Meeting jacob. (My 1st story) *Redone*

Story by Staffordshire on SoFurry

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This is my first quick short story (while I had time off which I never do), so please feel free to critique! BTW I want to be a writer as a hobby so please, please let me know what I could do to make my stories better! Enjoy!

(Shout out to Zizix and Duke the wolf!!!! My only two commenters when I first put it out!) I kinda rewent through the story adding just a little more (didn't know I could do that), the thing was, I wrote this on my Iphone and didn't know it came out looking like a brick. (Blocky, as put by Zizix lol) Read it again guys and furs that haven't yet! Please comment even I you hate it, your feedback keeps me going, and hungry for more. Letting me know what I could do better, or if you had a good time, Rawr!

Once again. Enjoy! :3


I always end up looking into the mirror at my naked self for way too long after my shower. Giving a narrow stare at the all white furred pitbull in front of me, reflection mimicking my movements, his eyes moving from my abs, to my chest, then to my slightly rounded biceps. He wanted more.

You see pitbulls on TV ,magazines, the internet, with all the same features, thier huge muscles. I must be the only skinny pit in the world, without my shirt you could see a little muscle tone but nothing, oh my god what a hunk! worthy.

Though im now hitting the gym its going to take some time for this young male to get big. (sigh)

I have a basic everyday routine, class in the morning, work, then the gym very, very late. I don't like to wait for my treadmill or to use the weights becuase when I work out, I have a, get out of my way and don't bother me attitude (I think it runs in the genes). So therefore going to the gym late when practically no ones there is a must for me. Normaly I like to strech, run, then lift weights after, but tonight was far from normal.

I had a coworker drop me off at the 24 hour gym close to my job, he owed me a favor anyway, and would have my brother pick me up later. Walking in I noticed only two furs exercising, a shirtless gray wolf lifting, and a dark furred, german shepard female running.

"Good," I sighed with relief. Streching I peer in the mirror and look at my figure "ugh," flexing my muscles, which arent completely small but would like them to be larger, I noticed the young wolf starring at me and as soon as I turn around, so does he.

I began my run, starting off slow gradually building speed untill I was comfortable with my pace, and ipod in ear I ran.

30 minutes pass and I was sweating like crazy, my once white shirt was now almost see-through, "man im tired, work today was killer, I think im'ma skip the weights today," and like it was synchronized both I, and the german sheperd, got off our tredmill and parted ways.

Walking to the mens locker room I stoped by the sauna and decided "why not," sweat out a little more.

The sauna was more of a hot box, then a regular steam room, biege in color with tile walls it had no coals, just a thermostat and benches. I sat there sweating (suffering) for a couple minutes when the wolf walked in, wierd nobody usually uses the sauna, I thought to myself.

"Hey," he said putting up a hand waving at me, " yo", I quickly responded. Taking a seat beside me the shirtless, sweaty wolf began pleasant conversation.

I'm not usually the talkative type but something about him made him easy to talk to. His name was Jacob, 18 just like myself, he moved here around a month ago from Cali, he was quite the specimen cool gray fur with white bellyfur, piercing green eyes, serious yet friendly, and im not gonna lie I could've gotten lost in those eyes.

He introduced himself first, then we talked about cali, then about our hobbies. He showed me a scar he got while surfing, under his arm. I noticed myself always looking down to his package then swiftly looking back up to his warm face. He was well endowed his bulge clearly showed through his blue, tight workout shorts.

Laughing and joking together, we completly forgot about the heat both of us were soaked. "Hey imma get out and change I gotta go it was nice to meet you jacob."

His ears lowered, getting up to go he followed me and let out a disapointed "yeah I gotta go too."

We walked together down the hall to the locker-room, he opened the door and we split up. Putting my bag on a bench I began to take off my saturated clothes and put on my spares, i could hear him a couple isles down doing the same and thought to myself how he could've looked naked, but quickly shook that image out of my head.

When my phone rang. It was my brother, he couldn't pick me up, great..... I was stuck here.

"Hey, I overheard sorry, but I can take you home," a familiar voice called out, I turned around and Jacob stood there now in a white tank top and faded jeans waiting for my reply.

"No I don't want to be a bother," I responded honestly "nah its no bother at all," he smiled gleefully and wagged his furry tail "it'd be my pleasure."

Walking to his car I thanked the wolf agian, "its no problem, really, its the least I can do for the first person to actually acknowlege me since I got here." I blushed a little and turned away hoping he didn't see.

With a remote start the crimson mustang revved on, we got inside. It was nice, he took care of his girl. The dash was shiny, reflecting the light from the light posts. I informed him on where to go.

"Oh yeah I know where that is," gesturing in right direction.

He drove for a bit then asked me what kind of music i liked while he popped in a CD I said " Hmm a bit of everything I guess," "like this?" One eyebroe raised.

Teenage dream- by Katy perry cut on, we both looked at each other for a second then burst out laughing, both of us sang along with the music out loud ."Lets go all the way tonight, no regrets just love!"

I stoped singing when I noticed his paw on mine I pulled away rapidly and held it like It was bitten eye eyes starring out the window. With both paws back on the wheel he almost shouted out "Im sorry I should'nt have, its just I thought you were..."

I turn my gaze to him, "hey don't get me wrong I think your cute and all but I've just never been with a male before i've only dated girls and well, my family does'nt know im..... bi." I said that last part with my voice cracking.

What was I saying? I wanted him. His musky, sweaty scent permeating through the air in the car snice we got in, it was intoxicating and I've looked down at his crotch like twelve times since we entered the vehicle. I drew in and breath and said, licking my muzzle "we need to stop," he looked down feeling as though he insulted me, "we need to stop" I repeated. He caught on.

Jacob pulled into a empty parking lot of a closed retaurant, and before he could park I was all over him. Our muzzles were presed together in a passionate kiss, tongues wandering in the others maw, nothing could drives us apart now, this was something I only dreamed of. Being with a guy, and a really fine guy at that.

My paws began exploring his furry body sliding my digits across his chest, they found their way to the bottom of Jacobs shirt, still lip-locked, I lifted up his tank and started following the contours of his build. Man I was in heaven, no better, I was with him. Kissing his abs, and licking at his white belly fur I made my way to his erect nipple and bit at it, Jacob only let out a soft cute whimper, wanting, begging for more.

Feeling a little more daring I let my paws slowly unbuckle his belt, then his pants. Rubbing at his rock-hard maleness through his pants. He lowered the seat to a laying position and sliped his pants and boxers down to his knees.

Like a puppy with a new toy, I pawed him off with fluxuations of slow and briskness, coaxing the rest of his lupine meat out of the constricting sheath, all jacob could do was lie there moaning softly taking deep breaths between moans squriming a little, tensing and flexing. Squeezing his knot ,and with a little yelp from jacob, the whole member popped out from its enclosure, I just held it in my paw softly squeezing, admiring the gift in front of me, and no lie, salivating, my tongue hanged out like I was on the treadmill again.

His dog cock was pulsing with excitement, every vein visable, it was, beautiful. The musk alone driving me crazy. I wanted it, this was not how i pictured my first time with a guy but It was definately happening, and it was'nt a daydream or me being in class lost in thought, this was really real.

Without hesitation, my maw enveloped his 7 inches, savouring his saltyness, his pre, mixing in my mouth. Not knowing what I was really doing, I followed what ive seen in porns, gliding up and down his meat and with a turning motion my paw massaging his knot, I could feel jacob tense up, he was in a state of ecstacy, paws sliding on himself stoping at his nipples and squeezing, splaying the fur on his chest.

Still sucking him, I felt tugging at the elastic of my shorts his hand slipped in my underwear and cupped my hairless pink, balls. Soothing them with soft caresses. He worked my sheath with hard strokes, and I let out a muffled moan meat still in maw my eyes rolling back this was better than any girl i've been with he knew what to do, he was young like me, but he was'nt clueless.

This only made me blow faster. I took a breath and tried to take as much length as I could, feeling the tip touch the back of my throat, my nose at his crotch I breathed deeply smelling his musk, sweaty, manly, his pheromones drove me near insanity, I tried to fit his knot but I was'nt that experienced. Yet.

I felt him put his paw on my head and began growling subtly, I knew what was to come next, with a loud grunt, he let loose his load in my maw, I downed as much as I could, it kept coming. I felt it seep out the sides where my maw met his knot, each shot of cum filled my muzzle, the warmth of it was much obliged. With my rosy but now white tongue lolling out, I raised myself up only to meet him in a kiss his tongue invading my muzzle tasting his own seed.

After licking my face clean, and I, the rest of the cum on his meat and furry sack. He started on my hard-on, stroking it, massaging swiftly, gliding his thumb across the tip. It looked like hes done this before eack stroke of the paw brought more heat and pleasure across my boy, and I had no objections._ _I sat there head tilted to the side watching him go to work on me. Like a well oil machine he kept the pace on.

He lasted longer than I. Within a couple of seraphic minutes, I bursted on his paw, each blast of doggie cum following the other, two, then three blasts, my orgasm was incredible, the white milky semen caking his snow gray fur, again he licked it clean, being greedy and leaving none for myself to enjoy.

Finished he smiled at with a sexy grin, flashing those pearly whites. Murring with my flavor still testing his senses.

We both lay there panting, basking in the ambiance of sex. I wanted to be there with him forever. But I relished this, If only for a moment.

After a little while he started the car again and drove. None spoke the whole way home, not even music.

Pulling in my driveway he said to me in a low tone "you know ive never done that before, being so comfortable with someone I can just do... that, I feel so good with you and I want this to continue."

With a strong smile I said " me too and it was, great, but.... Im so sorry!" tears begin to well in my eyes. "My family doesnt know, and im just so!"

His lips on mine interupted my sentence, silencing me. Releasing he starred into me with his glowing green eyes. It felt though as they would pierce my very heart.

"Don't worry," he paused "this never happend."

Those words stung, a lot, And I knew it was painfull for him to say that too.

Backing his car out of my drive, I yelled out "wait!"

He stoped and got out and we ran to each other and slipped in a tight embace "I never even told you my name! Im Pete, Pete," I repeated as to let him know to never forget.

With that, we said our tearfull goodbyes and I watched him drive away untill the red tail lights dissapated in the distance.

With my bag slung over my shoulder I trecked inside, dropped my bag on the peach carpetfloor and headed toward the bathroom. Looking into the mirror i cursed the pit in front of me, his cheeks, my cheeks, dark red from embarrasment, no, regret.

"I never even got his number, fuck."