A New World. chapter 2: New Home New Problems

Story by furryfan1996 on SoFurry

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Hi again its me. here is the second story in the series. Hope You all enjoy it!

As Me and Lucario were walking home there was a sharp pain in my back. I just remembered that when Me and Him were fighting earlier He punched Me in the back and it started bleeding. I immediatly fell down on the road and Lucario came running over to check on me.

"Hey! are you alright!?" Lucario said. "Ya Im fine." I said. I took my shirt off to examine the wound. "Is there any blood?" I said. "Ya. Lots. Sorry I did this to You." Lucario said. "Its O.K." I said. He put His paw out for Me to grab it so I did and he pulled Me onto My feet.

We finally got to my house which was a three floor house with a downstairs and an upstairs and a basement. I walked up to the front door and Lucario followed. As we got into the house I walked into the bathroom to check out the cut in my back. My back had a huge cut up My back which went from the left side of My waist and went up to My right shoulder. My black shirt and blue jeans were soaked in blood. "HOLY SHIT!" I screamed. Lucario came running "What is it!?" Lucario said He then noticed how bad the cut was. "Wow Man Im really sorry." Lucario said. "Dude don`t be. I invaded your territory so you attacked. thats what happens." I said. " Ya I know but now that were friends I feel bad about that." Lucario said. Its cool. I said.

Just as I walked out of the bathroom there was a knock on the door. I answered it and it was a kid with a weavile. He was wearing a black 1950s black greaser type jacket and black jeans. "Hi my name is Derrick i live up the road." He said. He looked over my shoulder and saw Lucario. "Hey can I talk to you in private for a sec?" He said. "Umm. O.K." I said. We walked down the steps from the door to the house. "Hey. did you see the news last night? there has ben a crackdown on pokemon trainers." He said Uh no id didnt see it. Why? I said. "I dunno. Some fucked up stupid reason." He said. "Oh by the way. Im not a trainer... Yet." where can I go to become one?" I said.

You can`t get one anymore. "The government made it illegal. where everyone goes now underground. I know someone who can get you one." He said. "Well what are we waiting for? lets go!" I said