Lost Innocence

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Commission from avatar?user=38299&character=0&clevel=2 Moonshade Be kind, first time doing age progression and muscle growth. ;) And that's your warning, involves young'uns, NC and all that jazz!::

The fall leaves gathered around the edges of the forest and littered along the ditches and paths in riots of color. The scent of upcoming frost was sharp in the nose and already the deer had started to come together in the rut. Through the edge of the woods one young boy was running as fast as he could away from the other children getting ready to play hide and go seek. He was lanky and starting to show the long limbs he'd one day have a teenager. He moved easily down the edge of one ditch and wiggled his way beneath some brush.

Derrick knew that woods rather well for still only being ten years old, his parents had encouraged both himself and his brother to play in them often after all. He could hear his best friend Zak counting loudly from the lawn of his back yard. He grinned to himself as he wriggled his way under some of the bushes and into last years leaves. He tried not to kick up too many so as to not have a trail following him right to his hiding spot. As he reached forward he grabbed onto what he thought was a log and pulled another foot beneath the sharp branches.

There was a crack and then he felt the ground lurch under him so that he let out a sharp cry of shock when the dirt tumbled along the edges and he was thrown downwards towards the ground. The dirt cracked as he was thrown down along the edge of the creek bed and tried to stop himself as he went head over heels. His out thrown hand snagged on something and he felt a sharp rock cut right against his palm so that he let out a muffled cry before he landed on his rump. He pulled his hand in close and looked down to see dark red blood start to well out of a half inch long gouge in his palm.

"Derrick? Ya alright?!" A voice called down, young and scared as he saw his brother's head pop over the edge of the ditch.

"Ha found ya both!" Zak called out as he came barreling just behind Alex and beamed down towards Derrick for a moment, "Hey ya hurt yerself, yer bleeding!"

Derrick pushed himself upwards on his feet a little bit unsteadily and kept a grip on his hand just below the wrist as he winced. He looked around and saw a whitish-yellow curved rock with a bit of red on it. He kicked out at it angrily for making it lose him the game and then looked up at his friends. He tried not to cry, he'd been more strict about that lately. He was getting to old to cry like a baby every time something went wrong! A little bit of blood dribbled down the side of his hand and he ignored it as he scrambled up the ditch.

"Yeah I'm fine, stupid ground gave out on me. Got cut on a rock, it's nothing. Wanna go again?" He tried to offer, the hurt hand balled up.

"Naw, your hand's hurt, Derrick!" His eight year old brother chimed out and pushed the hair back away from his face slightly, "We should get you home so that you can have Mum take a look at it."

"It's fine! Not really even bleedin' no more, I'm good to go again!" He lifted his head a little and grinned over at Zak, "Wanna?"

"Sorry, I gotta run too. Mom said if I wanna spend the night tomorrow night I gotta get my homework done." Zak gave an apologetic grin, "We'll hang out tomorrow night though."

"Me too!" Alex piped up as the trio of them turned to hike back out of the woods. Derrick kept his hand firmly gripped with his other to make sure it didn't bleed anymore than it already was. How could he know that behind him where he'd tumbled all the dirt free he'd disturbed an animal skeleton? A few white bones showed in the fading sunlight and a gaping canine skull was hinted at beneath the rich dark dirt. A skeleton that seemed to be made to walk on two legs, not four...


Derrick and Alex got ready for bed with much rough housing. Their Father had finally had to come in to yell at them to calm down when they'd been getting showers. Derrick's hand looked a lot better once he'd cleaned it out and slathered some of the antibiotic cream that his mother had bought for him on it. He'd rubbed it in around the edges and found a large enough band-aid to slap on it so that it was hidden from sight. Their mother was so used to the pair of them coming home bruised and roughed up that she hadn't done more than sigh at him and told him to be more careful.

Homework, as always, was a chore to try and get through. Only the knowledge that the next day he'd be able to hang out with his best friend made him think that it'd all be worth it. It wasn't often he was allowed having slumber parties. His parents had only recently deemed that they were old enough to hold them. Well that he was old enough, Alex was still too young to try and handle his friends over as well. It gave him a slight sense of superiority, that he was old enough to do something that his brother wasn't allowed to do.

By the time it was time for bed they'd finally worn out the last of their energy pushing each other around and making rough jokes. He pulled the covers over him and watched his brother check the night light. Sometimes he wished he didn't have to sleep in the same room as his younger brother, he wasn't a baby anymore. He didn't need a nightlight to make sure that there no monsters under the bed! He sighed and wriggled himself a bit more firmly under the covers and balled the pillows up under his head before he drifted off to sleep. Only a few times did he shift and wake up to hear Alex tossing and turning in the bed next to him.


Derrick awoke with a start as he felt his hand pulsing from where he had cut it the other day. It almost seemed to burn and the skin around the area felt swollen tight. He moved his good hand down to touch lightly against the outside of the band-aid and had to stifle a whimper as it felt as if he'd just jabbed himself with a hot spear. Alex mumbled in his sleep and twisted back and forth in whatever dreams he was having. He glanced at the outline of his baby brother against the nightlight before he started to wiggle out from under the covers stealthily. His toes brushed against the cool wooden floor as he padded out of their room.

He moved quickly and hesitated at the stairs and looked up them towards where his parents normally slept. His hand hurt, but a reminder that he was older then Alex and growing up, along with his own pride made him sneak into the bathroom and turn on the light. He squinted a little bit at the brightness that flooded his eyes and sat down on the toilet to look at his hand. The skin looked bright red and when he peeled off the bandage he muffled a little whimper. The wound didn't look like it was infected, it looked clean actually. He remembered when he'd last had an infection his mother had squeezed either side of it to push out this clear stuff that she said was bad.

He prodded at his hand a little with his finger tips and it just hurt. He bit his lip and leaned back before he thought he saw that he'd managed to push something out of the cut. His pants were wet. He jumped up at the dark patch of cloth just against the light blue of pajama bottoms, it was about the size of a dime. Not only that but they were tented up oddly so that he moved a hand down and felt something hard. He wrapped his own hand around his shaft and let out a whimpering cry. Why was it doing that? It'd never done that before! He swallowed and moved his hands down to grip just above the edge of his PJ's.

He had to give a little wiggle to pull them down and saw that his shaft was hard and stiff, resting up against his belly. He bit his lip and felt heat running along his back. Maybe he really was sick? He should get his parents! He moved a hand down and touched the tip before another whimper came out of his throat of another sort. His fingers felt along the glans first, and felt around the edges so that he could pull his foreskin down so the mushroom shaped tip popped it's way free. His hips bucked automatically forward into his own touch as another tremor of pleasure ran through him. It didn't hurt, he couldn't be that sick then right?

He stood up from the toilet lid and let his pants fall down towards his ankles as he started to touch over himself. As his fingers ran down towards the base he almost felt his knees buckle with the intense pleasure of his own touch. He lifted his free hand up to bite his knuckles to stop from making loud enough noises to wake up his parents. The heat seemed to spread from his loins out along the edges of his body. Liquid fire rolled through his veins and he found himself rocking forward into his own fingers touch. It felt almost too good, he started to breath heavier as he leaned forward against the edge of the sink.

His eyes were almost blank in pleasure while he kept up the slow motions and his body started to ripple and tremble, but not from his pleasure. The heat rushed through him while his body started to change. His round ears lifted upwards and started to taper into points, while his parted lips darkened steadily to show the curve of his teeth. He squeezed his eyes shut while he leaned against the sink and started to pump into his own hand, not sure why it felt good, only that it DID feel good and he wanted more!

His PJ's slowly started to strain as his body began to grow, his arms bulged as muscles that had never developed there started to form. The skin along it twitched and shuddered over the muscles that strained the skin and started to put pressure against the seams of his PJ's. They stretched before one part of his shoulder tore open. Fur started to grow along his back and his untidy hair was pulling back and raising up as it changed colors. His head grew broader and his lips and nose started to push outwards to form a broad muzzle and a red tongue snaked outwards to lick a darkening pad of his nose. He could smell something musky and salty all at once on the air as something thick and clear started to dribble out of his tip.

He couldn't think past his want and need! It felt so good to touch himself, he was sure he shouldn't be, but he couldn't put his hand down away from himself. His shirt tore and ripped as his back arched upwards and he started to grow broader heavier muscles along his torso. Thick white-grey fur had started to form over the chest and spilled out down to his growing hands. They were soon large enough it was engulfing his entire member with just his fingers. HE was growing larger! He glanced up into the mirror and saw a lupine face looking back, pale amber eyes staring over a long muzzle. He rose up into the air past six feet tall!

The lanky body type he had had of a child was rapidly changing as his stomach muscles tensed and hardened into rock hard muscle that stood outwards chasing away the memory of the softer young padding. Behind him a long tail started to push outwards above the curve of his rump cheeks, the thick fur fringed along the base of it all the way towards the very tip. It brushed against his rump and he thrust into his hand, no it was starting to be a paw! The fingers shortened down into something like toes, though he could still move them when he struggled hard. His finger tips and palm grew padded as he cupped under himself and the pleasure started to build.

He couldn't quite remember who he was, all he knew was that he wanted to feel more! His body shuddered as his legs started to grow thicker and rounder. The upper leg stretched outwards to the point it was as large as his waist had been! The foreskin around his shaft started to thicken as he rubbed himself, each pull backwards started to pull it further away and his eyes dropped down to watch his cock change. It started to taper outwards towards the tip and grow thicker and red, hundreds of little veins cris-crossed over the outer portion of it while it faded into an almost violet color. He gaped his muzzle and panted heavily as his fingers finished changing and he couldn't quite grip himself and dropped his paw down.

The foreskin rolled downwards until it was pushed back behind a heavy bulbous rise at the very base and fur started to coat the forming sheath. His ball bulged outwards and started to swell up into far larger then a human adults would be, straining the skin over the orbs as a fully canine shaft jutted out from his stomach. He flexed his toes downwards as his legs started to change and he lurched against the sink with a soft snarl. His feet became heavy broad foot paws while his lower legs formed muscles in places he'd never had them before. His ankle extended up until he was perched on a set of almost feral looking legs.

He trembled and dropped down to all fours for a moment as he panted. His tongue lolled out almost all the way and the boy was completely gone. The werewolf had grey-white fur all over his body, the sleek coat gleamed with good health and hugged over the heavily muscled chest and legs. He stood nearly seven foot tall when all was said and done and as he lifted his head to scent the air there was not trace of Derrick left in his gaze. He wanted, he needed, he lusted! His shaft was hard and jerked against his stomach to send out watery sprays of precum while he turned his head to one side and then the other with a low baritone growl. His paw no longer wanted to close down enough to wrap around his now knotted shaft.

Derrick scented the air and tasted warm scents of living creatures and he padded out on two legs out of the bathroom and into the darkness. His movements were silent for such a large animal, his tail dropped down lightly against his back legs and he licked his lips with an impossibly red tongue. He paused at the stairs and snuffed upwards towards where his parents slept and made a move to place his paw on the front stair before he heard movement in the room near him. His ears went up and he edged towards the half open door to spy the eight year old sprawled out in the bed with half of the covers tossed off his body to show the soft smooth skin under the PJ's. His shaft lurched against his belly with desire.


Alex was spread out sound asleep the moment he felt something hit against his back and his body was suddenly stifled under a hot form. Fur was pushed up against his back and he let out a muffled cry when the weight shoved down and forced his head in against a pillow. He could feel hard flesh beneath the fur as a low baritone growl erupted from the animal above him and he tried to squirm and shove himself backwards. His squeal of fear came out muffled while he felt hot breath pushing against the back of his neck and something like a hand shove against his back.

The covers were torn off him roughly and he kicked his legs out as something snagged the back of PJ's. His mind swirled with panic at the feel of it holding him down and he was able to free his head up to twist it around. He almost got out a shriek as he saw the pale grey werewolf looming over him, but it ended up being choked off when the head dipped down. A slimy red tongue dragged along the crease of his butt and slid between it so that it trailed along the puckered opening there. He writhed and twisted uncomfortably as tears started to slide down his cheeks before the tongue came down again.

It bathed over the opening and wiggled against it and when he tried to drag himself away the claws curled down and the teeth nipped out. He felt a pinch of the teeth against the soft curve of his ass cheek that made him jerk before the tongue came back and rolled upwards again. Something hot dripped against his leg, it splattered down as the animal nosed between his legs and he cried out in confusion. What did it want?

"Don't eat me! " he whimpered out in fear, "Please don't eat me!"

His only answer came in the form of a deep baritone growl from its throat while the heat of its breath moved up against the curve of his back. The animal outweighed him by a few hundred pounds easily, it wasn't just his fear that made him think the wolf was larger than him. The muscled body pushed down over him so that his head came right up against the animals chest and the head was almost touching the wall. Something hot and slimy rubbed up against his rump while he twisted and tried to get away from it. He didn't know what it was, he wanted to stop, to go away! The grinding hard thing kept jabbing and grinding against his soft rump so at times he felt almost bruising pushes against him.


Derrick growled down at his little brother with need. His entire body was trembling with desire to have something pinned down beneath him and this was what he wanted! His tail rose up while he tried to find the crease of Alex's rump but the squirming of the boy made it harder then it needed to be. He moved a paw down to hook around the curve of the young hip and against the soft stomach while the boy squirmed and cried out almost in panic. The force of his paw raised the hips upwards and he nipped lightly against the back of his neck in warning. His brother finally trembled and stopped writhing around, his breath came out in a little shudder of eagerness.

Already he could scent the sweet arousal that lay on his brother's form, the almost lupine musk that was clinging to his body. His nostrils spread wide to suck it in as he dropped his hips and ground his cock up between the furless ass cheeks, the slippery rub spreading them open. He couldn't help it, he let out a snarl of pleasure at that simple feel as his need blinded him to everything else. Whatever had been left of Derrick was lost in that rush of want and he ground his hips down again until the tip pushed right up against the puckered opening. His precum washed out and drooled down to coat over the tight opening and he gave another rock of his hips. Spreading it around the area until it glistened.

It took him a moment to find the center and he pushed down against his little brothers shoulders before he gave a sudden rock of his hips. The pressure built up until he started to spread him open and he muted a howl of pleasure at the first inch slid its way into the incredibly tight heat. Another rock of his hips forced another slow inch to spread the boy open while he struggled and flailed under the beast. A sobbing squeal was muffled against the pillow as he was penetrated. The walls rippled with contractions that tried to force it back out that only felt even more pleasurable to the large beast.


Alex cried out as he felt the shaft drive into his body, it pried open his tender passage until it was strained open in a snug ring around the glassy smooth girth. His walls clenched and spasmed in reaction, he tried to grip a hold around of it all the way until the tip pushed itself inwards and ran along a spot inside of him that made him buck and twist under the furred form. From the pain of the penetration and his own fear he almost missed what was happening to his own body. As another inch drove inside of him and the paw held his ass up tightly into the air he felt another stab of pleasure run through him.

Tears rolled down his eyes as he felt a rush of frantic confusion, what was happening to his body. He could feel himself hard against his belly, his member solid and swollen like it never had before and each time the animal drove into him he felt a tremor of pleasure erupt from himself. It'd never felt like that when he'd gone to the bathroom, he could even feel a wet puddle forming against his bed. Each thrust forced more into him while liquid fire seemed to spill through his veins and work their way to his extremities. He writhed and tossed beneath the weight as he tried to deal with the sensations and as he dug his fingers into the bed he felt his nails start to curl and thicken into claws.

He opened his mouth and cried out as the hips slammed forward and the balls slapped up against his inner thighs. The feeling echoed through his body as the tip fired hot slippery rushes of precum into his body and somehow, impossibly he took every inch of that mammoth girth inside of him. His abused pucker forced the sheath down to wrap just behind the base of a bulb that seemed to be growing when Derrick yanked backwards again. His body had started to grow, the indistinct lines of his slender form bulged and hardened as soft reddish grey fur began to push out of the smooth skin of his back.


Derrick reveled in the tightness of his brother's form, his jaws gaped open so that he was breathing in shallow soft pants. The clutching muscles seemed to suckle around him as he hunched his back and used every one of his newly formed muscles to pry him open deeper. His ears splayed to the sides and his eyes closed under his pleasure and each thrust ended in a soft grunting whine before he drug back out and fought against the desperately squeezing passage. Somehow he managed to hilt himself inside of the boy and he felt the heavy swell of his orbs clap right up against the softly curved rump.

Though it wasn't softly curved for long. The small four foot tall body was starting to change from his brother's bite and the full moon that hung heavy and swollen in the sky. As Derrick drove himself forward he felt the plush softness of the rump start to harden and something jutted out against his stomach as a tail pushed its way above the crease. With a snarl he forced it to the side and moved his paws down to either side of the bed as the boy trembled and cried out. Each cry spilled from his lips as sweet as anything he'd ever known and only urged him on as his tip erupted out hot blasts of precum into the clutching bowels.

He opened his eyes to watch as the slender neck started to thicken and bulge, a thick ruff of reddish grey fur grew and fluffed up as it blended with the tousled hair. He found himself struggling to pin down the boy and felt the furred haunches suddenly slam back against him hard enough he was rocked upwards. The muscles of Alex's arms started to bulge outwards and tear his pajama top at the seams before they erupted out and split all the way down towards his wrists. He squinted his eyes and shoved his weight down more firmly against his writhing brother to hold him in place. Lewd wet noises could be heard as he forced out his own precum from around the stretched passage and his nose scented the hot musk of another aroused male.


Alex's mind was afire with new sensations, he wanted to cry and scream for help, but it started to overwhelm him. He wanted more, no he needed more! He pushed back up against the werewolf and felt the hips drive harder and faster so that he was rocking against the entire bed back and forth beneath Derrick's weight. His lips started to slide outwards and his nose as they formed a broad sharped tooth muzzle, and he let out a muffled sob that mingled his fear and lust together. He could feel his shaft bobbing under his belly and splattering it with something wet and slippery. It was too thick to be pee!

His shoulders spread and he felt his PJ's tear with it as his chest thickened and grew layered with muscles all they down to his stomach. The only thing that hid the body builder like figure was the thick fur that was growing over him. Something was happening to his cock, he couldn't see but the foreskin was being forced backwards to slide its way down the crimson shaft leaving it jutting out and growing far far larger then the boy could have ever dreamed. He snarled back at the other werewolf on top of him as he felt jaws grip his scruff roughly and pull backwards.

His legs changed and reformed, paws formed where once he had feet and his claws curled slightly. It felt good, the weight on his back no longer seemed to consuming and heavy, in fact he almost matched the other male pound for pound as they dwarfed the child sized bed they were sprawled over. He twisted his lips and jerked his hips upwards again to buck the other's hips higher and to feel the slippery shaft gliding its way over his prostate. The smooth motions made the pleasure burst through him as he arched his back upwards and got his legs under him to stand on all fours for his packmate.

The hot breath rushed against the back of his neck, the two muscular hands clasped around his stomach and just over his shaft so that he was grinding against him. His brother picked up the pace until just an inch was being pulled back outwards before burrowing back into his body again. The tip slamming in home so roughly that he let out short half barks of pleasure and folded his ears backwards to lay flat against his head. His body rocked back against the muscular male as the teeth nipped against the back of his neck. The confused child in his mind slowly was pushed away from the state of lust his body had whipped up.


Derrick savored the feel of Alex beneath him as the changed completed itself. Now he could hold his own as he was held up by the muscled weight of his brother. His eyes narrowed down to mere slits as he started to thrust harder and faster. His teeth snapped out to scruff the back of Alex's neck firmly as he drove his hips inwards and felt his base start to swell up. He didn't know what it was meant to do, but he did know he wanted to be entirely in that snug velvety channel that wrapped around him and massaged over his throbbing cock.

The base shoved up against the abused opening time and again, yawning it open until Alex yelped and twisted before he pushed back against his brother in an almost frenzied reaction. He opened his jaws wider so that his teeth lightly gripped on either side of the muscled neck. He jerked and struggled to pull back until there was a lewd popping noise as his knot yanked free only to drive it forward again. His smooth shaft rubbing over the slight ridge of Alex's prostate while he pushed his hips down harder and harder, the ring of muscle struggled to keep him out. It stretched open wide enough that he had to jerk his hips forward in a sharp driving motion to sink himself all the way within that demanding heat.

The base continued to swell as he felt his stomach tense upwards, the muscles along his abdomen hardened as pleasure started to swell through him. What he had started with his own curious touches in the bathroom was finally finished with a final lunge of his hips. His entire cock jerked and twitched as it engorged to swell out it's full girth inside of the other struggling werewolf. His balls drew up until he erupted inside of Alex in a splatter of wolf cum. His knot sealing himself inside of the reddish-grey wolf and he shoved his weight down so that the bed creaked loudly beneath the pair of them.


Alex felt the base stretching him open and snarled out, somewhere in him he knew what was going to happen. He was going to be knotted and tied to his brother. His tail smacked against the older wolf and he gaped his jaws in a silent cry when he was pushed open to his limits. It hurt, it burned, and it felt glorious all at once. He pushed his hips up and his cock jerked against his stomach up and down before he felt and heard the lewd popping noise as the knot sank into his body and his muscles clenched down tightly around it. The ring of his opening wrapped just behind it to keep it from being able to pull back out.

For a moment the glassy smooth shaft tugged and rubbed over the spot inside of him that made his cock throb and drool copious amounts of precum on the covers beneath him. The puddle grew and darkened his sheets just as he felt the first jerking twitch of Derrick's cock inside of him. The tip erupted in a rush of heat that flooded into his body and he clenched down even more tightly around him. Each spasm of the cock seemed to burst out into his belly in a line of warmth and put pressure against his prostate so that he twisted and struggled under the heavy bodied werewolf. He couldn't' stop himself, he felt it building inside of him as he gave a sudden pull forward to put pressure on the knot.

His entire body shuddered after a moment and then he felt his base growing and a line of heat ran down his spine. He snarled at the air and humped his hips roughly against his bed in a short jerky series of movements before cum spilled out of his tip in a hot wash against the covers. It bubbled up from his base and made the crimson-violet shaft bounce up and down against his belly before it emptied itself against the sheets and the cartoonish covers. His back pushed up against his packmates and he lets out a deep growl as the stream of seed didn't seem to end. Not for his own cock or the one driven so deeply inside of him it made his gut ache.


The pair of full grown muscular werewolves sprawled in the darkness and a puddle of their own semen as Derrick remained tied to his brother. Their muzzles bumping and hot tongues licked out against one another in a series of lustful kisses and large pawed hands gripped and stroked over the others body. It wasn't until dawn that the knot shrunk down enough for the older boy to pull free of his brother with a lewd slurping noise. The pucker gaped and drooled out a spill of seed along the crease of his rump before daylight started to creep up onto the skies.

Their bodies trembled and shrank again into the forms of two young boys who's glazed eyes seemed confused. They stumbled and almost sleep walked through pulling on their clothes before they managed to stumble into bed again. Derrick's cock showing a gleaming sticky sheen of wetness from having fucked his brother and Alex's bed held a damp spot where the pair of heavy bodied wolves had come together in frantic passion with one another. Later on their mother had chided Alex for wetting the bed even though it hadn't truly smelled like pee and the little boy had flushed and just mumbled an apology.... They didn't remember or know the rough night of lusts both of them had shared.


"This is gonna be so awesome." Zak sprawled out next to Derrick while the pair of them munched on some chex mix his mother had brought out for them.

"Yeah, finally I thought Mom was never gonna let me invite you over." Derrick grinned back at the other boy and stifled a yawn. He felt exhausted, he'd been feeling exhausted since this morning even though he was sure he had plenty of sleep.

His parents had set up the basement rec room into a sleeping area for both of them. The game table was piled with some snacks and they had the entire run of the place! His Dad even said as long as they kept it down they could choose when they wanted to go to sleep. It was any ten year olds dream! He'd grudgingly let Alex come down as well and he and Zak watched as the younger boy struggled through the second level of the video game they'd abandoned in favor of food.

"C'mon, kid, if you can't get past level two you're a lost cause!" Zak called out playfully to the younger boy as Alex stuck his tongue out and tried to make it past the levels final boss.

Derrick tossed some more Chex mix into his mouth and crunched happily as he watched. As the minutes ticked by he became more aware of the fact that Zak's leg was brushing against his own and his nose twitched. He could almost smell the slight sweet scent coming from the other boys skin. He balled his fingers up tightly to stop himself from leaning over to get a better sniff. What was wrong with him? Why was Zak smelling so good? He moved forward and he froze because the moment he did he felt himself push against something tenting up his pants. He glanced down and saw his cock had firmed up and pushed tightly against his PJ bottoms.

Frantic he went and grabbed a hold of a pillow nearby to shove into his lap to cover himself up. He pushed down so that his tented PJ's couldn't be seen and glances over to see Zak more paying attention to the screen then to him and he let out a muted sigh of relief. He stared over his best friend and felt the heat that had formed in his loins start to blossom outwards. He wanted to ignore it, but the more he stared at his friend, the hotter he grew until he could feel a faint sheen of sweat dotting along his cheeks and his upper lip. He bit his lower lip firmly and almost gave into the urge to lean forward before he heard Alex yelp.

"Oh man..I died." He complained and tossed the controller down. "I'm gonna go get a drink."

Alex stood up a bit too fast and drew his brother's gaze and he saw with shock a small bulge in the front of his pants. He twitched his nose and took in a deep scent of arousal from his younger brother and his lips parted. To his horror a soft whine spilled free from his throat and he leaned forward to nose against his brother's small hard cock through the material. Zak made a noise of disgust even as Alex whimpered out to himself and trembled under his brothers touch and he took a deep breath of the young boys musk even as a wet spot started to appear on the front of the soft material.

"Jesus dude! What the fuck are you doing?!" Zak's voice almost cracked on those words and Derrick turned his head and a deep bass growl slid from between his teeth.

He could feel something stirring inside of him, like some great alien creature that rubbed in places nothing should ever touch. The force of the personality brushed his own, he wanted to yank his brother's pants down and roll against that hardened cock. Derrick swallowed and trembled, what was wrong with him? What was happening? Above him Alex echoed his growl with a slightly higher pitched one and his older brother moved to grip the edge of the PJ's and pulled them down so that four inch shaft sprang free for him to nuzzle against.

He wanted to roll against that scent and taste, and all Alex did was move his hands down to the top of his brother's head. He nosed against the tip and licked out lightly against it, his own cock hard against his belly and pants while he squirmed. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, it was wrong, but it smelled so good. Something inside of him was pushing aside what he knew he shouldn't be doing and instead reveled in the taste and scent both. His body started to feel tight and tense, his muscles clenched along his hips and over his arms. Everything seemed almost surreal and hyper sensitive as his tongue swirled right over his brother's tip.


Zak stared in horror as his best friend pulled Alex's pants down, what was going on? He scrambled backwards and stood up hastily to watch as he could see Derrick's pants strained tight over his hard on. Wetness formed against the pants and while he stared at that tented outline he heard another growl come out of Derrick's throat. The older of the two started to tremble and then curved his head down with a low moan. His body was shaking and he curled over on himself as his body started to change. Change? Oh god it was changing! He could see Derrick's ears start to taper up right at the top and raised upwards along his head turning thinner and fuzz seemed to start over the soft skin.

"Derrick! Oh god..oh god...I gotta get your Mom!" He almost squealed when he heard a ripping sound come from the older boy.

The shoulders of the PJ's tore in strips to reveal a flash of pale skin and even as he watched the shoulders started to bulge and fill outwards. Muscles tensed and rippled for a moment and he only had a few moments to watch as Alex dropped down near his brother in a similar stance. The shoulders turned broader, they rapidly expanded until they couldn't fit a young boy's shirt anymore and Derrick lifted a hand up to curl against the front and rip it free. He exposed a chest that was no longer flat and smooth instead it started to broaden out so that muscles hardened it and stretched the skin strangely.

Even as Zak watched in panic he saw Alex's face start to push outwards and long white fangs curved down from the upper and lower teeth. A long red tongue expanded outwards and the younger boy dropped his head down lower towards his brother to bump against the abdomen that had started to form what looked like a grown-ups six pack. Thick fur had started to cover Derrick's body, it spilled outwards in a grey-white wash that ran along his head as it started to narrow down into a more lupine appearance. The young human boy shrank in on himself as he watched the brothers in front of him with terror in his eyes.


Derrick groaned out in pleasure as Alex's head went down under him, his pants started to feel so tight as his legs bulged and swelled with muscles. He tore at them to try and free them, most of all his arousal had started to hurt and feel trapped. His brothers fangs tore his pants down so that his cock sprung free just as the mushroomed tip started to turn into something thinner and more slender. Hot drops of precum rolled down along the underside as the long lupine tongue stroked out against him. Oh god it felt good. It felt almost too good, better then anything in his young life! He whimpered and thrust forward against the changing muzzle and dropped to all fours over the smaller form.

His pants tore and snapped around his legs as they turned into the digitigrade legs of a wolf and his feet turned into paws. The thing inside of him reared up and seemed to drive his body into animalistic fueled lust. He wanted and needed to feel more! The long tongue stroked along his cock as the foreskin was forced downwards to form a white furred sheath around the base and he could feel the bulb at the base starting to form. He thrust forward harder against his brother and looked down to see Alex's body growing rapidly. The short form erupted into a far larger one, his body, even curled, rivaled the size of their father.

Thick fur formed along Derrick's neck and along his arms while he moved his hands down to grip against Alex's thighs. Memories of the night before finally started to come forward and he whined out in fear. Had he really fucked his own brother? Was he really thinking of how good it would feel to do it again? He wanted to shrink in on himself at those thoughts but the need was overwhelming. His lengthened ears started to twitch against his head before he leaned it back and let out a muted cry of pleasure when a slippery tongue drug down against the base of his knot and started to lap and curl around him. Alex's own cock jutted out a full 13 inches from his belly and dribbled a constant stream of precum towards the ground.

A whimper captured both full grown wolves attentions as he and Alex both turned to stare at the terrified Zak standing with his back against the wall. His eyes darted towards the stairs. Derrick snuffed the air and let out a growl that was almost a purr and Alex pushed himself upwards away from the hardened wolf cock to consider the boy with wide lustful eyes.


Zak wanted to run, he should run! He watched as his friends' bodies changed right in front of his eyes. Their PJ's shredded and cast to the side as they seemed larger. No they were larger! When Derrick stood up his ears brushed the ceiling and his muscles rippled beneath the thick fur of his chest and stomach. Most of all his arousal stood out against his stomach, every inch of it throbbed and pulsed while he forced his eyes up to look at the strange alien eyes of the wolf. He thought he saw a flash of panic and fear before it was rolled away and under the force of the werewolf's thoughts and feelings.

He made a move to bolt towards the stairs, opened his mouth to scream for their parents when he felt a massive paw catch him against his stomach and drug him towards the pair of animals. Hot fur pushed against him as the reddish wolf dropped his head and snuffed against his neck before the tongue extended to lick over his smooth skin. He whimpered out and squeezed his eyes, ready to feel the jaws clamp down against him when instead he suddenly felt another paw grip his shirt and with a sudden pull and tear it was ripped from his body leaving him exposed and vulnerable.

"D-derrick..Alex...st-stop, it's me! Zak!" He whimpered out and kept his eyes closed as another nose shoved lewdly against his pants before fangs hooked at the waist band.

He writhed and struggled against the weight of the pair that shoved against him, and felt a nose push right up against privates so that he twisted himself away from it. He wanted to cry, he wanted to shove them both away from him, anything, something! A hot tongue snaked out to rub against his balls and curled beneath towards his ass and he opened his eyes to watch as the silver-white wolf forced him towards the ground so that his head was rubbed right up against the swollen crimson-violet shaft in front of him. He opened his lips to scream a moment before the tip jerked right inside of his mouth. His lips were forced to stretch open around it as the salty rush of precum spilled over the edges of his tongue.

Alex's tongue swirled upwards behind his ass crack and ran along the edge of the pucker. Without knowing it he was already starting to suckle down the taint of the werewolf through his cock, the bitter precum rolled down his throat and for a moment he could almost feel the moonlight outside. The red werewolf's tongue pushed up and drove into the pucker as he cried out and closed his eyes entirely. This couldn't be happening..it couldn't be happening.

Outside the house the silver moon road heavily in the sky, the silver light flooded over the house and roof. It's power controlled the duo..now trio inside of it in a cage of animalistic passions and lust as a strange pack was formed in the basement of the brother's house. Already inside Alex's body was starting to change as the brother's closed in on him and his world was suddenly drowned in an explosion of feelings and the hot scent of wolf musk that rode the air. Such a strange turn of events a tumble down the hillside for one of them had taken.

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