Tanzee Chapter 1

Story by Fifi_the_Skunk on SoFurry

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#2 of Tanzee

Tanzee opened the door to the bedroom and sighed. The single bedroom apartment was small, even for him. Boxes from the movers were scattered on the floor along with a bed in the center, and a thin mattress on the floor near the wall.

On the edge of entering adolescent, Tanzee was a lithe mink morph. This was going to be the same as the last place he lived. He dreaded the upcoming school year because he was always the center of attention of the jocks that needed a target to feel good. He assumed it was because he liked to run - or was always the subject of having to run from older kids that liked to tease him. He jumped forward as he was bumped from behind by his mother.

"In, in Tanz," his mother said, as she carried her and her son's suitcases.

"But Mom," he whined, "do we have to share a bedroom? I need my "guy space"!"

"Hun, you know money is really tight. We barely have enough money for this. Now, you get ready for bed, tomorrow is the first day of high school and I don't want you to be tired."

Tanzee walked into the bathroom and took a shower. He loved the sense of warm water on his body and he wasn't going to rush it. When he was finally done, he got out the fur dryer and dried every inch of his body. He stood there, looking at himself. While the friends he left had all started on their path to manhood, he still hadn't.

Suddenly, the day of the accident flashed into his mind. A bandit that had broken into the house had tied him up and stripped him of his clothes. With a large knife the thief had removed Tanzee's sheath, exposing his manhood. If that wasn't bad enough, the thief nearly pissed himself silly with laughter at Tanzee's diminutive size. But, it was because of that, the thief was caught and stopped from doing any more harm. The down side was the doctors couldn't repair the damage, leaving two pieces of flab one on each side of his shaft in hopes they could be one day reattached after his sacs had descended.

He stared at the image for a while before the image blended in the mirror to his current one. His hair was getting long, passing his shoulders. He didn't normally let it get that long, but they didn't even have time to stop for a barber. Sighing, he got into shorts and walked into the bedroom. Pulling out his sleeping bag, he curled up inside and just went to sleep. The trip had been long, and delayed many times. They were supposed to get there a few days prior, but the incidents caused them to be late. The movers had delivered their paltry supplies before their arrival. Various boxes were partially opened already. His mother was in her sleeping bag. As he drifted off to sleep, he murmured, "I wish this new school would be different for me."

A strange sound stirred the mink from his sleep. As he blinked wearily to the alarm clock that was blinking 1:03 AM, the noise sounded again, this time fully awaking Tanzee with the sound of a bus horn. He jumped in a panic, realizing the power must have been off. He grabbed a pair of slacks and a shirt at random from the darkened room, picked up his backpack and bolted down the stairs.

"It's about time," the gruff badger driver said.

"Sorry," Tanzee squeaked meekly. "My power had gone out and my alarm..."

The driver looked at Tanzee and sighed. In a softer, gentler tone he said, "Just try to not let it happen again, 'k?"

Tanzee nodded and looked around for a seat. Walking past a few, a girl raccoon slid over, "You can sit next to me," she said cheerfully to him.

Tanzee smiled nervously and sat down.

"I'm Becca!" she exclaimed as she extended a paw.

"Tanzee," he replied with a shaky voice, taking her fingers into his own softly, giving a quick shake.

"I like your outfit," she continued in a bubbly voice.

Tanzee looked down and was shocked. He had accidentally taken an outfit from his mother's box. He had tan slacks on with a flowery vine going down the side. His shirt - which he thought was white - was actually a slight shade of pink with little hearts.

He was so mortified; he didn't say anything else, letting Becca ramble on. He removed the schedule that had been mailed to him to distract him from the mistake he had made. "Shop and Gym, yuck," he thought to himself.

When the bus arrived at the school, he shuffled along, then got behind Becca in hopes she'd hide his shame. Everyone was being herded to the auditorium, so he stuck close to her.

"What's going on?" he whispered as they took seats next to one another on the bleachers.

"Senior Prank Day," she whispered back, "they get assigned a freshman and make them do something."

One by one, Tanzee watched as a senior would get matched with someone. When a shapely female vixen walked up and said 'Tanzee', he blinked a few times before going down to the floor to meet her.

The tall female fox looked down at Tanzee, scoffing at first then smiling. "Come with me," she ordered in a haughty voice, holding a bag in her paws.

The two of them marched down a hall. The vixen walked into the woman's bathroom, but Tanzee stood there dumbfounded for a moment.

"Well?" the vixen asked impatiently from the other side of the door.

Looking around to make sure no one was watching, he pushed the door and entered.

He had never seen the inside of a woman's bathroom, but other than the color of the walls and no urinals, it was like any other bathroom.

"Put these on," the senior demanded, holding the bag out.

Tanzee took the bag and entered one of the stalls. Looking in, his face flushed.

Inside was a pair of black laced panties and matching bra, low-cut leather skirt, black nylons, high-heeled strapped shoes, and a low cut v-cut midriff blouse.

Tanzee looked inside for a while before calling out, "um, excuse me..." his voice trailed off.

"Sarah," the vixen replied, "and what is it?"

Thinking fast, Tanzee asked, "Won't I get into trouble wearing this?"

"Not today," she replied, "now hurry."

Tanzee completely stripped, shoving the clothes into the empty bag and tried the panties on first. Shoving his shaft between his leg and the flab, he pulled up the tight fitting garment. The fabric folded over the flab causing it to curl up and form a line, completely obscuring his equipment. Tanzee blinked a few times. He had accidentally seen his mother in her panties and what he was staring at reminded him of that.

He shook his head and tackled the bra next. Clipping it in front of himself first he moved it around his back then put his arms through the straps. The forming bra was slightly padded and with the underwire on his flabby chest, it gave him slight definition. Taking tissue from the dispenser, he added to the cup.

Next he put the nylons on. Again, working from his memory of watch his mom, he bunched up the silken fabric around his thumbs and pulled it up his legs. From there, he put the skirt and blouse on just as Sarah opened the door.

"Shesh, slow poke eh?" Sarah smirked, seeing Tanzee still had not put the shoes on.

Tanzee slipped his foot in the four inch heel and was amazing they fit. When he put the other one on, he was shocked at the height difference.

"Where is your purse?" Sarah asked, as if just realizing it.

"My old school didn't allow them," Tanzee said.

"Can you believe the garbage we women have to put up with?" she asked, pulling out some makeup. "Come here."

Tanzee moved to Sarah letting her do whatever she wanted. By the time the warning alarm for home room sounded, the vixen had complete redone Tanzee's face with makeup and perfume.

"That's homeroom. Your mission is to stay in this as long as possible."

Tanzee ran off towards his room, stumbling a few times. As he entered, he saw an empty seat near the front next to Becca. Walking as carefully as he could he lowered himself in the chair, not noticing the looks from the boys as his hips were swaying from the height of the heels.

A fat middle-aged male bear walked into the room just as Tanzee sat down. "Welcome class. I am Mr. Peterson. As some of you may know, we are starting a dress code this year. Each of you will be given three outfits which is part of what your parents paid for. The teacher looked around, before staring at Tanzee. "Might as well start with you young lady, considering you are breaking almost every dress code we have." The man waddled to the desk, turning on the computer.

Tanzee slowly rose, trying to make it look as if he always had walked in heels and moved to the teacher's desk. Sitting in the empty chair, he made sure to smooth his dress before crossing his legs, glad that his orbs had not yet descended.

"Tanzee Black," he replied softly.

The teacher punched in the information then scoffed at the screen, "Damn seniors," he said aloud, before furiously typing on the keyboard.

Tanzee raised an eyebrow. He leaned down to try to see the screen, not realizing he was flashing his teacher his bra.

Mr. Peterson looked at Tanzee, his eyes for a moment looking at Tanzee's form before replying, "They changed some info on you." He pressed a key and printed out something handing it to Tanzee. "This is your real schedule. Now you have to go to supply to get your outfit and ID."

"Now?" Tanzee asked.

"Yes, now," he replied. Normally you'd probably be sent home, but I remember what prank day is like, so just go get the uniform.

Tanzee got up and walked out the door, not knowing the murmurs were about him, pausing for a moment to look at the new schedule. "Home Care and Cooking, Aerobics, and Woman's Health had been added.

"What am I going to do?" he asked aloud as he shuffled down the hall to supplies. He sighed as he reached his destination going to the desk and ringing a small bell on the counter.

A large mare emerged from the back room, "How can I help you dearie?"

"I am supposed to pick up my new uniform?" Tanzee replied quizzically.

Stepping around the counter, the mare took out a measuring tape and started to take his measurements.

Tanzee jumped when the mare wrapped the tape around his chest area, mostly out of fear of being discovered.

"It's alright, hun. We all develop at different paces. I am Shirley, by the way. Nice to meet you."

Tanzee managed a soft, "Tanzee," in reply, before looking down.

The mare continued with the measurements. "Give me just a moment while I find the right size for you." She disappeared in back and he rocked back and forth in place. Almost five minutes later, Shirley emerged from the back carrying the uniform and a large glass of what looked like orange juice. "Here, drink this," she told Tanzee handing him the glass.

"What's this?"

"Just a little thing to help you grow big a bit faster," she replied.

Tanzee shrugged and drank it down. Scrunching his nose, he replied, "It's bitter." It tasted like orange juice to him though, so he wasn't overly concerned.

"Well try on your uniform," Shirley told him, pointing to a screened section in the corner of the room.

Tanzee quickly went to the area, stripping off the other clothes and putting on the school uniform. It consisted of a blue blouse, plaid skirt that hung just below the knees and white knee high socks. Emerging from the screen he went to Shirley for approval.

"There you go, that's much better," the mare smiled to Tanzee. "Now, I want you to come back next Friday too for another dose of vitamins."

"I will," he replied, confused but not wanted to raise any alarms.

"And this is your two spare uniforms that your parents paid for with your tuition. Make sure nothing happens to them because you can't return them."

"Alright," he said with a shaky voice, "I need to get to my class."

"Let me write you a note for your teacher," handing him a note.

Taking the note, Tanzee thanked her and ran off to "Woman's Health." When he entered, the teacher, a plump female hedgehog stopped talking and looked right at him. He walked up and handed the note to her.

"Very well Ms. Black, take a seat there," she told him pointing to an empty chair next to Becca. Once Tanzee was seating the teacher began. "I am Ms. Hodgy. This year we will learn everything you could possibly want to know about your bodies. Some of you have already started your journey to womanhood, and others will most likely start any time now. It's my job to see you know what to expect, not only from your own bodies, but the affects you will have on the males around you. Take a good look at the woman next to you for she will be your lab partner for the rest of the year. You will be helping each other, giving each other exams, and maturing with each other on this journey."

Tanzee's eyes went wide when he heard the description of the class. "What am I going to do?" he thought to himself. The rest of the class and the rest of the day was a blur as his worries drowned out anything the teacher had said. He was just thankful that the assembly had knocked gym out of the rotation for classes.

As he was about to board the bus, Becca came and pulled his arm. "Mom is picking me up and she said she can give you a ride too!" she said excitedly.

Tanzee followed his friend to the car, "Hello Tanzee, I am Kathy, Becca's mom. She tells me you made friends."

"Yes ma`am," he replied sheepishly.

Kathy waved her hand, "Just call me Kathy. Get in and let's go."

Tanzee and Becca hopped into the back and fastened their seat belts. Becca started talking about this and that holding much of the conversation, distracting him from his worries. When the car finally stopped, Tanzee blinked. They were at a shopping mall.

"What?" he managed to ask before Becca replied.

"Surprise!" she smiled.

They got out of the car and followed Kathy into a beauty salon. After a brief discussion with the stylist at the counter, the three of them were whisked into a private room. Before he could even reply, he had a beautiful, female mink working shampoo through his scalp. The fingers running through his fur was enough to lull him as the attendant worked on him. He chatted with the mink, occasionally glancing at her form. Blurting out, "You are very pretty," Tanzee gulped.

"Why thank you," the mink replied. "You will be too when you grow up, just look," she gestured to the mirror.

Tanzee stared at the reflection. With his hair styled professionally now, all traces of boy had been removed and replaced with an attractive girl. Even his nails and toes had been done, unaware at how she managed to do everything without him noticing.

"Do you like?" the mink asked.

Tanzee was too stunned to reply, but simply nodded.

The three of them walked out and into the mall stopping at a woman's clothing store. Tanzee's heart was racing, certain he was going to be discovered. He had never been shopping in an upscale clothing store, man or woman. When the thrill of shopping and the adrenalin kicked into high gear, he started to giggle with Becca. Becca pulled out several outfits for Tanzee telling him this will go good with your new looks.

Tanzee tried to defuse the situation, "I can't afford any of this," he said, looking down hoping that would allow him to get out of the spot he was in.

"Don't worry," Becca whispered, "this is my treat." Becca stuffed the outfits in the shopping cart and pulled him towards the dressing rooms.

Tanzee's heart was pounding so hard in his chest he was sure someone could hear. The clerk simply handed him a card with a printed "3" and pointed to an empty stall. He took three outfits from the cart that Becca had picked out and went to the assigned room. He stripped down to the bra and panties he was still wearing and slowly removed the first outfit. It was a pink daisy print day dress that came up just short of his knees. The dress had a built-in form shaper, giving him curves he shouldn't have had.

When he opened the curtain, Becca smiled and stated, "You will have the boys drooling with that one."

Tanzee blushed and shut the curtain, trying on the other outfits, each one making him look more and more feminine that the previous one. When the shopping was finally over, he had five new outfits, including matching bras and panties.

Kathy drove him home and helped him with all the bags he had accumulated.

"Thanks for everything," he told her as he opened the door to his apartment.

"Don't worry about it, I hope you had fun," she told him.

Tanzee nodded, "I did." He hated to admit it, but he actually did enjoy being able to shop, but he wished he had been shopping for the correct items.

He closed the door and went to his room. With the rush finally gone, he crashed on his mattress, still in his school's outfit.

Tanzee blinked his eyes as he was suddenly in a large auditorium that was decorated for a dance. He looked down and gasped. He was in a sapphire evening dress. His hands trembled as he smooth out the dress that showed off extremely flattering curves. Over the loud speaker, he heard, "The king and queen announcements are just ten minutes away."

He rushed to the bathroom, not even realizing he entered the woman's bathroom without thought. Running into a stall he locked it. He ran his hand over the breast that was straining the fabric of the dress and was amazed when it felt real. Without thought, he hiked his skirt up and sat down on the toilet, satisfied when he felt the trickle of his bladder empting. Wadding up some tissue he dabbed himself dry then stopped. With a finger he felt inside, feeling his muscles gentle compressing around the digit. He ignored it and pulled his panties up, fixing his skirt before going to the faucet.

He left the bathroom just as the announcement came: "And the queen of the prom is Tanzee!"

Tanzee blinked then shut his eyes as he heard the crowd chanting his name, "Tanzee! Tanzee!" That is when he realized the voices become one, a familiar one. He blearily opened his eyes and stared up at his mother.

"We need to talk," she told him as she walked into the other room.