A New World. Chapter 4: A Close Run In With The Law.
Im back! thanks to all the people who like my stories and subscribed to Me on this site.
there is something i forgot to mention in the other chapters so im gonna tell you all this now.
The world im in on the story is the same world We live in in real life. For now. Just with Pokemon in it.
Anyway. On with the story.
The next morning I wake up and look out the window and it is a bright sunny day. The sky is blue with few clouds in it. I got out of bed and went into the shower like I do everyday. I turned the water on hot. After about half an hour I got out of the shower and dried myself off and got dressed in a black shirt with a white skull on it. and put on some black jeans.
I went to check on what my parents were doing. I went to check on them in there room and they were not there. Then something "clicked in my head". I just remembered that a few days ago when I got teleported here My parents didn`t come it was only Me. anyway I did not care to much because the world Im in now is alot cooler than the one I used to be in. I thought to myself.
As I went upstairs to the kitchen lucario was walking downstairs and we walked into each other."Ouch! I said. sorry about that. I was just coming downstairs to see if We can get some breakfast? Lucario replied "I was just going upstairs to make some eggs and bacon. You want any?" I said. "O.K." Lucario replied.
As I was making breakfast I asked Lucario if He wanted to do anything today. "I don`t know" He responded. "O.K. lets play it by year." I said. As we were eating breakfast I heared a knock on My door. I answered it and it was Derrick. "Hows it going man? whats up?" I asked. There is a old house that is abandoned. "Im wondering if you wanna go check it out with Me?" He asked. "Sure" I said. "Come on in if you want to." I said. He walked in the house and I shut the door.
As We were walking upstairs He said. "Damn You have a nice house". "Thanks man". I said. Lucario was just finishing up his food and he brought his plate to the sink and washed it off and put it in the dishwasher. Derick and Me went upstairs and He asked Lucario if He wanted to come with Him and Me to the house. "I would Love to Derrick. when are We heading out?" Lucario asked. "Whenever You are ready to". He responed.
After about half an hour of getting ready We all went out t the house and I put Lucario in His pokeball for safety and not get in trouble with the law. When We got there There were alot of No Tresspassing signs all over the place. "You still wanna do this?" Derrick asked. "Of course!" I said. We both released our pokemon and entered the house. The house was white with black roof shackles and it had a door that had fallen off. We entered the house and I just for the hell of it kicked the window out and Derrick turned around and just laughed. One minute later I heared sirens and I thought. "shit why did I have to do that!" Lucario said "I don`t know why did you do that! but whats going on?" I was a little taken aback from this then I remembered that Lucario can read minds. "We got cops!" Derrick said. "I know! I just had to kick the window out!" I said.
We rushed out of the house and the cops pulled up about 20 feet away from us. "Hey there trainers someone shoot them!" The cops called out. They opened fire and I yelled "Lucario! aura sphere!" Lucario started to make a blue ball of energy and shot it at the cops. It missed them and and hit the cop car destroying it. They Looked at the car and started to chase us. We Jumped Behind a tree and the cops were to stupid to notice us. We quickly ran the other direction.
When We got home I said that it has been a crazy day. Derrick agreed and We laid low at my place for a bit. We all passed out from The stress of being followed.