The King's Game

Story by Ohhdarnit on SoFurry

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Snow fell lightly on the New York City streets that Friday night. The streetlamps that dotted the sidewalks illuminated the intricate patterns of each flake as it fell and melted from existence on the sidewalk. A lone wolf strolled under these streetlamps, the air's chill calmed him as he walked briskly. He wore a grey long sleeved shirt made of a thick fabric with a black Columbian jacket drapped over his shoulders, his hands in the pockets of a worn pair of black track pants.

His breath flowed smoothly out of the nose on his muzzle, looking up he felt a twinge of sadness. "no stars in the night sky here, I miss home" he sighed. The big city was no place for a country wolf, but this wolf, Rho Nagal, had come seeking the fortune that comes with city life. Rounding the corner something caught his eye, a small walkway into a building that was bathed in a dim blue light. Walking up to the front he read the neon sign that produced the glow.

"The Velvet Note..." he muttered aloud to himself. Having nothing better to do he strolled up the red carpet and right up to the door, where he was stopped by a large scaly hand. Surprised Rho gazed up at a large monitor lizard who barred his path, a bouncer.

"There's a fee to get in, 15 dollars up front" a smooth jazz melody flowed from inside the club, enticing the wolf to come inside. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of crinkled up singles, counting out 15 and handing them to the bouncer. His tongue leapt from his scaly lips happily "Have fun inside" he said stepping out of the entrance.

The inside of the club was stunning. The carpets were thick red velvet; the walls were covered in the same fabric but in blue. The room itself was not too large, about 21 by 15 yards, definitely not standard club size, but something about it was soothing. A small fluorescent neon pink light ran across the ceiling put a glow in Rho's stone grey eyes, his brown facial markings standing out boldly in the glow given off by it. There was no area for dancing, but a stage in the back where a portly mole wearing glasses for the blind sat on a stool playing a saxophone. The bar took up a small section near the entrance, the bar itself made completely of glass, illuminated by the same light that ran across the ceiling. Behind the bar stood a short rabbit wearing a sweater vest, hand drying a wine glass with a fine cloth whilst wearing a bored expression.

Rho strolled up to the bar and took a seat, the bunny's interest piqued by the only visitor he'd seen all evening. "hello there! What'll you have?" he asked energetically. Rho ordered a glass of red wine; unspecific on any certain type, and sighed awkwardly. The rabbit placed the glass next to him and looked at him "what's the matter hun?"

Rho looked up into the rabbits eyes and shrugged "eh, nothing really, just bored of city life and came in here looking for some entertainment, but there's nobody really here." He sighed slightly again, taking a sip of the red liquid carefully.

"Don't worry about that sweetie, someone always comes in later in the night," the rabbit said giving a small wink "in fact maybe you'll get yourself some late night company." Rho chuckled at the notion and continued to drink quietly, his tail wagging to the steady beat of the musician. As if on cue the door was loudly slammed open by a large party of people. The bunny bartender sighed "looks like the silence is over for now, customers always come in together." In strolled a Hyena in a pair of skinny jeans and a large fur coat, wearing a large grin. Next came a tall fox in a trench coat, a smiling German Shepherd with a suit coat and multiple facial piercings and a cat wearing a fedora and a checkered over shirt, along with many necklaces, with light brown fur. He ignored them at first as they walked to the corner and had a seat at one of the large booths. Throughout the 30 minutes he was there smaller parties of people casually came in, couples eager to escape the city night's chills.

Eventually Rho grew bored of sitting there at the bar alone, now that all this activity had begun to happen; he stepped up, thanked the barkeep and proceeded towards the door. As he made his way across the slick fabric floors he felt a hand reach out and grab his shoulder. Quickly turning around he saw it was the cat that walked in earlier. Surprised by this contact he stared at him quizzically hoping for some sort of explanation.

"Where are you going? The night's still young!" he smiled at the wolf. Rho shrugged and told the stranger that there's no point in staying if he was just drinking alone. "well don't be alone, your welcome to stay with us, any complaints guys?" he asked his group. The fox shrugged slightly and shook his head no, the German Sheppard vigorously nodded and motioned for Rho to sit while the Hyena rolled his eyes.

"as if this wasn't already a sausage fest, fine whatever, welcome aboard." the cat pushed over with a smile and had Rho sit next to him happily. Once the wolf was seated, the hyena piped up again "well now we have another companion, with any luck he'll be as flaming as the rest of you fags," Rho blushed under his fur when he heard this, "anyway, welcome aboard, im Connor, the cat that invited you over here is Seth, the shy fluffy one in the corner is Harold and that German Sheppard is Junpei." Rho nodded and introduced himself.

The night continued without any major events, the new aquantences talked happily. Rho had made some discoveries about the group, in the fact that everyone besides the Hyena was gay or at least bi, this made things simpler for the wolf.

"so... you guys up for a game?" Junpei asked excitedly. Rho tilted his head to the side

"what sort of game you mean?" when hearing this, the dog clapped his hands together in exceitment.

"the King's Game of course!" he reached into his coat pocket and produced 5 straws, one with a red tip, the others numbered 1 through 4. "the game is pretty simple, the person who draws the red straw is the king and is aloud to make any of the other numbers do anything. Like for instance buy the next round, or suck the king off in the bathroom, anything goes." Seth grew excited and slapped Rho on the back playfully.

"Sounds like an awesome time, eh wolfie?" Rho nodded and called a waitress over. As the girl walked over Junpei's eyes widened, as the leopard waitress was quite endowed. His grin widened as she leaned down to the friends at the table

"How can I help you boys?" she said with a well rehearsed smile. Rho asked everyone what they were drinking quickly and turned to the leopard with a grin.

"A couple margaritas, some shots of whiskey, a dirty martini, and a bottle of wine." He explained. The leopard jotted down the drinks on a clipboard, and held out her hand for a tip. Junpei jumped on the opportunity, reached into his pocket and grabbed a five dollar bill, and before anyone could do a thing stuffed it into the big cat's cleavage. Everyone gasped everyone except for the waitress surprisingly.

"You're lucky it's a five, anything smaller and I would've slapped you." She said walking off. Connor erupted in laughter, slapping the dog a high five, and everyone else just snickered. Without any delay everyone drew their lots, quickly looking at their straw to see who had red. The fox Harold raised his straw quietly.

"Looks like im the king this time. Hmm..." he pondered his choice for a while "number 3 has to kiss the king." A somewhat mundane choice Connor said under his breath until he looked at his straw and saw he was 3. Suddenly he broke out into a cold sweat.

"No! No, no, no, no, no!" he shouted frantically "if you fags wanna lock lips and shit that's fine, but leave me out of this!" Connor was reminded of the rules, with a disapproving look from the others. Frantically he pointed at the fox sitting next to him "do I really have to!? I mean Harold's cool but this is insane! I'm straight I don't wanna go and-"he was cut off as the fox moved in mid sentence and pressed his muzzle to the Hyena's. The vulpine man wrapped his arms around Connor as they continued to kiss passionately. To the Hyena's disbelief he was actually enjoying this, he felt his tongue start to drift into the fox's maw and mingle with his. The two kept at it for minutes as the others stared with disbelief. Harold's hands slowly migrated down the Hyena's back and rested one hand gently on his ass, and this set him off.

Connor pushed away, a thick strand of drool connecting the two. He shivered with disgust, "there you got your kiss, happy!?" the fox blushed and nodded his head quietly. Nobody said anything, and disregarded the bulge in Connor's pants after the ordeal. Without warning the leopard waitress stuck her head around the corner.

"Wow, you guys aren't even drunk and the straight are becoming bi curious, something tells me im gonna enjoy serving you guys." Connor was left with his mouth agape at that statement but felt it best to pretend nobody had even seen it. The gang put the game on hold as they began to drink, Connor shoving back shots of whiskey to get the taste out of his mouth. The game remained on pause for a decent amount of time, in which the players had all begun to get a little bit tipsy, some more so then others. Seth had gotten particularly drunk quite fast. When everyone had at least a heavy buzz the game continued, the lots were redrawn, this time Junpei was the king.

He snickered as he pondered what to do. "Aha! 1 and 4... undress each other" he said, the Hyena sighed as he checked his number, as did Harold. However Seth and Rho looked at each other without saying a thing, Rho quickly flashed a look to the barkeep to see if it was alright, just to find that the rabbit was waiting in anticipation.

The two stood up and began to remove one another's clothes. Rho started with Seth's shirt, and Seth with his pants. The wolf's eyes traveled up and down the cat's body as he pulled down Seth's underwear. What he saw made him blush even through his thick fur. Seth saw this and patted him on the shoulder.

"Heheheh... intimidated wolfy? Dun worry... I think yous a very pretty person" he said, words slightly slurred. Rho blushed profusely as the others snickered. He turned to face them and watched as Connor yelped and closed his eyes, this reaction got him his confidence back. He sat down arms spread around the back of the booth, legs spread to prominently display his package. Everyone continued to drink and play throughout the night, until all inhibitions were lost. The group drunkenly giggled as the game continued. The seventh turn came, and it was Rho who finally got his chance to be king.

He pondered his decisions, and remembered the advice the bartender bunny (who had been watching the game religiously) had given him. He staggered slightly standing up, and raised his red straw up and loudly said in a mock British accent "t-the king so decrees that numer 2 has to come home with him tonight." Everyone snickered after this and looked around to see who had two.

It became obvious by the look in Seth's eyes what number he was. He reached up and wrapped his arms around the wolf. "Yay! Kitty kitty has his master for the night." The two hugged each other tightly. The others laughed at the two. The game continued and it was Connor's turn as king. The leopard strolled over and gazed at the drunken men having a grand old time. Connor quickly piped up.

"Ahem! Number 4, if you would please," he paused, holding back laughter "if you would please take that waitresses' top off!" She looked at him offended but didn't back away.

"The restaurant is mostly empty, cept for you fellows, so I don't see why not" she shrugged and looked for number two. Junpei waggled his tail happily as he stood up. In one swift motion he tore her blouse off her body. A few of the guys shyed away as her breasts were freed but Junpei, Rho and Connor stared eagerly. Connor stared at the wolf quizzically.

"I thought you were a fag?" he shook his head and informed the table he was bisexual. Connor and Junpei nodded, but the leopard chimed in.

"If you guys don't mind, that was my only work shirt, so I at least get in on the game!" she yelled, taking a seat next to Junpei. As luck would have it, she was drawn as the next king. "Aha! Poetic justice. Number 2 has to come with me to the bathroom and 'compensate' me for my broken shirt, preferably now." She motioned to the bathroom impatiently. Junpei's smile broke records at that moment as he grabbed the waitress by her arm and rushed off to the restroom. Everyone stared in silence and removed the two straws.

"I guess that means we're on our own now." Rho said to himself. The straws were redrawn and this time Seth ended up as king. He smiled and stood up on the cushion of the booth.

"Attenshun gueshts... this is your captain speaking, number shree has to let me use their lap as a pillow that is all!" he sat down promptly and laid down on Rho's lap. The wolf raised his hand quietly.

"u-um Seth, I'm number 1, not 3." The cat sprung up immediately and snatched the other two straws; replacing the number one with a number three and handing the other two back to the hyena and fox. Rho sighed and gave up, stroking the kitty quietly. The group redrew as the clock ticked past 1. This time Seth didn't draw, as he was too bust caressing the wolf, so it was down to the three.

Rho became king once again, and grinned gladly as the last phase of the game was formulated. "heheh, now its time to finish this up, 1 and number two, I want you to redo that kiss... naked" the two blushed in the extreme. The shy fox eyed his partner eagerly and began to remove his shirt, the Hyena did the same. As they finishes the two embraces each other, their naked bodies heating each other as the passion of the kiss left them convulsing. Rho roused the kitty on his lap and told him they were going home.

The two of them put their clothes back on and left the bar with hands held. The cat nuzzled the wolf's cheek lovingly. Quickly they showed up at Rho's small apartment, he looked at the kitty embarrassed at his lack of space. Seth didn't seem to mind, as he led Rho to the bed with one hand glued to his ass. The two began to strip one another, as the need would arise each gave small licks to sensitive areas of each person.

Once nude they lie down underneath the covers. Their lips were locked tightly, tongues exploring the foreign surface with delight. The two hugged tightly, hands caressing each man's nude body. Rho's hands rested on Seth's ass, he caught the hint and sat up, wrapping his tongue around the wolf's manhood. Rho moaned as the cat massaged his length with the inside of his throat. When he pulled off he turned and showed off his toned ass playfully.

"Take me now you ridiculous wolf..." he said half moaning. Rho agreed excitedly and pushed his tip up against the alley cat's pucker. They both let out little half moans, and the wolf gently slid forward, making sure not to lurch or disturb. The meat fit in like a hand in a glove, and as the cat touched his ass he shivered and pushed in the last bit. Slowly beginning to thrust the wolf gripped Seth's shoulders gratefully. As the two slid in and out of one another they felt a special bond, a soulful connection. The sweat that built up just added to the pleasure. The wolf, a master at pacing himself was able to go for almost an entire hour without stopping.

The kitty was stupefied with emotions, as the wolf whispered in his ear that he was ready he braced himself. His lupine lover began to thrust abnormally hard, until an audible pop was heard as his knot slipped into the cat's ass. As soon as he was inside he blew his load, the cat moaning and sighed at the feeling of cum filling his ass.

The two grew drowsy in each other's arms and slowly drifted to sleep. But such is the fate of players of The King's Game...