Life As A Star

Story by GalenOtter on SoFurry

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Life of a Star

The otter sat in the desk in front of the camera. The script telling him to have

a dreamy spaced off look on his face as he twirled a pen skillfully with his

paw. The set of a classroom as a dozen extras looked and stared at a teacher not

present. Occasionally one of them was penning something down on the piece of

paper in front of them. All in all, The scene was going fine for Noel. He knew

in the final cut of the porno that this scene would be diced up as he thought

about his lovers. Little flashbacks and quick yiff scenes and ironically, this

was what he was thinking about now. His mind simply replayed all the times and

partners he had done in this business.

The director yelled cut before he could extend the thought farther and he really

did not want to anyway. The Director, a young badger with a flare for writing

his own stuff as well as directing it not to mention that it was pretty creative

for a porn flick, padded over to him with a copy of the script. Noel smiled

brightly as he began to unbutton his shirt knowing full well what was most

likely ahead.

The Director stopped and began to walk with him to the next sound stage, as the

extras were being lend off to set.

"Great shot.. Just how I wanted it. Alright.. You know the next scene?" He said

quickly. A slight accent of Northern Britain coming apparent

"I remember it but feel free to refresh me." I said with a smile, causing my

mass of whiskers to twitch.

He quickly nodded as he rushed to open the door to the next sound stage.

"Alright.. This going to be a quickie that you are thinking of in the class

actually One of the three that you are thinking about. I am hoping to get them

done today so be your best." He finished as he jumped into a chair by the main

camera though there was a series of cameras set up to get every angle. A series

TVs was set up in front of the chair to show him exactly what each camera was


The stage was set up to look like the bedroom of a teenager. Posters and

pictures were planted on the walls showing interest in bands like TOOL and NIN

and a few others randomly slapped the walls. A bed sat in the middle of the room

with the covers and sheets in frenzy. Clothes had been hung from a small dresser

to the left of the bed along with a good radio system set up ontop of it. Noel

almost smiled because it reminded him of his room at age sixteen. He could see

his co-star for the film stretched out on the bed wearing only a set of baggy

jeans. He was a wolf of about twenty-three years of age. His thick brown fur

reminded Noel of his own brown fur but his was darker. The wolf was cute, Noel

admitted to himself with a grin.

Climbing onto the bed, He slid next to the wolf as he finished unbuttoning the

last of the buttons of his shirt. The Director leaned forward in his chair as he

flipped a couple of pages of the script.

"Ok. Everybody remembers their lines?"

Noel closed his eyes as a young vixen leaned over him and began to apply makeup

to his fur. His brown fur seemed to lighten up as she then leaned back and rub

the fur down again with oils to make it look natural.

"Yeah" The wolf replied as he tossed a copy of the script out of the set.

Noel nodded in silent reply.

"Alright then Action!" He said with enthusiasm.

A moment passed as Noel yawned softly and moved to a half sitting position on

the bed. His thick tail giving his acting away by twitching and flicking at the

tip. He turned around to face the lying wolf.

"Hey Danny?" He said softly trying to act tired somewhat.

"Yeah, man?" The wolf responded with, his head turning slightly as if tired.

"Have you ever wanted to mess around with another guy?"

"Huh? What brought that question on?" He asked with acted sincerity.

I began to lean closer and closer to him.

"Well? You know that I prefer Men, and I wanted to know if you wanna..mess

around?" I said, my voice showing some hint of fear. I kept moving closer and

closer to him. I was not hovering over him with a smile.

"I don't..Ummm" He began to say as he acted into his character. Smiling, I

leaned over him and sunk down to kiss him. His question ending as our muzzles

meet. Tilting my head slowly as I felt the kiss becoming passionate. My hands

moving over his chest with skilled movements. The fingers stopping to tweak and

rub the nipples to the surface. I could feel his tail brushing against my leg as

I over him still entwined in the kiss. My tail rubbing over his crotch though

his pants slowly. I moved my body over his as I broke the kiss off. One of my

hands moving down his chest as it slipped into his pants. I smiled as I felt the

familiar hardness.

"MMmmmm...Yes." He said in confirmation to my earlier question.

I stayed in character with a deep smile; my hand moving up and down in pants

slowly as I return to kiss him. My other hand working on removing the buttons on

his jeans.

His hands rubbed over my chest and sides. The small claws slipped over my thick

fur as I churred though our kiss. I grinned as I pulled back from our kiss. My

head going to his neck as I licked and suckled on his skin and fur. He murred in

approval as his paws roamed my chest. With my hand still at work in his pants, A

small bulge had become quite large even though the baggy jeans he wore. My other

hand freed the button and worked the zipper down in quick fashion as the wolf's

member suddenly breathed air again.

I guess the rest seemed like a blur to me. I had done it some many times for

this job with members of different species and of each sex. Ten minutes later, I

ended up on my stomach with my hips in the air. The wolf was behind me with my

thick tail on his hip, his cock pulling and out of me quickly as he grunted and

smiled down at me for the camera. His tail raised as the cameras got every shoot

of me and my tailhole being entered by him. I grinned at each feeling the

sensation passing though my body with each speedhump he delivered. I never got

used to that wonderful feeling. Suddenly, He began to go even faster. His hips

and sac hitting my furred hip faster and more erratically. I looked back to see

his eyes shut in pleasure as his hands gripped my hips harder. I shut my eyes,

as he slammed to the hilt of his member and then slide almost out and then all

the way back in. The pleasure was rocketing though my body as my prostate spasm

in excasty.

He grunted deeply before slamming his entire mass into my rear. His sac shot

upward as he climaxed. He yelled something incoherent as I felt him release in

me. My eyes still shut in pleasure as I moaned and grunted without caring that

it was being taped or not. The climax past as he slumped over my body in

pleasure. He pulled out slowly as I heard the director yell,

"CUT! Great work!" He said clapping.

I smiled as I rolled over. My tired knees and hips needing some rest as the wolf

leaned down and licked my cheek as he hopped the bed back to his trailer to get


The director padded over the bed and sat down at the end. I smiled seeing a

small bulge in his pants. "At least I was doing it right," I thought with a


"Great stuff! He said giving my leg a pat. "Go get cleaned up and we go do the

next scene in a few hours." He finished cheerily.

I got up and padded out of the sound stage. The classroom had distengrated into

what was starting to look like a field on a hill. " My next scene.." I thought

as I reached my trailer.

Despite the trailer small size, I could still just relax hear. Not even

bothering with a shower, I just sprawled out on the small couched that was

etched into the wall. Letting out a tired sign, I began to feel my self begin to

slip into oblivion.

"Rough day, Love?" Will said

Jumping from my position on the couch, I turned quickly to see my mate padding

in from the bedroom.

"Gaia, you scared me!"

"Sorry. Got off work alittle earlier then usual and since you were not at the

apartment, I figured you were here."

"Yeah.. Just got done with a shot for the next flick."

"You ok?"

"Yeah.. Just alittle sore."

"Oh.. What was the scene?" He said as he padded over to the small bar on the


"Just some yiff with a wolf. Nice wolf but the scene has been done before." I

responded nonchalantly.

My mate smiled as he looked over the small bar set up. He was an otter like me.

His fur was a shade darker then me and he was slightly heavier then me.

"You want anything?" He asked as he reached into the kitchen for a coke.

"Just a water." I said as my eyes drifted back to being closed.

He padded back over to the couch. A coke and water bottle in hand, He sat down

next to my head. I smiled as I felt the couch sink down next to me. I shifted

and crawled up the couch slowly and laid back down. My head now in his lap as I

sank back into oblivion.

"That bad, huh?" He said as he place the drinks on the end table.

"No, not really. I have been dead tired though."

"This has been your third movie in two weeks."

"I know, but it is worth it. I got a call back from my agent yesterday?"

"Oh? What's up?" He said as his hands rubbed over my head fur?"

"Well, He says that he has a good but small part lined up for me."

"Good on....Good on."

"He has a part for me in a small movie that is gaining speed in the independent

movie ring. I am suppose to a gay bartender which one character talks to for

some comfort. Give him a drink, have a few lines of philosophy and then I become


"Better then nothing though." Will replied as he leaned down to place a kiss on

my nosepad.


Will moved one hand to scratch my chest. A soft churr flowed out of my thoat as

I smiled and wiggled at the simple pleasure. He smiled down at me as He got off

the couch and stood behind me.

"Roll over, love"

"Oh god.. Have I heard that too much this week." I said with a smirk

Will straddle my hips, moving my tail to the side as his hands went to work.

Gripping my shoulders as his claws slightly extended, He began to massage

slowly. His skillful hands working and rubbing each muscle carefully as I turned

to putty. My muscles became weak as I closed my eyes at the pleasure. He smiled

and I felt his thick otter tail rubbing against my legs. He kept up the pace,

his hands moving in slow circles down my back as he found each knot in a muscle

and popped each vertebra in my back. His hands made it to the small of my back.

The small claws scratching though my fur and easing the tired muscles. I moaned

again, my tail wrapping around one of his legs in excasty. His moved farther

down, rubbing around my tail muscles and hips. I gave a soft squeak as he found

the hot spot, the tailbase. His thumb wiggling under my tail as I squirmed under

his touch.

"Oh, Love"

"Problem?" He asked softly as he knew full well he was torturing me.

"Nothing.... You know what you are doing to me."

`That I do." He said before going back to work. His hands rubbing the muscles on

my rear, his fingers feeling into my tail as I gave a soft moan.

"Goddess, I really need this." I said softly as I squirmed under Will. His hands

working on my thighs.

"How long till your next shoot?" He said playfully

"A few hours but I know what you are thinking and I am alittle sore for that,


"Oh Really? Where?" He said, his hands at the small of my back again.

"It was with a wolf, You can guess where it hurts." I replied with a sarcastic


He laughed for a moment as he padded my rear.

"The life of a star, I guess." I said with a grin.

"Shall I kiss it and make it better, Love?" He replied motherly.


"On the other hand, This means less work on my part..."

"God, You are worse then I am!" I said turning around so that he sat just above

my crotch.

"! I did not mean to go that far!" He said mockingly. His body shaking in


"Ok, Furball!" I leapt for underneath him and grabbed him about the shoulders.

My weight causing him to fall off the same couch. He eeeped loudly as I rolled

my weight.

"Hey!" He said with a grin as I ended up on top him.

"Gotcha!" I said triumphantly, putting both of my paws on his chest and pushing


He somewhat struggled for a second before letting go a sigh.

"Well... So you do." He voice trying to sound defeated.

I smiled and licked his nosepad. He gave a light churr and leaned upward to kiss

me. I meet him halfway. My head tilted to the side as our lips meet. My tongue

moving out to lick across his lips. The kiss lasted for what seemed like an hour

as his hands run down my sides and over my hips. I shut my eyes as I melted into

the kiss. Our whiskers twitched together as my tongue ran along the underside of

his. The kiss broke as I opened my eyes again. He scratched my chest happy. His

claws shifting though the fur as I smiled at him and kissed him again. His

tongue lapping at mine from with my muzzle. I smiled and felt my sheath stirring

for the second time today.

He broke the kiss and smiled as he said,

"Ya know... A nude otter on my chest is starting to make certain clothing... rather


Smiling back at him, I peeked down his chest to see a bulge though his slacks

starting to rub against my hips.

"Yeah, I guess that could be a problem." I grinned. I reached a hand down to

grip the bulge as he moaned softly. I leaned down to kiss his neck, my tongue

lapping at the fur there. My paw moved off his bulge and moved to his zipper.

With one quick motion, His zipper went down and his cock hopped free of the

confines. My furred paw began to trace it and was meet by a moan in return.

"Oh... God, I need this love." He said as his eyes shut.

I smiled again as I lowered myself. Nipping though his shirt at his chest, My

knees pulling back. My paw still rubbing the now full member when my muzzle

reached it. The familiar smell of my mate coiled up my nose. I exhaled hot

breath over the tender flesh as my hand pulled the foreskin back and my muzzle

descended. He gasped loudly as I ran my tongue down it length and then back up

it. Flicking the cock at the tip before moving my tongue to trace the mushroom

head. Will could only squirmed underneath my skilled tortured. I grinned again

and lowered my muzzle and took the head into my mouth. He moaned at the sudden

warmth over his member. My tongue wrapped around it slowly and then unraveled.

He moved a hand down to rub my head fur as his other hand claw at the ground.

Shutting my eyes, I began to bob my head slowly. I could feel each vein

underneath the tender skin with my tongue. The feeling of his cock rubbing

against my tongue and the roof of my mouth was starting to make it hard for me

to lay down with my stomach on the floor. It did not matter much though. I was

more then happy to pleasure my mate as I suckled on him softly. He moaned again,

slightly louder then before as I fully took him into my muzzle. Will was not

incredibly well endowed in his package but made it possible to take him fully

into my muzzle and not have to worry to much about gagging. I sucked and lapped

along the underside length as I felt him jump in mouth slight, a small drop of

pre hitting my tongue like candy. I move a hand under him while he wiggled. My

hand rubbing over his rear as it came to the small hole in his pants. The

fingers found their target as they grasped some of the fur on his tailbase, the

sexual hot stop for otters. He gave a tiny squeak as my fingers rubbed and thumb

his tail base from under him. My mouth not stopping the pace for a second as I

rolled the cock in my mouth. He began to thrust slowly into my muzzle. His cock

was bumping the back of my throat as I moved my head back. My lips gripping him

tightly as he moaned and groaned. A deep churr rumbling from his throat between

each moan and soft squeak. I could feel his moment drawing nearer and nearer. He

was right at needing this; I could feel every muscle tensing up.

BANG! BANG! BANG! "NOEL!" The door to the trailer thumped as the familiar voice

of the director drifted inward. I sighed with Will cock still in my mouth.

Lifting my head out of his lap, I gave a kiss to the head. His heat and humping

began to die softly as he wiggled in pleasure beneath me.

I was about to yell back "What!" before realizing that my mate was more

important. Will's hand rubbed my chest as he expected to be told that I had to

leave. I turned back to him and gave a sly wink before diving into his lap

again. His mind not ready to hold off the pleasure as my mouth grasped down on

the cock. My tongue slipping around him as lifted my head and sank it back down

on it. My fingers squeezing and releasing the tailbase with every bob of my

head. His moans now became louder and louder. His humping returning as he

gripped the head and head it into his crotch. His tail thumping against the

floor as he raised him self off the floor as if to watch. He was at his peak.

BANGBANGBANG! "HEY NOEL!" The Director yelled again, his British accent now

becoming harsher towards me. I could not have cared less.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!" Will grunt as he humped my muzzle quickly. His grip did not

change as I swallowed his member with each hump. Suddenly, His back arched

upward as did his tail, the tip pressing up against my chest. His cock jumped

once in my mouth before the first spurt hit the back of my throat like a

compressed watergun. He began to chirp with each shot of seed into my muzzle. I

placed a paw at his hips and moved my mouth back to his head. Another and

Another spurt hitting my mouth as I felt it start to accumulate. I swallowed

happily, my eyes shut with my tongue languishing the taste. The ultramasculine

smell curling up my nostrils as suckled on his head.

"NOEL! WE NEED YOU ON SET!" The Director yelled again. His bangs getting more

and more insistent.

Will's grip on my head let up. His tired body falling back to the carpet with a

content chrrr coming out of his body. I smiled and lifted my head out of his

lap. The cock slipping back into the sheath slowly. Giving a parting kiss to the

head, I knew it was only a matter of time before we meet again. I crept up my

mate's body and licked his cheek. His soft panting came though a smile as he

licked me back.


"I really need to get that." I said sadly.

Will nodded as I rolled off him. Licking my lips to remove the "Cat that got the

cream" look on my face, I acted tired and opened the door.

"Bout time!" He said defiantly

"Sorry," I yawned. "Sleeping and I sleep like a co..Rock." My brain slipping for

a brief second. I thanked the goddess that he did noticed.

"Alright then, Time for Makeup prep and Scene prep. Come on." He said turning

around with a flick of his small badger tail.

Smiling, I padded back into the soundstage as my mate dozed on the floor of the

trailer. Both of us, more then satisfied.