Not So Retired Any More IX

Story by Arlen Blacktiger on SoFurry

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#9 of Not So Retired Any More

Things get dark in this chapter. Be warned, there is all sorts of nastiness to come.

For reference, I do not condone any of the acts that happen here - I'm just following the track of a rather grim story as it forms under my fingers.

Warning - No minors! Mature(ish) minds only!

Chapter IX - Sympathy for Devils

The Russian wasn't comfortable being so exposed. It wasn't the low-cut front on her slinky red dress, or the long and shapely legs she was showing. It was the fact they were sitting at a table in the courtyard of a hotel, and there were at least a hundred windows around them. Any one of them could hold the mercenaries she was certain would be after her.

Nonetheless, the pretty soft-furred fox maintained her trademark cool, and stood as her 'date' arrived, heralded by a pair of black-furred canines in black suits of the sort one might be willing to tear apart to get at a gun in a hurry.

"Tasha, so good to see you!"

The pleasure in his voice was disingenuous, his smile carnivorous rather than friendly.

Simon Tomas Plancher Gecko. Stay calm, all will be fine.

The male she saw emerge from behind the wall of muscle and bad suit was shortish, an inch or two less than her five foot seven inch height, but quite handsome. A brown-furred wolf, carefully groomed with a long, sleek, slicked-back ponytail, wearing a fine designer suit that accented and complemented him nicely with stripes nearly the color of his green eyes on a field of dark grey. On his black tie he wore a small golden gecko emblem, and she noted his goons did as well.

He strode up to her, took her paw, and raised it to his lips to kiss as if he were a gentleman seeing a woman of standing.

She knew the truth of their relative positions, however. Then again, she was always one to play along when it came to getting paid.

"The pleasure is mine, I'm sure. Shall we sit, Mr. Gecko? I took the liberty of ordering some wine."

His smile broadened, and he pulled out the chair for her, taking the opportunity to give her the twice-over.

She was more sleek and slender than he'd thought she would be. Her fur was the standard vixen's red, though with a cream patch that ran from the top of her throat and down into her modest but firm and tastefully presented cleavage. She certainly had an athlete's build, and it made her look almost under-age, though the short hair reminded him she had a military background.

Simon Gecko reminded himself not to underestimate the deadly woman, as his eyes caught the very slight rumple near her inner thigh, likely a small holdout pistol or knife.

"Wine sounds wonderful."

He sat, one of his men pulling out the seat for him before moving to stand to one side of him, the canine's brother taking up the other side. Tasha knew damn well it was an intimidation tactic, but played along, pretending they weren't there at all. She sat forward to speak.

"Let me be among the first to congratulate you, Mr. Ge-"

He cut her off with a dismissive wave of his paw, speaking in an amused voice.

"I must convince you to stop cutting your hair so short. Though you are ravishing under the worst of circumstances, the short hair does seem to detract. Then again, it does draw attention to your beautiful eyes."

As he said it, the dapper wolf sat forward in his seat, neatly depositing the cloth napkin in his lap as he smiled at her, glittering intelligent and lizardine eyes boring into hers.

Tasha's instinct, seeing into those eyes, was to get up and run. She saw unpleasant thigns there, slithering like serpents. The wolf was handsome, strong, well-groomed, every bit the gentleman...But he had the soul of a spider, the heart of a lizard. The surname she'd originally thought a silly affectation was coming to seem more and more accurate every time she met him.

She stifled the urge to take a deep breath or widen her eyes, knowing the predator would sense such symbols of fear, and leaned forward as well, placing her paws together and in her lap.

"And you, my dear Mr. Gecko, are entirely too flattering to a simple girl like me."

He laughed, and to the surrounding guests, it seemed an unremarkable sound of amusement, one amongst many. To the vixen, it was a sound of pure acting. What she saw in his eyes was anger, and she was pretty sure she knew why.

The wolf sat back in the chair, lounging and relaxed, and raised a paw to gesture with swishing motions as he spoke.

"So I assume all went well?"

Tasha paused just a moment, already certain he knew the mission wasn't entirely...Complete. She swallowed once, and coughed once, then gestured with a subtle paw motion to her purse. A motion he ignored.

"Perhaps you could show me the tapes," he ventured, "in private?"

The vixen didn't like where this was going, but didn't let it show. She just smiled and gave a nod.

"That would be acceptable."

"I hear you are the best at what you do. I'm hoping for a good performance."

Tasha noticed, out of the corner of her eye, as a couple of elderly and well-dressed gentlefolk overheard and misinterpreted, looking away with an appearance of scandal on their faces.

She flushed slightly in embarrassment and annoyance, and gave a one-shouldered shrug.

"Lead the way."

The vixen left her room number on the bill, and got up as the wolf stood, and took the paw he offered, her smile a forced one that showed a bit more tooth than needed.

The hotel suite was sumptuously appointed, larger in fact than her house, she mused while leaning against the balcony railing. The Russian vulpine swished her tail behind her, one ear turned back towards the room as Simon Gecko's nerdy little nephew converted her rifle camera's video files to something his computer could interpret and put on the suite's flat screen.

She noted the location of the two bodyguards, one by the front door and the other next to Simon where he lounged on a loveseat watching his nephew work, both seeming relaxed in the way she knew always meant bodyguards were trying to look relaxed while certainly not so.

The least well-protected target was the young, slightly overweight brown wolf tapping away at the computer. Somehow, she didn't think Gecko would give a damn about him if she took the kid hostage. Going out the window was out, since she was forty floors above the concrete jungle. If things went sour, her only chance was to fight her way through the guards, and she didn't like her chances. With a rifle, from range, she could easily have killed all of them without a sniff of real risk. But in close quarters, her small frame wouldn't do her many favors against the burly guards or Gecko himself.

Having calculated her chances of escape as low, she decided to stay and watch the tape with Gecko, and see what his game would turn out to be. With a sigh that was carried away by the hot, wet breeze, she turned and walked back into the air-conditioned suite, hoping she'd get a chance to be miserable, sweaty, and ghillie'd up sometime again before her death.

Simon had removed his coat and tie, showing a ruff of snow-white fur along his chest where it was unbuttoned to just below his throat, and he gave her another chill-generating grin as she came back in. The wolf patted the cushion next to his before turning his head to the set and giving a command to his nephew, who nodded and executed it without responding.

The vixen padded lightly over, and perched on the love seat, all too close to the wolf for her comfort. He offered her a drink, a glass of wine she gladly took and sipped from, preparing herself to explain what had happened.

The video was clear, crisp, and that gave her a moment of pride in her own work. She was no computer expert, but even as a hobbyist her cameras were darn good.

By the time the calico feline had entered the Rocinha, she'd long since been into her first sniper position, and the camera followed the local-looking cat, a spot on the camera lens indicating the location of her targeting scope's reticle.

Silently, she'd followed the mark identified as Tamra as the cat pursued three black-furred dogs through the favela while they in turn were pushing the capybara ahead of them.

"At this moment, I was calling Black One, informing him that the bait was being taken. At that time, he informed me that the three canines were being notified by his second of their specific place in the plan."

She glanced upwards to the two black canines in the room...Nearly identical to the ones in the camera. All from the same family, she'd heard.

Gecko nodded and thumbed his lower lip, his eyes filled with analysis and calculation as they bored into the video, watching as she began the reposition that would take her away from where the firefight would unfold and put her on that long street.

He spoke up, curiosity in his voice but not a touch of reproach.

"I'm curious, Tasha." His arm slid around her shoulders, which caused her to stiffen and him in turn to look pleased with himself.

"Why didn't you stay at the ambush point? It would have been child's play for you to take Sato Goza right then and there."

She looked down at his arm, as his paw gave her shoulder a caress even more disturbing for how gentle his touch was. Tasha kept a tremor out of her voice, though her fur was fluffing with gooseflesh.

"Sniping in a firefight is very risky. There is a lot of unpredictable movement, and bullets tend to go everywhere. I judged it better to let Black One and his team kill them here...And planned on acting as insurance in case they failed."

"Insurance? How cautious of you. So you went to the long street and waited for them?"

"No, not right then...This next part should be self-explanatory."

As the camera showed her bobbing and moving along the rooftops, maintaining stealth, she felt his arm moving. His paw was guiding her by the shoulder, which she tried to resist without making a show of it. Her failure to confirm Sato Goza's death could mean her own, if she wasn't careful, and running from men like Gecko wasn't pointful even for her, and that kept her from trying to wriggle away from him entirely. In a few moments, her shoulder was against Gecko's side, and his fingers were brushing through the fur of her upper arm, combing through it and tickling the flesh underneath. With an internal wince, she kept her face calm and relaxed against him, trying to pretend to herself that this was just companionable.

The camera then showed her moving into position near a concrete multi-story packed full of various local furs, all of them armed in some fashion or another. The camera scanned, showing the street, then zeroed in on a tall and lanky dog, greasy-furred and laughing.

"Here I...Upped the ante, realizing Black One was not up to the job of putting down Shield and Rangefinder teams."

The camera jolted abruptly, and a second later, the greasy dog's head vanished in a pink spray. She was already running again, moving to get around the building and beyond it to the kill zone she'd planned.

Simon's grip on her shoulder tightened, as if he were riding a roller-coaster and nearing a drop. His voice sounded excited, pleased in fact.

"Haha! What a tactic! You turned the favela loose on the 'outsiders' by killing one of their drug lords! You really ARE good!"

His laugh seemed genuinely amused, though hardly friendly, and his grip on her shoulder was now tight enough she was pretty sure there'd be finger-shaped bruises. Bruises she'd have to tolerate at least until she could figure out a way to disappear for a while.

When she shot the capybara's head off a few minutes later, the pressure on her shoulder caused her to need a place to set her paw in order to not be pushed down into his lap. It found his knee, in an awkward position, and she shifted it, trying not to anger the dangerous sociopath. In doing so, her paw brushed against his crotch, which she found to be enormously tented, his eyes glued on the carnage as he had his nephew rewind and replay it.

Tasha was scared now, and she knew it. Sniping and killing on a fair battlefield didn't frighten her. There, she could defend herself, and if she did things right she could walk away and no one would be the wiser as to who had done the killing. Here, there was no escape. She could hurt the wolf, maybe even kill him, but she'd never get out of the room. Even if she did, his family would hunt her to the ends of the Earth.

She inwardly cursed her luck at taking that first contract from this man, a year or so back.

Father warned me. I should have listened and stayed with the military...

In front of the screen and to one side, the nephew looked at her, licked his lips nervously, and glanced at his uncle...Then back at her, with a look in his eyes that confused her for a moment before she placed it.

He feels guilty...Doesn't like where he thinks this is going.

Then she didn't have time to think about the kid's feelings, as the camera showed from her perspective while she got into position near the river.

The gangs had turned out in force, just as she'd predicted, funneling the mercenaries through several areas where she'd tried to get a good angle. Unfortunately that damn stag seemed to understand quite a bit about urban operations, and had kept ruining her angles by running under eaves, keeping his men running in zig zags, or dodging behind buildings at inopportune moments.

At this point, his paw moved to the side of her Tasha's neck, stroking it just behind her ear in a way that had her biting the inside of her lower lip to keep from letting out a murr. Either the dossier he'd gotten on her was more complete than she knew, or he was just lucky, that being one of her spots.

The camera showed that she was in position at the river, and had lined up her shot, only to have the silver wolf suddenly jolt forward in a charge that surprised her with its speed, carrying Sato into the gang of locals. She recalled being a bit stunned at the sudden violence acted out by the silver wolf and his black tiger partner. Seeing people blown apart by bullets wasn't new to her, but watching a wolf rip people apart like they were standing still with nothing but a combat knife had made her pause to watch, partly from professional curiosity and partly from illogical concern for her own safety.

"Why didn't you fire? Surely you weren't worried about hitting the locals. They're nothing, not even cattle."

She considered her answer, but kept her silence for now, hoping he'd somehow be satisfied with what came ten or so seconds later.

The camera was suddenly blacked out as that damn smokey raft came onto the scene, instantly ruining her visibility. The camera shook as she had pulled her head away from the scope to cough and try to clear her watering eyes. In the background, she recalled hearing screams of pain as someone had unloaded some kind of shotgun.

By the time Tasha's eyes had been clear and her scope more or less ready to go, the targets had all boarded the raft and were bouncing down the river like ping-pong balls in a Laundromat drier.

She'd lined up the shot, center chest to hopefully correct for the boat's bouncing, and the camera showed three rapid jolts, only to have it jolt upwards off a river wave. The video paused then, the nephew evidently having reviewed the tape and queued up this part to pause.

Gecko then grabbed her cheek, hard, hooking his fingers behind her jaw in a way that made her thrash and grab at his leg with one paw and the couch with another. He turned her head hard, and shoved her muzzle against the bulge in his pants.

By instinct, her free paw darted down, albeit awkwardly thanks to her position, to grab at the knife strapped to her thigh. Moving deceptively fast for such a large dog, one of the black hounds grabbed her arm and yanked it high, making her yelp in pain as he reached up under her skirt with the other paw and tore the sheath right off of her.

"Oh you're very naughty. You see, you not only failed to kill him..." He was still looking only at the screen, where Sato was shown reaching out towards the black tiger in front of him, his knee exploding out backwards from the bullet impact, a second wound half-appeared on his upper leg, and another hitting him in the meat of his waist. "...You tried to STAB me! Haha! I like you more all the time!"

She tried to keep tears out of her eyes. Her wrist was up behind her back, her angle far too awkward on the touch with her face against the wolf's groin to do any real fighting, and she jolted and stiffened as the paw that'd taken her knife away rubbed up against her panties.

"Mister G-gecko...Please...He was heading into the jungle...Chances are very good he died of bl-mf!"

She squeaked in outrage as the canine's paw tore her panties away, and trailed over her nether lips with a calloused finger. The dog was looking up past her to his boss, who was evidently going to let this happen. Though she couldn't really turn her head to look, she could see the look in the dog's eyes. Subservient, but angry...Not good.

"Two of his brothers were killed by the pilots you were supposed to take out. Then, Captain Buck, Corporal Blacktiger, and Sato Goza escaped on a raft into the jungle. Wounded, yes. But alive. Your instructions were quite explicit, miss Tsarov."

"Head shot, recorded on camera, no chance of survival", yeah...Goddamnit...

A quick motion in the corner of her vision told Tasha things were only getting worse...Confirmed when she felt the cold metal of a pistol pressing into her back at the base of her skull. The wolf had evidently signaled the other canine, who was now ready to blow her brains all over his boss.

"Cuff her paws, please, Paulho."

The one molesting her finally moved away, although to return a few seconds later and grab her wrists roughly. When her paw was yanked out from under her, she fell face-first against Gecko's tented pants. His paw came down to caress her face, gently stroking over her whiskers and cheek as he finally looked away from the gore on-screen.

"Still, I respect your talent. I will make you a deal. You will work for me, doing whatever I ask...and I do mean whatever until Sato Goza is confirmed dead. We'll feed you, give you your gear...In exchange, I won't have my men kill your entire family for your failure."

His voice had gone from playful and chilling to downright terrifying, and the look in his eyes wasn't amused at all. Just lizard-like, promising honesty and a total lack of empathy.

Her mind whirled through options...Or tried to, as there weren't many. She sniffed back a tear as she nodded, feeling his cock throb through the pants against her face. The vixen tried to push down her terror and revulsion, tried to get a grip on that professional demeanor she'd used as a defense before, and found nothing there.

A paltry five minutes later, Tasha couldn't hold back tears any more, as the wolf used a paw to slap his huge, turgid red cock against her snout, leaving a splat of moisture stinging her nostrils with salty pre-cum.

They'd moved her, rather roughly, onto a low ottoman, where she was knelt with her face once again in Simon Gecko's crotch. Her dress was in shreds, having been cut off her with her own damn knife, firm b-cup breasts hanging under her, naked as the day she was born.

The sociopath seemed to enjoy her humiliation just fine, having made a point of being still dressed, albeit with his cock out of his pants, as he batted her face with his tip and used his other paw to smoke a sweet, smooth-smelling cigar while grinning at her.

"You know what to do with it. Bite me and I put my cigar out in your eye, understand? Heh, you can say yes with your tongue."

Tasha bit her cheek to prevent herself from whimpering, gave him a baleful look full of hate that seemed to only excite him more, then pressed her lips to his glans, giving a tentative lick. Then she jolted with a yelp as one of the brothers moved up behind her, grabbed her hips bruising-hard, and pushed his pointed tip against her puckered anus.

Behind her back, her paws clenched and unclenched, then clenched again, athletic abs keeping her from collapsing forward and choking herself on the wolf's shaft. He laughed, and made some kind of signal with his paw over her shoulder that had the dog backing away, much to her relief. Then dread, as he came right back, grabbing her hip with one paw and roughly pulling up her tail to pour something cold right onto her puckered opening.

"I'm not letting them get you pregnant, don't worry. We need you to be healthy and ambulatory until you kill Goza for me. Then again, they did lose two brothers...And it IS partly your fault."

The wolf's paws found her breasts then, shifting himself forward in the chair until she could barely move at all against him. The pinch to her nipples was hard enough to make her yelp again, and when she did, his paw shot up and grabbed her headfur, holding it as he shoved his hot, musky flesh into her muzzle.

She tasted saltiness, hot dick nearly jamming into her throat, and gagged once before sticking her tongue out to toy with his balls, hoping that old trick she'd learned in late high school would keep her from vomiting on his crotch. To the side, she noticed the nephew looking pallid and finicky, and behind him the other brother holding a camera on her.

That fact had her nearly sobbing again, knowing this video would be out there, additional blackmail the wolf would always hold over her. Almost unconsciously, her tongue started to lap at the underside of the wolf's massive meat, slobber dripping out the corner of her muzzle.

She almost bit him a moment later, when the largest dick she'd ever touched pried her ass open with its sharp canid tip and slammed its way halfway inside. Her toes ripped into the ottoman's fabric, as she hoarsely screeched around the shaft in her mouth, barely remembering to wrap her lips over sharp vulpine teeth to prevent something very unfortunate.

He wasn't even watching her, she realized, and was startled that it bothered her. The wolf who's cock she was sucking was watching the canine rail her rump, one of his paws moving to the back of her head to make her pull back a bit, the other reaching back to scritch down the canine's chest, which made the dog murr as he slammed into her ass again, pushing his cock even further in.

With just the wolf's tip in her mouth, the salty taste reminded her that the sooner she made him cum, the sooner she might be able to run...Or at least go hide and break down for a while. Her tongue curled around his shaft, then wriggled at the slit of his dick, making him suck in a breath and drag her head forward again, shoving his cock deep into her muzzle once more. Behind her, the canine was more than happy to hold her hips immobile and plunder her once-virgin tailhole as it clenched uncontrollably to try to expel the painful invader.

Tasha felt a flush of heat running through her, and whimpered around the wolf meat in her mouth, sticking her tongue out again to avoid the gag reflex as she realized her body was betraying her. Clinically, in the back of her head, she remembered having been taught in Russian SERE-training that such reactions were physiological, uncontrollable, not her fault. Still, she was humiliated to know she was starting to drip as her ass was being raped enthusiastically and her muzzle being used as a blowjob-version flesh light.

A change at her tail told her something that somehow wrung more fear out of her. A swelling feeling, as if something larger were being pushed in and pulled back out with each rhythmic, powerful, pistoning thrust.

Shit, he's going to knot!

Her thought was cut off as the wolf yanked her nipples, and set off an orgasm so sudden and potent she was seeing stars and choking on his dick, spluttering for breath as her holes spasmed and her gut clenched.

Doctored...Drink! He didn't even touch clit...Fuck!

She groaned, unable to stop herself from adding "like a slut" to her own internal monologue, then gagged again as the dog behind her shoved forward, his fleshy knot popping in one last time but not back out again.

Gecko held her there, choking her, leaving her feeling like she was going to drown on his throbbing pole, as the canine behind her ground against her hips and gave her the worst full, almost constipated feeling of her life as he blew overlarge nuts' contents straight into her twitching depths.

Then, evidently having waited to make sure the panting, whimpering, bucking canine was firmly knotted, Gecko pulled free and squeezed his turgid knot once, before painting her face with a half-dozen ropes of strong-smelling sperm, stinging her eyes and filling her muzzle with salty bitter jizm that made her want to gag all over again.

When she was panting, head hanging, dripping cum on the ottoman, he wiped his dick against her forehead and finally got up. Then he just walked out of the room like nothing had happened. Tears joined the semen in a stream from her face, and she let her face fall against the couch in front of her finally, though her rear was still being held in place by the hound and its fleshy spike in her.

Every time she tried to move, her guts clamped down on the invader, and the hound yelped and sprayed smaller loads into her.

Tasha laid there and prayed.

Hours later, Tasha lay curled up on the bathroom floor, where Gecko had locked her in to prevent any "unfortunate hasty decisions" before he departed to start checking hospitals.

A click of the door lock made her cringe and curl up, trying to hide her nudity despite her wrists still being locked together...Though at least in front of her. They didn't want to damage her nerves with over-long bondage and make her useless as a sniper, it seemed.

"H...Hey. Um. You don't need to be scared of me..."

The voice sounded tentative, stuttering. Tasha looked up to see the nephew knelt down in front of her just as his paw reached out and stroked the matted fur of her cheek, combing through the dried spunk there and tossing bits of it away finickily.

"I'm...I'm so sorry...I can't stop him when he gets like that...I...H-here..."

She couldn't speak, too shocked as he laid a blanket over her shivering body, and took a warm damp towel to her face.

"Let me help, okay? I'll d-do what I can..."