness you're safe, don't ever do that again, Tabbs is right you are an idiot" Bolt was taken aback by this sudden anger Mittins showed. Bolt lowered his ears and turned his head down before Mittins said "but I guess you're me idiot so come on, lets see this safe place Tabbs has in store for us." Bolt smiled and they followed Tabbs up towards the house which due there nearness of the coast incase of a hurricane had been built in stilts.

"then," as Tabbs explained, "the master took a liken to peacocks, sos he turned the underside of the house to a peacock cage, but eventually the peacocks flew the coop, no pun intended y'see cause peacocks, cant fly for very far... but at about that time the master's brother got arrested for dog fight'in so the master decided to bring em in, his dogs, I mean... this was still several years before I came back an' I learned all this from me ma', she says that they was plenty nice at first, but then after about six weeks or so they got real mean, and started fighting 'an raping everyone saying 'now we own you and you better start doing as we say or you wont do anything ever again' that's when me ma' escaped over to the next farm. When I got back about last month the farm had changed, nobody walked round freely anymore, at least not in the day, walk'in around I found myself grabbed up by there Rotwiller and told me that if I didn't suck 'em off he's rip off my ear... you can see how that worked out... when I got away I ran under there," he said gesturing at the house they had yet to reach "that's where I found everyone, they used the cage to protect themselves from them by hide'in inside it, I took my time to heal and looked around until I found Paul, he's me very best bud, ' an I asked him where me 'ma, and brother were, Paul said that me 'ma ran to the next farm but me brother... Had stood up agents them... he fought, and he didn't win, the brave, stubborn son of a gun... so that's why I fight." They had reached the house; Tabbs led them around to one side, and then said

"Paul! Where are you! Get down here and open the gate." He walked over to a tree and looked up and said a little louder "Paul!!! Wake up! Open the gate!" Bolt leaned towards Mittins and said "Do you think he's crazy?"

"No" she said

"Are you sure, he's talking to a tree"

Then a head popped out of a bird house positioned in a fork in the trees branches and quickly a Squirrels body appeared after it and he said

"Yeah, yeah, I herd ya Tabbs, open the gate, ok, ok... who's your friends here?" he said as he jumped down from the tree and onto the opposite side of the gate and climbed down to the latch, which was held in place securely by a long nail that was easily pulled out by the squirrel who also lifted the latch. Tabbs pushed the gate open for Bolt and Mittins replying to the squirrel "This is Bolt and Mittins, they're guests here and sadly I didn't get to 'em before the received the normal welcome, all I can do for 'em now is try an keep 'em safe till they leave..."

"ah, alright then" said Paul as he pushed the latch back down after Tabbs moved the gate back "You've got plans for them haven't, ya?" the squirrel said as he pushed the nail back into place to keep the gate locked, and climbed back up and jumped up into his tree.

"Nah, they aint cut out fer war"

"ok alright whatever just thought you'd be look' in for help with your plan since Red." Said the squirrel

Tabbs looked hurt as he turned around to face Bolt and Mittins quizzical faces, Raddly, or Red as he preferred to be called was me brother... he died two weeks ago pulling a stunt like you just did," he said inclining his head towards Bolt, ", I just found out about it myself."

They walked in to the "peacock house" and as they walked over to the back corner Bolt noticed that there was a light then as Tabbs said that he was going to go and get something more appropriate for them to sleep on instead of dirt. Bolt made his way over to the light followed closely by Mittins as they rounded the corner of what Bolt assumed was the hot water heater they saw a long fluorescent light bulb, glowing in accordance to the several car batteries it was attached to, they also saw a raccoon, who was busily picking at the wiring under the house. Over in a makeshift house was a German Sheppard, who was laying down on a rather old looking pillow as well as a black and grey cat who was a bit fluffier than Mittins and wore no collar. Further down three foxes were sleeping in three interconnected wooden crates that smelt strongly of sex and then darting among the floor supports and crossbeams were at least half a dozen squirrels.

"Hi'ya!" a small chocolate brown squirrel jumped onto Bolts head and peered down into his brown eyes which by comparison were about as big as her head

"um... hello?"

"lily..." came the old grinding voice of a grey squirrel near by "don't bother the new ones, they are undoubtedly tired, let them get some rest, go see if Paul needs any thing."

With a "harruphh" the younger squirrel said "ok, see you later then" and jumped up onto the supports and scurried away...

"I'm sorry for my grand daughter's rudeness, she doesn't understand quite what you've been threw, she was the first born since those three began there rampage. I'm Graygen, the oldest animal you will find for fifty leagues in any direction. You have already met my grand daughter, lily. And I assume animal you will find for fifty leagues in any direction. You have already met my granddaughter, lily. And I assume you also met Paundperux Maywen Greagenhue, Whendiski, or Paul as he calls him self, I don't know why, Paundperux is a good strong name there are a lot of other's you will meet, and many more that you will most likely not... who are you?" Bolt drew himself up more and said

"My name is Bolt, and this is Mittins."

"ahhh, the old squirrel sighed, Miss. Mittins, Theodore had spoken highly of you."

At that point the clop clop clopping of a horse could be herd, and Tabbs could be herd yelling a Paul.

It seems as though Tabbs has found you some more private shelter, I will now leave the two of you to attend to your housing situation. With that the old squirrel defied his age by jumping several feet and onto a beam running along it like a squirrel a fifth his age. Tabbs walked in and nodded to Bolt and Mittins, and continued over to the raccoon who was attaching different wires to each other until a second florescent light came on and then left with Tabbs. Mittins leaned her head in agents Bolt's shoulder and said,

"Bolt? What have we gotten ourselves into?"

"It seems to me that we have gotten ourselves in-between a rock and a hard thing... apparently a red, big, throbbing hard thing." He looked down at Mittins and tried to fake a smile. She didn't smile back, she just leaned in closer.

"come on, lets see what Tabbs has found for us..."

they walked outside to see a large mare pushing what appeared to be the back part of an SUV top under the house, it was fairly big and would serve as a fine home for the time being. Getting inside Bolt, Mittins, Tabbs, and the raccoon all pushed until it was agents the back wall, Bolt and Mittins accepted some blankets from Tabbs and began to create there makeshift beds, it was starting to get late when Bolt herd the door slide open from above.

"Bolt!... Mittins!..." Penny's voice could be herd clearly threw the boards above them. "Food!"

Bolt was about to walk out and get his dinner but then solemnly he stopped, and turned to Tabbs.

"it wouldn't be a good idea to go get that food would it?"

"no, the only time we ever go out is once the sun has gone down so's we can use the dark fer cover..."

From up above Bolt herd a new voice that he assumed belonged to Penny's uncle

"He's probably found a nice warm spot and is napping, he'll be fine for a night. Bolt herd two bowls being placed down on the porch floor boards above then a sigh from Penny and the closing of the door.

Don't worry about it too much, lemme introduce ya to everyone, this'n here is Gemma, he said referring to a slightly older German Sheppard and her adopted sister, Heavah" he gestured to the cat who couldn't of been more that two who was curled up next to her still asleep, Gemma smiled warmly at Bolt and Mittins walking down the line he came to a series of hammocks that had previously been hidden from view by the glair from the lights. "Here we got Ridny and Skidny, out two mechanical geniuses." The geniuses who were wrestling both looked up, they were identical mirror twins (an identical mirror twin looks exactly like other twin except everything is mirrored, if one is right handed the other is left handed, even the heart is on the right side -not the left- of the body) the only differences between the two was that one, Ridny, wore a pair of welding goggles. After the introduction Skidny punched his brother in the shoulder and the two began fighting again. The next stop in the procession of homes was the three crates and there three foxes.

"Bolt, Mittins," Tabbs began "I'd like you to meet these two beautiful ladies Lola and Kip, as well as the luckiest scoundrel on the farm, Skot, the three foxes looked up as there names were called, Lola and Kip were both classic orange foxes, the tips of Lola's ears were black as well as were her paws, however her underbelly and tip of her tail were snow white, Kip's nose and muzzle were both white until it reached her eyes and face where it split into three separate streaks of white, the two sides running down in front of her shoulders to reach her belly while the middle streak ran up her forehead and ended in a point. Skot was a red fox with a grey underbelly, and black socks in his front paws and his left hind paw and lower leg; he stood up grinning only like a fox can and said:

"Hello there my fine fellows!" he took several steps forward and Mittins tensed up as she smelt his musky aroma as well as the aroma sex that permeates the air around him, Mittins took a chance once she noticed that his eyes were focused on Bolt and glanced down at his sheath... "oh my god!" she thought "it's massive" she even noticed that a small amount of red was protruding from it, she tore her eyes away from the impressive member and looked back at the fox, and gave a little jump when she saw that he was already looking at her, Mittins was sure that her normally white muzzle was now pink. Lola and Kip both spoke to the three of them for a while exchanging pleasantries then Skot, let out a yawn that Mittins believed fake and said;

"well I'm going to hit the hay while the sun's still up" he turned around and walked into his straw filled crate, tail higher than necessary as if to give Mittins a full view of his plump full balls that lightly swung back and forth as he walked away.

After his show Lola and Kip only stayed around for a bit linger before following Skot inside. Tabbs shook his head and walked back to the main area where the stump of a long forgotten tree served as a podium for anyone who needed it's uses. He stopped there and said

"that's everyone who lives here, we got two otters who live in the creek over yonder, 'an you already saw Eliza, the mare who helped get your house over here, and of course there's Graygen's clan, they help out where they can which aint always much." Tabbs looked out and tuned back and said

"Only appears to be an hour of light left, if you need rest I'd get it now."

Bolt and Mittins thanked him for the introductions and walked back to there quarters once inside bold nudged close the window that served as a door, the grime that covered it made it an acceptable substitute for a door. Bolt looked around at his new temporary home, a tarp had been laied down to serve as a floor and a pile or rags and old carpet had been thrown around an old square pillow of sorts making a nest like structure that was situated in the corner, a piece of plywood had been perched up on top of the window jams that gave the home what could pass as an very cramped second floor, Bolt looked over at Mittins, she had been quiet since that days incident more quiet that he's ever know her to be, it scared him he walked over to her and said;

"Mittins, what's wrong?"

"A lot of things Bolt, but first there's something I have to tell you about Tabbs..."


"when we were traveling... when we began it just when we left out of Michigan, well... that was my last heat... and well, Theo, I mean Tabbs, I met him, and we... well..." she looked at Bolt expecting to see a look of confusion or worse, a look of anger or rejection, but instead she saw a look of understanding and calm.

"Ok, I understand, you thought you'd never see him again but now that you have you still have some feelings for him right?"


"Well then, what do you want to do about it, whatever you want Mittins I'll stand by you"

"I want... I want... I want him here"

"ok, then I'll go get him"

"Bolt, wait... before he gets here I want you..."

"Mittins, I-" Bolt began, but was silenced by a kiss from Mittins. She reached around under Bolt and began rubbing his sheath with her paw. She began to purr when she felt his sheath starting to fill...

Tabbs walked out of his hutch, it was made by a large piece of plywood leaned up agents the remnants of a fireplace that once belonged to the masters house before he realized that the river would flood.

"Mittins," he thought to himself "never did I once think I would see her again" Tabbs padded his way around to the center of the camp... then he began to think about what a great time they had... his sheath tightened a bit. After sanding there for a few moments he decoded that he would go and visit with her...Tabbs walked over to the old SUV top stopping out side for a moment wondering if she was asleep and weather or not to disrupt her... finally throwing caution to the wind he walked up to the opening that served as a door...

What Tabbs saw, was not what he had expected, at first it was what he didn't see that baffled him, it looked like a large white teddy-bear was having a seizure in the middle of Mittins and Bolt's hutch, then what lay before him came into focus, realizing the white teddy-bear to be Bolt, and what he had originally taken to be a large amount of shadow underneath it to be Mittins, lust faced, and panting under the passionate humping of Bolt.

Tabbs felt his sheath begin to fill out and his shaft harden, Tabbs tried to duck back out and make it back to his hutch in order to lick one out, but just as he realized what exactly he was witnessing the out of focus, pleasure drunk eyes of Mittins narrowed on Tabbs and he knew he was cought.

The rush of endorphins, the raw pleasure being given to her by the dog she loved, that was all that mattered to Mittins... She opened her eyes. staring at her, a most peculiar look on his face, stood Tabbs. The look on his face was that akin to one of a deer, caught in the headlights, knowing full well he should get the hell out of there, but mesmerised into immobilization... that was when Mittins had an idea, a sexy, perverse idea that under normal circumstanced she would have dismissed.... clearing her throat she said

"Bolt, we have a visitor..."

upon opening his eyes and realizing he was being watched Bolt let out an embarrassed "yipp" and jumped out of Mittins so quickly the resulting "smack" sounded several times louder than it actually was...

" I... er... well... you see..." began Tabbs eyes flicking from the large amount of German Sheppard meat hanging between the legs of a very embarrassed looking dog, and the face of one black and white feline, who's eyes implored him to fuck her...

Mittins first looked to Bolt and said "Bolt, you dont mind sharing do you?"

"I uh... no?" answered Bolt unsure of what he was agreeing to.

"good" Mittins said, then looked to Tabbs "well? what are you waiting for?"

Tabbs walked forward. Mittins turned around and presented herself to him, tail raised and to one side, she reached op with one paw and began to suckle the tip of Bolt's doghood. before long both males and female were moaning in pleasure wildly humping into there respective orifices. it was quite an experience for Mittins she had never taken two males at once before... the rough barbed penis if Tabbs quickly jerking in and out, generating little friction, but more stimulation than Mittins thought she could handle. All the while she sucked on the big red cock which jerked around a lot due to Bolts insistent humping. Suddenly with a loud yowl Tabbs hilted himself and came deep into Mittins womb, Tabbs's sudden movement accompanied by his hot cum painting her inner walls made Mittins loose her focus and clamp down on Bolts cock and suck herder than before. Bolt had been trying to contain himself for the better part of the last minuet, but the combined stimulation of Mittins warm mouth suddenly sucking harder and her maw pressing together on the amount of doggy dick in her mouth lead to his unexpected climax, both males and female cumued for, what felt like to each of them, ages. After the final squirt they each collapsed into a pile...

"Bolt?" Mittins said "Do you mind if Tabbs spends the night?"

but both the Sheperd and Tabby we're asleep...


OK!!! it's been almost a year... this is all i have to show for it... what can i say? my laptop decided to crash, my mate moved in with me, my grandfather died, my younger cousin got to go play at CARNEGIE HALL!!! all and all i think that this is a job well done and i'm happy with how it came out! anyway, this is the second to last chapter, dont ask me what happens is the last chapter because i wont tell you, and dont ask when i'll finish it because i dont know... anyway, until then!

Always lol


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