Jwargod Commission: The Expidition On Sapphire

Story by Kiyro on SoFurry

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"Planet 01148, or 'Sapphire' as it's called. It's very important to us...but, initial study groups haven't been able to stay long enough to...satisfy our need." Said a man in a white coat, looking out of a large window at a planet below.

"Looks just like earth." He said turning around to a man in a grey jumpsuit uniform.

"It does indeed sir...may I ask why I was asked if I wanted to volunteer for an expedition...I'm a Javelin class pilot. What could I do?" He said, standing, looking around with his eyes, but not moving a muscle.

"Your skills as a pilot show you keep cool under certain circumstances...you also have a beautiful record of following orders, subordination and overall, doing what you're told." He said as a matter of fact, while looking at his record using a hand held device he pulled form his coat.

"I'm...still confused a bit sir...you want me to do a fly-by of an area...perhaps?" He said, his posture moving a bit while cocking an eyebrow.

"Very funny Mr. Palmer. No, we want you DOWN there, observing." Said the doctor, pointing at the floor, emphasizing he wanted him on the planet.

"We are looking for volunteers to go down there, but as genetically manufactured animals." Said the doctor, again looking down at his hand held data pad.


"Change you into a species, indigenous to the area you will be put in. We want to change you...in laymen's terms." The doctor interrupted.

"S-so...change me into what?" He asked.

"Well, Mr. Palmer, that's up to you. From previous expeditions we've seen this planet is nearly identical to earth during the dinosaur ages. Jurassic, Cretaceous, Triassic all of them...but together at once. We want you, looking like a creature of your choosing from those periods, to observe them...as one of them." The doctor said, finally looking up from his data pad as he pushed a button on it.

"Heh...well...what about-"

"Payment will be quite substantial, and your military command has already given me full permission to use you...at your discretion of course." The doctor again interrupted, his eyebrow raised.

"Well...then I guess I have to ask...where do we start?" He said, looking out the large window into space and the planet below.

"Actually Mr. Palmer, I think the appropriate question would be...WHEN do we start." Said the doctor smiling.


"Now...I'm sure you're not used to taking orders from a civilian, during a civilian run operation, but you must listen to me. Hold still. The syringes on the walls will systematically come out, inject you with a chemical and then turn over. This will happen pretty fast. But you must not move. Understood." Asked the doctor while sitting behind a large green tinted class window with his assistants, looking into the pure white room the soldier was in.

"One last thing Mr. Palmer." Said the doctor speaking into the microphone. "What gender do you wish to be?"

He thought for a second. Despite the oddness of the question, it kind of made sense. Introduce a new male into an animalistic environment...could lead to many things. Disputes over territory, mating rights or just plain hatred, as males generally don't get along with totally new males in THEIR environment.

"Female...sir." He replied, looking up to the microphone in the ceiling.

"Wonderful. As per our previous arrangements, we will introduce the chemicals to alter you into a Raptor. Marvelous choice by the way, after all, they can sur-"

"Please...sir...standing naked here..." He interrupted, grinning a bit as he was finally able to interrupt the man who has been cutting him off so many times that day.

"Ah...yes...well, just a few things before hand. You'll still be able to normal "human" things. Operate technology, understand logic and comprehend, the whole works. But, as this has never been done before...we don't know of any side effects." He said with some hesitation in his voice.

"So...I'll basically be me...but look like a dinosaur...oh, and you don't know of any side effects?" He responded back, looking at the window.


"Well...doubt you did all this to talk me back...let's go." He said readying himself for the onslaught of medical needles from various machine appendages.

"One last thing. You'll find data transmitting technology near where we'll set you off. You can use that to give us a daily update...a journal if you will." Said the doctor pushing a button causing the large cylindrical machine to hum to life and spin while rolling in his direction, various arms aimed at his body.

"Good luck, Jeremy." The doctor whispered while walking out of the room.


"Jeremy...are you awake, Jeremy?"

Jeremy's head was spinning. His body burnt and hurt everywhere, and for some reason, the feeling of his skin seemed wrong. Not to mention his hearing. He was actually awake, but for some reason, the Doctor's words were a bit jumbled, and seemed like they came from a distance.

Opening eyes, only to see blurry images of doctors around him he replied, "Yes...I...I think so?"

Looking around, he saw the other doctors walk slightly away. He also noticed he was now lying on his stomach, instead of his back, with his arms at his side.

"Doctor?" He asked, looking around, one eye open, the other closed.

"Yes, Jeremy, I'm here. Listen...you must be calm and still...understood?"

"Something go wrong?" He asked, his heart rate starting to jump a bit on the moniter.

"No...actually...everything went according to plan." Said the Doctor looking around, then putting a towel over his head.

"What are you doing?" He said, trying to shake the towel off.

"You may not be ready for this...after all you-"

"God damn it doctor! You act as if I never been in a medical room. Let me see my-"

His sentence stopped short when he saw his reflection on a small mirror after they took the towel off. Staring right back at him were yellow colored eyes, green and brown patches of what looked like scales, an elongated head and razor sharp teeth.

His body, elongated behind him, showed the same pattern of green and brown scales behind him, with occasional black strips along his spine. His arms were a lot skinner too. He was no "body builder" despite being in the military, but his arms defiantly shrank. At the end of these arms however, were 5-6 inch claws, essentially compensating for the loss of muscle.

What he didn't see was the long tail behind him, nor the massive muscles in his legs.

"No wonder I have such a tough time talking." He thought. His tongue was dancing on razors.

"S-so this...worked?" He said looking up.

"Yes Jeremy. Now...off you go. Remember, assimilate into the population and give us updates every now and then." He said as he injected a sedative into his body. "Be careful now."

And in an instant, the doctor's words faded away as his head dropped cold.


Jeremy awoke to the sound of unfamiliar birds chirping in the distance, lush green trees and dense foliage. Around him there were still signs of human intervention though. Grey crates, stamped with military logos, jargon and identification tags were stacked neatly around deserted, ripped up tents; the formal home of the first expedition team.

He saw what appeared to be some working technology inside one of the tents. He assumed it worked because it wasn't smashed to bits, or had overgrown vines around it. Then, he saw a laptop.

"Must be what I use to communicate." He said trying to get up.

But getting up was a battle in of it's self. Getting up for the first time in a new, totally different body could be compared to learning to walk as a child...even if you're 40. So understandably so, it took him just an hour to learn how to get up, let alone use his elongated, streamline body in a walking motion.

But finally after roughly an hour of falling over tiny branches, overgrown roots of trees and some small ferns, he made it...the whole 15 feet to the tent.

Stumbling a bit as he walked towards the laptop, he saw a puddle to his left and the reality, if it didn't hit him already, was that he wasn't a he...or a human. "He" was a female raptor.

Shrugging this off however, he looked at the odd thing. Squinting and bobbing her head up and down, trying to observe the laptop, she suddenly forgot what it was.

"Laayp toop?" She said in her head.

Shaking again though, her knowledge came back.

"Side effect perhaps?"

Ignoring the thing that was giving her some anxiety, she decided to go exploring. Why not? It was what she was there for anyway. Explore. Investigate. Assimilate and report.

Getting use to walking wasn't easy. But being alone, and having no sense of danger helped a lot. She was told she would be dropped into an area, that WASN'T currently in use by these predators. So, she could learn things about her environment before she had to go and actually make contact.

Walking being somewhat of a skill now after traipsing through the jungle, she decided to use the sense of smell. Since she woke, hundreds of things were flowing in and out of her brain's ability to interpret smells. Dung, pheromones, other creatures and even areas marked by urine. She smelt it all. She was even positive somewhere around here, there were creatures in heat.

Walking about a foot more, she suddenly stopped.

"Heat?" She said confused. "What's heat?"

She shook her head again. "Wait...I was told that these creatures wouldn't be in this type of condition at this time."

She looked down and saw her own sex, exposed and throbbing a bit. Now suddenly it became personal. Her human interpretation of modesty and embarrassment kicked in. The entire time, she didn't realize she was naked.

Suddenly, something brushed up behind her, nearly giving her an excited yelp. She jumped to the side, something her instinct told her to do, turned her head and reared her teeth.

Bad idea.

Behind her were three others of her kind. One, obviously the alpha from his position in front of the other two, had some feathers on his head which ran down to the middle of his back. His flesh pattern reminded her of her own, but also had some tinges of green mixed in. Almost looked as though it was a raptor from earth, starting to evolve to it's avian cousin.

Seeing a female in such a defensive position was quite upsetting. It showed she was "challenging" his authority. Again, big mistake.

Her human logic kicked in, and she definitely didn't want trouble. Knowing how raptors on earth reacted to such things, she immediately assumed they did the same as well, and she quickly went to a neutral position, hoping she didn't spark any kind of conflict with the alpha.

The alpha sniffed the air, and did a crazy, almost human like smirk which creeped her out a bit, then walked forward while sniffing the air still. Approaching her, he walked behind her, slowly and agile, just in case the female didn't like his nosing. Then he saw the source of the sweet sent he smelt. Her sex. His instincts told him she was on fire now. Ready to bare.

But being the alpha, he could just rut and leave any female. Hell, he could have rutted them all and claimed all their offspring. But only because she showed some sign of hostility towards him, instead of just giving in, she was now an "interesting" mate.

He leapt forward, and landed on her back. His weight pushing down on her, causing her non-anthro body to fall, nearly completely immobilized. The alpha behind her quickly got into position and nearly kicked her tail off as he swiped it with his leg to get it out of the way.

Climbing on top, and wrapping his arms around her body, his feet harshly stepping on the calves of her legs, his erection pressed against her tail hole. Then it pressed lower and lower. Apparently, she was finding out, that mating in the wild was a very inaccurate and harsh thing. At that moment, a funny thought ran through her mind.

"All the "furry" lovers on earth wouldn't love that so much if they saw this."

But as quickly as the thought came, it was dashed away as his erection penetrated her swollen sex. But, though it was rough and hurt, it still didn't bother her. She yelled, screeched and used her front limbs to scratch at the ground, but it seemed natural to her. Like it was suppose to happen like this. But, still her human part didn't like the fact she was having sex against her own will. Not to mention she was actually a guy...which made it even the more creepier.

The alpha pulled out, then roughly pushed back in, causing her to be hunched forward a bit as his claws digged into her skin. Oddly enough though, as quickly as it began, it ended. The male above her stayed still for a moment, ejaculated, and got off her...simple as that. She expected a long drawn out fight over superiority in the version of sex. But, the alpha just sniffed in her direction once, and walked off with the other 2, leaving her still laying, wondering what just actually happened.

After getting up and wondering around, wondering what had exactly happened, she found herself at what appeared to be the territory that the alpha owned. Scattered across some small hills and trees, next to a stream there were at least 20 different nests, with eggs, fresh hatchings and mothers.

Seeing this, she wanted to "mingle" with them, but despite her animal instinct telling her to see others of her kind, again her logic kicked in and felt it necessary to at least report on what she found thus far.

Walking back to the tent wasn't a challenge surprisingly, considering the fact that she somehow was able to "draw" a mental map. However, mingling with the lap top was easier said than done.

"How the hell does this thing work again?" She though, her head turning sideways a bit.

Just like her animal instincts, years of typing and computer use suddenly kicked in as "instinct" as well. Her hands went up and turned on the solar powered computer, and pushed the "on" button.

After getting flashed with a bright light and having to adjust her eyes for a moment, she soon typed a simple report outlining her encounter...which at this time, considering she had 4 inch claws and limited knowledge of what she called a "Laayp Toop", making this simple sentence was an achievement of it's own right.

  • Sending report to designated port, Anchor 9. Orbit, Planet 01148 -

"Docter. Found oTh3rs. Seem to be just lik oters on earth. 1 m8ted with me? NeEd more infro sOOn."

  • Report from Group Designated K2A has been sent to Anchor 9. Confirmed as received -

Have a wonderful day.

She tried to remember how to turn off the computer, but seeing as how making a simple sesntence was a challenge, she let her self lay on the ground, resting a bit. Hopefully memory from the more important human aspect of her brain would come.

"Need...send better." She thought as her head laid down. "One in morning."

The next morning wasn't really ideal. Sun was blocked by overcast grey and black clouds, and rain drizzled on and off. The computer still had power from it's ability to store power in case of this situation. Good thing too, because she looked at the blinking blip on the screen indicating she got a message.

"Thank god for touch screen tech." She thought as a claw touched the panel. "Computer mouses would be a killer for me."

  • Message in reply to report from Group Designated K2A/ Anchor 9, Orbit Origin -

"Sorry to see the weather is turning sour down there as I get your message about your previous encounters. Wonderful news though! We have records we can send down to you for your securitization if they are indeed like the raptors we had on earth. Oh, and doing some research, we found that the encounter you had, was most likely an alpha of some territory you ran in. Sorry to say mate, but you've lost a territory dispute, you didn't "mate" in the traditional sense. Hope this report and following documents help. We are gleefully awaiting another response from you! Cheers!

  • End Message. 21st Expeditionary Medical sector, Anchor 9 Orbit -

"No...can't just send a short letter." She thought as she glanced at the paragraph and following documents.

Her situation could be compared to a child, seeing ton's of work to do on a computer at school as he/she was just learning to type.

She took hours reading just reading the main message and some paragraphs about mating.

Turns out though, that the doctor could be only half right. The Raptors on earth mated pretty quickly, as do modern day birds. Their sex organs weren't truly equipped to have that kind of deep, long lasting penetrating sex. Not to mention the fact they never were suppose to be that long with sex anyway. Strictly procreation.

"No wonder he was fast." She though, looking at the computer as it's light flickered, losing power.

Shutting off the computer, she tried to remember what she read about the mating of Raptors she just read. It was an "exercise" she'd been trying to do to regain some fleeing human recognition. She needed her human "part" of mind to do many things and avoid possible danger. So trying to constantly remember something, always did help a bit.

Come to think of "parts of mind", one part of her mind demanded food. And soon. Come to think of it, a full two days without food was near her own personal record of four days. She...er, "he" didn't eat for a full day while on the orbit station, and yesterday was filled with more clouded questions, rather than need for food.

So, she just again followed her mental map to the site where other raptors had gathered anyway.

"Perhaps they would want to help..." She thought as she got to the area.

Then she noticed something, and immediately a part of the document she read flashed in her mind.

"Female raptors after mating, usually drive off the male so they may hunker down and make a nest for the eggs. It is not uncommon to see many females together to protect their eggs as well as one another. It is rare to see males helping females with eggs."

That would explain why there were so few males to the large number of females she was currently observing.

Walking into the small clearing, she was immediately observed by the other females. Some only looked for a second, while others stared intently at her. Whilst she walked, she could also smell the pheromones they gave off, indicating they were indeed interested in her.

Suddenly a male came from one of the groups, and dropped meat at her feet, and walked away. But, it made sense considering they probably smelt the fact she had been with the alpha. Their generosity was probably more out of fear rather then genuine care.

Being a raptor sucked on a couple levels. Couldn't remember some human attributes, she still didn't fully get the hang of her "skills" and could barely run, let alone walk far distances. But on the other hand, she had these abilities to find out when harm was near, had the great sense of smell and felt as if she had no responsibilities.

Yes, odd skills that she would eventually need to get the hang of, but she thought she could manage.

She liked it here though she thought as she began eating the tough meat at her feet. Being a raptor, she ate pretty slow, despite what many people saw in movies. It was almost comical to see her find a piece of sinew in the hunk she would be chewing on, because she couldn't exactly get a toothpick.

What was also a bit odd for her to do, was to hold the still bloody piece of meat with her arms as she gnawed at it's tough exterior. Again, something not every human is used to doing on a daily basis.

Finishing her meal took a little longer than expected, but still satisfying to say the least. She didn't really find anything wrong with the taste, considering the animalistic part of her didn't really have a picky sense of taste.

Looking around, she saw others with mates, some laying down to sleep, and others still making nests to put their eggs in.

"Maybe being an animal isn't so bad." She thought as she laid down.


  • Sending report to designated port, Anchor 9. Orbit, Planet 01148 -

"Doctor, m3moreee a bit fuzzy. Learning b3tter tho wit typin. Oth3rs seem to be just lik rapors on earth as before sad. Thanx for papors on info. Found mate."

  • Report from Group Designated K2A has been sent to Anchor 9. Confirmed as received -

Have a wonderful day.

After sending the message, she picked up a chunk of meat that was on the ground at her feet with her mouth and walked out the tent to a waiting raptor; her mate.

She had been with the group of raptor females now for about a week. Nothing special happened though. Same male would bring her meat. Same male would follow her. Same male would "dance" to show off his prowess whenever she was alone with him.

But roughly two days ago, she was rutted by him, but this time, though still a bit rough and animalistic, she didn't really hate the fact that much. Or maybe it was her logic trying to analyze everything now, or maybe it was the fact she laid eggs with her mate only 2 days ago. Either way, she was happy.

It was almost an achievement, laying eggs. The pain of having something so huge come out of you, but still being able to go thought it...and tell...er, feel like you've told someone about it was the best part. It was like an ordeal no one could ever imagine. But also happy at the fact she was to go hunting today.

Her instincts helped her as she crouched in a tall grassy plane. Her and the rest of her group slowly came from the outskirts of the forest, and split up into a wide V formation, talking their target; a large grazing reptile, roughly 10 feet high. It's think hide meant that going for the neck and knees was crucial. But also because of it's weight, it could instantly kill one of them should he be hit by it's tail, or trampled upon. So speed was the key.

Suddenly, the raptor group moved in quick succession, 2 first running in front of the grazing animal, crisscrossing paths to confuse it. Then two more from behind, claws at the ready and jaws open ran and jumped at it's knees, scraping as hard as they could. Then 1 raptor came from the left and broadsided the beast, jumping on it's back, slashing while the remaining two came to broadside it's right side.

She was surprised at how fast she was as she jumped on the beast's neck and slashed it. It only seemed like she was learning to walk a week ago, now she was running 30 miles an hour, jumping massive heights and attacking large beasts.

Her 4 inch claws and talons dug into the beast's neck, causing instant cries from the victim. She kept clawing, biting, kicking until the beast finally let a moan out, stammered a couple yards and fell, shaking the ground with it's demise.

But just as the group was about to relish in their kill, a sudden roar came from over the planes, and a large ship came from directly above. Seeing this massive metal behemoth above them, the raptors scattered, as did she, but as she was about to get into the relative safety of the forest, a tranquilizer dart buried it's self in her neck, dropping her instantly.

The ship, still hovering, turned 180 degrees, and lowered it's self, and opened a back bay door where 10 foot soldiers, wearing a combination of grey and green camouflage came running out, weapons at the ready. Five of the men ran over to her body as the other 5 made a protective perimeter around them, still aiming down the sights of their automatic weapons.

"Confirmed, sex female!"

"Roger! Pull 'er on board!" Yelled the Captain, hand signaling the troops to move.

Her last sight was seeing the grassy plane disappear, giving way to the sounds and smells of a jet engine, and the sight of grey steel.


"Mr. Palmer...wonderful test and wonderful results." A voice echoed in his head.


"Mr. Palmer. I'm the doctor who initiated your expedition on Sapphire. Do you remember?" Said the doctor, leaning over the soldier.

"Y-yes. Expedition on Sapphire about indigenous species...I...I was female?" He said as if it were a dream, holding his head.

"Yes Mr. Palmer. You felt it necessary to become a female, so that no male would have any territory disputes with you."

"Ah...where am I now?" He said sitting up, still holding his head looking around.

"You're on Anchor 9. In orbit around Sapphire, where it all began. I must say, your observations, though a bit limited, gave us lots of data to ponder over." Said the doctor, waving his hand as he walked away.

"I'll see to it that you're commentated for what you did, and that the pay is added to your account as per negotiated." The doctor said, toying with his hand held tab as the walked towards the exit. "Oh...and one last thing Mr. Palmer. Make yourself available, we may need your...experience once more."