Lordrevan Commission: The Princess of the Sea Zora

Story by Kiyro on SoFurry

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"Princess Ruto...Princess Ruto!" Called a servant, running through the halls of a magnificent palace.

"Princess Ruto!" She called again to the stubborn 10 year old.

It was customary for the young Princess to run out when it came time for learning things her father planned for her. Not that she didn't enjoy her father, it's just that, having a slight selfish tweak to her, she always wanted to do things HER way. One of the things, at this moment, was to play hide and seek when it came time to learn.

"Ru- Ugh! Princess Ruto!" Her servant yelled, finally finding her.

Her servant walked into a room, as the double mahogany doors were already open.

"Princess!" She said again, stomping her feet. "I was worried sick! You can't just get up and run from your teaching session!"

"Don't like it." Said the Princess, sitting down, her back to her servant, crossing her arms. "It's boring...and besides, I have a ton of time to learn that stuff!"

"Yes, true, but the king demands you learn at an early age." Said the servant, getting on her knees, trying to talk sense into the young child. "But, think of it this way...the quicker and earlier you learn this "stuff", the quicker and earlier you can go back to doing things you want to do!"

The young princess looked down, thinking for a moment. Her eyes darting back and forth, then suddenly, an idea formed.


"Splendid!" Yelped the servant grabbing the Princess and leading her out and into the hallway.

"Wait! I uhh...need to do one thing! Okie-dokie?" Said the Princess running off quickly.

"Hurry, ok dear?!" Called the servant, left waiting in the hall as the Princess ran off giggling.

The Princess ran off, turning corner after corner, running past paintings of her father in benevolent poses, golden leaf lamps and other mahogany doors to rooms. She kept running and running, until finally, she thought she turned enough corners to throw off her servant, and leaned on a wall, catching her breath.

"F-find...find me now..." She said with a smirk while breathing.

Suddenly she heard a muffled crash from down the hallway. Sounded like someone threw something violently. Cautiously walking a bit down the hall, she noticed one of the doors was open. Then looking down, come to think of it, all the doors to this hallway were open, the hinges looking like they were forced inward from a kick while others looked like someone took a sword to them.

Suddenly she realized, her room as at the end of the hallway, the room where the noise was now coming from!

"What are you doing in my roooooom!" She whined, stomping her feet as she walked in the doorway, thinking some other servants were in there.

Quickly looking around, she noticed her door was cut multiple times. Her bed was a mess, the furniture in her room was either upside down, or destroyed beyond recognition. And the men who did it were at the end of the room, 5 of them, staring now at the Princess who barged in.

Each wore a tan bandana on their heads and wore scruffy, grimy clothing. Most of it torn. Each, despite their appearance of unorganized clothing, had a dagger, while the one in the middle of the room had a sword, meaning they were not to be trifled with lightly.

"There she is! Get the brat!" The leader yelled, while the 4 others ran quickly at the door, daggers at the ready.

She took a few steps back, attempting to run, but in a flash, one bandit smashed into her, and continued all the way past the doorway and into the hall, finally coming to a "thud" halt, pinning the Princess to the wall.

"Got her boss!" Yelled the bandit as he shoved her into the wall again. "It's the royal brat."

"Ya don't say?" He said, walking up to her, swinging his scimitar style sword as he came. "So, this is your room?"

Suddenly, her servant came around the corner of the hall, leaned over and was out of breath from searching high and low again for the little girl.

"P-Princess Ruto! You can't be destroying stuff like..." She said, thinking the previously damaged rooms were her doing.

Suddenly, she froze, seeing the Princess being held against the wall by a scruffy looking man.

"Fresh meat." Cooed one bandit as he quickly ran to her and hastily grabbed her arm, smiling a toothy smile.

"N-no!" She cried, struggling a bit.

"Shut up bitch!" Yelled the leader. "Let's get out of here. Filden, you'll catch up, right?" He said looking at the bandit who was struggling a bit with the servant as he drug her into on of the open rooms.

"Yea yea, sure." He said waving back at them, starting to lick the female servant's neck and putting a dagger to her throat. "I'm gonna make you my bitch."

At that moment, the leader gave a signal and the 3 bandits left the hallway with the Princess in their arms, gag around her mouth, leaving with the sounds of screams in the hallway behind them.

The young Princess didn't really know what "rape" was, nor what the bandit was doing to her servant, but she knew that something bad was to happen to her as well, she just didn't know what.

The remaining bandits used a broken window to get out, the same they used to get in, and simply walked to the cobblestone street. The guards that were on post we dead as they walked casually past the front gate. She could see they were dead, since while they carried her, she managed to catch a glimpse of one guard, holding a bloodied dagger in his neck, while another had 3 arrows stuck in his forehead, chest and neck.

"Be a good girl." Smiled the leader as he took her from the bandit that was holding her, and threw her on the back of a wagon carelessly, before hand putting a blindfold on her.


"Look at that meat!" Yelled a bandit from a crowd of 30 plus in a run down looking building.

The Princess had awoken from the long and bumpy ride of the wagon, only to have lantern light shone in her face, and laughed at. Though still groggy, she knew she wasn't in a very good position.

"I think we should have fun before ransoming her." Yelled a bandit.

"Not a bad idea." Agreed another.

"Why not gang style?" Said another, licking his lips while chuckling.

Suddenly the Princess cried out in her superior tone. "Do you know who I am? I am Princess of the Zoras! Daughter of the King Zora!"

She looked around, seeing only devious smiles and mockery.

"Yea, no shit! We can tell by your looks, your "Highness" ." Mocked a bandit, bowing.

Suddenly a bandit grabbed her, and pushed her against a table and tied her hands behind her back as she struggled and grunted in annoyance.

"Should I gag the meat boys?" Yelled the leader, his hand ready to put a gag deep in her mouth.

"Nooo!" The bandits together laughed and yelled.

The lead bandit suddenly, pulled down this pants, revealing his hardened cock, 8 inches long. At the same time, he pulled out his dagger, and with a swift slice, quickly ripped the dress the Princess was wearing.

"W-what are you doing!" The Princess yelled as her sex was violently exposed thanks to violent ripping of her purple and pink dress.

"I'm using you, you brat, now shut up!" He yelled as he swiftly hilted her, pushing her body up and across the table a little from the violent thrust.

"N-no!" She cried, a pained look on her face.

The Princess yelped in surprise, her eyes wide with fear as her face blushed while tears formed. The bandit saw this, but it didn't stop his feverish thrusts. He pushed and pushed, pushing her body from the bent over position, to being nearly all the way on the table, her legs hanging in mid air.

He pushed his hand on the back of her neck as she tried to raised her head, whimpering in pain and violently pushed it back down, slamming it on the wooden table, nearly knocking her out.

"Stay down!" He yelled as the bandits cheered in response.

"Ugh, s-stop I- Ugh, I can't take- ugh!" She tried to say while being cut off from her own grunts as he pushed deeper in her, pushing her body forward as he did so.

The bandit's hands then went to her still flat chest, and played with her nipples making her face turn slightly more pleasant as her mouth went nearly agape. At this time, her eyes began to flutter as her body began to heat up considerably. Essentially, she began to like the rape, turning the pain into pleasure.

"Ugh! Yes you tight bitch! Ugh!" Moaned the lead bandit, his hands violently grabbing her hips as he humped her, preparing to assault her innards. He grabbed her long brown hair and pulled back as his other hand held her hip firmly. Feeling his climax coming, he pushed harder and faster, completely using the little girl as if she was nothing more than a doll. Suddenly he ejaculated, pulsating his cum deep into her before pulling out and spurting some spunk on her ass and inner thighs.

"Like that hun?!" He said chuckling, jerking off a little on her back before backing away.

"My turn!" Yelled a bandit, coming out of the group.

"Me too!"

"Yea, same here!"

The three bandits came from the crowd, and nearly drooled from seeing the little girl's tight pussy dripping with their bosses' spunk. Laughing, the positioned themselves so that one was laying on his back, to penetrate her pussy, while one readied himself to fuck her ass, while the other stood at her mouth to be sucked.

"Ready boys?!" The one bandit cried.

At the same time, they shoved in her, penetrating all her orifices with no remorse or mercy and began humping and thrusting. Though pain initially shot through her body, after only 5 minutes of being humped and used, she was actually enjoying it. She didn't really "know" she was enjoying it, but her body sure did as it thrust back into the bandit's cock, while sucking as hard as she could.

"Ah! Good little girl!" Moaned the bandit, who was thrusting her ass.

Her eyes fluttered faster as she moaned, and her tongue rolled under the sensitive underside of the bandit's cock in her mouth. At the same time, she pushed her hips down and back, helping the two bandits behind her in the process.

The bandit who was enjoying her mouth felt his orgasm near so, grabbing the side of her head, he readied himself to claim her mouth. Soon as he felt his orgasm near, so did the other two from her virgin tightness. The bandit in her ass suddenly couldn't hold his anymore, and shot out deep inside her, holding her hips just as the leader did before. The one enjoying her mouth, hearing the bandit enjoying her ass moan, did so as well. Exploding, he wanted to give her a last "slap" of humiliation, so he pulled out, and let some of his seed fall upon her head and face.

Following quickly, the bandit in her pussy exploded in the relatively same fashion. First holding her tightly, letting his seed shoot deep in her, before pulling out and letting the remainder fly on her vaginal lips and stomach before throwing the girl off him, laughing.

"Wow! Tight as hell!" Yelled the bandit that was laying on the ground getting up.

"Yea! Her ass wasn't bad too-" But the bandit was cut off as he felt something on his toes.

He looked down, and she was on all fours down like an animal and licking the bit of cum that landed on the bandit's feet that claimed her ass first. Finishing with his feet, and following suit, she crawled, eyes wide and not truly knowing what she was doing and finished with the other two.

She looked up and saw the remaining crowd suddenly come closer, laughing and mocking. And she simply smiled.


"Hey...did you have a chance at the brat? Turned her into a real slut." The guard outside her cell said while walking with another.

"Na...was out with the guys, drinkin'."

"Too bad. I think we're gonna go again soon anyway. We're thinking of ways to get cash from her damned stubborn father." He replied.

Princess Ruto was a mess. She sat in the back of a dark, stone arched room that leaked, completely covered in cum, spunk, seed what ever you wanted to call it, she was covered in it. Sitting back, she went over the sex of her body, puffy and read from constant use. Though in some pain, she still liked it oddly. Worst part was, she didn't even know WHAT she was liking.

The pain? No...she seen people in pain before. Not a lovely site. The roughness? No...can't be. She was told that being rough with others was bad, so couldn't be that. Either way though, what ever it was, she was still loving it, and for some reason, she only despised the bandits for the way they humiliated her. Not the sex, or the laughing, but something about the way they did whatever it was they did to her, she didn't like it.

"I-I'm royalty...darn it." She said pouting. "How can they treat me...ME, like this."

A loud metal click revealed someone had been standing in front of the large rusted iron gate in front of her prison.

"Hey! Shut it! Should be lucky we didn't kill ya anyway. Only reason you're here is because boss was horny." The guard said, hitting the metal bar to her cell once more with the butt of his sword.

"What's horny?" She asked, confused.

Hearing her question, the guard rolled his eyes and walked off, talking to another guard at the end of a drank, musty hallway. Having enough of having to listen to the brat talk to herself in such high esteem, and not wanting to deal with any other questions he could care less about talking to her about, he left her alone.

But her loneliness didn't last long. The boss of the bandits came down, and opened the door with his large rusty key, and grabbed her harshly.

"Get up brat!" He shouted, angry.

"W-what?!" She cried, trying to figure out why he was so mad.

"Your damned father doesn't "negotiate" with bandits, or "scum" as he dared call us!" He shouted in her face. "So, we're gonna show him a reason to!"

He pulled her one last time, pulling the little girl right up from the rotten wooden bench she was laying on, and pushed her right up the stairs as he put iron shackles on her wrists.

"Boys! I think we need a public demonstration!" Yelled the bandit, gathering men as he walked out of the run down house that was their headquarters.


"Get on your knees brat!" Yelled the leader, pushing the Princess down to her knees in the middle of a busy town square.

He took a few steps back, and sat on the edge of a watering fountain and folded a leg upon the other, relaxing. Smiling, and looking around at the common townsfolk walking around, he knew this would be the best place for humiliation. After all, everyone knew the Princess and what she looked like. Those people, however, were about to be shocked.

Thinking for a second, he took off his boots, and presented a very smelly, and very dirt-grimy foot to the kneeling Princess.

"Lick." He commanded as she threw a disgusting look as a response.

Two other bandits grabbed her face, and forced it forward, so her nose and mouth were right up against his dirty foot.

"Do as he says!" One growled in her ear.

With one eye closed and with the bandits still holding her down, she meekly gave a small lick, forced to taste the vile stench she also smelt. But, being unsatisfied, the lead bandit gave a disgusted look as she meekly licked, and gave the others a hand sign. The two bandits holding her by the shoulders quickly pushed her forward in mid-lick, forcing her entire tongue to touch the underside middle section of his foot.

"There we go. Much better." Cooed the leader, grabbing the back of her head and holding her to his foot forcefully.

"Lick brat!" The bandits laughed and yelled as they let her go, stepping back so the crowd could watch.

The busy walking and shuffling of commoners grew fainter and fainter, as a ring of very interested...and slightly disgusted people watched in her humiliation. Some pointed and giggled. Some, eyes wide open in shock that royalty would be this vile.

"Seems like you're gaining popularity Princess!" The leader laughed loudly so others knew she was indeed royalty.

He pulled his foot away from her, and presented the right one for her to continue licking. By this time however, a teenage boy, sword on back was hearing the ruckus and headed toward the rapidly gathering crowd wondering what was happening.

"Good girl!" Laughed the leader as her tongue slid down to his sole, sapping and licking, pulling momentarily away so she could taste the filth then continuing.

She slid her tongue up from his sole to the middle of his foot, licking with her whole tongue as she was used to it now, her nether regions getting moist from the actual sensation of being humiliated. Continuing, she licked up to his toes and began to suck the largest toe, rolling her tongue around it, looking right at the bandit laughing at her.

"Good at sucking, we should know, right boys!" He said laughing, looking at the other men.

By this time, the teenage boy was midway through the crowd. He came to the town, because being on a quest to find the missing Princess, he figured he would start in the most populated town; the town most likely to hold a gang of bandits responsible for her capture.

Little did the bandits know, one of their own, Filden, never came back from the royal castle. As he was "enjoying" the servant while his buddies left, royal guards managed to catch him, still in the room only minutes after the main group had left with the Princess. Interrogation on the bandit captured, lead to information on the group and the possible whereabouts of their headquarters. Having this information, the King then sent Link to find his daughter.

It was purely on chance he came to this town today.

He finally made it to the inner circle, where many disgusting and grimy men were laughing and shouting at some little girl...apparently licking some very happy and dirty men.

As the girl turned to lick another's foot, her face was exposed to the boy, and his eyes went wide as he pulled his steel blade from his holder on his back.

"Away from the Princess!" Yelled Link as he jumped, clear over a line of bystanders into the middle of the circle, cutting one bandit's leg in the process.

As the bandit fell, others had no time to react as he spun and slashed upward, cutting down another bandit who had a dagger at the ready.

One of the men who was sitting on the fountain grabbed his dagger and ran at the boy, only to be outmaneuvered by the quick Link, and have a sword cut the bottom of his legs causing him to collapse.

"Who the hell are you?!" Yelled the lead bandit, now with only two others at his side as he grabbed the Princess by the hair, putting a dagger to her neck.

"Sent by his royal highness, I am Link!" He said, suddenly throwing his sword at the bandit to the left, and taking out a bow to quickly shoot the bandit to the right.

"...and I am here for her." He said, finally pulling another arrow across the string, aimed right at the leader as his two fellow bandits fell dead. One with a sword in the chest, another with an arrow in his heart.

"Screw you, and the brat!" He yelled, throwing the Princess on the ground and throwing his dagger the boy, running away.

The dagger came no where near Link, thrown mainly as a "get the hell out of here" tactic and was only meant as a distraction.

Keeping the Princess out of further harm, and his only mission, he simply let the fool go, kneeling to check the Princess.

"Princess Ruto! It's me! Link! Your father sent me to get you." He said holding her by the shoulders.

Looking at him, wearing only a blushed smile on her face she replied, "Need clean feet Link? I'm good at it!" as she pulled at his boots.

"What are you talking about?!" He asked surprised at her overall look.

The Princess looked around and saw the many people looking upon her, most surprised at her facial expression, but some with what appeared to be lust in their eyes. It was quite possible that some of the watchers would actually turn on them and do what the bandits did to her. Ignoring that...or...much rather turned on by the fact, she pulled at his right boot causing it to come off while he looked at the crowd nervously.

"Told ya I'm good!" She reassured him, almost whining, wanting him to let her, as she pulled off his sock and licked his sole.

"Whoa! Princess! Stop!" He cried, thoughts of punishment going through his mind.

But, despite his pleas, she didn't. First small, tip of the tongue licks of his sole, then full use of the tongue type licks. Moving up from the sole, she stopped at the middle of his foot, holding on to it, massaging it as she went. She continued licking, and examining his foot, as if it was her job until seeing it only covered in her shining saliva. Going back down, she rolled her tongue over the heel, then back up to the tip of his big toe, stopping to lick the tip of it.

"Still wanna stop?" She asked giggling, putting his foot down and getting on all fours to lick his foot while he stood.

"Yes! Princess!" He whined while people laughed.

Still not stopping her, she licked gently with the tip of her tongue in between his toes, making sure she got to the bottom of his foot as she could, before beginning to lick the top of his foot.

Suddenly, as if she was hungry, she just put all his toes in her mouth and sucked hard, licking the underside and middle of each of his toes as they stayed in her mouth. Looking up at him while doing this, she winked, then pulled away giggling, examining her own vast quantities of saliva nearly dripping off his foot.

"So...when can we go home so I can show daddy what I learned?!"