Lordrevan Commission: "Stranded"

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"Approaching map grid, Kilo 1 Alpha, Bravo, Tango. Hear that back there?" Asked the pilot of the Pelican dropship.

"Yea...we, uh, we got it!" Yelled the 15 year old boy in the back meekly.

He turned and looked at the other 3 passengers, sitting across from him. All were elites, but what made them unique was that they were females. Typically something the UNSC soldiers didn't see often. Not only that, but the elites all had their own...personalities. Again, something not typical of the warrior mentality of the elite's race.

One, wearing white armor, was known to have a bit of a queen like mentality. Almost like she deserved to give orders...never to take them. The one sitting next to her, constantly glaring at young John wore red armor. She...on the other hand was quite aggressive. If she thought you were inferior to her own stature, she was sure to let you know. Plus, even with higher ranks around her, she liked to try and dominate situations. Then there was the one wearing the blue armor. She was the farthest "cry" from the elite's warrior mentality. She could accurately be compared to the proverbial "blonde" stereotype woman. Always naïve and playful. Nice though.

"Sooo...ummm...get stuck on this duty too?" John said nervously, trying to make conversation.

"Yes...unfortunately. Stuck babysitting a small human." Said the white armored elite, looking at her hands. "Deserve so much better."

"Yea, so give us trouble runt, and we'll rip your head off...or what ever stereotypes you humans have against us!" Yelled the red armored elite.

Sitting back, realizing conversation wasn't a good idea anymore, he waited the 20 plus minutes out in solitude, enduring the awkward stares and silence until they reached their drop off point.

"Well, I'm bored already. Come Terra'maree." Said the white armored elite to the blue armored one. "Let's see if I can find something to do."

"Hey, not leaving without me!" Yelled the red armored one, running to catch up to them.

"But...the...comm array is...this...meh." John said, pointing in one direction while watching the elites walk and run off in the opposite direction.

His duty wasn't hard, nor complex. All he had to do, since he was a technician, was to repair a couple comm array transmitters. Problem was...this could take days. Normally wouldn't be a problem, but since he's a scrawny body type, command wanted to send an escort...which is why the troublesome elites come in.

Now, in addition to having to spend days in a remote part of nowhere, he had to do it with ridicule and deal with the elites.

"Freakin' great." He said lugging his bag full of tools and gear over his back as he walked towards the large transmitter.

Despite the size of the large 8 story transmitters, they were easily susceptible to small problems. Simple glitches, small animals finding homes in the transmitter's main access panel, stray branches caught up in the main rod, any number of endless dealings. Which is where he came in. He joined the UNSC at 15, only because, just like any teenager, he wanted away from his parents and simply could. The endless 50 year war left the UNSC's troop supply...low, to say the least.

But, instead of having that romantic job, dropping in via insertion pod, pulling out some badass weapon, ready to shoot what ever moves, he found his scrawny butt doing transmitter relay work on remote locations. Hell, he never fired a weapon outside of a shooting range...let alone carried one.

"No...can't be an ODST...need to be at least 18 with three years Airborne experience. No...can't be infantry...to scrawny." He said mumbling to himself, holding a wrench while he pulled open the access panel.

"Yea! Well, my friend Patrick was a fat jerk, and he got infantry! You turn a fat bastard into a killing machine...but god forbid you even consider a scrawny guy." He half shouted as he waved his wrench in the air, grabbing a flashlight from his bag.

In addition to his flashlight, he grabbed his music player and threw on his headphones. One thing was constant in his military "career" and that was he always used music to get away from the picks and asses he always dealt with.

Waving his wrench as he played music from a classic song called "Baba O' Riley" from some group called "The Who", he lost himself in his work as his training kicked in and became basically a living computer.

"This planet is boring." Said the white armored elite.

"Tell me about it." Replied the red armored one, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Awww, I think I like it!" The blue armored elite gleefully responded to them, even though none of them were directly talking to her.

"You like everything, you naive fool." Said the white armored elite getting up from laying in the grass. "Let's find that weakling and see how long we'll be here."

As the three elites walked up to the comm array the found the boy, playing some odd sound in his ears as he crawled in and out of a series of tunnel openings for engineers.

"How long are we going to be here, human." Commanded the elite, her hands on her hips.

"How ever long it takes to get this thing up and running." He replied, upside down in a tunnel, surrounded by machinery as he held a wrench.

"Yea...well, I have better things to do than baby sit a weakling like you." The red armored female suddenly burst out.

"Oh, yea, I'm sure you have tons to do! Maybe you need to find skimpier armor to wear?" He said looking at their bodies.

Odd thing about the elites is that, the medal on their armor was basically for looks. It was the generated shield that protected them. So in sense, they needed no real "armor" of any kind. For some reason, the female's version of the elite's armor set up was a bit more...revealing than the male's.

"Hold your tongue child!" Yelled the red armored female, grabbing her plasma rifle from her side and holding it at John's head.

"Oh, yea! Of course you get a damn weapon!" He said, annoyed at the fact he didn't have one as he ignored her threat and climbed back in the tunnel to do his work.

"Ugh! Are you ignoring me!" Called the red elite, boiling with anger, sticking her head in the tunnel, but only seeing darkness.

"No, I'm just...actually yea. I'm ignoring you. Would it be better if I made fun of the fact you disprove everything we know about reptiles? After all, you have breasts for feeding young...what are you? Mammal? Reptilian? A weird hybrid?" He joked, knowing she couldn't possibly get to him while he was in the tunnel.

Getting annoyed she put her plasma rifle back on the side of her leg and walked away, hissing and grumbling about being mistreated.

After hours of walking and grumbling, shooting off some plasma bolts at stones and the ground, the red armored elite finally calmed down and rejoined the group around the comm array.

"Brat done yet?" She said walking up.

"Come ooooooon." Whined the white armored female. "You know he won't be done for a while...stop asking."

"Done." Chipped John climbing out of the engineer access tunnel. "Minor glitch, but because there are a billion different problems...it was hard to find."

He looked around in vain to find some sort of sign that his "achievement" when noticed...but was only met with silence and stares.

"So...like, it's fixed now? We can call for leave?" Asked the blue armored female, nearly chirping in delight.

"Yeaa....nnnno." He said looking at the sky. "Almost dark. Pelican's won't fly out here with poor visibility, even with navigation instruments. To many mountain ranges."

"How long is a night?" Asked the white armored elite.

"12 hours...plus some until the light actually reaches the horizon."

"Great." She breathed, leaning against the foundation of the comm array.

Suddenly the red armored elite walked up to him, and pushed her chest into his face. This was done easily enough considering their size difference.

"Suck my breasts human." She growled.


"You heard me." She shot back.

"Let's make him useful. You should at least agree with that, right?" She turned to the white armored elite.

"Might as well I suppose." She said getting up.

Again the red armored elite pushed his head into her double D chest.

"Pleasure me human. I'm bored with you." She said looking down on him.

Being a guy, suddenly having his face pushed into a large pair of boobs, naturally he was getting a bit excited. Not only because of being forced to do it, but because he was surrounded by 3 females, wanting him to do it.

She sat down, and undid her black jumpsuit, unzipping it to her chest, and pulled off the armor plating that covered her lovely mounds, fully exposing herself to the human.

"And when you're done, lick my toes." Chimed in the white armored elite.

Still feeling like he was being pushed around, he did it anyway. Somehow the feeling of being dominated by the female elites around him was a bit arousing.

He latched on to the double D in front of him, and began sucking, while his other hand fondled her other breast.

Then, seeing the human going to be tied up with the rest of the females, the blue elite came behind him and pulled down his pants, his boxers, and grasped his sex.

"So, is this is...uhh...penis?" She asked, looking up.

"You don't know human anatomy? Yes...it is." Said the white armored elite with a smug attitude.

"Oh, ok!" She chirped, forgetting about the insult, and began jerking off the human as he sucked the tits of the female in front of him.

"Good boy." Moaned the elite he sucked on.

"Ok, fun over." Said the white armored elite, pushing the bare chest elite out of the way. "My turn."

Without needing a command, the human began kissing and licking her foot, even though she had yet to take off her armor.

"Hold a second." She said annoyed as she pulled off the armor plating in sections around her foot area. "Now go."

He got back down on his hands as he was already on his knees, and continued licking the tops of her toes, using long strides with his tongue going up and down her left hoof like toe, spending what felt like minutes alone on one. Occassionally he would look up to see if he was really doing a "good job", most of the time being met with a superior like smile from her.

Then he moved to the right hoof, then the underside of the entire foot. Before long, her toes were licked, and kissed as if she were indeed queen like, just as she believed herself to be.

"Wonderful." She said as if it was done to her everyday. "Keep at it."

"No! My turn wasn't over!" Yelled the red armored elite, her chest still exposed. "I didn't get my pleasure!"

"Gripe down. Soon as I feel he's done with my feet, he may proceed to you." She said closing her eyes and waving off the female.

Suddenly they heard a moan from the boy and looked at just the right moment. Just then, he got up on his knees with the help of the blue armored elite and shot his hot cum on the white armored elite's chest, splattering it on her armor and neck, some on her face.

"Ugh! How...how...dare." She shuddered, wiping some off on her hands.

"Ok, my turn!" Said the red armored elite as she pushed the still stammering cum covered elite out of the way.

"Keep sucking like before, runt." She commanded, grabbing the back of his head and pushing her chest to his face.

"So...what did he just do?" Questioned the blue elite, still hard at work, keeping his penis hard.

"Orgasm. It's what humans have when they feel pleasure, idiot." Said the red armored elite between the sounds of him sucking her chest.

"Oh! Have another!" She cried as she jerked him faster, pushing her chest against his back.

John then moved his head from her chest and to her feet, feeling the need to lick her as he did the other elite, considering the fact he figured she'd command him to anyway. His hands still played with her chest as she commanded, but his head continued to lick her thighs and legs, all the way to the bottom of her foot. Once there. licking between each of her toes as he picked up her one hoof like feet and licked the underside with long strides, just as he did the white armored one.

He gently tugged at her armored foot, wanting her to take off the armor of the other foot. Doing so, she didn't even fully expose her feet before he licked her toes, sometimes putting a full tip of the toe in his mouth and sucking hard.

"Good at being a pet, human." She chuckled, her hand holding his head down.

Suddenly the white armored elite, feeling she was missing out on some action pulled the blue one away, pushing her chest against her's to get some of his spunk off her jumpsuit.

"Hold still!" She commanded as the blue elite giggled from the chest to chest contact.

After getting only a fraction of his spunk off her, she bent down, and took the blue elite's place at jerking him.

"Cum on her now." She said angrily, jerking him faster and harder.

She then pulled the boy up, so he was on his knees once more, her arm around his chest, while the other jerked him, still at a dizzying pace.

The red armored female, being somewhat satisfied, was about to get up, when a wad of spunk came racing up and splattered on her chest and face, going deep into her cleavage as she was leaning forward.

She blinked, then looked at the human, out of breath while the white elite behind him smiled.

"Not so great, huh?" She said, letting the boy go, going back onto his hands.

"What ever." Said the red elite, getting up and walking away, tasting some of the white sticky stuff on her body.

"Ugh! What do you mean, "what ever"! You're suppose to be mad like me! Hold on!" she yelled, running after the female.

Leaving just the boy and the blue armored elite there, she crawled up and sat on his chest as she pushed him down.

"Can you...uhh...do what you did for them, and licky me?" She said while putting her feet on his face gently.

Being in the position, he simply did just that. Having cummed twice, out of breath and in no mood to say no to something sexual, he just licked the bottom of her feet as they hovered over his face.

With the help of the elite, he gently pulled off her foot coverings and began the same long strides with his tongue on the underside of her foot. Rolling his tongue between her toes and top of her foot, she gently cooed him on, doing this for only roughly a minute until she finally pulled her saliva covered feet away.

"Yay!" She cried. "I was dominate!"

Being satisfied she "did what the others did", she got up and called to the others as she ran away.

"I did it too! I did it too!"

Being a bit drowsy, soaked in the smell of sex and tired from work and what he just did, he fell asleep, pulling his pants up.

"Heh, and when I got here, I was afraid I couldn't get some sleep with them around." He thought as he drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, the evac was already radioed to the Pelican dropship, so he knew he had to get ready, less he wanted to be mocked by the pilot crew for being basically naked. Grabbing his large bag full of equipment and clothes, he began getting dressed in a fresh t-shirt, boxers, olive pants and socks.

As he dressed though, the 3 elites came walking up.

"Fun last night?" Chirped the Blue one.

"Uhhh...yea, guess." He said pulling the T-shirt over his head and over his body.

"Then you may not want to get dressed in fresh clothing." Smiled the white elite as she walked up and pushed him against the comm node.

She began rubbing his crotch area with long, hard strides of her hand while the red armored female came behind him and pulled him down to the ground, still holding him form behind. The white armored elite, quickly took off her foot armor, and held her hoof like foot to his face, and smiled.

"Evac called. Said that they want us out here for quite some time." She winked. "About 8 human months."

"Which means-"

"You're ours!" Chirped in the Blue armored elite, interrupting.

Thinking for a second, he realized he was happy. He liked the whole "being dominated" thing, and by 3 females nonetheless. So, he decided, why not make the most out of the situation?

He leaned forward and began licking the White armored elite's toes while the others smiled and giggled, knowing they were next.