All for Onions
The leopard opens his green eyes and sneers at the birds that chirp out side his window. Tossing all night trying to sleep, his mind had finally given up the battle just as the little feathered creatures began their calls. "Someday, they will wear out their welcome and I will just eat the stupid things," he growls and rolls over in his sleep furs for the hundredth time. His spotted form tired and aching, but his mind racing with all sorts of abstract thought; most of which were random at best. The restlessness of the night weighing down on him was too heavy to let him sleep. Sighing out into the room and pulling up his purple velvet blanket, his eyes wander to the silently moving Shindou.
The small kitsune looks over and sees the leopard peering back. The shorter male smiles and bows to him. "Good morning, Master. I trust you slept well." Shindou shifts his feet slightly and hefts up a basket. "I was out in the garden this morning, weeding. I thought you might like to know that the spring nettles have come in. I brought you a whole basket of fresh ones." He smiles and sets down the woven reeds to floor. The red furred kitsune shuffles about the room in his daily duty, humming contently.
Takara's eyes move to the basket. The silvery green leaves glisten in the rising sun, sprinkled with dew. "I know a recipe that would be perfect for those," he says as he sits up. The sleep furs falling away from his aching spots as he stretches and yawns. "And no, I slept terrible. I am worried about Onyx."
Shindou stops is fire tending and his face falls into concern. "Master, you have no reason to worry over Onyx. He loves you and will always return to you. What could you possibly be concerned over?" The houseboy moves over to the bed closer and sits on the edge. He snickers as he watches the feline's paw reach up and play with his ears in thought.
Takara gives a sigh as he shifts on the bed among the coverings; his thoughtful pause lingering only for a moment. He looks back up at Shindou. "I know that. I am not worried about that. What I am worried about is him. I want him to know that we still care for him as much as we did before." The leopard drops his paw to his side and sits up upon his knees. "I want to reinforce the fact that our connections between the two of us are still strong and remain. Just saying so...well, it isn't enough for me, Shindou-kun. It never has been. And with his work in the village, he is tired most nights and cannot play with us."
"Master, what do you mean to do then?"
"Well, that's just it. I don't know. I want to do something nice for him. Something that shows him I am still taking care of him and waiting for him but without being overbearing. I don't want to bug him yet, still." The spotted face falls away into a far away look; his paw reaching up once more to the twitching ear.
The kitsune gives a sigh and nods. "I think I know what you are getting at." He pauses in thought as well and a smile creeps along his muzzle. He cocks his head and giggles. "Well Sir, perhaps a token. Maybe if you did something nice for him, like say something that would benefit his well being and make his day easier too."
"What do you mean?" The leopard asks as he drops the paw from his ear. His body aches suddenly gone at the mischievous fox smile.
Shindou, giving yet another giggle, points to the basket of nettles. "Why don't you make him dinner? He will come home to a basket of good food and he won't have to cook after work."
"That is a great idea! I know a recipe that he would like." The feline crawls out of the nook bed. "I will need a few things. Potatoes, beans, vegetable broth..."
The servant leaps into action. "Just leave it me. I will help you." Before Takara can utter another sound the fox disappears.
The spotted fur smiles and shakes his head. He stretches a bit and then wanders over to the kitchen area of the home. The area is very tiny containing only a basin with a water pump and a small countertop next to it. He pauses at the countertop and reaches down to pull out a drawer. Taking out a knife and setting it on the space, he closes the drawer back up as Shindou comes in from behind him.
"Master, I have some potatoes, beans, and broth." He presents the leopard with the legumes and jarred liquid held in his arms. "Please, what else will you need?" The kitsune bounces in excitement.
He turns to face his little servant with a smile. "Well, I will also need onions, butter, salt, pepper, and some chives from the garden." He laughs loud as the fox puts down the collected food to dash off for more.
In the raising light of the morning sun, the leopard reaches for a large pot and broth. Setting the iron container on the grate of the fire, he opens the jar and pours the entire contents in. The fur walks over to the pump and fills the jar up with some water, and pours that amount into the pot as well. Walking back over to the basin, he sits the jar into it and reaches for the knife. Staring at the potatoes, he grumbles. "I hate peeling potatoes." The chattering birds answer his grumble as they sing at the morning sun rising from behind the mountain. The steel gaze moves from the potatoes to the open window. The warm breeze moving through freshens the air in the little house. He sighs not wanting to listen to the birds but enjoying the wind.
The leopard moves back to the potatoes. His paws picking up one of the legumes, he stops to ponder it. "I hope he will like this," he mutters. "It feels like forever since we were at the hidden cove." He smiles at the memory, lost within his mind as the paws peel the vegetables. His inner theater playing out the memory in vivid detail, they lay upon the beach intertwined. The little blue fur had fallen asleep in his arms under their star.
Takara shudders at the thought. The way his sleeping face rested against the spotted chest; safely tucked away from the bleak of the world. The soft fur, how it danced in the breeze that plucked the salt from the ocean and filled their nose with a clean and natural scent. The sun warmed sand cushioning their calmed bodies on the tip of the surf, holding them as tender as the leopard held his pet.
He gives another shudder and his paws fumble. The knife slipping around the potato falls into the feline finger. "Owe!" He drops the knife quickly and goes to the basin.
The kitsune scampers back in out of breath. "Master, we are..." he looks over and sees the feline at the basin pumping water and cursing. The fox giggles. "Did you cut yourself Master?" Takara grumbles his reply. Shindou shakes his head, and grabbing a bandage walks over to the leopard. "Master, we are out of onions. I looked in the pantry and in long storage cellar. I am afraid I will have to go to the village to get some."
"No, I need you to prep up the nettles for me. And it will take the potatoes and beans awhile to cook, so I have a plenty of time." He holds out his finger for the fox as he bandages up the digit.
"As you wish, Master," he replies and finishes up. Shindou turns away humming, to do as commanded and the leopard goes back to the potatoes.
Having peeled them all, he considers how the best way to cut them. Hit with an idea, he picks up the knife and goes about his work; Shindou behind him at the basket of nettles, preparing them. As he finishes, he collects the legumes and dumps them carefully in the now boiling pot of both.
He turns to Shindou. "Okay, I am off to the market. Don't add anything to the pot until I return. If the potatoes become fork tender before I get back just take it off the fire." The fox nods at the leopard as he grabs Beast, and heads out the door.
The brown rocky path that leads from his home to the village is well worn. The feline greets the passers-by with smiles and bowing as his feet walk him to his destination; blazing sun now peeking out from behind the mountain, warming the territory up further as he journeys downwards. It doesn't take long for his feet to get him onto the street.
The main street of shops is busy with activity. Vendors call out their wares loudly and customers haggle furiously. Furries make their way in and out of the shops, whose ringing bells add to the chaos and noise. Some shops windows, displaying various items.
He makes his way down the little road, avoiding the traffic and the other people to the vegetable stand. The booth setting between a bakery and a hardware store is managed by an older brown furred feline. Takara catches the worn brown eyes and he waves and he walks calmly over. "Good morning, Jin-san."
Jin-san stops calling his wares and smiles back. "Good morning, Taka-kun. What can I do for you today?"
Takara had known Jin since he was a small cub. He was well respected within the community for his many noble deeds; the biggest one being that he offered hefty discounts to the poorer families of the village and surrounding area. He was kind, gentle, and patient; virtues of which were rare in the modern times. He was active within the village almost to a fault, often taking on burdens that were not his own. Despite these hefty burdens and responsibilities, Jin had always had a twinkle in his eyes and a pleasant face, usually decorated with a wide smile.
But today, as Takara approached the merchant, the usual cheerful smile was replaced with a fake one. When the face turned to look at him the twinkle in the brown cat's eyes simply wasn't there. The arm that waved the hand was lazy with the rest of his tired looking form. Jin-san was clearly under a heavy amount of stress and the fact that he couldn't hide it made Takara's demeanor speed into deep concern. "Jin-san, I came for a few pounds of onions but it appears I have found a very stressed out friend," he says. "What is wrong?" The spotty paw hands the old cat a basket.
Jin takes the basket and without looking begins to fill it up with quick paws. "Well, there have been reports of a group of hooligans terrorizing the shops along the main road." He rolls his eyes and sighs. "With the ongoing problems of bandits along the outer parts of the village the authorities can do very little about it. Not to mention the fact that the patrols are very short handed at the moment." The basket fills up quickly and the callused paw hands it over the leopard.
Takara takes the basket and holds it close to his body. Green eyes closing as he gives a sigh; he shifts his feet. "I see your concern now, Jin-san. What do you plan to do?"
"Right now there is nothing we can do. The authorities are simply too busy. The local dojo's cannot help and we cannot call the Yakuza for help with such a small problem." The older cat sighs and collapses in a chair in his booth. "The little gang has picked the perfect time to move in. There is simply nothing to do at this point. And what is worse is that they are slowly figuring this out. There demands and attacks have increased over the week. More and more shops get threatened and the money demanded has steadily increased."
Takara pauses in thought for a moment. His fur rising up and his neck flares out; the once twinkling green eyes shift to a neon glow. They gaze at the tired Jin on his wooden stool. "Tell me, Jin," he growls soflty. "Have they made their way to Techno Road?"
Techno Road was a newer addition to the village center. A few years ago a small family of blue bunnies had moved in and settled on one of the branching streets of the main straightway. With them they had brought their computers. This technology had mostly been unheard of in the little village but had caught on in a flash. Soon they had a thriving business--and competition. The street had turned into the "Techno Road", as the younger generation called it, and shops of various types of technology and media moved in there. Everything from computers, to cell phones, to music stores could be found along Techno road. But the most important thing to Takara that could be found on Techno road was Onyx.
Jin's face cringes slightly as if he knew that question would be asked but had been trying to avoid it. "Yes. There are a few stores that they have hit along that road. But I know what your real question is Taka-kun. And the answer is no, not yet. Right now they are afraid of the Blue Bunny Family. It has been long rumored that while they have the knowledge of computers and are willing to share it, they also have a darker secret. The family is rumored to protect their business through roguish abilites." The old brown fur gives a half-hearted chuckle. "Right now, they are too afraid to try."
The leopard says nothing to the feline but he gives a smirk. His concern lessened, he relaxes a bit. Takara knows about his bunny and the secret abilities he keeps hidden. And despite the lapine's continuous acts of cowardice, he knows that if push came to shove the bunny would lay down several pounds of whoop ass on any villainous gang member.
However, the leopard held a bit of secret knowledge himself. He knows that in actuality, Onyx was the only member of the family who had these abilities. Takara was the one who had taught him. Earlier, in their growing relationship, the spotty feline had noticed the bunny's dexterity, flexibility, and his natural talent to pick up knowledge like a sponge. It was one of the many reasons he had been desired as a Pet. Onyx repeatedly proved himself as intelligent and strong but also swayed under Takara's control. And quite frankly, was the largest turn on for the leopard.
The spotted fur's eyes glaze over for a moment in thought and shivers. His arms holding the basket; the feet shift once more as he bushes at his inner secrets. The older feline chuckles at him and jolts him out of his mind. Takara comes back to reality and looks back up at the cat. "I think I will go look in on him. I know he can take care of himself, but I like to watch over him anyway."
Jin-san nods. "Go ahead, Taka-kun." He looks away and fiddles with the vegetables on the table. "I will see you again."
The leopard smiles and turns away. "Thanks, Jin-san." Giggling, his feet take him down the main street and straight to Techno Road.
Making a turn onto the much narrower road, the leopard takes in the multiple shops and the scurrying of anthros between them. He smiles and bows at those he knows holding the small container of onions close. His leisurely strolls down the street when something in a window catches his eyes. The leopard stops to peek in. Observing the advertisement of a new CD, he loses himself in his inner thoughts once more.
Suddenly, the leopard is startled out of his window shopping as the street goes quiet. He turns around to find it suddenly empty. All the vendors disappeared, all the hagglers gone, children that were running amuck now gone, everything still. He raises his brow in question and looks around the area.
Coming down the street, is a group of loud drunken furrys. Two otters carry a sword at their sides. A red fox and a brown squirrel laugh at each other hysterically. A panther and a lion in front has a large pouch of coins jingling from his obi. The group of males stumble about the middle of the street hanging on two female bunnies; who obviously do not want to be with them. The men cling to them as they struggle a little in vain. Their voices are loud and obnoxious as they slur a conversation.
"Kyo, let's forget the last stop. I am hungry and horny," says the fox. He pulls in one of the women and gropes at her hard. She whimpers and struggles against the male but he overpowers her and keeps it up.
The male lion in the front sneers as he walks through the street. "Shut your whine, Taku. You can wait for a few minutes more. This time we are going for higher goods. You can play with the bitch later." He turns away from the fox in clear disgust.
At the words, the leopard goes stern. Laying down the basket of onions, he shivers in anger and his green eyes narrow. "This does not bode well with me." His demeanor falls into control as he walks to block the group. "I will not stand by and let this proceed," he states with cold steel in his voice. The spotted cat faces the group.
The group stops in the road and laughs. The leader, a tan lion, steps forward and smirks. "And what are you going to do about it?" His black eyes falling about the leopard, they wander about the furry in observation. The spotted fur stands with graceful confidence. The golden necklace around the leopard's throat holds a sapphire heart pedant and a large medallion. His shoulders falling into slightly muscular arms; speaking of strong trained endurance. Encompassing the right wrist, a rainbow bracelet glints in the sun and on his left ring finger, a ring of sapphires. The unicorn bag hangs off his back lazily. The defiant and defensive stance held by strong legs; rooted by feet firmly planted.
The lion's blackened orbs move back up to his face, the visage creeps from sneer to smile. "Not much by the look of things," he says. "And since you are so willing to step up, we are going to beat you to a bloody pulp and take you for everything you got."
"You can leave here and never return or..." Takara looks at the group of males and smiles warmly. "You can get your ass kicked by me. Your choice." He stares down the lion in a silent battle.
The lion stares back in defiance. "Karou, I believe I owe you a battle. Go for it," he nods to Takara.
The black panther beside him says nothing and steps forward in front; blocking the leopard from the tan fur. His paws come up in starting stance. The feet shift once more and he comes forward to engage the leopard.
Takara blocks with his right as the black furry paw flies towards his chest. The leopard responds the same with open palm. The padded hand lands firm into the panther chest knocking the wind out of him and sending him back few steps.
The lion growls; the words lost on the ears of the leopard as he engages the panther. It must have been a command because the fox and the squirrel let go of the two female bunnies and race around to front flank the spotted fur. Takara glances at them out of the corner of his green eyes watching them; taking in the strategic positioning. His sharp mind moves the pieces about the area and trying access which fur would be easiest to take out first. As the two furs position themselves, Takara notices the fox is not moving as fast as his companions. His fur moves without any training or forethought. The feline grunts in approval.
The panther steps forward left and there is a hint of shifting hips. In the slow motion of battle within the leopard's mind, he can see the panther's leg lift of the ground preparing for another kick. Glancing to the right, Takara sees the squirrel and the fox's shoulders shift for a punch.
Takara notices the attempt to sandwich him in a blow. "This is going to be too easy," he thinks. The two fists and foot coming at him in full sped; the leopard jumps and flips backwards. The panther has no time to stop his attack. The furry black leg comes up and squarely hits the fox in the torso. At the same time, the squirrel, not expecting the sped at which the feline moved, hits the fox in the face. The fox stumbles at the hits and his fist pounds into the squirrel. Bringing up his paws to his face, the squirrel stumbles backward. The fox falls to the ground knocked out by the two blows. The black furry feline gasps out in surprise as the leopard breaks out into laughter.
"Idiots!" yells the lion at the minions. He half turns to the two otters and points at Takara. "Go help them." The two otters let go of the bunnies that quickly disappear. The furs pull out their swords and move to rear flank as the leopard fights off the more attacks from the panther.
Takara blocks several punches and two kicks when he notices the panther's weakness. The leopard smirks and sets him up. Shifting his hips for a right kick, the black feline automatically moves to block. The leopard's purposely slow move confuses the panther and he looks down. Takara opens his palm and shoves it into the black furred chest. The panther loses his breathe. Stumbling backwards, he knocks over the tan lion as the black feline passes out.
The otters, seeing the fallen comrade; close in. The leopard can feel their movements. In a streak of spots, he ducks and rolls backwards as the two swords clash together in the area his head used to be. Takara stands up and advances a step. The strong paws reach out like lightening and grab the back of the otters' heads. Giving a grunt, he brings to two heads together in a crash. The two furs see stars, drop their swords and fall to the ground.
The tan lion thrusts the panther's body aside and stands back up. His eyes go wide as he looks about the street. His chest grows heavy and the fur is obviously afraid. It builds as the leopard moves closer to him; the green eyes paralyzing the tan lion with a steel gaze. "Pl...please, don't...don't hurt me," he pleads.
The leopard reaches down and shoves his paws at the obi. He takes the large pouch from him. Showing him the pouch his eyes narrow and the lion nods back. The lion turns and runs away as fast as he can. Takara lets him go with a smirk. He turns around, walks over to the onions and picks them up.
All along the street, the shop doors open. Furry's begin to filter out of every hiding place. They crowd around the fallen ones and glance over to the leopard. The crowd gives a silent bow to him and he returns it. The feline walks back down the road towards Jin-san's vegetable stand.
Takara rushes to the old feline vendor. As he approaches, the furry's eyes widen. "Taka-kun, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, Jin-san. Just know that your little gang problem is solved," he smiles and hands over the pouch of coins. "And I do believe you can handle this part."
Jin takes the pouch from the leopard's paw. "Yes and thank you," the old fur smiles; the twinkle returning to his eyes. "How is Onyx?"
"Well, I took out the danger before I got to his shop. No danger, so I figured I wouldn't bother him after all." He laughs and turns away. "I have a stew to finish, Jin-san. I will see you." The vendor laughs as the spotted fur rushes off towards home.
Back at his home, Takara walks in the door with a loud shout. "Shindou-kun, I am back!" Looking over at the fire, he sees the pot had been taken off the flames. The rest of Shindou's duties had been done for awhile, he was kneeling at the hearth poking at the fire. "I have onions."
The kitsune peers up at the leopard and cocks his head. "Master, you are dirty. What happened?"
Takara gives a giggle and fills in the house servant on his adventure in the village. While speaking, he washes his paws and continues making the stew. He peels and cuts the onions, as he speaks of Jin-san. Adding them to the pot as he describes the furs, he giggles his way through the story. "...and I can promise that they won't try it again."
As the evening rolls around, the stew finishes up. The hot food is removed from the pot and put into a container; the potato stars floating around in the thick goo. Takara giggles and slips it into a basket along with bread sticks and a six pack of beer. He smiles as he grabs it and makes his way to Onyx's bunny hole.
The sun moves under the horizon as the leopard sets the basket of goodies on the doorstep. "Onyx, I hope you had a better day than I did and I hope you like your dinner." He smiles and turns away. "And to think it was all about the damn onions." Takara shakes his head and walks back home.
Dressed in a green yukata, Takara slides back the door and enters the small house. The kitsune house servant, smiles at him as he walks in. "Welcome back, Master. I trust your bath was a pleasant one," says Shindou as he brings the spotted feline a cup of tea from the fire.
The leopard takes the tea from the fox's paw and sighs. "Yes. It was a great bath and I think tonight I will be able to actually sleep." Walking over the bed, he sits down and sips his tea. "I am just exhausted. The restless night coupled with the stupid antics of that upstart gang, I know I am going to pass out into dreamless ecstasy."
"Well Master, it was well worth it. I had several villagers come by to offer their thanks. Three of them brought gift certificates from their shops," says the kitsune with a mischievous twinkle. "One of them from..."
"Tomorrow, take the certificates to Jin-san. We do not need them," interrupts the feline. Looking away, he finishes his tea and hands it over to Shindou.
"But Master, those are the villagers..."
Takara growls at the fox, who takes a step back from the tired leopard. "I gave you an order. Do not argue with me. I will not turn down the thank you but I will not use the certificates."
Shindou carefully takes the tea cup and bows. "Yes Master, please forgive my rudeness." The houseboy promptly excuses himself from the exhausted leopard's presence.
Freshly bathed and warmed by tea, he crawls up into his sleep furs. The ache of his body, is a silent scream that falls away as he lays his head down on the bed. Shindou shifts through the room one more time. The fox turns off the lights and disappears.
The window stands open allowing the stars to shine down upon the feline. His green dazed eyes closing slowly, he watches them wink at him. The bed warms up around his furry form and suddenly he begins to drift away in deep sleep.
Floating through the black void within his mind, time slips away. His reality replaced with pictures of two white wolves and one blue bunny; his well known inner theater playing out scattered pieces of the day's events. The scenes drift in and out as the night progresses, until one piece breaks through the leopard's mind in vivid detail.
"Master..." A sweet voice rings into his ears from beyond and a warm furry body crawls under the blanket with him. The abstract dreams fall away, and are replaced with a splendid hazy view of his pet.
The blue bunny straddles the sleepy leopard under the purple velvet blanket. As Takara looks up with clouded eyes, Onyx peers down at him. The furry smiles with the soft grey eyes, the ears flow down the little shoulders and the tips resting against his bare chest. The pink leather collar with crystal stars glint in dawn's twilight. Onyx's short legs curled on each side of him, wrapping the leopard's waist tightly. Blue bunny paws comb through his chest fur seductively and makes the feline shiver in his tired state.
"Onyx," he mutters. He is unsure of whether he is awake or asleep; the exhaustion and fragmented pictures within his head confusing Takara. The spotted paws reach up and lay softly on the bunny's legs. The tired leopard is slightly numb, and can barely determine whether his pet is real or not. Onyx's soft scent of fresh rain wavers in his nose as he breathes steadily. The sight of the bunny confusing him further, he can see him clearly but the rest of the room is blurred. In the leopard's eyes only his pet is clear to him. "Am I..."
Takara's garbled words are cut short as Onyx leans down to kiss him. Warm lips part; the tongue slips out to engage the tired beast below him. The kiss sweetened by a drought of mead lingers on him. Wrapping their arms around the other in a tight embrace, the bunny rubs his sex on the leopard. As the heating furs collide with in the safety of the nook bed, they sound out their desire to the other. A lazy feline purr and the gentle murring of a bunny is music that pierces the night's cool breeze that drifts in from the open window.
The two sheaths meet and swell together, both pockets of fur exploding with their raising shafts. Onyx presses his cock harder into the bigger cat; groaning between his murring. "Master," he whispers gently into his mouth. Bunny breath hot on his form, his head travels down to his neck. He licks at the fur there and groans. His paws gripped like steel around to hold his shoulders, he pushes his blue body up and down the feline's spots.
"Don't let me wake up, Pet," begs the cat from his sleepy state. His limbs coming to life a little, he runs them up the bunny's straddling legs and the sides to his back. Journeying through Onyx's back with his padded paws, their chests grow heavy with breath. Purring and moaning out his words through tired lips and half opened green eyes fill his pleading face. "I need you." He thrusts his hips up weakly, as his sex tenses up and releases the built up pre from the earlier scattered dreaming.
Onyx sits up and looks down. The bunny makes no reply as he lifts his rump. Soft paws released from their embrace at his shoulders, trial from the chest to his throbbing dick. Grasping it firmly with his paw, Takara whimpers as he guides it to his tail hole. Onyx twirls the tip of the feline cock around his wet and quivering button, then the blue bunny sinks slowly down.
The leopard inhales a deep breath as the hot ring pops around his head and sucks him up into the velvet hole. Clenching around his wideth, the bunny muscle trembles around his cock, massaging his sensitive shaft all the way to the base. Takara's paws sliding down the blue body to grip the hips; Onyx pausing, to grind his stiff pole with in him. He lets out a long throaty groan as his beautiful pet begins to rise on fall on him. The pet's paws flowing down his chest, rushing past his hardened nipples to his sex, where he cups the bouncing balls with one paw, and strokes his member with the other.
The leopard's half opened eyes watch him. The blue fur bouncing on his sex, panting hard and gazing back with twinkling grey eyes. The tail hole growing more heated as friction builds the two up. Onyx renders himself on him, squeezing his member from head to base; the strong leg muscles rippling intense and strong, just as his muscled exit. The bunny's sex exposed and jumping from his waist in the spotty feline's hazy view.
The two sweating furs collide on the bed; their hearts beating fast and furious. Takara gives a sleepy whimper as his Pet calls out to him through the twilight. Master and Pet shudder in orgasm, the leopard filling his Pet with seed and Onyx unleashing his jets of milk over Takara's abs and chest.
"Master, thank you," whispers the blue bunny as he collapses on the body below him. "I love you."
Takara wraps his sleepy arms around his pet and sighs. "Onyx..." his eyes close once more and he goes limp.
Several hours later, the leopard groans. His twitching ears pick up the sounds of twittering birds form the open window again for the second morning in a row. This time however, he smiles. Their songs not nearly as annoying as the day before, he rolls over to his right and gazes out to the open blue sky that brightens with the rising sun. "It is the same blue as my Pet's fur," he mumbles.
Shindou-kun enters the room. The house fox at his daily morning work pads through the little house. He stops to laugh at the mumbling feline from the bed. "Yes, Master." He blushes at Takara. "Did you sleep well, Master?"
Giving a yawn and stretching out on the bed, he gives a laugh back. "Yes, I slept great!" Sitting up, the blanket falls away from his body and he crawls out of bed. "And I had the best dream."
The fox blushes deeper red and points to the leopard. "Master, that wasn't a dream." He laughs hard.
Takara looks down at his body and finds it covered in a mess. He gasps in shock. As the leopard shakes his head, the shock wears off and he laughs hard and long. Looking back up at Shindou, he says, "Well, I have to say out of all the 'thank yous' I have received I think I like his the best." Takara walks across the room to the door. "Shindou, if you need me I will be at the hot springs again." He waves, opens the door, and leaves.