The Guy and the Game

Story by arnorflame on SoFurry

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#9 of High (School) Hopes

Warning: This contains adult material. Please be of age.

Copyright Feb 2011 by Arnorflame

Finally back. Sorry this one took so long but I have an editor now so the process takes a little longer. Hopefully though it should improve the quality of the writing. Please comment and I'll try to answer back, I know I haven't been very good at responding traditionally. Have fun and enjoy.

The alarm rang and the bear lifted his head groggily. He could feel the fur on the left side of his head was stuck up. He had a bitter taste in his mouth, the product of the nap. Pulling his ass out of bed, he pulled on a pair of pants that was decent enough that he could go out. He went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. As much as he hated it, it was the only way he was going to get the taste of sleep out of his mouth. He picked up his phone and checked the messages. One from Jack but nothing of consequence. He found a shirt in the dresser that was maybe a little too tight for him, but that was exactly what he wanted tonight. He made sure he smelled halfway decent and pulled the shirt on. He picked up the phone and thought about calling his brother and making sure that the dinner offer was still good but he assumed that it was and if it wasn't he'd pay, no big. He locked up the apartment, grabbing a jacket on the way out, even thought he probably wouldn't need it.

The streets weren't busy, the work rush being over and the night rush yet to begin. The bear could smell the city, the gasoline fumes pouring out of cars, the Taiwanese cuisine coming from the corner, and the man who played a 5-gallon bucket for money. It was rich, it was dirty, it was home. He never wanted to leave. He didn't care what he did, as long as he could be here. He walked a couple blocks and entered the bar where Dave worked. Technically, it wasn't a bar but a "family restaurant". However, the only business the place ever did was in beer and burgers. He pulled a menu from the host stand and gave Brent, the host, a nod. He always liked the Rottweiler because the dog would on occasion provide for Jack and Levi. He sat in one of the empty booths, the bar not even close to capacity yet. But eventually, it always filled and Dave, being one of three bartenders, brought in decent cash. Dave had already spotted him and gave him a look that said in a loud, unspoken voice, "Behave." Levi shot back a look and a half-smirk. Dave just shook his head and went back to business.

Brent made his way over the table but had to stop to seat a couple that had walked in. The bar was so small that sometimes the host doubled as a server on slow nights. The Rotty finished seating the rooster and his eagle mate and finally made his way over to Levi's table.

"Hey Lev, busy night tonight?"

"Nothing too serious. I'm just meeting someone here."


"Naw. One of my football buddies, Mark."

"Oh yeah? You guys going to a party or something?"

"Just going for a bite and maybe a movie afterwards depending on what he wants to do. I don't have much to go on, it's the first time we're hanging out together."

"How'd that happen?"

"We went to a party last night with Jack and his boyfriend. Then we went to Jack's boyfriend's place."

"Wait a minute, Jack's boyfriend? When did he get one of the those?"

"Aren't you more surprised that he's got a boyfriend and not a girlfriend?"

"Nope, he was always looking at my ass. I never said anything because I didn't want to freak him out. Plus, it doesn't do me any harm."

"I was a little surprised when he told me. I told him that I already knew but I was never sure. It kinda freaked me out but I pretended nothing had changed. It's just going to take some getting used to I guess. Just never really thought about it and I guess I'm interested in what Mark has to say because he's bisexual."

"So you're taking him on a date?"

"What? No. It's just dinner and a film for two guy friends. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Sounds like a date to me. Well if you guys get done early and want somewhere to hang, I'm just at home tonight after work. You could stop by."

"Maybe. I'll give you a call if we need directions."

"Cool. Do you want anything while you wait?"

"Yeah, give me a Coke."

"Sure thing. I'll send your friend your way if I see him."

Levi waited more and soon Brent was back with his Coke and Mark. The panther was smiling as if Brent had just told a funny joke. Mark smiled as he sat down and Levi pushed the menu towards him.

"Hey Mark."

"Hey Lev, we should definitely go to Brent's place after the movie. He's hilarious."

"Sure we will. What did you do today?"

"Not much. You know I just screwed Tony in the morning, went home, screwed a couple more guys, switched to girls for a while, and finally came back to you."

"What's gotten into you?"

"I'm just kidding around. Don't get your panties in a bunch. Now what should I have? I've never been here before."

"Just get one of their burgers. Nothing else is worth eating. Believe me, I eat here a lot. My brother is the bartender."

Mark's head turned towards the bar. David already had his eyes on the panther, seemingly taking him in. The panther was unnerved by the staring polar bear. He shifted his eyes back to Levi, "Your brother doesn't seem to like me much. He's staring. What did you tell him about me?"

"David can be an idiot sometimes. I think he's just surprised you're not Jack. He told me I could bring Jack tonight but I was feeling something a little different. And you're a little different."

"I suppose I am. Does you're brother know about you?"

"Know what about me?"

"You know...sexually."

"He knows I don't know. And you don't know me either. I don't know how to do this sort of thing."

"I think you just kind of figure it out. At least that's what happened to me. I mean I don't think about it much at all, just kinda do it. I don't make any fuss about it and no one makes a fuss about me as long as I don't push it."

"Push it?"

"You know. Hit on people. Guys and girls. No one wants someone who wants them. You have to be equal parts nice guy and asshole, party animal and cuddle buddy. It's an art. Some people are good at it, some have practice. Me? I have both."

"Well, I see the asshole. Where's the nice guy?"

"You got that last night didn't you? I didn't even hit on you in bed. You were practically naked next to me."

"Oh, well aren't you the gentleman?"

"Absolutely. Now I think I know what I want."


"That," Levi followed his gaze and saw Brent bent over the host stand, chatting up two girls who had just come in. He looked back to the panther who was licking his lips.

"You can't. For one, he and my brother are friends. Secondly, he and I are friends and he occasionally provides for me. Lastly, I'm pretty sure he and my brother have gone on quite a few double dates. From what I hear, he's pretty lucky, if you know what I mean."

"Of course. I'm pretty lucky myself. Hush up now, here he comes."

The dog walked up to the table and for the first time Levi actually gave the dog a look over. He was built, there was no question about that. Very toned, not a whole lot of muscle. Plus, Brent had those eyes that sparkled with excitement, like he was up for anything. His ass was also something to behold, his tail docked so it didn't block the view. "What do you want Levi?"

"What? Um...Burger."

"Sure. Medium rare with fries like normal?"

"Uh yeah," Levi was having a hard time continuing to speak English even though he had known the guy forever, being one of his brother's best friends and all. God, Mark was causing a lot of problems. But he knew that he couldn't blame Mark for all of it.

"And you sir?"

"I'll take the Western burger and fries."

"That's a big burger. You sure you don't want to try something smaller your first time here?"

"I'm used to handling big pieces of meat," Mark winked at Brent with this statement and handed him both of the menus. The Rottweiler, stunned, just walked away.

"C'mon Mark. My brother's here and paying, the least you can do is behave yourself."

"Sorry. Won't happen again."

The burgers came and went as they talked about school, football, and everything else under the sun. Soon they realized that they had forgotten all about the movie and decided to just stick around. At around nine the place started to fill up and Brent kicked them off the table and moved them to the bar. Their age wouldn't be a factor because both of them looked like they could be over drinking age and David sure as hell wasn't going to report them. The sat at the end and David came up to them, his bar not as busy as the restaurant.

"What's up, boys?"

"Not much, Dave. Just finishing up our talk. We'll be out of your hair soon."

"Well, introduce me to your friend, huh?"

"Right. Dave, Mark. Mark, Dave. Mark plays football with me."

"Nice to meet you, sir."

"You don't have to call me sir. I'm not much older than you two. I just want to make sure you guys stay safe tonight, yeah?"

"We promise. I'll keep a good eye on him."

"We're probably just going to head home anyway."

"Wait Lev, we're going over to Brent's. We said we'd think about and I kinda want to go."

"Wait a minute. Brent invited you guys over?"

"Yeah. I figured it was cool since you're friends and all."

"I guess it is. Tell him I'll have his ass if he gets you guys fucked up."

"What do you mean?"

"He will know what I mean, just pass the message."


They stayed for another hour until the end of Brent's shift. He told them to follow his car. Levi was excited because for all the years that his brother and Brent had been friends, he had never been to Brent's apartment, only his parents' house where he used to live. The evening with Mark didn't help much for his excitement either. They pulled up to a nice, clean apartment building. They walked up to the third floor and down to the corner apartment. Levi just about shit his pants when they walked into the place. Ultimate bachelor pad. The place was clean and crisp, black leather furniture, matching black bar stools. It was insane and very obviously reasonably expensive. He looked over to Mark who's jaw was almost on the floor just like Levi's. They both turned to Brent.

"Yeah, it kinda has that effect on people."

Levi spoke first, "How the hell do you afford all this?"

"Don't ask questions that I'm not allowed to answer."

"Why not?"

"Because your brother wouldn't like me bringing you anywhere near what I do outside of the restaurant."

"Well if you can afford this, why are you still working at the restaurant?"

"Because I like it, plain and simple."

Mark spoke up, "That's good enough for us then. No more questions. Let's get down to something fun."

"What do you two want to do?"

Levi and Mark smiled at each other and said simultaneously, "Drink."

"Oh c'mon you know I shouldn't let you two. Your brother might stop by later."

"Oh yeah, he told me to tell you 'I'll have his ass if he gets you guys fucked up'."

"Uh-oh. We had better give him just a little to worry about then."

The Rotty went to the freezer and pulled out three bottles: rum, vodka and tequila, all of them decently spendy, better than what the boys would normally drink. He also pulled out three white shot glasses and set them on the table.

"Time to drink up boys," the dog poured three shots one of each alcohol type, "Pick your poison."

Mark snatched up the vodka and Levi smiled, happy that the one he hated was gone first. Levi picked up the rum and in turn, Brent grabbed the tequila. The Rottweiler smiled, "," and all three of them downed their drinks.

"Now boys, tonight the game will be drawn out of hat. As will our drinks. Levi, go into my bedroom and get the black and white bags out of my top dresser drawer. I play these games a lot, so I'm always prepared."

Levi got up and went into the bedroom. The bed was black and red with red pillows, classy as the rest of the place. He went to the dresser and opened up the top drawer. He didn't see either of the bags there. He dug around a little and felt his hand land on something. He moved the underwear and socks and laying there was a black butt plug. Levi froze, without any idea what to do with the information. The dog yelled from the other room, "Find it?"

" I don't think it's in this drawer. Is there another spot it might be?"

"Try the second drawer."

Sure enough both bags were sitting in the drawer next to a pile of t-shirts. The obvious arrangement made him wonder if Brent had known exactly where they were in the first place. He pulled the bags out and took them to the other room. He set them on the table.

"Alright boys, choose a bag. One of you pulls from black, one from white."

Mark picked up the black and pulled out a card that read Lynchburg Lemonade. Brent grinned widely and motioned for Levi to pull one from the white bag. Levi was shaking as he pulled out a card that said Drink or Drop. Both Levi and Mark looked at Brent with quizzical eyes.

"Well boys, the drink of the night is Lynchburg Lemonade. It's delicious, especially if you like whiskey. However, for the game we may want to consider another choice."

"Why?" Mark asked.

"Well I did say that I'm prepared for this kind of thing. Usually I tend to play drinking games with close pals and hot ladies. This game is a variant on strip poker that you bet drinks. Before any single round, a player can call 'Drop'. Then the hand is dealt. If he wins, he makes someone else take off a piece of clothing. If he loses, he loses a piece of clothing. Like I said, we may want to consider another game."

A smile crept onto the panther's face, "I think I'm going to quite like this one."

"Well I've got no problem with it. Levi?"

The polar bear didn't know what to say, taken aback that he would make the decision on whether he might end up naked with two gorgeous men, one who was most certainly bisexual and the other who had a butt plug in his sock drawer for God knows what. Plus, he was mostly straight. But then again, these opportunities don't come around very often. And ever since Jack, well, there was something to be satisfied.

"Let's play."

Brent got up to fix the drinks and brought them back with a deck of cards and the materials to make more, should they be needed. They played a couple rounds and Levi made a couple of stupid bets. He was quickly halfway into his heavily liquored drink. He soon realized that he didn't even know what was in it. He asked Brent who told him that it was maybe a little more liquor than he normally made for his customers, double whiskey and triple sec with less Sprite. He decided that it probably shouldn't have asked. Then Brent called Drop for the first time.

The cards were dealt, regular Texas Hold'em. Levi picked up a five-six of spades. He bet a drink and was called by all. The hand played and by the end all Levi had picked up was a pair of sixes and a queen high. Brent had pushed the bet to three drinks. The last betting round was brutal, even with Levi folding. Brent and Mark bet the rest of their current drink. The cards were flipped and Mark had sixes and tens. Brent beat him with triple queens. Mark's jaw dropped and he picked up his drink and downed it a couple gulps. Brent smiled and pointed at Levi.


"I pick you buddy."

"What? Oh shit, I forgot you got to choose. You sure you don't want Mark to strip."

"Pretty sure."

Levi looked nervously at Mark, who was smiling broadly, "Ain't nothing I didn't see last night."

Brent watched Levi carefully while shuffling the cards. Levi glanced back at him and pulled off his shirt. He felt naked already because both Mark and Brent were still fully clothed. The Rottweiler was staring at him and so was Mark for that matter. The looks made him even more nervous, "Let's get back to the game."

The game progressed through several more rounds with all of them calling Drop more often as they got drunker. Brent was obviously the best at the game, only having lost his shirt. Levi was in his underwear and had half a stiffy. Mark had his pants and belt still on. Brent's eyes hadn't left Levi's package except to look at his cards and the staring wasn't helping Levi keep soft. Then Brent smiled and once more called Drop. Levi was now playing for his underwear because he had no doubt that Brent would not hesitate. Levi picked up an ace and a queen off suit. The flop came up two aces and a ten. He had hit three of a kind on the flop and pretty much had the hand in the bag. Everyone checked, knowing the hand wasn't about getting any drunker. The turn was a king and the river was a seven. He was fine with three aces and king-queen kickers. He flipped his hand over in triumph and looked to Brent who had a grin on his face. The dog flipped his hand and there was a queen-jack of spades. Brent had hit a straight. Levi's face fell quickly. He looked at Mark who wasn't smiling anymore, just a look of surprise on his face.

"Well Levi, I guess it's about time."

"You're sure?"

"Oh yeah I'm sure."

Levi stood and tried not to lock eyes with either Mark or Brent as he pulled down the black boxer briefs, turned away from them so they could only see his ass.

"C'mon Lev, you're going to have to show us sometime."

Levi looked down and gulped. There was no more half-wood, it was a full blown erection . Something about this scenario had him really excited. Maybe it was that he was being "forced", maybe it was that he was with two very attractive men. It was the same hunger that had driven him after his experience with Jack. He had the support of Mark and Brent, so now was as good a time as any. He turned around slowly, his wood sticking straight out.

"Phooey, that's a keeper," laughed Brent, who's eyes were burning a hole in Levi's groin. Mark's mouth was hanging open and he quickly forced it shut. He smiled gently.

"So what now Brent?"

"We keep playing. If you lose another piece of clothing, you have to take it off of someone else. With your teeth."

"What!!?" Levi's mind was racing. He didn't agree to this. But maybe he should continue anyway. It wasn't like he didn't want to.

"Well, if you want to chicken out now, be my guest."

"Fine. I'll keep playing."

Brent smiled, "Good. Drop."

Brent shuffled the cards again and dealt the hand. He lost it, beaten by Mark. He pulled off his undershirt and Levi stared at the bare fur, his cock throbbing. Brent looked over at him, "See something you like?"

Levi smiled a little, braver due to the challenge, "Drop."

The hand was dealt and Levi lost with only a pair. He smiled, stood and moved over to Brent. The dog was visibly excited, his trousers tenting. He moved his mouth down to Brent's feet, looking like he was going to remove the socks. Then he got up and went over to Mark and looked back at Brent, "Maybe next time"

Levi looked back toward Mark and met his eyes. The panther gulped and nodded. Levi went slow, lightly sniffing Mark all the way down to his belt. Levi undid the buckle with his paws, knowing full well he wouldn't be able to with his teeth. Then he took the end of the belt in his mouth and pulled. The belt separated from the pants easily and Levi heard Brent chuckle from behind them. He didn't care anymore. Fuck the game, he wanted this now. He undid the button of the jeans with his mouth and pulled down the zipper with his teeth. He looked up at Mark and those blue eyes stared back down at him. Mark's paws pulled down his jeans and underneath were boxers that had a bunch of expletives all over them. Now Brent was straight out laughing. Out of the hole in the middle of the boxers, Mark's pink cock peeked out of his sheath. It was quivering, right next to Levi's muzzle. Levi closed his eyes and gently licked up the length of the shaft. It tasted sweet, warm against his tongue. The panther's member throbbed and a sweet drop of liquid landed on the end of Levi's tongue. Behind him, Levi felt a pair of hands on his back. He felt the muscular arms wrap around his body and the hands go to his cock. He felt the hands gently stroke his member as a warm wet rod pressed lightly against his ass.

Levi opened his eyes and pulled away from Mark. He pulled down the panther's boxers and moved away from the arms enveloping him. He pulled the rest of Mark's clothes all the way off. He stood up and moved over to the couch and sat next to Mark. Brent stood there, completely naked, his member standing at attention sticking out of his sheath. His tongue was hanging out of the side of his muzzle, panting heavily. He beckoned Levi and Mark to follow him to the bedroom. They looked at each other and nodded.

When they got into the bedroom, Brent was rummaging through the drawers. He pulled out the black butt plug that Levi saw earlier and turned to them with a smile, "Who wants to load me up?" Brent lay down on the bed and turned to the bedside table, setting the butt plug he had pulled from the dresser on top of it and then pulling a box of condoms and lube from the drawers. Levi looked at Mark who smiled at him. The panther moved to the table and grabbed the lube and the plug. He kissed Brent's lips as he opened the bottle of lube. He poured some onto his finger and rubbed it all around the dog's hole. Levi started to rub his cock, excited by the sight of Brent's hole flexing in and out as Mark teased it. He gasped as Mark shoved his finger into the tight ring, burying it all the way to the knuckle. Brent moaned as he moved his hands to grab Mark's nipples. They continued to kiss passionately as Levi decided he couldn't stay away anymore. He moved to the bed and laid in between Brent's legs, on top of Brent and next to Mark. He joined their kisses, tongues gently sucking muzzles, moving from one to the other at random.

After a while, Levi felt Brent's body quiver underneath him. He looked down and saw that Mark had shoved the plug into his ass. Brent flipped Levi underneath him and looked at Mark, "You take the top, I'll take the bottom." Levi had no idea what they were talking about until Brent moved down and engulfed his member. He just about came right then and there. Then Mark attacked his lips, pushing his tongue deep into Levi's mouth. He moved to straddle Levi, his ass right above Brent's head which was currently working on his balls. Mark's boner pressed into Levi belly, leaking precum all over Levi's fur. Levi felt his balls pull up and Brent's mouth quickly go back to his cock. Cum gushed from Levi's cock, filling Brent's mouth. Levi was suddenly uncomfortable with his lack of control in the situation. He pushed Mark off and sat up.

"Levi, you okay?" Brent looked at him worried.


"You know you don't have to do anything you don't want to," Mark said this time.

"I think I just need to sit on the sidelines now."

"No problem bud. You don't mind if I finish off with Brent here, do you?"

"I don't mind. Why would I mind?" But in his mind, he had noticed. He liked Mark, maybe a little too much. He didn't know why, but he thought that since his thing with Chelle was over maybe he could have something with Mark. That was what this night had been about in the first place. He had called him because he had wanted to see what could have been. He got up and left the room, leaving Brent and Mark heavily making out. He picked up his clothes in the living room and put them back on. He left the apartment without saying a word. He drove home with tears in his eyes, trying to collect himself, knowing full well that he had no right to cry. Mark wasn't his. Mark could do whatever he wanted.

Levi wrenched the apartment door open and flung his keys on the counter. He locked the door behind him and went to his bedroom, putting on loud music and stuffing his head under a pillow. The red clock next to him read 12:42. Dave's shift ended at 2:30 on Saturday nights. Levi was completely frustrated with himself for feeling this way. He pulled off his clothes and dove under the covers. After a while, he changed the music to the softer stuff he usually listened to. He picked up a book for his English class, trying to get his mind off what had happened. After a couple of chapters, he heard a knock on the door.

He got up and answered the door, not even bothering to put pants or a shirt back on, just a pair of boxer briefs. He unlocked the door and opened it. Mark and Brent were standing in the hall, Brent looking nervous.

Brent spoke, "Can we come in?"

"Yeah I guess."

"C'mon Mark. Sit at the table, we all need to talk."

"About what?"

"About you."

Levi took a seat at the kitchen table. Mark sat directly across from him. Brent put a teapot on the stove and waited for it to boil. They were all silent, tension building in the room.

Finally, Levi spoke, "What do you want to say to me?"

Brent looked at Mark, "Go ahead and tell him what you told me."

The panther looked at Levi, visibly nervous. Levi could tell that the panther was totally unsure of himself. Mark began, "Um...I...ah...ah...I like you."

"Okay? What does that mean?"

"Like...I really like you...and would you want to go out with me?"

Levi was stunned. "Wait...wait a minute. You're asking me out right after you just got done hooking up with Brent, one of my brother's best friends?"

" I told Brent I didn't want to finish with him. After you left, I told Brent we had to stop. I didn't want to screw things up with you. Because I really enjoyed your company last night and I didn't know how to tell you. When things started happening with Brent tonight...I just thought that it might be a way to be closer to you. I didn't want to fuck things up like this. I just don't know how to behave around you."

Levi turned to Brent, not knowing what to say to Mark, "And you couldn't just drop him off?"

"Well I wanted to make sure you were okay. I kinda thought of us as friends. At the very least, you're my best friend's little brother, so your health is David's health. I don't need David having more to deal with. Can't you just trust me Lev?"

"You got me drunk and naked and had me fool around with someone I... I mean... who likes me. Give me one reason I should trust you." Levi was yelling, angry partly because of Brent, mostly because he didn't know how to deal with Mark.

"Because I didn't intend for this. I wanted to pick Mark up after he flirted with me in the bar but I knew that it would be hard with you there. I thought you might leave before...things got heavy."

"Oh. I just assumed...I'm sorry for yelling."

"It's all right, I understand your frustration. Anyway, I came also to talk to David. He's getting off shift soon."

Levi was suddenly very nervous, "What do you want to speak to David about?"

"I need to tell him about tonight."

" can't. What the hell are you going to tell him?"

"I'm going to tell him exactly what happened. He's my best friend and I can't not tell him about fucking around with his baby brother and his baby brother's future boyfriend."

"Shut up." Levi could feel his face turn red underneath his fur.

"Oh c'mon Levi. David is no prude. He's going to be fine with this. All he's ever wanted it you to be happy. When you got into college he called me almost crying with pride. He doesn't care what you do, he's always going to love you. He might not be so happy with me though. This is better than waiting for him to find out some other way."

"I just don't know. I've already stretched our relationship thin of late. Well, tell him not to wake me whatever he thinks. I'm going to bed.

Mark looked at Levi, "What about me?"

Levi smiled, "Well you could go home. Or you might come with me. I daresay a repeat of last night might be in order. No funny business now."

Levi went to his bedroom, stripped off his boxers and climbed into bed. A couple of minutes later Mark followed. He stood in the doorway and waited for Levi to say something.

"Well, strip down and climb in."

The panther pulled off his clothes and climbed into bed. The panther curled up in the bear's arms and both of them fell asleep, smiling.