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20th December 2331

The alarm clock cut through the chakat's sleep like an annoying buzzing; rousing the felinetaur from hir restless slumber, full of dreams and nightmares. Twinkie slapped the button, inadvertedly smashing the machine, silencing the noise permanently.

"Fuck" Twinkie cursed, rubbing hir sore pawhand.

30 minutes later, Twinkie was dressed and ready to face the day, and the first order of business, was breakfast. Hir muzzle practically drool at the thought of pancakes with chocolate syrup. Sausages with a side order of bacon, eggs and tomatoes.

Exiting hir room, shi nearly bumped into hir neighbour, Ghostshadow.

"Sorry hun, should look where I was going." Shi replied. smiling before getting a full on boner from the scent the wolfmorph was emanating.

Ghostshadow meekly smiled and hurried to the elevators, Twinkie quickly caught up too hir and joined hir in the confined lift, before reason stopped hir. Alone with a herm wolf in heat within the small confines of an elevator was asking for trouble and yiffing, which Twinkie was oblige to do, as shi started nuzzling the wolf, who shyly turned away, but hiked hir tail, offering hir heat soaked vaginal opening. Twinkie's erection was raging and dripping pre, ready to breed the wolf morph and sire cubs.

Damn, should I do this? Shi thought, as shi bent the morph wolf over and rubbed up and down hir back and waist, eliciting a panting whimper from the wolf. First day here and getting a client pregnant?

As if reading Twinkies thoughts, Ghostshadow looked over hir shoulder and panted

and wiggled hir hips, rubbing the cunny juices on hir lower upper body.

"Please, fuck me... It's ok... you can't get me pregnant." Ghostshadow whined, hitting the emergency button in the elevator, stopping it between the 6th and 7th floor.

"Are you sure?" Twinkie asked, reaching down and rubbed the slick hot opening, feeling little bursts of femsex lubricating hir fingers and pawhand.

"Yes, morphs and taurs can't breed... incompatible genes." Ghostshadow growled, hir tail wagging in anticipation of being mounted.

Twinkie slipped two digits inside the hot clasping cunny, stroking and making the wolf morph pant and whimper, humping back against the intruding fingers.

"Mount me, seed me, quench this heat inside me with your love seed." Shi whimpered, spreading hir legs wider.

Twinkies erection was splurting pre on the floor and hir balls was aching for release, slowly moving up the wolves bent over body, shi held onto hir hips with hir forelimbs as hir pawhands caress and massaged Ghostshadows back and neck. Then growling with desire, Twinkie guide hir pulsating cock to the hot wet tight snatch and pushed forward. Ghostshadow howled with fulfilment at being stuffed with cock, hir eyes glazed over and hir breath came in ragged pants. Then slowly, shi started humping back, riding the cock deep inside hir cunny, growling and panting with each g-spot rub, creating more juices to flow.

"Am I pretty?" Ghostshadow asked, quivering as hir heat induced vagina clenched and suckled at the feline cock.

"Y-yes... very pretty, and sexy too." Twinkie murred, humping back and forth with sexual need to dump hir seed inside the wolves' cub kennel.

Ghostshadow shuddered with pleasure as hir muscles massaged the feline cock, human shaped but long and thick. The only disappointment in mating with a chakat, is they don't have the knot that canine ferals possess. Regardless, Ghostshadow, or Ghosty as shi preferred to be called by hir friends and partners, was getting close to hir orgasmic peak, tail wrapped around Twinkies tail as shi humped back.

Twinkie leaned forward and gently nibbled on hir lovers ears playfully as hir own sexual peak started to reach its conclusion. Hir hunches tensed up as shi hammered the morphs quivering rump, making ripples roll up along hir waist and back. As shi speared hir erection in and out, gaining speed and momentum, shi started whispering naughty sex talk in the wolf morphs ears, making hir growl and whimper and blush and clench tighter around the throbbing cock inside hir squirting vagina.

"You want my seed, to make puppies. You wanna feel me flood your puppy canal with kitty seed. You love my cock, so thick and hard. Tell me, are you my bitch? Do you wanna be serviced?"

"Yesss" Ghostshadow hissed, clawed hands clenching the elevator handrails tightly.

"You wanna feel my hot cum?"


"Tell me hun, what do you want?" Twinkie growled, bitting gently on the tuff of neck fur and skin on the wolf, making the dominate gesture. Ghostshadow panted and whimpered with submission then answered the question.

"I want your kitty seed, I want your cubs, and I want your cock to fill my cunny with your life seed."

Twinkie suddenly stiffened and bit a little harder, making Ghostshadow yelp then murred and pant as thick hot splurting chakat seed flooded hir womb, which set off hir own orgasm, cunny juice squirting out and soaking both thighs and legs as well as the floor.

After the sexual bliss had weaned and their breathing returned to normal, Twinkie withdrew from Ghostshadows' cum filled tunnel with a wet slurp, then shi nuzzled the wolves' cheek lovingly.

"Thank you Ghostshadow..."

"Ghosty." Shi responded, slowly rising up on wobbly legs, as seminal and vaginal fluids trickled down hir inner thighs and legs, panting and rubbing the sore neck where Twinkie had bitten hir during the mating.

"Sorry about that." Twinkie replied, feeling a slight pang of guilt from injuring hir.

"That's ok hun... I enjoyed a bit of submission during sex, makes me feel like a bitch."

Both started giggling, then once they were ready, Twinkie hit the stop button and allowed the elevator to continue on its way.

They were greeted by looks from the other furs, knowing furs who knew what they had been up too. It wasn't a secret, as often couples would find secluded places to cuddle, paw off or mate. But Francine was waiting for them, arms crossed and a scowl on hir face at the two of them. Clearly, shi was not impressed with their sexual location.

"In future, you two, please refrain from using the public elevators. As others do need to use them." Shi replied, trying to sound cross, or at the least annoyed, but Twinkie could sense that shi must have enjoyed the show, via the security cameras. Evident from the wet spot on hir shorts and the bulge.

"Yes Francine, I am sorry. Just helping my neighbour out." Twinkie replied, blushing profusely while Ghostshadow looked down in embarrassment.

Francine couldn't hold it any more, and shi burst out in laughter.

"That's alright, just next time, please use your rooms." And shi came up and wrapped both arms around their waists.

"Anyway, breakfast is waiting then we have our first session. But, I'm afraid that you'll have to wait Twinkie, I have some special friends who would like to speak with you before you attend your first group, is that alright?"

Twinkie just nodded, curious to find out who these special friends are.

Breakfast was even more scrumptious than Twinkie could have dreamed of, sausages, tomatoes, bacon, buttered rolls and meatballs, with a large cup of espresso.

Idle chatter between Twinkie and Ghostshadow was sometimes interrupted by furs wanting to know about the knew chakat. Shi got to meet some of the regulars, Peta and Darla, the mouse morphs as well as Tavi the husky morph. All of them herms.

Soon, with a full stomach and a smile on hir face, Twinkie excused hirself as shi made hir way to the facilities. After relieving hirself and washing hir paws, shi was met outside by Francine.

"Ah Twinkie, glad that I caught up with you. I think it's time that you met my special friends, please meet me in my office on Level 18, I'll join you shortly." And shi handed Twinkie hir personal key to the room.

Shortly, Twinkie entered the elevator and pushed number 18. The ride was pleasant, listening to the music, until the elevator stopped at level 17.

Confused, Twinkie pressed the button 18 again, which prompted an automatic reply.

"Please insert correct key now."

Twinkie almost slap hir forehead for being stupid, then inserted the key in the slot.

The elevator continued its ascent and opened the doors to level 18, but Twinkie was not confronted with a corridor or reception area, but an apartment. Stepping inside, shi found a large mattress and settle hirself down, waiting from Francine and hir friends to arrive.

Shi didn't have long to wait though, as Francine emerged from a room within the apartment, followed by two chakats. They were talking and laughing.

Twinkie took note of the chakats colouring, one had yellow fur with a gold mane of hair, long and tied in a ponytail. Shi wore a smart looking jacket with a light blue blouse. Hir eyes shone with something that seemed familiar to Twinkie.

The other Chakat was white with black socks and gloves and a black tip tail. Hir head was topped with a mane of black flowing hair to hir waist. Shi was wearing a red v neck blouse and a denim jacket.

Upon seeing hir, the two chakats stopped talking and looked Twinkie up and down.

"Ah Twinkie, I want you to meet my two special friends, Shir Goldendale and Shir Walkerblack." Shi said, pointing to one and then to the other.

"Hello." Shi smiled, then they did the customary hugs and kisslicks.

"Please, sit down and get comfortable." Francine replied, before going to the kitchen and coming out with mugs of steaming coffee.

"Now, before we start. Twinkie, please introduce yourself to my friends."

Confused, as shi had already told them hir name, shi continued.

"Hello, my name is Shir Twinkie..."

"No." Francine interrupted, "Your true self, your true name hun." Shi said, giving hir that look.

Nervous, Twinkie swallowed the lump and steadied hir nerves with a sip of coffee.

"Maybe, it'll be easier on hir if we start." Goldendale suggested, smiling.

"Ok, if it'll help." Francine replied.

"Hello, my name was Dale Perkins, I was once human." Shi said, watching the chakat for any reaction.

Twinkie splattered the coffee through hir nose, coughing in surprise and stared opened mouth at the golden furred chakat.

"Hello, my name was Johnny Walker, and I too was once human. And, I think you will find that we both have something in common." Shi replied, winking.

"Oh, and what will that be?" shi asked, on the defensive.

"In due time, all in due time, now please introduce yourself." The chakat formally known as Johnny asked, sipping at hir mug of coffee.

Sighing, Twinkie took one look at Francine, who just smiled and nodded. Then shi looked at both humn/chakats.

"Hello, my name was... Michael Sheppard... and I was once human, the same as you both." Twinkie replied. Goldendale gasped silently at the name, while Walkerblack just smiled and looked at Twinkie with happiness.

"Are you saying that you are related too.." Goldendale began, but was cut short by a shh from Francine.

"Yes, I am." Twinkie replied, subconsciously rubbing hir left shoulder.

"Yes, as you both may well have gathered, poor Michael..."

"Twinkie, please."

"Sorry, poor Twinkie here "was" part of that horrid Human First group based in Sydney, and his father, Pastor Gabriel Sheppard, was personally responsible for the wolftaur slaughter in the blue mountains." Francine explained, coming up and softly rubbed the distressed chakats shoulders.

To be continued....

Chakat Goldendale and Francine belongs to Bernard Doove aka Goldfur

Chakat Walkerblack belongs to Chris Meadows

All other characters part of the Double H Club belong to their respected owners.