A New World. Chapter 5. On The News

Story by furryfan1996 on SoFurry

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Hey You guys. I hope everyone is having fun reading this series. Anyway here We go!

When We got home We slammed the door to the house and passed out from the stress of being followed. I woke up at about 3 PM. I stood up and went to check on Lucario and Derrick. They were upstairs watching T.V. "Hey derrick Im gonna go for a walk. I need some fresh air. Lucario. You wanna come?" I asked. "Sure Ill come." Lucario replied. Do you have a cell phone?" Derrick asked. Ill go get my Dads. I said. I walked downstairs and looked in His coat pocket and found his Blackberry. "since he isnt here i dont think he needs it." I thoght to myself. I went upstairs to get Derrick`s number and then went for a little walk.

As I was walking down the road with Lucario, My phone rang. I looked at it and it was Derrick. I accepted the call. "Hey Derrick. Whats up?" I asked "Dude! You gotta come home! Fast!" He replied. "Whats going on!?" I asked. "Just get here fast man! there is something on the T.V. You might want to see!" He replied. "O.K. Im on My way!." I said as i hung up the phone.

"I wonder what that is all about?" I said. Lucario just shrugged. We got back to the house and Derrick told us to look at the T.V. We did and We saw ourselves on the news. "These two kids were spotted breaking and entering private property yesterday at 10:00 AM yesterday morning. They also appear to be pokemon trainers.They have a Lucario and a Weaville. Approach with caution." The person on the news said. "Oh fuck!" I thought to Myself. "What are We gonna do?" I said. "I don`t know." Derrick replied

There was a knock on the door and someone called out. "this is the police! open up!" This made my heart beat faster than you can imagine. "Oh shit!" Derrick said. "Is there a way to get out of here!?" "Ya there is. Follow me!" We went down to the basement and opened a sliding glass door. We hopped over the backyard fence and Sprinted down a hill to a forest. "I think Were inthe clear for now!" I said. "I hope so!" Said Derrick and Lucario together.

We set up a shelter and made a bed for each of Us. "Look. We can`t stay here forever. We gotta find a way to clear our names!" I announced. "I agree" Derrick replied. "Lets take care of that tomorrow. Its getting late." I said as we crawled into our makeshift beds.