A Brother's Love Ch. 4

Story by Timelord216 on SoFurry

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This story contains language and scenes of sex.

You have been warned.

Don't Wait and Dashboard Confessional are © Dashboard Confessional

No Copyright Infringement is intended.

(Hey Guys and Gals! Matty here! Thanks again for reading and faving! If you have any story ideas, Send em to me and ill gladly write em for ya to your satisfaction! My Furaffinnity u-name is Timelord216. But then, you already know that. Later!)

A Brother's Love Ch. 4


I woke in a cold sweat from my nightmare. Jamie was innocently asleep next to me, snoring lightly. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and got up from bed to look out of my window. The sun was slowly rising from the east and the dew covered grass was beginning to sparkle in the morning light. I looked back at my baby brother and love of my life Jamie, and I smiled. Two years ago, I almost lost him to a terrorist attack on our local mall, the Lawrence Mega mall. Lawrence has been a place of mixed memories for me. The loss of my biological mother made me a little asshole, finding Jamie made me better, and almost losing him made me protective of him. After what happened at the mall, our town still sees him and me as heroes, even after two years. Even Davis, the leader of the gang I used to run with doesn't fuck with us anymore, but he still hates us. Jamie's Mother and my Dad are gone on an anniversary trip to Los Angeles, so we're here alone. The sun crept up just enough to shine off of Jamie's Purple Heart medal. I looked at it and shut my eyes to view the memory of how he got it. Sixclaw rushing me, Jamie stepping in the way and taking a knife to the chest, and me screaming his name. For the last month I've been having nightmares about that moment. I tried to shake them off but they keep coming back. I can't tell Jamie because I don't want to worry him.

"Unh. Huh?"

I turned to see him waking and rubbing his eyes. He turns to look at me and gets up himself. His toned slender body looks so gorgeous in the morning light. Especially since he was naked. My mouth hung open for a moment at his beauty. His green eyes met my eyes and he walked over and kissed my nose.

"What are you doing up this early honey?" He asked with his light voice.

"Mmmm. Nothing. Just watching you sleep. You look so peaceful." I said after nuzzling him.

He put a hand behind my head and held me close and ran his fingers through my hair. His heartbeat always calmed me down and makes me smile so I shut my eyes and held him as well.

"I know there's something you're not telling me, Marty." He said.

I tensed and pulled back to look at him. My eyes met his and he put his nose to mine. Damn it! I hated when he did that. I suck at lying when he does that.

"Spill it. Now, hot stuff." He said sternly.

"Ugh. Fine. I've been having nightmares about you getting stabbed at the mall. They never go away. I couldn't tell you because everything was just starting to recover from that day." I said, not looking at him, kind of ashamed.

"For god's sake Marty! You promised me if you had a problem you wouldn't go Lone Wolf on me again!!" He said loudly.

" I'm sorry! I didn't know what to do." I replied.

His took my face in his hands and looked at my tired face.

"Come on baby." He said, then got up and took my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked like an idiot.

He looked at me with a sly smile in the hallway and said, "Oh I think you know" when he got to the bathroom. His naked tail whipped and disappeared behind him into the bathroom and then I heard the water running.

I turned the corner to see his sexy backside bent over to adjust the temp of the water. I walked up behind him and pinched him making him jump.

"Hey! You can be an ass sometimes you know that?" He giggled.

"Of course! If I wasn't you wouldn't have any reason to spank me now would you?"

He just smiled and kissed me. God his kisses taste so great. His tongue danced along with mine and I grab his already hardening shaft. He whimpered a little bit then pulled my boxers down.

"I wish you would stop wearing things to bed. You don't need them!" He giggled.

"I guess I'm just old-fashioned." I said.

He kissed all over my face then worked his way to my neck then started biting me.



"AAH! Oh I'm am so gonna...AH! Get you back for this!"

He bit me a few more times then worked his wondrous tongue all over my chest. His mouth was velvet I swear to god. I felt like I was gonna cum every time he licked me. His green eyes looked up at me when he got below my waist.

"I've been looking...*slurp*...forward to this ever...*slurp*...since Mom and Dad left." Jamie said between licks.

"Nghh! I'm...oh yeah...sorry I kept you waiting babe!" I replied out of breath.

We exchanged one last sultry look before my cock vanished into his drooling maw.


"AAHHNN! Oh fuck! Grr...aah! Don't bite so...hard!"


"Oh...ooh shit..i..im gonna.. *whimper*...Aah!...AHHHH GOD!

After a few minutes and with one last puppy whimper from me, I flooded his throat and my body shook as I came hard. Part of my cum dripped from his mouth and onto his chest. My dick fell from his lips and I fell to my knees slowly, out of breath. He slurped what was left and cleaned himself up then strutted to me and kissed me hard and wet. He stood up and scratched my ears making me pant and my tail wag. I looked up at him and I knew instantly what he wanted, and what I craved. His dripping rod smelled so musky, so good that I didn't wait. I couldn't control myself. I swallowed every inch he had to offer me. His pre-cum made my eyes roll back in my head with pleasure.

"Gag*...*slurp* Mmmm...nom...*lick*...*Murrrr* so good...."

"EEK! S-s-slow down Marty...we have 2 w-w-weeks to ours-s-selves! *pant* Ahhh yes Brother!

My tail was wagging more quickly now as I was fingering myself, and Jamie's face twisted and smiled in wonderful pleasure. His tail whipped and curled with every slurp, and the area around my mouth was soaked with his pre, and even if he came I wasn't gonna be surprised if he wouldn't let go. He saw that I was fingering myself then made me stop.

"That's my job baby." He said, out of breath. He flipped me around into a 69 position, and I felt his tongue snake into my tight wolf hole. My eyes shot open then my mouth swallowed his still wet and hard shaft.

"*slurp* you taste wonderful Marty! Mmm...*Slurp* ahhnn!

"MMM! Ahh...*gag* ahhnaa! Pull my tail!! GrrrAAAA! Yes! Just like that! Oh Jamie!

"I'M Cumming! Ooh...ahhh.....AROOOOOOO!" His howl echoed throughout the house and his tongue shot even deeper into me. His cum tasted so damn good. I closed my lips around his cock and refused to pull back until I swallowed everything. I crawled to his wet lips and licked his face clean, then playfully bit his ears, making him giggle. I grabbed his tail and picked him up making him EEP! A bit. The water was still warm, which surprised me since we've be been playing with each other for the better part of an hour. I made sure he was soaked and held him until he was relaxed enough.

"I'll be right back, Foxy." I licked him and disappeared. See, we've been trying to find OUR song. Most couples have one so why not us? I found one and hoped liked it. I put the CD into the player and Don't Wait by Dashboard Confessional started playing. I stepped back into the shower with my future husband and took him in my arms.

"Oh my gosh!" Jamie gasped, "Baby I love this song!"

"I thought maybe this could be our song." I said as we started dancing in the shower.

"And you thought right Sweetheart!" He giggled. He put his nose to mine and gazed into my eyes and I gazed back into his. I knew my life was perfect the way it is. Perfect parents, perfect home, perfect fiancé/brother, Just Perfect....EVERYTHING! We washed each other clean and I carried him back to bed. He crawled in and 'purred' under the covers then invited me into his arms. I was glad to be in his arms. I fell asleep looking into his eyes, and for the first time in the last few weeks, my dreams were wonderful.

*Phone Rings*

I grunted and rolled trying to get myself upright at this unexpected wake up call. I fell out of bed and swore under my breathe then scrambled to my feet to answer it. The clock said 11 a.m. and I was pissed, but I kept quiet so I wouldn't wake Jamie and went downstairs to answer the phone.

"Ugh, hello?" I answered.

"Get up fucker. We still have a score to settle." Davis said.

"Somehow I knew YOU were the one calling. Leave us be, before I mop the floor with your sorry ass again." I growled.

"What's the matter Marty? Has that little fag of a brother turned you soft?" He laughed.

"Yes. Yes he has. I'm proud to be soft, cause if I wasn't you'd be dead now. Now go lick yourself." I growled even louder.

"Hard talk, coming from a loser like you. That's one thing you always kept from rolling with me. Always knew how to make threats." He laughed even louder.

"I don't have to explain myself to a literal pussy." I snickered.

"Bring it on asswipe. One more fight. If you win I leave you and faggot boy alone for good. If I win, you are my slave for a month." Davis bargained.

"A, I know how you love to cheat, so I know you won't be alone. You'll bring some of your boys along with you. B, we both know I'll win that fight. I beat you every time we fight. So my final answer is no. Now ill say this nicely, just once. Fuck Off, Davis. I'm not like you anymore." I said before I slammed the phone down.

I returned to the bedroom to view a most lovely site. The sunlight lit up Jamie's fur. The warmth must've felt good. He moaned a bit and that made me think I should give him a nice dream since he gave me one. I lightly pulled the covers back and saw he was already hard. I touched him lightly and entertained myself watching his face react to what I was doing to him. Heh, poor baby could sleep through anything I guess. I started tickling his cock slightly with my tail and he giggled in reaction. I sucked his nipples sweetly and I saw his hand squeeze the sheets hard. Then I decided to let him have it. I bit his nipple a little harder than I intended and he woke up swearing.

"Unh. Ouch! What the fuck?" He asked a little pissed. I just sat up and was on my knees panting happily.

"Oh I get it. My puppy wants to play huh?" He said slyly.

I nodded and dove right back on him. I tickled him fiercely and told him he's gotta catch me. I got up and took off to Mom and Dad's room. The satin sheets were there, since they planned to have some fun when they got back. Oh well, we'll run the sheets in.

"Got you!" He shouted, then speared me into the bed. I laughed and giggled as he nibbled on every bit of me he could. I struggled playfully and he grabbed my wrists and forced them to the bed, his mouth finding mine once again. We kissed each other quite roughly, biting every few seconds.

"Fuck me Jamie. I've been too patient." I finally begged.

"Oh I will, don't worry!" He said. I arched my legs back and waited for him.

One shove was all it took. I screamed out in pleasure and just a hint of pain. I forgot for a sec that he was bigger than me. I shivered and let him take me.

*slap slap slap* "urgh! Unh! Harder Jamie, you can't break me!"

"Unh, oh god you are always...oh yeah...so tight brother!"

"Ill...ah!..have to...oh god... teach you...Unh!...how!"

*slap slap slap slap* agh...Marty...ahhh fuck yes!"

He picked me up and held me against the wall and bit me some more, much to my delight. My head hit the wall once or twice, much like the bedframe was. I was partially worried we'd bust it, then Mom and Dad would kill us both.

"Ahh! Jamie harder...agh...fuck me harder!"

*slap slap slap* urgh...you like that? oh yeeeeah take it all! *slap slap slap*

"AGH! Yes just like that! Don't stop! Ahh...ahhh...uunh...oh shit... *gasp* AHH!"

My cock tensed and betrayed me. I was trying to wait but he was fucking me so hard I came too quickly. All over us both too. He didn't stop though.

"Already Marty? *slap slap slap slap* ngh...ahhh yeah..."

"I'm...oh fuck!...sorry..."

"Heh...oh yeah...Ahh...fuck yeah...Take it pup!"

"Haaa...hah...*gasp* *pant* gahh! Ahhhh yeah! More Jamie!!! GIVE ME MORE!"

"You...ngh...Got it!" *slap slap slap slap slap* "I'm gonna cum!"

"Hah...hah!...kiss me!"

"Mmm! Ngh!"

"Mmmm...C'Mere you sexy fox!



I felt his cock swell in me before finally coating my insides with cum. The sheer heat of that feeling was enough to paralyze me for a moment as I came in a gush along with him. I grabbed my wonderful brother and refused to let go. His eyes shined a deep green, and I was lost in them once again. We drilled each other for the better part of that day. We finally collapsed and passed out in exhaustion in our parent's bedroom.

"Honey! Wake up! We'll be late." Jamie said while shaking me awake.

"Ugh, alright! I'm up sweetheart." I grunted.

He was already dressed in one of his cute little numbers. Pink shirt top, little angel wings on the back, rings on 4 fingers, two hoops through his right ear, black nail polish on one hand, purple on the other, and Cute yet tight white jeans.

"How the hell do you breathe in those?" I asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know. Now get dressed or we'll lose our place at the club!" He Jamie said.

I jumped from the bed and kissed him on the cheek. He went downstairs to wait while I got ready. I grabbed my jeans and rushed to put them on while I looked for a missing shoe. I grabbed my blue button-up shirt with silver streaks and finished buttoning it up when I found the lost shoe. I looked myself over in the mirror and smiled to myself, thinking tonight was gonna go perfect. I strutted downstairs and saw Jamie putting his eyeshadow on. Heh, he is such a girl sometimes. He turned and saw what I was wearing and gave me a whistle.

"Woooo! Hey there stud. Going my way?" Jamie teased.

"Maybe...where you headed?" I smiled.

"Wherever you go baby," he purred, "I go."

"Good. Come on babe. Let's get going" I purred back.

The garage was warm, the lights shining on my car. Nice car too. President Addams decided to give me a car for my birthday last year, unexpected to say the least. I nearly fainted when I saw it. A 1976 Dodge Charger, fully equipped, silver color. Insurance pays itself, and I know who pays it. Dad does for some reason. I guess its because I let him drive it once in a while.

We get in and the motor revs to life. I step on the gas a couple of times, just to hear it. Jamie eases the seat back and relaxes after he buckles his belt. The garage door opens and I back out slowly and closed the garage door. On the road, I smiled at Jamie, put the car in gear and peeled out.

He shouted with glee, and I cheered too. The club was downtown, so the trip took about 5 minutes. The club was called The Hawkeye. Not a gay bar, but we always are welcome. And we have friends there, so no one screws with us. I pull up out back and lock the door. I put my hand around Jamie's hip and strolled past the people in line. Everyone whispered and pointed. We even got a few whistles. Through the doors, everyone was dancing. We got some drinks and found our usual spot on the balcony overlooking the dance floor. We plopped onto the couch and relaxed.

"Looks like you two are enjoying yourselves."

We Looked up and saw a tall Cow lady. The same cow lady Jamie and I did an interview with for

C-SPAN, believe it or not.

"Daisy? Is that you?" Jamie asked.

"Yup! The network wants me to run a story on the monument the city's placing to remember those who were lost during the mall attack." She said with a smile.

"And let me guess" I laughed, "they want you to have another interview with us?"

Daisy eyed us and said, "How'd you know?"

"Interviews were starting to become a habit. I'm still not used to things being quiet." I replied.

"Huh. Anyhow, is there anytime that's good for you guys?" She asked.

"Actually, our parents are gone for a few weeks, for an anniversary thing." Jamie replied.

"So you two are alone to do whatever?" She said with an evil smile. We just smiled back.

When we did the interview with Daisy a couple of years ago, she noticed me and Jamie were...closer than close. When she asked about it off the record, we were up front and honest about our relationship. She asked us how it started and what we intended to do. Again, we were honest. She was a little weirded out, but ultimately said she was the same way toward her birth sister. We swore to each other that it was our little secret. We kept in contact after the interview, and she became a close family friend.

"So what are you doing here?" Jamie asked.

"Well I'm always a sucker for a great nightclub, and I saw this place, so I figured why the hell not get some dancing out of my system?" Daisy replied.

"FINALLY! I have someone to dance with. I can't get Marty to dance with me in public. Says he doesn't want to look like an ass." Jamie laughed.

"Hey! Who said it was time to make fun of me?" I complained.

"Then dance with me tonight." Jamie pleaded, "Just this once?"

Daisy sat there giggling to herself. I growled to myself and gulped my beer down, then said "If I must! But make it a good song."

"EEEEEEEE! I know just the one!" He squealed, then kissed me and took off for the DJ's table.

"Whipped!" Daisy coughed.

"Can it, you!" I grumbled.

Jamie came rushing back up the stairs with a look of fear on his face after a few minutes.

"What's wro-" I started.

"It's Davis! He followed us!" He yelped.

"Jesus. When is he gonna leave us the hell alone?!" I said, flustered.

"Wait, is this the same Davis who keeps trying to beat you in a fight?" Daisy asked.

"Yep. Same one" I replied.

"Come on, we'll go out the back" she said.

"No. I'm so fucking sick of running from him. This time his ass is mine!" I shouted.

"Baby no! I think he's got a gun!" Jamie said, horrified.

"Let him try to use it if he does have one. I've got one, and I'm licensed to use it if I have to." Daisy said with a frown.

I got up to scan the crowd below for Davis, and sure enough there he was. At the bar loading up on alcohol. His eyes met mine, and he started shoving people out of the way. I walked calmly down the balcony stairs and waited in the middle of the floor. Sure enough, he had a gun. He pulled it, and fired two shots to scare everyone out of the club. It worked and the only ones left were him, me, Jamie, Daisy, and to bouncers who I told to get out and not call the cops.

"Now! Now where you going to run faggot!?" Davis shouted.

"Who's running?" I shouted back.

Daisy slowly drew her gun and Davis fired a warning shot at her.

"Ah ah ah! Who's this Marty? Another cunt who wants to interview you two? Drop the gun bitch! Kick it over to me!" Davis ordered.

I nodded and Daisy did as she was told. Davis picked up the gun and aimed it at my head.

"So this is how low you fell." I laughed.

"Speak up! These are your last words after all!" Davis shouted in a drunken rage.

"Pointing guns at three unarmed people? Firing at a woman and calling her a cunt? HA! The fact you even need a gun in the first place shows how pathetic you've become!" I shouted in anger.

"Considering the fact I'm dealing with the heroes of Lawrence, this is fair! Now I'm finally gonna kill you for all the pain you've caused me" Davis said, stumbling a bit then pulling the hammer back on both guns.

"NO! Please no!" Jamie made a rush to tackle Davis but Daisy held him back.

"See you in hell Marty!" Davis laughed.

"I can't believe I even considered you family." I said, closing my eyes.

"Wha-what?" He hesitated.

"I looked up to you when we were kids. I even considered you my big brother!" I was crying at this point. "We did everything together! We stuck together through everything! When my mom died, you showed me that we can't control what happens in life. And in return I showed you the love and compassion you showed me! I worshiped the ground you walked on. I LOVED YOU! And look what happened to you. You became a jerk! A fucking shell of what you used to be. You lied, you cheated and you stole your way to get whatever you thought to be yours, and you didn't give a fuck about who you hurt! Least of all me! You wanna know why I left? YOU BECAME A MONSTER!"

Davis didn't say a word. He didn't even breathe. For the first time in a long time, he fell to his knees crying. I walked over to him and kicked the guns over to Daisy, who picked them up, holstered her own and dismantled the other. I pitied Davis. His life was hell before he met me. All these years he's been on his own. I put a hand on his cheek and made his eyes meet mine. He started to try and say he was sorry but I just put a finger on his lips, and shook my head. I pulled my oldest friend close and told him something that made him cry even harder.

"I Forgive You."