A Day to themselves

Story by Brocktree on SoFurry

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Ye Olde Disclaimer: Warning this story contains adult situations between two male furs, if that bothers you then don't read it =). Then again if that bothers you then you shouldn't be here then should you!

This is my first yiffy story I have written so any feedback would be appreciated. I hope you enjoy this story.


Casiel awoke with the sun in his eyes. He sat up and looked around the bedroom slowly. It was dark except for that one beam of light peeking through the blinds and finding its place on his pillow where his head just was. The young wolf stretched and scratched his chest fur as he got out of bed. He looked at his bed seeing it empty he scratched his head; his mate, Trent, wasn't there this morning. He shrugged deciding that the badger must have gone to work and continued through his normal morning routine. Casiel got a clean set of clothes and walked to the bathroom, setting his clothes on the back of the toilet he quickly relieved himself and turned on the shower to start heating the water. The wolf took a moment to stare at himself in the mirror. Apart from a spot of black between his ears, Casiel's fur was completely white from ear to tail tip. He wasn't overweight, but he never really worked out or played sports so he didn't have the muscles the most other wolves his age had. But he didn't care and neither did his mate. He looked down at the counter top and placed a CD into the CD player he had put there for just these occasions.

He smiled at himself and hit the play button on the CD player before shedding off his boxers and stepping into the shower. He stood in the stream of hot water as it completely soaked his fur. Singing happily to the music he began to scrub himself from head to feetpaws making sure to get as clean as possible. Casiel lost track of time and yipped when the water turned from hot to cold. He quickly turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, he stood there for a moment dripping water onto the floor singing the last few notes of his favorite song. He grabbed a towel and started to dry himself off. He brushed his teeth and combed his fur down before finally putting his clothes on and pressing the stop button on his CD player. He flicked the light off and made his way downstairs to the Kitchen.

Halfway down the stairs he smelt something good. His ears perked up with excitement when he realizes it was his mate cooking breakfast, he practically flew down the stairs and into the kitchen. He smiled when he saw the form of a badger standing over a stove whistling a song and cooking some pancakes. Casiel snuck up behind him and placed his arms around his mate smiling. The badger jumped before turning around. Casiel smiled and kissed Trent on the muzzle. Trent stood there locked in a kiss before he pulled away and smiled.

"Good morning kiddo, sleep well?" The tall badger said releasing Casiel so he could go back to cooking the pancakes. Casiel scratched the back of Trent's neck a little before walking over to the cabinet to get a few plates and place them on the table.

"I did, thank you. I thought you would be at work."

"Nah I called in and told them I was taking the day off. We haven't spent that much time together lately, and I figured we needed some time with each other." The badger replied expertly flipping the pancakes.

Casiel smiled while he set the table. He walked back over to where Trent was cooking and leaned against the counter next to the stove, he stayed there looking at the form of the badger. Trent was a bit larger than him, about four or five inches taller. Trent's fur was black with white chestfur and three white stripes on his head. Casiel shifted a little closer to his mate and slid his paw along the Badger's chest rubbing his paw through the badger's chestfur. Trent closed his eyes and smiled, he loved it when Casiel rubbed his chest.

"You know if you keep doing that I'm not gunna be able to cook breakfast correctly." Trent said with a snicker

Casiel laughed; "Well we wouldn't want burnt breakfast now would we?" he smiled and snuck a kiss on the side of Trent's muzzle before padding over to the table and sitting down. He sat there staring outside; he frowned. "It looks like it is going to rain today."

"Yeah that's what the news said. Looks like we will have to find something to do right here at home today." Trent replied as he placed the finished pancakes on a plate and brought them over to the table. "Would you like anything to drink?" Trent asked as he made his way to the fridge.

"Sure, umm I'll take a tall glass of orange juice." Casiel said as he took a pancake from the pile and placed it on his plate. He waited for his mate to sit down before he would start eating. Trent poured a glass of orange juice for himself and Casiel before talking over to the table. He kissed Casiel lightly on the neck as he passed him and then went and sat down. They both ate happily, discussing this and that while they did.

Casiel finished his food and smiled at Trent, "Well that was delicious. Thank you."

Trent smiled, "Glad you liked it, I haven't made pancakes in a while." He got up to put the dishes in the dishwasher. "What did you want to do today?"

Casiel thought to himself for a moment, he smiled and stood up from the table, making his was over to the badger standing over the dishwasher. Casiel stood behind him and started groping the badger's waistline, eliciting a groan from his mate. "I've thought of something we can do" Casiel said continuing to rub the badger's waist. Trent stood there moaning in bliss.

"Do...Do tell." The badger managed to say finally.

Casiel turned the badger around so that they were facing each other; he leaned in pressing himself up against his mate and locking him in a deep kiss. The badger placed his paws on the back of Casiel's head softly and held the kiss there for a good while. Casiel could feel that his mate was enjoying the kiss; he broke it smiling at Trent Lustily. He tugged on Trent's arm, wanting him to follow. Trent offered no resistance and followed Casiel all the way up to the bedroom. Throwing off his and Trent's shirt, Casiel lead Trent to the bed and they both lied down hugging each other happily. Casiel and Trent looked at each other for a moment, a smile on both of their muzzles. Casiel rubbed Trent's chest fur with his paw, making his way down the badger's chest to his stomach and eventually to the badger's waistline. He smiled as he found what he was looking for. He slowly undid the badger's pants button and tugged slowly on the zipper. Trent kissed Casiel as the wolf worked at trying to get the badger's pants off. Trent snickered as he felt the article being tugged off of him; he heard them hit the floor not to far away. He lie there exposed for his mate to see. His badgerhood stood erect, with only his loving mate to blame. Casiel slowly began to rub the badger's smooth shaft with his paw, moving up and down the length slowly.

Casiel smiled and shifted position, his pants had suddenly become to confining and he had to remove them as soon as possible, he quickly undid the button and zipper throwing his pants and boxers off the bed, they landed on the floor next to his mate's. He smiled and continued to stroke his mate's member. With his free paw he softly began to massage the badger's balls, taking care not to hurt him. The badger threw his head back murring in pleasure as the wolf continued to pleasure him. He suddenly felt something warm engulf him; he looked down to see Casiel with his muzzle over his cock. He gasped in pleasure as the wolf expertly moved up and down the shaft, licking the head with his tongue. He placed his paw on the back of Casiel's head and slowly began to thrust into him careful not to cause him to gag. Casiel began to move up and down his mate faster; he felt the badger begin to thrust faster, pre forming at the top of his member. The Wolf smiled and sucked harder, he could hear his mate's groans of pleasure, which only encouraged him to continue.

"I... I think I'm gunna..." Was all Trent was able to say before he thrust hard into Casiel's muzzle and shooting warm ropes of badgerseed into Casiel's mouth. The wolf tried to swallow as much of the cum as he could, but in the end he lost the battle and some of it leaked out the side of his muzzle. Trent's orgasm slowed down and the badger lie back, panting. Casiel made sure that his mate's cock was clean before he removed his muzzle and smiled. He kissed Trent lightly on the side of the muzzle before snuggling into him, enjoying the Badger's warm fur.

Trent smiled and kissed the wolf back. "That... was wonderful."

Casiel Smiled "Glad you liked it, we haven't done this in far too long." The wolf replied.

Trent shifted positions, "I know, but we aren't done yet!"

Casiel looked up at the badger. "What else did you have in mind sweetie?"

Trent moved down and licked Casiel's throbbing wolfhood, covering it in his saliva. "I want this in me" The badger said, smiling.

"I believe that can be arranged." Casiel replied, smiling and kissing the badger before rolling over on top of him. He took his member in paw and placed it at his mate's tailhole. He looked up at Trent, waiting for him to say he was ready. Trent nodded and Casiel slowly started to push into the badger's rear. Trent winced in pain, as he has done before. But that pain slowly turned to pleasure as his mate buried his wolfhood into him. Casiel began to slowly thrust into Trent; with his free paw he reached down and began to play with the Badger's erection again. Waves of pleasure shot through both himself and his mate as his knot began to swell up and his thrusts picked up speed. Trying not to hurt his mate, he let out a roar of ecstasy as he thrust all the way into the badger and shot his seed into him. Trent's eyes opened wide with pleasure as he felt Casiel cum into him pushing him over the edge, he shot off another load of badger seed, getting it all over his chest. Casiel collapsed on top of his mate and smiled. They were both exhausted and Casiel kissed the badger one more time before falling asleep, his wolfhood still buried deep within his lover. Trent smiled and hugged the wolf; they would take care of the mess when they woke up, the badger slowly drifted to sleep, his mate wrapped in his arms.
