Jacob Climbs the Ladder, Pt3 3 "Saturday

Story by Talonsaurn on SoFurry

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Part three, things start to develop, we meet other folks in the world...and of course Jacob's will seems to fray.

"Does dennis have any heart? Well... er... what was the question again?"


The Coming Out Day

Oral, M/M, "Shopping" bar scene, Photography

Dennis woke early and got to to his feet, 5 A.M. He just couldn't sleep right.. he held his head a bit and shook.. It would all be okay.. he'd be able to handle it.. he was sure.. Jacob was being awfuly quiet next to him he must have had a good sleep.. Dennis went wide eyed as he looked beside him and winced.. "Ohhh...thats.. er.. "He silently got to his feet, slipped out the door, peeking into the studio and took a deep breath. Jacob was there, asleep apparently, the wounds on his butt had kept closed, he could see the feline breathing slowly, shivering now and then, giving a soft whimper. Dennis closed the door and went downstairs to collect his cellphone..

"Yeah, I know its early, can you do me a favor, I need you to cover for me today, I've got a personal problem I have to deal with" he listened a while "I know its short notice, but you got me in early yesterday, and I'll work late Monday too.. just cover for me today, I'll make it worth your while, yeah.. we can have the whole day to watch the Games Sunday with the boys, I'll get everything together, don't worry. .its no trouble, just need today, Thanks, your a pal I owe you." He put the phone down grinned evilly "And boy am I going to have FUN today, oh yes.. oh yes.. Jacob your going to be crying for momma and whatever else by tonight" he snickered evilly to himself.. "You got off easy yesterday, but today... hehehe".

A few minutes later Dennis crept into his studio with something behind his back, stalking the sleeping lion and suddenly lifted the bucket from behind his head, pouring gallons of icewater all over the lions body. WAKIE WAKIE! You got your fucking easy night and now your going to pay me right outa your ass. He watched happily as Jacob awoke with a start thrashing and shaking, kicking and pulling against the restraints. The big Tiger grabbed both legs and dragged him back "Its time to finish our photo session kitten" he grinned nastily and pressed his cock slowly into the wiggling pucker moaning deeply and rubbing his hands over the wounds, they actually looked rather handsome at this point... but no matter, the tiger teased the tip of his cock in and out, making Jacob kicks back snap the tiger grinned and climbed onto the table lifting both legs up and forcing down, hunching over as the little lion jerked and yanked, only to have the leash dragged up,. Forcing the struggles to go to getting air rather than maneuvering Click Dennis let go and move around to the face, removing the gag for a moment he shoved his testicles into he mouth, filling his cheeks while preventing a bite down with the same leash round the neck strangle "mmm yeah, you didn't get to taste my nuts before boy.... lucky we bathed yesterday.. they get really strong tasting I 've been told..."

Jacobs mind was swimming, he was dizzy, it was all happening so fast he had hardly a chance to realize his position before it was changed, every flash made him feel sicker and when he was about to get a good breath of air he found a mans scrotum stuffed in his mouth. He tried to press it out by his tongue.. but there was nothing but tiger behind the meaty sack.. it tasted pungent, powerful, sweaty dirty, the nuts hung over his teeth stretching his lower lips, making him look like his face was a thong a size to small click The pose didn't change, the tigers cock dribbled onto his nose and he let out a deep groan "Oh yeah,thats nice, use that tongue to a better effect then winning.. Jacob did his best not to.. but each time he stopped the chain leash was yanked up,forcing him to swallow and lick. His tongue felt the tigers nuts shift softly, the fur making him want to gag, he tried, it didn't help.. there were more flashes.. the tiger rocked his nuts in and out, using his fingers to press in one, then the other.. almost like marbles... but eventually pulling out.. and back to the quick rapid fire poses each one more humiliating than the last.. but honestly after last nights rape these didn't hurt.. it was just to get the poses for his collection.. he closed his eyes again and went limp only to get a facefull of tiger crotch again

"What am I thinking about" he said, you didn't have dinner. Jacobs eyes left open, he KNEW this one and he'd rather go without food ,but he felt both hands at the back of his head, forcing his face over the long dribbling rod., it somehow seemed larger to him.. or maybe he was just starting to loose his will. His hair was grabbed like a handle soon after, jerking forcing him to swallow a bit at a time "Don't you like hot dogs Jacob, come on, eat the hot dog "he snickered with false cheerfulness. Rubbing back and forth against his tongue moaning with each weak whimper Jacob made... And I don't think you got to TASTE it last time proper.. "Jacobs eyes bolted fully open and he tried to pull back.. and felt the cock swell,... so he tried to move forward.. but the tiger pulled his head away, forcing him to watch the penetration slip back from his lips, oozing the nuts throbbing faster and faster.. soon he felt only the tip in his lips. Dennis started to thrust here, forward and back against his tongue, battering his mouth and jaws hard, And then he saw it come..

He suddenly twisted and jerked free, only to get a shot of spunk in the cheek , it keep splattering over his face, while the tiger snarled and wrestled his head into position, forced it open and shoved the orgasming cock in with a deep lewd groan" Ohh yes.. you DO kiss a good cock, but you KEEP it in your mouth or else" Jacob couldn't move, he closed his eyes and cried the hot spunk landing on his tongue , burning a lit the thick salty mixture making him gag, trying top spit up constantly feeling each jet fill his mouth, he tilted his head forward to keep it out of his mouth.. only to find the tigers hand squeezed his throat, forcing a whimpering swallow "Take it all down now kitten, its all you'll get in your belly while I'm here, don;t you ever forget it" Jacob squirmed and struggled but that was all, trying to think about anything else while he was being "Fed" this foulness." he kept spitting but it wasn't worth it...eventually he just accepted... his lips closing after the cock left, he laid his head on the table with a whimper. "There we go, next time don't fight it, its good for you." Dennis snickered.. Jacobs empty stomach was nearly ready to upchuck.. .but he didn't get a chance, the ball gag was replaced..

Dennis stood before the broken lion"I think your done with pictures for today Jacob" he chuckled.. and its still early morning, and I have plans for you.. so lets get you dressed "He said with a snicker.. undoing the straps that bound Jacob except for the leash... he held the leash firm and watched the lion.. My room" he said sternly, smiling as Jacob nodded, following slowly behind him without a word or resisting.. A few minutes later Dennis was getting dressed, baggy loose clothing, setting it aside and putting on a pair of underpants, posing in front of the lion "Its loose. You know what that means.. STAND" he ordered the lion..

"Please.. can't I just walk" Jacob pleaded, though his mouth was still cum filled."

"Your not allowed out naked" Dennis said, stroking his sack in the under pants a bit before leaning over and lifting the lion holding him in an almost a hug and sliding him down carefully into his underpants, belly to belly, just like the first night.. Jacob shivered and closed his eyes. Twitching and jerking some, but for now he just couldn't muster more of a fight, he tried to say something by his mouth was to sticky and filled with tigerslime.. so it ended up garbled... Dennis on the other hand was constantly purring as he settled and shifted Jacob in his pants, moaning as the cock pressed against the younger lions stomach tightly.. "There we go , you don't even have to walk because you weren't a horrible boy today... He slid his paws around the enlarged crotch bulge and moaned, feeling the sweet lion ass bulging through "oh yes.. you know.. I think we should be dressed more around the home.. don't you bitch.. Jacob turned up and snarled through the gag, focusing his all on each word "Fuck you you son of a bitch monster, I'll never, ever ever, you can kill me, you can do it all, but as long as I live.. I'm going to get away from your dungeon!" Dennis stared down, a bit at a loss for words "Thats cute, keep spunky cuz your getting a lot more of it soon" He pulled up his jeans, buckled them, and put on a large baggy sweatshirt to cover up the lions face as it twisted and writhed. Jerking against his lower body.. the big Tiger let off a deep moan "Oh goodie goodie GOOD.. thats soo warm and.. oh god you really belong in my pants.. yes you do.. don't say no, your warm furry body says YESSS" his fingers roved over the obscene bulge in his wardrobe "But I do have plans for you today...

Tears ran down Jacobs face and onto the tigers cock, he twisted his head and pressed it against the fabric, the heat was unbearable.. the smell was oppressive, the sounds of the tigers body echoed around him.. but the worst was the stomach.. it gurgled.. Did he miss breakfast... Jacob whimpered to himself, maybe he shouldn't have spoken so roughly. He pressed his hands at the belly trying to get away as best he could, his own legs squirmed against the thighs.. that just seemed to make the cock throb against him... he gave up and covered his face with his hands. "He seemed to enjoy raping and torturing him.. maybe he wouldn't be killed.. but he couldn't take that risk.." suddenly something leaped to his mind "THE FENCE" he shouted at the top of his lungs.. and to his surprise he got a reply

"I took it offline while I was out with you, I still have the manual control hidden in my boot" And a shock went through Jacobs body that made his teeth rattle "See, so don't get any ideas bitch cat" Jacob remained silent. Trying to just let himself be lulled into a trance, but he kept squirming, he couldn't stop, he lost track of time...

Dennis was happy, he was feeling giddily happy, he waggled his hips thrust into his pants every few steps, it was a long walk into town but he would enjoy every tiny minute of it... "Shake rattle and roll" he chuckled, he pawed with bulged lion, feeling the fur grind against his sensitive regions, smooth sweet leg fur against his thighs, he had never tried this before but would make it a regular occasion, it was almost like fucking, but without the wear and tear on the toys

Dennis got tons and tons of odd looks and gasps as he walked through the town, scratching his bulge, showing it off to the prudes, letting them see it kick and wiggle, people stared and gasped but no one had the guts to challenge him, they heard rumors.. and even if they weren't true he towered about almost everyone.

Dennis eventually made it to the place he was hunting for, a seedy looking Tattoo parlor, he took a deep breath of air and bent over to get in, not every good place catered to his size.. he stood up a little hunches, stroking his bulge as he took a few steps in, and saw the owner with a smile, purring softly "hey there guy" he announced, watching the old hyena turn to face him. Nearly fifty five years old he had known him all his life. Dennis didn't have many friends, but there were a few. "Sarge" as he went by was one of the best.. he didn't know where he picked up the nickname, and didn't ask.

"You got a problem there kid" Sarge said, pointing to his crotch "That ain't right."

"Dennis just smiled "Oh no, I'm fine I'm fine, its just that"

"Haven't seen you in.. heck must be over a year, whatcha been doing? Not needing any more ink?"

"Sorry Sarge sir" The tiger said softly, I just had all I wanted, still do.

"So.. this is a social call?"

"No, I need ink.."

"But" the hyena frowned, thens stared as the Tiger lifted his sweatshirt to reveal the source of the bulge, the mane the ears the thrashing face, the thick tiger cock dribbling out of the waistband, his eyes looked down and realized the whole view at last, his frown lifted into a smile and into a huge toothy grin that lifted into a rancorous laugh as he slapped the mane hard "You want ink for HIM then?" He put his paw on the lions mane and shoved it into the crotch "You hear that boy, DENNIS wants you marked officially.. He laughed Dennis stared at his crotch "I'll do it free for considerations" Sarge chuckles.

"I'd rather pay in cash this time bud" He pulled the mane out a bit lifting the face looking down "Kid hasn't learned who's boss yet, don't want it confused by a cock that might just fall off at any time"

"Very funny kid" The hyena snarled, he started to disrobe himself "I'm all hot from this mind if I Do it au natural or does a cock with experience still scare you.."

"Very funny old fart" Dennis said jovial and pulled down his pants... and then his under pants letting the collared feline flop out onto the hard dirty floor with a fump. Jacob was clawing at his face in panic, kicking air." Opse, The tiger lifted him compacted his chest with a massive hug, a second later the swallowed ball gag was driven out of his lips like a cannon. "They don't make em like they used to... While Jacob was gasping for air the tigers foot pressed down on his spine... , holding him still enough to reattach the leash.

"Unwilling?" The hyena said" , then looked over the young lion "he looks wonderful.. I mean, how'd you find him?"

"Was a personal"

The hyena boggled "Wow, thats lucky, I really do envy you.. "HEY did you put that "Rape me" one on yourself, its damn good.. not MY quality..."

"No, it was already there"

"What tattoo!" Jacob yelped only to find the Hyena's codpiece pressed over his face, and strapped around his head with a snicker

"Hope I didn't overstep my bounds, but a bit of that lion fur stuck to my crotch'll be nice for days.."

"No harm to him.. now lets get him on THE table... and I'll show you my design I want on him.. its rough, but your the master, and you charge like it"He whispered under his breath. "Hey, but your closed tomorrow, I'm having the guys over for the game, wanna come..

"Yeah, now come on... Name?"

"Jacob, or bitch, or Kitten, anything'll do" Dennis said before Jacob could get a word.. the two friends lifted him up and carried him into the back room as he started to scream into the impromptu muzzle. His eyes just over the edge of it the ripe smell of hyena cock lingering over his face. He scratched out with his claws.. but was soon manhandled onto a table..and much like the Tigers, he was locked down hands through loops that tightened, legs spread forced spread eagle, he yelped as rubber straps wrapped around his but an shoulders, tightening more and more to lock him in place, leaving his face free but everything else motionless.. he managed to flex his toes..

"So its going on the back right."Sarge said

"Yep, one moment "Dennis took out a sheet of paper and hung it over Jacobs face.. letting him get a good look.. It was a large skull on a pile of bones, in fine detail,around the whole thing were the words " I exist to serve Dennis"

Jacob bellowed out a "Noo.. I'm not property," he sniffled and twisted but there was no give.. he watched the tiger hand it to the hyena

"Rough, but I'll make it a lot better, will really look alive..so where do you want it..?"

"Well the rape is over his right buttocks, how bout this one on his left, right on the cheek. Make it tasteful okay, and subdued... I don't want it to look slutty or anything.. "

Sarge nodded. "Wanna buy him a drink to calm him down?"

"No, I'm not buying an overpriced beer from you for him, I'm going to have some drinks later anyhow.. maybe I'll share.."

Sarge looked down at the lion then at Dennis "He does look wonderful, I'd give him one gratis." Dennis shook his head "Alright, master knows best, isn't that right kitten? He gave the face a slap "You'll be fighting the boys off with a stick you know" Sarge said. "Cute lions like this are real rare" Dennis nodded and watched. Jacob screamed as he felt the needles go in the first time. "Relax kid.. it'll hurt, and its a long one, but there are lots of worse things that'll happen to you I'm sure"He took a look at Dennis and the pair exchanged blank looks.. "Dennis, when this is done, He really should keep it clean, and that doesn't mean against your crotch, Getting it infected won't help anyone.." and with that he worked in total silence. Jacob whimpered, but didn't scream, the smell of the hyena was just to much after a trying day, he was in a half daze, wincing with each poke. After nearly an hour he heard the Hyena "done.. Look good?"

Perfect!" Dennis said and started to undo the straps with one hand while handing a large wad of bills over to Sarge. By the time Dennis had removed the straps from him Jacob was very happy to get on his feet, he winced a bit but didn't say a word..

"Now, just because you took that like more of a man than I thought you would, I won't put you in my pants... he held the leash in his hand and took a step "Come kitten" he watched Jacob follow a few steps. "Kittens walk on all fours" he said sternly, giving a gaze to the Hyena who rolled his eyes. Jacob stared soulfully back at Dennis and whimpered,watching the tiger pointed down, lift one leg and plant it on his shoulder, forcing him onto his hands and knees "There, Now we walk... "He paused.. After I put back on my clothing of course.. it'll be a bit baggy now....

Jacob whimpered a bit, but walked on his hands and knees he moved slowly, was dragged more than that.. but through lifting his knees rather often and half walking he kept from getting scraped up, what was going through his mind was more complexed, he wondered if survival was all it was cracked up to be, he got more and more of an impression the tiger didn't want him dead.. that... painful experience as it was looked to be very expensive.. and not like his tattoo would be much use to him after he dead...sparing a grizzly thought of of some sorta macabre fleshy trophy.. he immediately rushed that from his mind and focused more on weather it was better to die or exist as this.. deep in his heart he was running out of ideas to escape.. the "Walkies" was rather humiliating as people stared, but he secretly wondered if people were still staring at the tiger..... afterall he certainly did his best NOT to look happy or willing., but because he was so low he didn't realize he had went into a store till he stepped on a squeaky toy on the ground, looking down he saw it looked like an elaborate boner.. his eyes roved up and he shivered...

"Like the place?" Dennis said with a smile, tugging the leash, Its got a great selection of things for the big boys toys, I by all my toys here, with my girth and size they wear out all to fast... and I like to have a selection.. when I get home with you tonight I'll let you into my locked closet. And show you the real collection.." As he was finishing that a sultry looking female lionesses came to meet him "Well if it isn't Dennis....again... and.. a little lion, isn't he a cute pet, maybe I have a bisket for him" She laughed.. "but Dennis... what are you here for."

"Him" I want to get toys for him... and me.. I wanna see what you got in stock... color complimentary gags, dildos, vibrators, that sorta thing.. he just nearly swallowed one of my ball gags.. so want a bit safer one... Jacob shuddered., thinking that Dennis seemed more happy than insulting toward him,as though he was actually enough of a monster to think he'd treat something better because of a color.. He just sat down and covered his head. It was to much.. he didn't want to look.. In his before life.. it seemed so long ago now, the closest he got to this was fumbling asking a drug store clerk where the condoms were. He was so scared of sex with females..and now he was taking it up the ass from this monster.. it was rather amazing what a body learned to survive. He watched as the Tiger went off exploring the house of filth, happy as a kid in candy sore feeling through the merchandise. His own soulful eyes looked up at the lionesses with a plea for pity, his mouth gently opened...and he got a dog treat stuffed in his mouth.. It honestly wasn't that bad. He swallowed it without complaint.

He looked down at the ground, but was surprised to hear her voice"What do you want?" it wasn't soft, it wasn't hard, it was curious, almost testing him.. he looked down. He didn't think "Killing the tiger" would be appropriate.. so he let out a whimper "kneepads?" and heard her laugh.. it was a soft laugh that rose warmly, he didn't think he'd hear something like someone who worked in a sex shop. A tiny spark of life hit his heart "He'd never think of that you know, I know him.. but I'll mentioned it to him, I have few cheap things that can be used as them.. if he wants you on your knees to be a dog, then thats fine by me, its what I run in this shop here."

She chuckled and left Jacob too sulk..his eyes rose to see the tiger and the lioness talking, the tiger kept making obscene motions with his hands, feeling various "Toys"that he shuddered to think of what they were.. the few he guessed at he winced at the thought the'd be used on him.. soon enough the lioness returned and got down to his level lifted a leg and put a small round pad around his ankle and settled it around his kneecap.. it felt rather good... she then used another on his other knee... Jacob was about to thank her when he looked down.. each one looked like a over sized foam testicle, the male lion let out a horrible long moan of frustration.. the lioness smiled "better than hurt knees Jacob"She patted his head 'I hope to see you around more, but gotta ring up your owner. He watched as she went to her counter, Dennis had a whole shopping bag full of "Stuff" in his hands as he came back to him, picked up his leash and started to walk him out the door..

"They had a sale on there, really hadn't felt like visiting her in months... " He said on his slow gait,for all the humiliation Jacob had to admit the impromptu kneepads were very effect.. even if they sorta squeaked on each step. The tigers tail gave him the occasional slap, Jacob just listened. Dennis talked about things he liked, many were repulsive, but thankfully for Jacob he wasn't the butt of them this time.. he watched as he took out various objects from the bag and explained them..The objects scared the lion, but the manner was as close to non threatening, so he kept his protested to winces and groans." Yeah, you know kiddo... I don't buy new stuff for every bitch kitten I have under my roof, of course I keep a collection from everyone.. not like they always wear out so quick" he continued on.. Jacob tried not to listen..trying to focus on the life he figured was promised to him thanks to his tattoo. Soon he picked up the smell of booze... He wasn't a bit surprised. He was everything else reprehensible, a drunk seemed normal...

Dennis paused as he entered his bar, watching Jacob walk forward ahead of him.. admiring how the tattoo stood out, he licked his lips and let out a small sub vocal woof. Before he lifted his eyes to the bar.. it was fairly empty at this time in the afternoon. The barkeep not even paying attention as he walked in. The first non slurred speech he heard was "Dennis, got yourself a new cockhound." From a middle aged timber wolf, Jacob looked up and stumbled face planting near a stool, the wolf was buck naked. Furthermore his wolven cock was pressing against the bottom of the bar... .. letting Jacob notice the stains all over the underside, he had assumed most bars had gum stuck there... this made him cringe. "But not good on its feet huh Dennis, not that you care about that, heck this nose of mine tells you he smells like he is overstuffed with your spunk,and loves ya" Dennis was about to speak, Jacob beat him too it

"I Fucking HATE him with every bone in my body, I'm not a "Cockhound" I'm not a bitch, I"m not a sex toy for you monsters" The lion was incensed, and got the attention of the rest of the bar.. What are you all fucking nuts, someone should be calling the cops!" Jacob Started to get to his feet only to find Dennis' foot land on his shoulder, pressing it and his face down into the ground.

The wolf seemed non pulsed, looked him in the butt as though he said nothing and turned to address Dennis "Took him out on his first day huh?"

"Third" Dennis replied

"And still so spunky? Still not knowing his place?" the wolf put a paw on his cock swiveling on the barstool and aiming it at Jacobs face "Don't smell your piss on him though Dennis... but still, not broken into keeping his yap shut yet"

"No Gerry. "Dennis said proudly. "And if you take a piss on him I'll tear you apart and piss down your throat, he is MINE"

Gerry looked up, shrugged and turned back to the bar "A double."

Jacob turned to look at Dennis,seeing him slowly undoing his fly, letting out the musky monster again.. he shied away watching as it flopped out lazily, his lead was tugged and he was forced against it. The rest of the bar was watching. He turned his head to see the wolf starting to jack, looking at his ass, other assorted reprobates were around. He just got a weak"please..no... not here" to his lips. His ass still hurt rather a lot from the tattooing...

Dennis chuckled "can I have the paper" a few minutes later the post was in his paws, and then put between his feet on the ground. Jacob was dragged over The tigers footpaw planted on his back forced his ass down onto the paper, Jacob tried to let off a smile and was about to speak when he found the flaccid member being hefted into his dry mouth. "Ahh.. goood.." then he spoke his orders loud enough for all to hear. "Now you keep sucking and doing your best down there while I enjoy the drink here Jacob, suckle it like the little lamb you are..baaaaa"..Dennis put his Hand behind Jacobs head and held him to his crotch, moaning softly, at the hot warmth, licking his lips, yeah, you just work on that, work it good" Dennis purred lustfully., And get me some bar food too, I 'm buying for all today.. I got myself a fine kitten bitch and I'm going to fuck his brains out tomorrow.. teach him who's boss..The rest of the bar erupted into cheers.. more for the booze than anything else, bars were much the same everywhere.

"Cockhound" Snickered the Wolf.

Jacob resigned himself to this position. On the negative side he was staring at the beasts grubby crotch,the heavy nuts, and the foul taste... he had a deep urge to bite, but a urge to live kept him from doing that so far.. on the positive side he was between the tigers legs , blocked from most of the leers of the rest of the bar, it made it just a bit less humiliation. Deep in the back of his mind he really wanted a drink too, and maybe if he behaved he'd get one. He closed his eyes, stretched out his tongue ands started to slowly suck, getting a few bucks from the tiger a pat on the head..

"Good boy" Dennis grunted as he took his first beer "To cocksluts, To bitches, to kittens who you'll all be seeing a lot of when I'm done with him Jacob stopped sucking only to be forced back on by a tiger paw and a grunt. " The big tiger drank heartily, savoring the mug, licking it clean, letting out a deep rumble after draining it jerking his hips. Dennis' thoughts were not spoken, but he was having daydreams, and those were only urged on by the lapping between his legs. He jerked and moaned and shuddered, and drank two more cold ones before cumming hard down the lions accepting throat...sending load after load down the well used gullet, purring at each swallow "mmm... its such a pretty little un" He mumbled.

"So why the paper?" Said the barkeep

"In case he makes a mess, he isn't trained to go where he is supposed to yet" Dennis replied, Jacob stopped sucking and struggled to get his mouth free, only to have his head pressed against the top of the bar,mane rubbing against the stains."Now keep the beers coming.. " He laughed uproariously, "I got Sunday off and I'm going to be spending all day with this little bitch, oh yes, he'll be under my ass,under my cock, yelping and crying and begging, and when I'm done I'll put the recording in your TV and we can all relive it." Jacob stopped sucking. A fury building inside him. He was TRYING, and the tiger just continued to insult and humiliated him he let his teeth touch the tigers cock only to find a paw at the back of his neck thrust the restiffening member right down his gullet, gagging him roughly "Ohh its not happy bout that, but since when did a THING have rights "he laughed and downed another drink

Jacob whimpered, tears welling up soon after the rougher deep throating, but he managed to to swallow again. Pushing the cock back up so he wasn't being choked. The slimy cum still dribbling down the back of his gullet where it was blasted in like a firehose when the cock got hard again. More hip jerks... and Jacob yowled. He was going to be sucking the cock all night , he just knew it.Just a little place for the tiger to hold his shaft.. nothing more than one of those sextoys in his bag.. he trembled and closed his eyes, he knew the other patrons had gotten off there stools to look at him. And do who knows what else... but at least if he closed his eyes he could pretend they weren't' He focused on sucking, he hated every moment of it.. but the tiger said he was good..... and when he was good things hurt just a little less... he heard each drink go past the tigers lips,the wet slurp sounds filling the larger belly while once every while the normal sucking was forced take a backseat to getting face fucked under the bar roughly.. He tried to keep track of how much the tiger had drunk, his taunts were getting slurred.. musts.. must be nearly twenty drinks down the hatch.

Dennis wasn't holding his beer as well as he thought, his eyes were sloshing around his head and body shifting left and right, using a paw on the bar for support "Another" he said.. and took a few minutes to realize his glass hadn't been refilled "HEY!" I want another ! ANOTHER" he slurred.

"Sorry Dennis, your piss drunk, no more for you, I'm calling you a cab to get home"

"Wha. No you don't its only 11 am.. er..pmmm.. er..whatever. I want more to drink.. another, a double..NOW" he grunted loudly and faceplanted on the bar. Passing out for a few moments before getting back up "well.. "He thought in a hazy frame of mind that still belied cleverness "Get one for him" He stood up and dragged Jacob from the sitting position and onto the stool.". :I'm not even buzzed the tiger moaned, Clawing at the bar, nearly climbing on it pleading to the barkeep.

"I'm going to get the cab called right now Dennis, you pipe down, if I get HIM a drink its going into you, I know it." And the barkeep left.. Jacob was on the stool, Dennis on his hands and kenes atop the bar. "Fucking kitten.. no even good..for...that" he slurred. Kiss my ass.. NOW" He grunted. Jacob didn't do anything. He almost smiled, the tiger was almost pitiable when drunk... there was no coordination... unfortunately. For Jacob. He was getting a leering look from the naked wolf who came up behind him with a scary grin.

"You gotta do it, its your life now kid" and with that he grabbed Jacobs mane and dragged the feline face to the feline ass "And if your DON'T do it, I'll fuck your cute little ass, Dennis will understand." Jacob yowled and got a sudden sharp claw against the cheek, leaving three thin red lines oozing "LICK IT" he snarled nastily and Pressed the whimpering lions face between the two massive cheeks, holding on tight. Watching with a twisted voyeurism as Jacob opened his cum filled mouth.. And someone poured a Mug of bear on his face just to add a layer of ridicule.... making him feel all sticky and damp inside and out

Jacob closed his eyes, stretched out his tongue and licked between the tigers legs, slowly feeling each little bump of flesh, having seen it enough now to do it by feel, He managed to close his nose somewhat and make up a few curses about wolves.. his tongue slid slowly around the tigers ass, it could have been a lot worse he figured.. but it still tasted rough and rugged.. he started to bawl "No.. I don't" and then his words were cut off.. almost by accident.. Dennis started to sit back down on the Stool... and his face was in the way, thanks to the beer slickness. The wolf's par pressed at the back of his head.. his eyes bolted open when his nose pressed INTO the pucker, his whole body came alive struggling as weight worked itself over his face, the ass was built for taking big things in.. and his face fit the build, a second later the thick anus pressed over his head, sealing his vision into the dark smooth tunnel. His heart raced, he was going to have a heart attack, his head shifted back and forth but could do nothing, the tiger sat down.. his own liony self slumped off the stool, kicking and thrashing between his legs.. his head was still in the lions ass wiggling back and forth airlessly, his legs kicked and scratched blindly fingers trying to push the quarter ton of tiger off his head, he heard faint laughing from around him.. it must be a riot of laughter outside. Every bit of energy he had been saving was being burned off in the final desperate struggles..

Dennis let loose a massive roar. His ass clenched squeezing the erotic bulge, his cock erupted into a mega-gasm that sent his spunk all over the bar,whirling in the stool sloppily for a few minutes before he flopped onto the ground on his stomach passed out.. Jacob lasted a few minutes longer his hands and legs kicking,struggling from the tigers behind.. but the air being cut off soon sealed his struggles in..his chest started to breath slower and slower.. his legs and arms stopped moving..and he went out.

Jacob woke up with the smell of tiger ass all over his face... it stung the new wounds especially. He felt a rumbling under him and realized that he was in a cab He held his face in his paws. Not wanting to look up, he smelled the tiger next to him, his breath rolling over him like a brewery, he was being talked to but no words came out.. Jacob himself could hardly breath. Yet another near death experience.. it was getting old.. and disappointing when he woke up... but that would have been the worst way to die he could think of. He refused to look at the tiger and started to cry. The tiger mumbled about "Kissing his ass, and sucking it" the whole trip home.. nearly falling out of the cab in the process.. still he held a death grip on the chain Leash

"Fuck..." Dennis moaned as he half dragged Jacob in, his toe hit the shock collar button in his shoe, sending sparks up and down the lions body getting him kicking and spasming..clawing at the ground... till it faded.. Jacob had a bit of hope.. maybe he'd forget to put on the Perimeter tonight...They went into the hallway..."

"Now.. just to reset the fence" The tiger mumbled... "There.. good" the tiger shambled.

Jacob just hung as a dead weight. He no longer felt clean and pure in the outside world.. what was there left for him. even if he did somehow get out, how could he ever feel at peace again.. He was dragged up the stairs, one at a time, he just didn't care. He didn't move as he was tossed onto the bed.. and only gave a token whimper when the half clothed Tiger crawled up after, rubbing the striped butt against him, using Jacob's torso as a leg rest for a more comfortable sleeping pose, leaving Jacob half an inch from the bits and pieces, and horrible hiney.. Jacob feel asleep quickly just the same, he needed rest. Dennis was so sloshed he'd never remember the night..but mercifully passed out in bed himself..

Saturday Midnight, Sunday to come soon.