Welcoming a new Roommate Part 2

Story by Rezz on SoFurry

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If you are under the age of 18 or are offended by sexual acts, graphic detail of yiffing or masturbation in general don't read this!! I'm not a writer and don't intend to be one. All of my characters and stories happed in the same town, area, universe what have you. Times are changed or don't line up with occurrences in one story to the next.

Hope you enjoy ~ Rezz

Welcoming a new Roommate

Part 2

Rezz and Matt walk back to the dorm to see what Jake and Jess have gotten into. As they walked the last few hundred feet Matt began to realize that he was falling for Rezz like he had Jake. As they neared Matt's door he latched onto Rezz's arm; he wanted Rezz to him self. They didn't hear any sounds from in the room and there wasn't anything on the door. Rezz saw this as an opportunity to make Matt lighten up some. As Matt opened the door just a crack Rezz quickly kissed him on the cheek and walked inside. Matt stood there in a daze trying to figure out what just occurred.

"What's with you?" Jake asked as the he walked by the door.

Matt jumped slightly as he came back to reality. His nose was assaulted with the pungent smell of yiff as he looked about the room; Rezz when back to Jake's computer, Jess was curled up on Jake's bed, and Jake took a seat on the end of his bed.

"Oh, nothing," he said dreamily as he eyed Rezz with a smile.

"Did you two have fun?" Jess asked in a drowsy voice.

"The same could be asked of you two," Rezz retorted giving a sideways glance and sly smile at Jake and Jess.

Jake stood and walked up behind Rezz, wrapped his arms around him, and chucked him onto Matt's bed. "My chair," he said.

As he landed on the bed it was no time before Rezz tackled the stallion and took him to the floor.

"Fur pile!" Rezz yelled.

Matt jumped to his feet and watched as Jess bolt from the bed. The fox was so fast that Matt didn't have time to object as Jess took his paw and pulled him into the tangled mass of fur. As they all rolled about on the floor, many groping paws felt about. Moans and murrs could be heard as the movement stopped and the groping picked up. After a while the distinct sound of zipper teeth parting made Matt scramble out of the pile. He barely caught his jeans as they slid down to his knees. Rezz glimpsed the mound behind Matt's boxers before he jerked his jeans up and stalked to his bed. Rezz quickly untangled him self and went to sit by Matt with a concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Rezz asks apprehensively looking Matt in the eyes. Quickly, Matt latched onto Rezz with a surprising grip.

"Could you get them out for a while?" Matt whispered into Rezz's ear. His eyes widen as Rezz got loose of his grip and walked over to Jake and Jess, who are now on the bed watching. Rezz walked over and put his paws on there shoulders and leaned in close.

"He wants me to get you two out for a while. Give us thirty minutes. If were still talking... just come in and do what you want. Maybe he will stop being so shy," he whispers. They both listened intently and gave glances at the rabbit over Rezz's shoulders.

Soon they both stood up, head towards the door, and Rezz saw them out. As soon as the door clicked closed and he turned around, Rezz was met with a kiss. Their kiss quickly becomes very passionate as Rezz cradled the rabbits head. Moments pass and both of Rezz's paws made there way down to Matt's firm rear; with a little coaxing Matt jumped up and wrapped his spindly legs around the wolf. Rezz pulled back to look him in the eyes, smiling.

"I would have thought you to be more reserved..." Rezz said as Matt griped him tightly and pulled in close to the predator. He walked to Matt's bed, sat him down on the edge, and pried the cute rabbit's legs from around him. "Just relax and let things happen." He said in a caring tone.

Rezz pushed Matt back onto the bed so that he is propped up on his elbows and so he can watch what's happing. As Rezz kneeled before him, he spread Matt's strong and slender legs. Slowly, he caresses his way from Matt's knees up to the waist of his jeans. He slipped his finger tips under the hem of his t-shirt and slowly worked it up. As Rezz inched along Matt's hot, quivering body he gently kisses his stomach, then his navel, he kisses both of his hard nipples, and as Matt's shirt comes over his head; Rezz pulled him into a long kiss as their tongues meet and slid between their mouths teasing each other. As their kiss continued Rezz is on his elbows with his paws scritching Matt's back. He also grinds his crotch into Matt's growing mound. Rezz breaks the kiss with a smile and makes his way back down Matt's body. A slight blush rolls across the speckled muzzle of Matt as Rezz slowly kisses his way back down to his groin.

Matt timidly watched as Rezz moved his paws up and undid the button on Matt's bulging jeans. Matt's eyes grew wider as Rezz grabbed the zipper with his fang and slowly bowed his head. Rezz brought his head, with an innocent smile, up to see Matt's expression as he pulled off Matt's, now uncomfortably, tight jeans. Rezz slid his paw up his hot quaking body to caress Matt's muzzle and coax him to stand up. As Matt stood the wolf sat down flat on his hind paws as Matt towered above him. Starting from the back of Matt's knees Rezz moves his paws slowly upward caressing his thighs; his paws slipped under his boxers and he continued his journey upward. When Rezz makes it to Matt's tight, firm ass he paused and gave a quick squeeze before pushing his paws out the top of Matt's boxers.

Matt tensed and stood more upright at the squeeze. He watched earnestly as Rezz pulls his boxers off. His hard cock springs up now that it has been released. Rezz's eyes widen to find that Matt has quite a large package for one of such a small frame. Blushing slightly, the lupine kissed the tip of Matt's six inch throbbing cock. He slowly kissed his way down to his balls. Matt's knees started to shake as pleasure overtook him. Rezz propped him up as he started to suck on his balls. He took one into his maul and gently rolled his tongue over it. It slipped from his mouth as Rezz sucked on it murring as he did so. Gently he sucked both into his mouth, still murring, and moved his tongue over the soft velvet skin. The slight vibrations from Rezz's murring were driving Matt insane.

Over his murring, Rezz realized that Matt was moaning loudly as he fought to stay standing. After a few moments he released Matt's tender bits and quickly stuck his nose to his now warm balls as his tongue snaked up to lick just before his tailhole. The slender rabbit toppled onto the bed as he's knees finally give.

"Ohhhhmmm, that waasss go-gooood", Matt managed to say breathlessly as Rezz stood up with a kind smile. Rezz climbed up onto the bed wiggling close to him, enjoying the feel of his fur. Once Matt's breathing was normal again, he snuggled into Rezz's chest and the crook of his arm. They both enjoyed the feeling of being so close to each other, savoring the warmth of each other. Matt wiggled closer, but climbs to his foot paws to face Rezz with a discouraged look in his eyes. Rezz cocked his head to the side, but before he could question he was pulled to stand.

"What's wrong cutie?" he asked as Matt stood before him.

"I want to feel your warmth like you can mine." he said as he climbed up to kneel behind him on the bed. Rezz was wondering what he was going to do until he felt paws gently wrap around him. Slowly the paws started to come to life as they moved to caress Rezz's chest. As they move they notice an odd thing through the t-shirt over his pecs. Matt climbed to his paws to see over the wolf's shoulder, peering down.

"What's that?" he asked gently tapping on one.

"We-well you can find out on yourrrr own" he said as a Morse code of pleasure went through him as the Lepus tapped on his nipple ring.

"Why not tell me?"

"Where's the fun in that?" Rezz said sly grin as Matt bounced off the bed and faced him, though noticed that a mound had appeared when he couldn't remember him having one earlier. He cautiously reached and tapped on the thing again. To his surprise Rezz's cock moved from under his jeans as he closed his eyes to savor the gentle touching. After a few more tapings Matt's paws carefully made their way to the end of the shirts fabric and slowly moved his paws underneath. Feeling the softer fur of the Lupine's firm stomach made him want to rip the shirt off him and pounce him, but he didn't, fearing a bad reaction. He took his time moving his fingers up though Rezz's fur slowly bringing the shirt up with his paws. Once the shirt popped off of his head his eyes opened to see the timid rabbit blushing slightly because he had to step so close to take off the shirt. When he was off his tip toes Matt could see that both Rezz's nipples were pierced.

Matt laid a paw on Rezz's stomach and slowly moved it up to the middle of his chest and gently pushed him back onto the bed. He pushed on Rezz's footpaws so he would scoot up further on the bed. He straddled the sexy wolf's legs as he teasingly crawled up to his waist. He worked at the button a few times, but had trouble because he had never had to undo one from this angle. His ears slowly started to droop as he fumbled with it. Red started moving over his spotted nose as his frustration built. Once he finally got it he shamefully looked up to see a kind smile and even kinder eyes. Rezz leaned up and gently ruffled the rabbit's headfur.

Sighing contently and as he reveled in the gentle touch, Matt instantly regained his confidence. As the blush drained from his face he slowly undid the zipper. Licking his lips he slowly reached up and started tugging as his paws started to nervously shake. Still smiling his gentle smile, Rezz watched as his jeans were pulled off. Quickly the small mound doubled in size as his constrictive jeans were replaced by his loose boxers. Matt's eyes grew when he saw Rezz's member magically grow. With hungry eyes matt took a note from Rezz and started to slowly caress up his legs from the knee. Though, his eagerness got the best of him as matt pulled Rezz's boxers off when he saw a damp spot in them.

As Rezz's glistening cock sprang up from its enclosure Matt jumped up to land near Rezz's side. Just as he was leaning to kiss the lupine's lovely cock Matt's ears picked up the sounds of keys right out side the door. He grabbed hold of the covers, vaulted over the cute wolf and snuggled in close. As the covers finally settled over their exposed bodies the door opened as Jake and Jess walked in. Rezz could feel the rabbit's heart beating against him; he actually stopped to concentrate and see if the bed was moving from his heart pounding.

"Awww... isn't that cute?" Jake said in an obnoxious voice as he saw Rezz and Matt piled in bed. Rezz's eyes jerked open wanting to make a snide remark, but didn't.

"He's so cute when he sleeps." Jess chimes in as they walk to Jake's bed.

Matt was pretending to be asleep, but Rezz was watching them. Soon, Jess felt the most profound feeling of someone watching him, he looked about to find fiery eyes upon him. Quickly Rezz jerked his eyes to the door and Jess got the hint. He gently elbowed Jake in the side and motioned to the Lupine.

"How about a movie?" Jess said spontaneously as he pulled Jake towards the door.

Once the thunder of the equines hooves disappeared Matt's limp body came to life. "They're gone and I'm nervous." He said as he pushed the covers off himself and stood up.

"Why be nervous sweetie?" Asked the predator as his eyes surveyed his prey. He watched the rabbits every move as Matt sat down of the end of the bed. As Rezz's mind started to flash images he leaned back and writhed with pleasure to his thoughts. Matt was about to speak as he felt the bed move, looking up he saw the beautiful wolf's paws slowly start caressing his body. Matt stood up to watch as the wolf stated to enjoy himself as he started murring deeply.

The covers that were over his twitching body were slowly getting pulled off as his movements increased. Matt's appetite was rekindled voraciously as the covers seemed to tease him. His cock started to throb painfully as he watched in awe. Finally the Lupine's cock was uncovered and Matt couldn't take it anymore. He tackled Rezz pinning his arms and chest to the bed. Not knowing what's happening Rezz tries to sit up but is surprised to find that the rabbit is preventing him from moving. More surprising is that the slightly terrified wolf sees a snow white fuzzy butt and a pink glistening cock being pushed towards him. Just as he is about to take the tasty looking member being offered to him he felt a most wondrous feeling surge through him as he howled gently.

Startled Matt whipped around to see the wolf's eyes open wide as he snapped back from heaven. Rezz saw concerned eye starting into his blue pools.

"Oh, god don't stop!" He said breathlessly as he leaned up to take the Lepus' member into his mouth. But once Matt started doing what ever it was he was doing, the wolf couldn't take it. His head fell back as the pink cock slipped from his mouth and he started convulsing with pure pleasure. Moaning and murring loudly he barely had the energy to caress the beautiful rabbits legs and back. After what seemed like and eternity he couldn't hold out any longer, arching his back the wolf let out a mighty howl that echoed in the small room. Matt felt the tender shaft pulse as many rivers of seed where shot into his mouth. He gulped as fast as he could but some still leaked down the wolf's cock. As the torrent of cum ceased Matt licked up what he had missed, licked his lips, and turned to look at Rezz.

As Matt gazed upon the wolf he was shocked to not see a smile. His eyes were closed and he wasn't moving. With wide eyes Matt crouched to the side of the motionless creature. He gently flopped an ear onto the soft furred chest of Rezz. He could barely make out individual beats his heart was going so fast. As he picked his head up the tip of his ear moved over a nipple ring causing a twitch of the Lupine's cock. Quickly looking around he saw a smiling, wide eyed face and Matt through himself onto the wolf in a hug that could rival a bears.

"Did you think you killed me?" Rezz asked gently. "Cuz that would have been the way to go..." He said with a smile as he used his remaining strength to crawl into Matt's lap.

"You didn't move... I couldn't even hear your heart until I put my ear to you." Matt said with a shaking voice as his paws closed around the wolf. "God if you ever do that again...."

"I'm sorry," Rezz whimpered. "but that was the best I've ever had. I feel like a pup I'm so weak. Believe me, if I had strength I would try to return the favor."

Gently, Matt pulled the covers up so that they were both covered. He moved down so that the wolf's back was against his chest. Wrapping his arms around the predator Matt as struck with a profound sense of surrealism. He felt a need to protect the wolf since he was so weakened. To think a scrawny rabbit protecting a massive hunter. Rezz was already asleep, his chest moving rhythmically. Smiling to himself he slowly drifted to sleep with Rezz safely in his arms.