Zoo Keeper - ch6 - Underestimation

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#6 of Zoo Keeper

Small warning, the semi dom/sub thing between Ralf and David gets pretty heavy in this one, its mostly yiff but some important story in there. Read at your own risk (as if that would ever stop anyone here).

As I lay there, the cool fire that Sally's hands had worked into me reacted with the burning pain and heat that my time under the tender mercies of Ralf worked into my flesh, left me, if anything, whimpering for more and reluctantly I drew my legs under myself, not risking standing but merely a paws and knees crawl.

To try and find that male and do anything he wanted till he would quench the fire of my need with the ache that only he could instil in me.

I knew the smell of me would be attractive to him, and likewise I tracked him through the enclosure by his own musk, splattered as it was everywhere he walked.

All of a sudden, I drew up short, he was in front of me, laying down on his side, calm and serene, apparently unmoved by my posture or my scent.

I whined and whimpered for him and his response was to roll further to his side, rolling his hips over till his legs were splayed in the air, showing off his complete lack of interest with the completely sheathed nature of his penis.

Crawling closer, I noted that while he was completely ignoring me, he wasn't actively trying to rid himself of my presence, it encouraged me, at least a little.

I got close and turned, positioning my rump near his muzzle. When I turned to see what reaction that got, I found he had rolled so he was facing the other way.

The burning was becoming an inferno, and this indifferent creature was the only thing on the planet that could sate that fire, tame it and work it to his own ends.

Growing desperate, I crawled on my belly around, smelling his musk everywhere, and slowly worked my muzzle down to his raised groin.

Tentatively I reached out with my tongue, lapping gently at the end of his sheath.

His haunches twitched a little and a little redness was visible at the opening, feeling the heat rise further and desperate to have it quenched I lapped at that exposed redness.

Salty, salty but good.

Growing bolder I brought the growing member to my mouth, feeling the texture of it as it rubbed my tongue and the roof of my maw.

Careful of my teeth I worked at him, feeling it grow more and more, spines eventually springing up to wedge in the back of my throat.

Gasping for air, and getting none, his haunches started to pump his ever swelling maleness till it was all I could do to not have it choke me to death.

The spines, even as they had caused lasting wounds to my love passage, now caused similar ones in my throat.

My vision started dimming, I hadn't gotten any air for some time, when he drew back sharply, rasping his spined member along my tongue and the roof of my mouth, but giving me a moment where I could gulp in air, and I did, just before he flared larger still and began to shoot his seed down my neck as he thrust back in, deep, his balls slapping against my nose.

An odd warmth enveloped me and while it passed I felt changes occur, my legs and hips adjusted to be able to walk on all fours, my breasts reduced slightly, my senses all sharpening...

My need growing stronger...

Frantic now, I turned around, pointing my rear just in front of him and, with a sigh, sprayed. My pheromone laden urine soaking into the ground, the smell of it driving me further and, at last, rousing the big cat from his relaxation.

Swatting at me, he herded me back out, into the open and just as we had broken out of the dense foliage of the enclosure and into the clearing at the glass I felt him pad up beside me and roar at me.

Submissively and wantonly, I lowered myself down, raising my rear in a high arc, giving every part of myself to his need, if only so he could lessen the need within me.

He nipped at my shoulders, demanding I go lower. And I did.

Pushing myself hard down, into the dirt, I lowered my face and buried my muzzle too into that ground, leaving only sound and feeling as my senses.

He made a whuffing sound, almost sounding pleased by my submission and with that he reached over me, bringing his hips into alignment.

It took but one thrust and he was already working his member into me. He didn't go slow, he didn't play games. Reward for my submission was my only thought as he rapidly pumped himself over and over again, forcing me to yell into the ground, screaming every time the lightning flashed around his barbed member and gave me the small releases I so desperately wanted.

Again and again, he drove himself, without mercy, without kindness, without respite.

How long was he going to maintain this pace?

It was then his swelling started to tip the scales from pure pleasure to a mixture of that and pain, a heady blend that left me grunting and trying to push back into his thrusts.

Still he relentlessly continued, it was then I felt him flare wide and a strange thing happened, I felt his seed flow deep into me, I felt an orgasm rock me as it did, causing me to almost black out at the release, but the one thing I didn't feel was him slow down.

With a continued effort the big cat continued to rut me, reaching down to grip my neck, pulling me back so I arched into him, giving him a deeper pit to drive his shaft down into.

My mind swam at the imprecations, I felt more and more pain seep through, but still the pleasure overwhelmed my senses and turned that hot nerve searing pain into a pleasure so unlike any I had felt as it brought me to my peak, my voice roaring, moaning, whimpering, crying. For more.

I lost count of his releases, each one making me a little less human, he pumped round after round of his seed deep into me, filling me to the point his seed was leaking freely around the tight fit of his large member in my flared open breeding hole.

I felt him gathering, another release imminent, when that instinct within, the one that warned me before about his trying to make me completely his, confirmed what was going to happen.

I realised in a split second, I looked and felt exactly how I had for the months I carried his kittens, he had won.

I cried out to Sally, my mouth and the burning heat within me combining to make the sound completely intelligible, but she could read my tone, I hoped. 'Something was wrong' is what I fervently prayed she would think.

She began working at the gate, she was just a few meters away.

Pushing her arm through the second gate, aiming, I heard the pistol sigh its release. The big male atop me instantly relaxed most of his body, most.

Flared wide, I felt his haunches push one last time and a warmth flooded me, driving an orgasm through me.

Rocking back against the now slumped cat, his member still within me, I tried to extend the orgasm with extra stimulation, and succeeded for a moment, my big mate give a last spurt within as his body was finally calmed completely by the fast acting drug.

Gone, I was gone...


I looked up, the sun was bright overhead. I could smell my mate nearby, not the nasty one, the big one, this was the soft one. I sighed.

"You in there David? Oh shit what have I done." She said, sounding panicked, I wanted her to reach down to me, to comfort me, but she had hold of something and it rang in my mind that she shouldn't let go of it, considering we were moving.

I lifted my head, thoughts incoherent floated around.

My mate was here beside me, things were good.

Something bad had happened, she was concerned for me.

I felt odd, as though there was something in me trying to fight out. At first I fought it, felt it using unusual tactics to fight, throwing feelings at me, the feel of my mates skin, the taste of her lips, both pairs.

Then it hit me with one thing that I couldn't fight, it threw a word at me, something I had trouble understanding at any but the most basic level.

"Love" I heard my own voice saying it, rough and hard to understand, but uttering it gave that 'other me' strength.

We reached an impasse, I couldn't function without holding off his advances and he couldn't survive without me.

As one we both reached out. A compromise was formed.


I gasped, tried to stand and fell.

"David! Love, are you in there?" Sally, beside me, said.

The word gave me strength, not my name, that was meaningless now, the word, the concept.

Beast and man I now embraced it.

I turned my head to look at her, noticed the scenery flying past the car quickly, "Love." I said simply and looked up to her eyes as they turned to me. "Love, watch the road." I said, grinning slightly, as much as this muzzle would allow.

She brought the car to a screeching halt, suddenly throwing herself at me, "Your in there? How? I thought you were but I couldn't tell, I had to break you out, they would have..."

I halted her tears with a lick, repeating the gesture until I had her smiling and giggling in little fits.

Backing off from her I said, "I don't care, nothing matters for me any more but you, Sally, my love."

I didn't just say it, I became it.

"Just one thing though." I said.

She had the car rolling again, was building up speed, I could hear the automatic gearbox shunt through its range quickly.

"What's that love?" she asked.

Reaching out with my muzzle, careful not to hurt her, fragile as her skin is, I pulled one hand away from the wheel and drew it down, positioning it on my lower belly. "Your formula doesn't work." I said, unable to suppress the happiness carrying another life within me brought.

"Oh shit." she said, and I do believe she meant it.