My Story The Biginning

Story by mutatedbunnyboy on SoFurry

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#1 of My Story

The Beginning Of My Story

Hello my name is ...... actually I best skip that part ,don't get me wrong I would like to tell you my name, I would love more than anything to tell you my name. I say this because to tell you my name would mean that I knew who I was, and where I came from, my past and my family. Now before you start asking questions or start to feel pity I should say now "for the record" that I am happy, I am alive to tell you my story and that's enough for me for now. I am not a greedy person I grew to only take what I needed.

I suppose I should start with my earliest memory, it's a very simple memory. I remember when I was a Kit, this was before I lost my grey baby fur and developed stripes and feathers, and yes I said feathers.... I think I best explain this part earlier before people get too confused. I was born a full bred rabbit, things happened to me though and now I have feathers as well as fur but I will tell you about that soon enough. Now my earliest memory was of the front door of my burrow, I can see it now as if I were standing right in front of it. It was oak with bronze hinges, three to be exact, spaced out perfectly on the right side of the door, they shined so beautifully in the sunlight it was almost blinding, the knob was dead centre of the door in the very middle, it was a perfect shaped orb and I remember trying so hard to fit my small paw around it. But I never could, it was always to big, even in my dreams now I'm still as small as I was on that day so small and weak , unable to stand up for myself or the ones I loved, it angers me so much some time I can not think straight. Once again the anger management thing is another thing I'll discuss later.

In this memory the door opens so slowly, its slow I can barely control myself, im jumping up and down through excitement. The door opens and there's nothing, its just blank, not darkness nor light, it's so hard too describe, it's just empty and that's my memory. I always hoped one day the door would open and there would be ............ something, anything. I don't know, just something to show that the memory had more too it.

After that the next thing I could only see was gas, a dark green gas filling my lungs, too catch up now im in a chamber, this is where my story really begins, where I was born again as I like to colorfully put it. This chamber was made out of glass and was filled with this gas, I became dizzy and my vision became blurred , I believe the gas was made to knock me out completely but it didn't , I remember everything from the needles in the side of my neck to the knives cutting my back open. The nanite implants affected my body in a way that I could never imagine or change for that matter. This happened to me when I was 11, I was kept in stasis for almost half a year, during this time my fur shed and was replaced by perfect white fur and jet black stripes my upper body contorted becoming bigger, my muscles grew and grew , my head reshaping to become more fitting to that of my body, to that of a white tiger, I thought at first that I would change completely but my ears grew into those of a rabbit, the lower of my body grew but remained that of my original form, my cock grew too and became almost too big by proportion to rest of me. Until I was 12 nothing else happened, on my birthday, not my real birthday the day the experiment on me started, my back ached throughout the day , at exactly 7pm on that day the bones that would be my wings burst through my skin, the blood poured out, skin sealed itself round the bone and black feathers sprouted but not just on my wings they trailed up from the base of my wings up to the top of my head and finished between my ears , my vision became sharper and soon I was able to see every little detail of the room , including those on the outside of the glass, anthros in white coats , I could read the name tags , there was an Emma, a Chris, a William. Names walking back and forth across the room, I could read the computer screen as a message flashed repeatedly "MUTATION COMPLETE".

I believe I was known technically as subject 66-3412-A, doctors playfully referred to me as the Mutated Bunny Boy or MBB for short and that's what I call myself now. The next day I was informed that I would be placed through some very simple tests, first was eye sight, I was placed at the end of a long corridor and asked to describe the picture at the end of it, the distance would change but no matter how far away the picture was I could still see it perfectly. The next was strength , how many weights I could lift before it became to much, this came as a huge surprise to me , I was able to hold nearly 50 times the amount I could then when a was a rabbit. The next was speed, I was told to get to a certain destination as fast as possible, as I began to run my wings spread and started flapping, my speed started to increase and little by little a felt lighter and soon my feet left the ground and I was soaring down the corridor, it was amazing I was actually flying, me! I was beginning to like the changes. The next and final test was stamina, for this I was placed in a smallish room with a mattress in the middle, and on the mattress was one of the most beautiful Furs I had ever seen, she was a feline, black furred and was wearing a tight nurse's outfit, her breasts were so big the buttons on the top where close to popping. My stomach started stirring and my heart beat quickened, my member started slide out it sheath, eight nine ten, eleven inches! The felines eyes widened and she licked her lips. I was going to enjoy this test.

The feline rose up onto her knees and slowly undid her top starting from the bottom, keeping her huge tits sealed away. She stopped on the last one her tits almost bursting, my cock was throbbing, I could see a hint of pink nipple peeking out, I couldn't resist extending my paw, I flicked out a nail and snapped the button right off. Her juicy tits bounced out, huge and juicy, she lent forward took a one long lick from my balls all the way to the tip of my cock leaving a beautiful trail of saliva, then as she brought one paw up to fondle my testicles she swallowed my cock whole, her tongue wrapping itself round. Her head began moving up down slowly her tongue wanking me from inside her mouth, her free hand moved around to my ass and started pushing me further towards her, and one of her fingers I thought briefly touched my asshole by accident. The feline kept licking and sucking at my huge member, I wanted to taste her juices. With all my mental strength I pulled her off my cock. She looked up at me with her big eyes with a wanting look on her face. I brushed my paw through her hair reassuringly looking into her eyes. I took my place on the bed and rested my head on the pillow, she took her place on top of me spreading her legs over my face, she took my shaft back into her mouth and I stared up her short white skirt and to no surprise she wasn't wearing any panties just her wet pink pussy looking back at me, her juices mixing into her fur. I could smell her very essence pouring out of her. I opened my mouth my tongue rolling out, I leaned up towards her the scent filling my nostrils, I lapped at her clit moving all over her cunt before sliding my tongue up into her love canal the taste of her flowing down my throat. The muscles in her trying to pull me inside, further in, my nose now placed perfectly against her puckered butt hole. I breathed in deep taking all there was and that was enough for me. I became insane with lust wanting more I forced myself deeper into her, she moaned out her mouth full of cock as she came hard in waiting maw. Her paced increased wanting to repay me up and down her head bobbed, feeling my cock swell and my balls clench into me she took my whole in, several inches working there way down her neck as I had my first orgasm, I came hard and long my cum flowing into her stomach, I couldn't stop, wave after wave of jizz shooting down into her belly. Finally slowing down I felt my cock soften and start to retreat back into my sheath but the cat wasn't having it, sucking my cock once more keeping it hard which I never would have thought possible but I was back to my original state and the feline wanted more. Her pussy left my face and she positioned herself above my member.

I watched in awe as she lowered herself onto me, my cock sliding smoothly up her well lubricated pussy, the sensation was amazing the walls hugged my cock as she skillfully clenched her muscles once again this time all around my member squeezing at it, I was in ecstasy I watched as she bounced up and down on my huge cock her hands raising to play with her tits, she rubbed and pinched her nipples crying out in joy. At this point I decided that I was going to take control, removing her from my slick cock that was now coated in her sweet nectar. I threw her onto her front and moved myself behind to her beautiful ass. She moved paw between her legs and spread her pink pussy lips but I had better ideas. Placing the tip of my cock against her puckered butt hole I forced myself into her, her head rose up in a silent scream, her eyes wide in pain but I didn't care she was so tight I began to pump violently, not giving her chance to get used to the new sensation my mind became blurred as if I was back in the glass chamber, I wanted nothing more than to cum in her , and so I pounded her faster and harder digging my nails into her ass cheeks dragging her further back onto my cock, my balls slapping against her pussy now getting wetter with each slap. A grin slowly started to form on the cat's pretty face as I continued pumping her with my manhood. Her hot tight ass tightened around my shaft as the feline climaxed had squirting her essence all across my legs. The extra pressure on my cock caused me to go past the point of no return and I let my cum shoot into her tight ass, I held her cheeks together not allowing any of my cum to escape. Shooting load after load into her she screamed out cumming once again, we collapsed together my cock softening the cum oozing out of her.

As I lay there tired and aching she sat up and spoke for the first time.

"You're going to pay for that"

My eyes widened as I watched her take a needle out from underneath the bed, before I could raise a finger to stop her she dug it straight into my arm pushing the liquid into my body. The effects where almost instant, I became relaxed, so relaxed I didn't want to move. I didn't care whatever she planned to do let her do it, I had had my fun. I didn't care that she was once again reaching under the bed this time taking out a 9 inch plastic strap-on dildo and some lubricant, I did start to care however that she was now moving behind emptying the lube all over her fake member. She didn't waste any time, pressing the tip against my virgin ass, I could only lie there as she rammed herself into me painfully. She pumped hard, it felt like I was bleeding from the inside I cried out in agony and she simply ignored my plea and increased her rhythm as the serum began to wear off the muscles in rectum tightened automatically at this violation of my body, this pushed the dildo down upon my prostate and the pressure felt wonderful this pain and pleasure mixed, my cock rose once again. Seeing this, the cat continued to increase her speed now adding more force with each stroke. The tip of the dildo hitting my belly every time, my cock was starting to burn, it swelled up bigger than ever. I started to push my ass back in rhythm with the felines thrusts taking it all she pumped in and out, in and out, I wanted to cum so bad, I reached underneath my self just so I could stroke my throbbing dick just a little enough to send me over, but she wouldn't allow it, she pulled my arms back and continued raping my tight butt. I was in heaven, I just wanted to cum so fucking bad! She fucked me harder and harder I could feel my balls churning as I shot my last load of the night all over my chest some of it hitting my chin, I reached out with my tongue and tasted myself, I felt I could get used to it.

After we where done I was dragged back to my glass chamber looking at the names or the rooms as I went "Maintenance" "Storage "Service Entrance" that was the one I wanted. Slamming the two heavily set orderlies into the walls I broke free, charging down the door, I found myself racing down a flight of steps, I came to a junction, I take a left and keep going, I came to a dead end. I thought at first looking around, nothing. I turn to run back, hearing the doctors running down the stairs, I must have missed something. And there it was by my very feet, a grill plate leading to the sewers, using all my strength I lifted it up, I slithered my way in as best I could my wings clipping the edges. They where going to be of no use to me in here, so I held them tight to my body and ran, I ran for so long , I ran until my legs turned to lead and my heart burned, I ran until I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I burst through into sweet blissful sunshine. My eyes adjusted and I looked around in horror, I was on an island, this could not be right, could it? I began to panic wondering what I should do. Where should I go?

My feathers fluttered in the breeze, I nearly hit myself. Opening my wings I soared into the sky and using my now super enhanced vision I scanned the horizon and in the distance to what I assumed was the west looking at the sun I spotted the mainland and headed for home, flying as fast as possible. After many hours I finally set down onto dry land and made my way home. Walked for hours down the streets, the people stared and gawked at my appearance but I couldn't care less. I walked until the sun set and moon raised high coming eventually to my street the beautiful cut lawns on each side of me acting like friends welcoming me home. I walked to the middle of the street and turned to my right where my house stood. Empty.

Where my home used to stand there was nothing but an empty space and at the base of this space was ruble. My home, my family everything I loved was gone, everything I fucking cared about was gone.

The End of The Beginning.

This is just the end of this chapter of my life, if people want me to continue I will

Comments would be much loved, not too bothered about ratings.

(p.s. any artists who like my story: I suck at art and if anyone would like to draw my fursona I would be much obliged, I can't afford a commission thank you)

Much love the Mutated Bunny Boy XxX