A Furry love story.

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A story by Sater.

A Furry love story part 1.

One beautiful summers morning, the first rays of sunlight awaked Franklin the brown bear boy. They shone trough the crack in his curtain, gently toughing his furry nose. After a sneeze and a big yawn he opened his eyes and stretched his whole body. Time to get up! He stepped out of his bed, and walked into the kitchen, where mama bear already was making breakfast. As always papa bear was reading his newspaper by the kitchen table. Standing on his toes the little bear gave his mum a big kiss. "And what about me little bear? Don't I get a kiss?" dad said. Franklin gave his dad a big kiss and a hug, and sat down by the table. Mama bear brought him his breakfast, and hungry as he was Franklin started to eat. "Slowly, slowly little bear, don't forget to chew! And do you know what you are going to do this Saturday?" mum said. Franklin nodded, "first I'm going swimming in the lake, and then I'm going to play with my friends in the forest". He jumped up from his chair and ran outside. "Gotta go now, bye!" Mama bear called out to him. "But you haven't eaten your..." But the little bear was long gone.

Franklin loved to swim in the lake, and at this time of day there was usually nobody else there. He liked it that way; it was nice to start the day like this. But this time when he almost had reached the small forest lake, he heard a terrible scream. Franklin ran towards the water and there was a Black bear boy jumping on one leg and screaming. It was a silly sight, and it made Franklin laugh a little bit. But the boy sat down on the grass and looked at his foot. And he started to cry! Now Franklin understood that the boy was in pain, and he was ashamed that he had laughed. Carefully he walked towards the black bear boy and sat down in front of him. "Hello, are you in pain? Can I help you?" The boy looked at him with tears in his eyes. "I have a thorn in my foot, and it hurts very much!"

Gently and without thinking about it too long Franklin took the boy's foot. "That happens to me too some times you know," he said. "I will take it out for you, just close your eyes". The boy closed his eyes and at that moment Franklin took out the thorn. There sat the black bear boy with his eyes closed. Franklin laughed; "You can open your eyes now, the thorn is gone!" Totally surprised the boy opened his eyes and looked at his foot. "But I haven't felt anything, how did you do that?" he asked Franklin. Franklin laughed again. "What can I say, I'm good you know!"

The two boys started talking, and the black bear boy told Franklin that his name was Boris. He and his mum and dad moved to this forest just a few days ago, and this was the first time he decided to go swimming in the lake. "But I didn't know that there where some thorns on the ground here". Franklin nodded his head; "there aren't very many though, you just have to be careful. How's your foot now?" "Still a little bit sore", replied Boris. Franklin took the boy's foot in his hand and started to massage it gently. "My mum does this to my feet when they are sore. It usually helps a lot". The little black bear started leaning on his elbows, and moved his toes a little bit. "Oh, that is nice. It tickles a little bit, but it takes away the pain". While Franklin was massaging the boy's foot his eyes moved up the leg, and there he saw some furry boy balls and a slowly growing penis. The boys looked each other in the eyes, and for a moment there was only silence. Then Franklin got up and helped Boris on his feet. "Well, I have to go now. I'm glad your foot is feeling better now, and I see you again okay?" He turned around and started to walk towards his house. But strangely enough he felt a little bit sad, and he didn't exactly know why...

All that time, and unknown by the two boys, the wise old mister owl was sitting in a tree nearby and watched the entire scene. He held his head a little bit to one side and smiled, as he understood what was happening. This was love! There was something happening between those two boys. But he also knew that it confused the little bears. "Well, no problem. They just need a little bit time, that's all".

While the old owl was thinking there on his branch, he heard some whispering in a bush near to the water. There he saw fox, otter and tortoise hiding and looking at the two little bears. Slowly and in total silence the old owl flew towards the three boys and landed behind them. "Ahum, and what are you three rascals doing here I might ask?" The three friends almost jumped in the air, they where totally surprised! As always fox started talking first. "Oh, hello mister owl, we where just watching Franklin and the new bear cub. They like each other very much, we saw it!" The wise owl nodded his head. "Yes, I know. And I think it is very nice. They're just a little bit shy, that's all. And you lads don't bother them, ok? Or I will be very angry!" The three boys promised they would not bother the two little bears, but when owl had flown away they started whispering to each other again...

Early the next day fox, tortoise and otter went to the lake once again. And yes, there was the black bear boy, swimming and splashing in the rays of the morning sun. The three friends huddled together under a three, where the suns rays speckled the ground with spots of light. "Alright", said fox, "time to put our plan to work". Otter and tortoise nodded their heads. "But be careful that owl won't catch us. Or he will be very angry!" And so the three friends went together to the house where Franklin lived, and knocked on the door. "Hello mama bear, can Franklin come out and play with us?" Even before his mum could say anything a little brown face appeared in the door. "Hi fellows, can I play with them mum, can I can I?" As always her little son made her smile, and she nodded her head. "That's alright little bear, go and play with your friends". And the boys where on their way.

Fox came up with the idea to go to the lake, and Franklin agreed with him. He hadn't swum the day before and he loved to go swimming with his three best friends anyway. So they walked laughing and chatting trough the forest, the only thing that surprised the little bear was the fact that his friends kept looking up to the trees. Strange...

When they reached the forest lake, they heard some splashing going on there. "Oh", said otter in total surprise (yeah right!), "there is somebody swimming in the lake already. Come and look guys!" So the four friends looked through the bushes at the water in front of them, and then... Then Franklin felt a big push against his back, and he stumbled through the bushes towards the edge of the lake. Franklin looked behind him, "what's up guys, pushing me like that..." But to his surprise he saw nobody, his three friends where gone.

But there wasn't much time for the brown bear cub to think about this strange going on, because he heard a familiar voice coming from behind him. He turned around, and there swimming towards him was the black bear boy from the day before! Franklin felt that he started blushing when the wet, black boy asked him to come into the water also. "Nah", he said, "I'm going to sit here and enjoy the sun a little bit, maybe later..." Boris shrug his shoulders and started swimming again, leaving Franklin behind to look at him. The brown boy felt some funny things happening in his stomach, and not only there. He realised that he really liked the black boy, he thought he was beautiful. But wasn't that strange? It was another boy, not a girl. He never felt something like this before about another boy. It confused him, he wanted to go into the water and swim to Boris and touch his body. And he wanted Boris to touch him! While thinking like this he noticed that the boy had stopped swimming and was looking at him. "I don't want to embarrass you Franklin, but you have a stiffy. And a very cute one I may add". Now Franklin was really blushing and he coffered his little penis with his hands, making Boris smile. "Don't be ashamed Franklin, that happens to me too sometimes". And then his face turned away from the little brown bear, and with a soft voice he said: "and I think you are cute too". The two boys looked each other in the eyes, and a smile appeared on their faces. Without saying anything Franklin jumped into the water. "Race you to the other side!" he screamed and took a head start. "You creep!" Boris answered, and immediately started swimming after his young new friend. He was a faster swimmer than Franklin, and when he reached the brown bear cub they started wrestling in the water. But after a little while the wrestling match turned into a careful and shy touching when the boys started to investigate one another's young furry bodies.

Unknown to the two little bears, fox, otter and tortoise had returned to the edge of the water and had started to watch the boys who where know gently kissing one another. "You see, I knew it, they like each other very much!" whispered fox to his two friends. "Look, they are even kissing each other!"...And he almost jumped in the air. Because a feathery hand touched his shoulder. Behind the three friends stood the old owl, as always they didn't hear him coming at all. "I think it is time that you three rascals give the two bear cubs some privacy hm? It's scary enough for them to touch each other and feel all those new feelings. They are in love with each other. And now scram, before I do something I'm going to regret!" And the three friends where gone. The wise old owl looked at the two bears a last time and smiled. "Ah, young love! That's so beautiful" He spread his wings and without any sound he flew away towards...Well, who knows.

Part 2.

That was all that happened that day, the two little bears where to shy to go any further. But they loved touching one another there under the water. After they had given each other a little kiss they started swimming again. They did so for a few hours, and had a lot of fun. When they got tired they went out of the water and lay down in the shadow of a tree, on the soft moss. They lay both on their back, and after a while Franklin creped a little bit closer to Boris until he lay against his fur. The boys didn't say a word when Boris placed his arm around his new friends shoulders. Franklin looked up to the black bear cub. "Did you like it when I touched your dick, I liked it when you touched mine. Mine was totally hard". Boris smiled at him, "yes I liked it very much, and my dick was hard too".

They both smiled to each other, and Franklin crept a little bit closer to his friend. "Don't know, but we have just med and still I feel totally comfortable lying here against you. I really like you, you know. From the moment I first saw you". Boris stroked Franklin's furry head, "I feel the same you know, it's just as if we've known each other for a long time. Don't know, I just think you're really really cute". "Have you ever, well you know, had sex with somebody Franklin?" Franklin looked up towards his friend, and shook his head. "Oh well, I did you know. With a boy that was a little bit older than me. It was fun, and he taught me a lot. My parents are gone tomorrow, so the house is mine for a day. Would you like to have some sex with me?" Franklin was a little bit shocked by the boy's frankness. "But we don't know each other at all, and I don't know if I dare. I have never done something like that". Boris stroked the brown bear boy his head, and looked to him with an open and pleasant smile. "Well, it's the best way to REALLY get to know each other, and you absolutely don't have to do anything that you not really want. And believe me, it's a lot of fun!"

Franklin promised he would be there tomorrow, and the boys gave each other a big kiss. And they couldn't help touching each other's dick for a moment. When Franklin walked home again, he felt the shivers in his body. What was happening to him? It went so fast, almost to fast to understand it all. But he knew that he liked his new bear friend very much, and he had seen in the boy's eyes that he really liked him also. And it was very exiting; he never had sex with anybody but himself, and was old enough to have the feelings. Yes, he would love to have sex with Boris, it was only a little bit getting used to the fact that he loved a boy instead of a girl (and at that moment he realised that what he felt for Boris really was love).

The next day Franklin woke up with butterflies in his stomach. Yep, he was nervous! He thought he would be! And he couldn't help getting a little angry with himself. At breakfast his mum looked at her little cub, and as always saw that there was something the matter. "What's wrong little bear, are you nervous because you are going to play at your new friends house? That's normal my boy, just take your time to get to know one another. You'll see that you are going to have a good time together". And as always this calmed Franklin down a bit. He gave his mum a huge hug; yelled "goodbye!" to his dad and off he went. He even enjoyed the walk through the sunlit forest, but he kept feeling the butterflies in his stomach. And something else he felt, and that feeling was exciting. And he felt it between his legs. When he came to the house where Boris lived, he knocked at the door with his heart in his throat. The black bear cub opened the door, and let his new friend in. They sat down on the couch, and Boris offered Franklin something to drink. They sat quietly next to each other, and Boris looked to the cute brown boy. "Are you nervous Franklin, don't worry because I'm nervous to you know. This is the first time I'm going to have sex with somebody I really really like. But I also look forward to touch your dick again, and all over your body". Franklin looked at him and a smile appeared on his furry face. Boris took his hand and let him up the stairs to the shower. There he let the Shower run, and embraced his friend gently. Their lips med and they gave each other a passionate kiss. When the water was warm the boys got in the shower, and Boris started gently to wash Franklin. His face his chest and all over his body. After that Franklin did the same to him and they dried each other, and Boris let Franklin to his room. There the two friend sat opposite one another, with both their dicks hard as rock. Boris looked Franklin straight into his eyes. "Shall I just do some things to you? But you have to promise me that when you don't like anything you immediately will tell me, OK?" Franklin nodded his head, "that's ok, and when you want me to do anything to you, you must say it also".

Than Boris pushed his friend gently down on the bed, and stretched his legs. He started to stroke Franklin's face, and gave him a soft kiss on the mouth. His tongue went down to the boys cute little nipples and he started licking and biting them gently. Franklin moaned and shivered a little bit; "oh yeah Boris I like that, I like you biting and licking my nipples. It feels great!" The black boy cub reached out to his friend and stroked his face; "wait until I reach your little butt hole, that really feels nice. Just go on your knees and hands for me. Boris opened the cute furry butt of his friend, and started to lick the little asshole. First very gentle, around the sweet boycunt. Just touching the little hole itself. Franklin wiggled his butt and moaned and groaned; "oh yeah Boris, that feels nice. It tickles, and it feels so good". Than his black friend stuck his tongue up Franklin's ass for as far as he could, and he started to lick and suck the sexy little hole for all he's worth. Franklin threw his head in his neck, and stuck his cute ass even further out to the back. "Oh yeaaaaah, oh yeah, so nice! I can feel your tongue deep inside my butt! I want to do that with you too, yeah?" And he threw Boris on his back, lifted the boys' feet in the air and stuck his tongue up Boris his cute black furry butt. This time it was Boris who screamed and wiggled with pure pleasure. "Oh yes, now you are licking my butt! It feels so good. My little hole is now all nice and wet. Please Franklin, stick your finger in my butt hole. I love that so much". His little lover stuck his finger in his mouth, and than gently up Boris his ass. And all the way in it went. Than he started to move in and out of the cute boy hole in front of him. Boris now stood on his hands and toes, enjoying the feeling of the finger up his butt. His balls where dangling between his legs, and his hard little dick slapped against his stomach. "Oh yeah little bear, like that. Deep inside my bum. Man, your learning fast!" "Now I have another idea, you lay on your back and I will lay on top of you with my dick by your face. And than I will suck and lick your cute dick and you will lick and suck mine OK?" Franklin looked at his friend with his big brown eyes, and only nodded his head. Not able to speak, choked with all the horny emotions that run through his young body. The black bear cub crept on top of his lover, and took his cute little pre cum covered dick in his mouth and started to lick and suck it. Franklin started to suck his black and dripping wet boy cock, until it slipped out of his mouth when Boris without warning stuck his finger deep inside his butt hole. "Oh god, what are you doing? I can't hold it anymore now! I'm gonna come!" Franklin trusted his cock deep inside Boris his throat, almost choking the boy. And he shot his load deep inside his friend's mouth. He didn't have much time to recover from shooting his load, because he saw that Boris let the cum drip out of his mouth on to his own dick. The boy lifted Franklin's legs up in the air, and looked at him with his horny looking eyes. "Man, you're a natural! My god, you are so horny, I'm going to fuck you in your cute little bear butt". He started to lick Franklin his butt again, sticking his tongue deep inside the moaning cub. Than he gently guided his cum dripping and rock hard boy cock inside the little brown bear, right up to his balls. Franklin froze for a moment; "awww, that hurts! Be careful down they're please Boris!" And how horny the black young bear was, he didn't want to hurt his little friend. So he started very slowly to slip his cock in and out of Franklin, until the boy his asshole started to relax and got used to feeling the cock inside. Slowly but surely Boris started to thrust faster and deeper inside his friend and lover. Sometimes pausing to stuff his dick as deep inside the boy cunt as possible. Making the boy beneath him moan and shiver with pure ecstasy. Boris felt his cum throbbing in his dick and new that he didn't have much time anymore. So he grabbed his young lover's feet, and with a few huge thrusts he shot his load deep inside his with pleasure screaming friend. "Oh yeah Boris, I can feel your cum inside me! You're shooting all your cum inside my bum! It's so horny!" With that Boris collapsed on top of his friend, his dick still inside the boy his butt hole. Franklin put his arm around the furry black boy and sighed. After a while Boris gave him a gentle kiss, and looked at him. "Are you sure you never did this before Franklin, you did everything right! It was so great, it was never like this with that other boy". Franklin shook his head; "no never, but I wasn't scared you know. I trust you, I knew you where not going to hurt me". Boris gave his friend a big hug and an even bigger kiss. "I love you, my little brown bear friend. You know that?" Franklin nodded his head; "and I love you to Boris, I'm so glad I med you!"

The boys stayed there laying in each others arms for quit some time, and they knew that this was just the beginning of a lovely friendship. And that they would have lot's more sex adventures, there was so much more to explore. And together they floated away in a deep sleep, still in each other's arms.

To be continued.

Sater 2004
