A Day in the Life: part 5

Story by Korrado-Xan on SoFurry

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#5 of A Day in the Life

I woke myself the next morning around quarter-till eight, it's a skill I've had since childhood, if I have a particular wake-up time in mind before I go to sleep I always seem to wake myself up at that time, or close to it, usually within ten minutes. I opened my eyes, stretching softly, and looked around. The room was still cool from the night and soft autumn sunshine was flooding in through the blinds. I shifted slightly seeing Dorien still sound asleep next to me.

As I watched he stirred, nuzzling his pillow and rolling slightly closer to me then settling back down into sleep. I inhaled deeply stifling a yawn, then slowly slid out of the bed as not to disturb my sleeping lover. Once I was on my feet I allowed myself a luxurious full stretch reaching my arms over my head and feeling the muscles in my legs tense and relax. I scratched the fur on my chest absently and walked to the bathroom. I knew from experience that Dor would wake about an hour from the time I got up. Even in his sleep he seems able to sense the absence of my form from our bed and normally wakes anywhere from thirty-five to forty-five minutes after I do.

Looking in the mirror I smoothed my 'bed-head' and rinsed my muzzle. Slipping my feet into a pair of scuffs Dor had bought for me I went out through his room and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. I flipped on the coffee maker preparing it as I usually do every morning. I'm usually the first one awake in our household, Katie or Dorien usually being next to wake. I removed two mugs from the cabinet above the coffeemaker.

One was my favorite mug that no one else uses. It's a hand-made Asian style mug, it is almost identical to an American style drinking mug except that it is slightly taller and has no handle. It's this feature that normally discourages anyone else from using it. They complain that it burns their hands too much. I've used the mug for years and have gotten used to the heat.

The other mug I took down is Dorien's favorite one. I bought it for him shortly after we moved in to our house. It's a hand-thrown clay mug, glazed in a stunning blue and green pattern with a visibly hand made, braided clay handle. I sat at the table still waking up when a hand closed on my shoulder nearly making me jump out of my pajamas. I felt the fur on my neck, back and down my arms stand on end reflexively, my claws gouging the top of the table as they extend from my fingertips.

Now fully awake, I whipped my head around to see Katie. Pale faced, she was backed against the sink, staring at me as though I had bitten the head off a chicken just to watch its body run around. I sighed and slumped back in my seat, laughing as I felt my fur relaxing once again.

The color was returning to Katie's face as she once again approached me and settled her hand on my shoulder. "Jeezus, Tai, you scared the hell out of me, remind me never to sneak up on you again. I've scared Val in the past but I've never seen such a dramatic reaction from any lupines or canines. Man, you scared me inadvertently; I'd hate to see what you look like if you're out to terrorize someone in earnest."

She sank down across from me at the table smiling.

"I scared you?! Huh, yeah, we felines have some interesting defense mechanisms. Well, I don't need coffee anymore. You ever consider working with coma patients Katie?" I asked as I got up checking the coffee and moving to stare absently into the refrigerator.

I looked back to Katie, "Val up yet?"

She shook her head, "Uh-Uh, he likes to sleep in a little on our day off. How 'bout Dor, he awake yet?"

It was my turn to shake my head.

"Oh? long night?"

I rolled my eyes, "Maybe, what have you heard? Did our resident wide-mouthed Calico spill her guts?" I looked over my shoulder at Katie while still rummaging through the icebox.

I saw Katie look guiltily away for a minute. "Yeah, we noticed she was excited about something when she got home with Dorien's cousin last night. Oh, speaking of, is he OK? He looked pretty bad last night."

"I haven't looked in on Marcello yet, and don't change the subject. Who all did she tell and what?" I grilled Katie, making her shift in her seat.

"Just Val and myself, you know she hates Frank and Eugene. We wondered why you and Dor didn't come home with the cousin, What's his name again, Marcello, was that it, yourselves and she explained the situation to us; That you wanted to spend some time with Dorien to give him a gift. Then she mentioned that you had bought a pair of rings for Dorien and yourself as a surprise."

Katie held her hands up, "That's all, I swear."

I moved back to the coffee machine seeing that it was nearly done. "All right, I believe you, and yes I did buy Dorien and myself a set of rings. I've wanted to for a long time."

I proffered my right paw for Katie to inspect. She took my paw in her hand looking at the ring on my finger. I looked myself. I hadn't had the chance to look at it in full light yet and I was anxious to see the end product of nearly a months work by the jeweler.

"It's gorgeous Tai. Do you mind?"

I shook my head and spread my fingers so that Katie could slip the ring off my paw, holding it in her fingers and looking at it.

"Is this silver with the gold?" she asked indicating the pattern.

"No, platinum. It wasn't too bad, though. The guy at the jeweler cut me a break because I didn't want any stones and there weren't any settings involved, just the bands. He did a good job though, he was the one who helped design the style."

Both Dorien's ring and my own, though different sizes were identical in shape. Eight small individual bands, woven around each other to form one single band, with each of the small bands alternating gold and platinum. The two most central bands of gold and platinum were twisted around each other with the rest of the bands building out around the rest.

"Very nice, I have to admit." Katie looked up, seeing my ears pivot as I heard footsteps approaching down the stairs.

I looked back over my shoulder to see Jenna padding into the kitchen, clad in the same clothes I had seen on her from the night before. She strolled up behind me putting her paws on my head and leaning on me.

"Morning honey," she joked with a sleepy grin. "Hey Katie, where's Val, still asleep?"

Katie nodded at Jenna's words. I felt Jenna tense and wrap her arms around my neck as she stretched. She lowered her arms on either side of my chest and put her chin on my shoulder, "Have you no shame, you spotted god?"

Jenna was running her fingers through the tawny fur on my chest and stomach. "Go take your pill Jenna. You're not cycling again are you?"

Jenna hasn't mated to have kits yet so she still has times where she can get pretty amorous with males if she's in heat. Medical science has found that birth-control pills can help control heat cycles in feline and canine morphs to the point where the females aren't sex crazed every time they go into estrus. I've noticed that Jenna just has a tendency to get really touchy-feely with Dorien, Robert and myself when she's in heat, especially with me.

Being a male feline of her own age, I assume I'm a more appealing target than most. I've only experienced a full-blown heat with Jenna once since I've known her and I'm glad that whoever discovered how to control feline cycling did their homework. I nearly had to lock myself in my room to get away from her and it still didn't help. She did eventually get to me and we had mated once during that particular occasion. Using protection of course, the last thing I wanted was the chance of kits being produced from a seven-minute outburst of instinct.

I'm too young to be father and besides I'm not even sure I'd want to sire kits for anyone, with the exception of Dor, (if I were straight and he were female, or vice-versa, while we're dreaming), much less one of my best female friends. I don't think my relationship with either Dorien or Jenna could survive that. My parents would be happy with a bunch of little calico/cheetahs running around but I don't even want to think about it for several years yet, if ever.

It wasn't making love or even sex between two friends it was just a brief, animalistic hormone release. I had told Dor and he understood, she was in heat and desperate and I didn't have a whole lot of choice. Dorien himself had almost been a victim of one of Jenna's heat cycles so he definitely understands that it's nearly impossible to say no to a female feline in heat. Our only consolation that time is that once Jen had had sex the heat eased till she was manageable.

They say that once a female feline gets pregnant their estrus cycles die down, again, not that I was willing to test that theory. It's just that's one of the reasons we're trying to get Jenna settled. So she can at least have a committed, and more importantly, consenting sex partner, that one day she can have kids with. I watched as Jenna swallowed her daily pill, washing it down with the now ready coffee.

I got up, walking toward the coffee maker, "Guess I should go see if my foxy lover is up yet."

I yawned as I prepared our coffees as we like them, his light with a little sugar, mine dark and sweet. Taking the mugs in my paws I turned toward the door.

As I passed Katie asked, "What do you think Dorien will want for breakfast today? I'm about to start, Val'll be up soon and ravenous as usual."

I turned as I passed the table, "Whatever's good, we're not usually picky, we'll be down once Dor's up and we're dressed."

I stopped, remembering my promise to, my lover from the night before, "Oh, wait, I promised Dorien I would help him with his art project this morning. Want to do breakfast outside today?"

Katie looked up at me from the table, "Oh, sure, I don't see why we can't eat outside, looks like a nice morning. Besides I want to see what Dor has planned for you this time."

As I left Jen and Katie were rummaging through the refrigerator looking for likely candidates for breakfast. As I walked up the stairs I passed Val just coming down from the attic room he and Katie share. He was dressed in a well-worn short sleeved, cut-off sweatshirt and a pair of shorts.

He yawned as I approached him in the stairway, "Damn Tai, what is it with you cats? Between you, Jenna and Dorien's cousin I'm beginning to think all you felines are born exhibitionists."

I looked at him, "What?! You see me in my pajamas almost everyday and it's not like I'm not decent. Besides you're one to talk about exhibitionism."

I needled Val, tugging at the bottom edge of the sweatshirt he was wearing. It came down to about mid-abdomen on him, just barely hiding his massive chest and fully exposing his washboard stomach. Val grunted, knowing he'd lost the round, then slapped my chest playfully and continued on his way down the stairs. It was the closest thing to an apology I could have hoped for from Val, especially so soon after he had gotten up.

I walked the rest of the way into the bedroom, seeing Dorien still lying in bed asleep. I approached the bed, sitting Dor's mug of coffee on his nightstand where he would see it after waking, then walked into the bathroom sipping my own still hot coffee. I placed my mug on the edge of the sink cabinet, sighing as I used the toilet then inspected myself in the mirror. I scratched behind one of my ears absently then downed another mouthful of coffee.

I slid the shower door back and turned on the water dropping my sleeping-clothes to the floor and kicking them aside. My feet left the cold tile as I stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water caress my fur, sliding the door shut behind myself. I had begun washing my hair when I had heard the bathroom door open and close, then the toilet flush. I rinsed my head as I saw a shape approach the shower through the frosted sliding panel.

Rubbing water out of my eyes, I heard the shower door slide back, revealing Dorien scratching his head and looking sleepily back at me. I smiled as my lover favored me with a yawn, then stepped into the tub with me, his fur glistening from the steam. He stepped up and hugged me, leaning against me as we kissed and petted each other. I felt his front teeth nip slightly at my lips as we kissed.

Then I pulled back, turning Dor so that his back was to me, "Morning, Lover. You find your coffee?"

I rubbed at Dorien's neck and back as I spoke, then I slowly untied and unwound the bandage over his shoulder.

"Mmm, Mm-Hmm." Dorien murmured as I continued to rub his neck while looking at the scratches on his shoulder.

The scratches seemed better this morning. I thought that perhaps one more day beneath some ointment and a fresh bandage would have them healed enough to just get better on their own in the open air. I washed Dor as I had the previous night, rinsing his hair and cleaning his shoulder well.

When I was finished I stood against the wall of the shower with Dor leaning against me, he was tracing the outline of my markings with the tip of his index finger. We stood there for a moment luxuriating in the water before I reached down and shut the shower off. We proceeded to dry ourselves and each other off, then I re-applied the bandage to Dor's shoulder.

"One more day just to be sure, I'll take the bandages off tonight." Dorien nodded at my words, flexing his arm and shoulder as I tied the bandages off.

I pulled my pajama bottoms back on, wrapping my robe around Dor's body as I did the night before.

I indicated our room to him, "I'll go see if Marcello's up yet while you go get everything ready so we can do your project while the lights good this morning."

"OK Tai, hurry back so I can get you dressed for the painting." Dorien kissed me as we parted, he, walking toward our room and I exited out through the door to his room and out into the hall, heading for the guest room.

I opened the door to the guest bedroom quietly, seeing Marc lying motionless in the bed, one arm thrown up over his eyes as he slept. I looked around noting that Marcello had obviously been awake at some point since I had left him last night. He had kicked off all the bed-covers except for the sheets, the water glass had been drained, the aspirin bottle was lying on its side and there were white tablets strewn about on the nightstand. I sat gingerly on the edge of the bed putting my hand lightly on Marcello's arm.

I spoke softly, "Marcello, wake up. Come on, let's go, wake up."

I saw Marc's eyelids flutter as he moved his arm away. I shook his shoulder gently and Marcello opened his eyes fractionally, squinting against the light coming in through the shades. He stared for a moment not recognizing me then inhaled deeply and shifted onto his side facing me.

"Tai? Is that you? Where am I?" His voice sounded hoarse as he whispered at me, still squinting.

I smiled, "Yeah Marc, it's me, you're at our place, remember?"

I assumed that he probably didn't but I asked anyway.

Marcello shifted, coughing, then squeezed his eyes closed, grimacing in pain. "Oh, Fuck, I hurt."

I pushed his hair back away from his face, then laid my palm on his broad nose. It felt a little hot to me, so did his ears.

"You want some water, Marc?"

He nodded slowly at me and I got up going to the bathroom and refilling the water glass, while I was there I also wetted a cloth in cool water, returning to the room with both.

I sat down next to Marcello again, "You're going to have to try to sit up if you want the water. Still want to risk it?"

I proffered an arm to let Marc pull himself upright in the bed. "Yeah, I'll give it a shot."

Marc groaned as he slowly levered himself up into a sitting position, taking the water from me and sipping it. He took a few drinks, handing the glass back to me, then slowly sank back against the pillows once again.

He coughed again, doubling up on the bed and whimpering as I imagined his head threatened to burst with the pressure. I applied the cloth to his forehead feeling the leopard relax as the coolness perforated his pounding brow.

"Are you alright?" I asked and Marc nodded weakly, "How did I get here? I remember drinking, then seeing you then nothing till just now. How long have I been out of it?"

I looked at Marcello adjusting the cloth on his forehead, "You and I talked a little last night, you mentioned what's going on between you and Charlotte and that you didn't have anywhere to stay then you passed out. Dorien and I had Jenna bring you here while we talked to Carmen and Leo, they may stop by later on to see you."

I noticed that Marc was breathing heavily through his nose as I held the compress against his head. "You sure you feel all right, not queasy or anything? You're not going to be sick, are you? Do you feel like taking a shower? It might help your headache."

Marcello shook his head slowly, "I don't think I could take a shower in this state. I can hardly move and it feels like a punk band is playing in my head."

I stood up slowly, "OK, just take it easy for a few hours till you feel better, Dorien and I will be right out back if you need anything. You're about my size, I'll put out some clothes you can wear, your's are in the wash. Just yell if you need something, one of us will hear. Go back to sleep."

I left Marc in the bedroom and crossed back to Dorien and my room. I entered to find Dor seated on the bed pulling on a pair of canvas slip-on shoes. Other than that he was dressed in a pair of torn jeans, a ragged sweatshirt with the neck elastic and the sleeves ripped off and had a small cap turned backwards on his head.

He looked up as I entered, smiling, "Just the person I wanted to see, would you mind doing my hair for me? I can never get a good tight tail like you can with yours and I hate getting paint in my hair."

"Sure, you have a hair-band? Good, turn around and let me see."

I took the small green hair band from Dor as he turned away from me, presenting me with his back and hair. I like Dor's hair. It's so soft and thick; a dark, earthy auburn with lighter brown highlights and hangs down to about mid shoulder on him. It's about a third the length of my own hair, which reaches to within inches of my waist. I took a small brush off of our dresser in one hand and the hair band in the other and proceeded to brush Dor's hair back over his head till I could collect it in one thick rope, securing firmly with the band.

I looked at him over his shoulder, "That OK? Not too tight?"

"No, it feels fine, thanks Hon."

Dorien stood looking in the mirror, shaking his head experimentally to see if the ponytail would hold. Then he walked over to me taking me by my arm and steering me to the dresser once again.

"Let's get you dressed. Here put these on."

Dorien handed me what looked like a pair of bronze colored swimming briefs as I stripped myself of my sleeping clothes. I slipped on the heavy briefs noticing they were snug around my hips and rump.

"Aren't these a little revealing, they don't leave much to the imagination."

Dor looked up from rummaging in a bag he had on top of the dresser. "Oh, you won't even see those you'll have the leggings and breech-cloth on over them."

I looked up at the ceiling despite myself, "Great."

After a few minutes Dor had me clad in a pair of soft buck-skin leggings that were a medium tan in color and a brick red breech-cloth, which resembles something of a miniature waist apron which ties in the back around the waist and hangs between the legs, usually to mid-thigh. The briefs, I found, were mostly for my benefit to keep some semblance of modesty. There wasn't much covering my backside other than my fur and tail.

I was bare-chested and barefooted as I sat on the bed and waited for Dor to finish with my hair, styling it the way he had last time finishing the look with the feathers on either side of my face. Dor ventured into the bag once again drawing out a beautiful blanket, it was intricately designed and woven with mostly primary colors in a block pattern.

"Do you like it?" He asked, "It's a replica of a trade blanket you might have found in Native American camps nearly two-hundred years ago. I thought it might look nice on the bed when we're done."

I took the blanket from him, surprised at the soft texture it had despite the bulky weave. I noticed a small tube on the edge of the dresser near the bag. I picked it up seeing it was a tube of crimson red stage make-up.

I turned to Dor cocking my brows in a question while holding up the tube. "What's this?"

Dor squinted at my hand then looked up at me, "Oh, that, I was considering some red marks on your face and chest for the painting. You know war paint, that kind of thing. But I think it would interfere with your own markings and those are so much more beautiful than some stupid red make-up."

I kissed Dor on the forehead as we walked out of our room. We crossed the stairs and looked in on Marcello again, Dorien peeked in then drew back and shut the door.

"He's asleep, let's not disturb him, we'll check in again later."

Dorien and I continued down the stairs and through to the kitchen. We arrived to find Katie at the stove, fussing over a pan of cooking eggs.

"That smells wonderful Katie." Dorien said as we walked in.

I remembered that I hadn't even finished my coffee earlier much less eaten and I was feeling slightly hungry. Katie glanced away from her eggs and smiled at Dorien and myself, "Morning Dorien."

I saw her smile widen, as she looked me up and down. Katie is too sensitive a person to ever make-fun, but she came close, "Tai, you look like you're filling in for one of the Village People. What did you let him do to you?"

I raised my paws in a dismissive gesture, "It was his idea, I just go along with the art genius, I don't try to fight him. It's usually safer that way."

I looked around realizing it was rather quiet in the kitchen, "Where's Jen and Val?"

"Out back next to the pool, the rest of the food is already out there, these eggs are just being stubborn. I should be out in a few minutes. Is Marcello going to eat with us?"

Dorien shook his head, "Probably not, the last we saw he was still sleeping or at least resting."

I added when Dor stopped, "He seemed pretty hung-over when I talked to him, he's really hurting. I don't think he's going to be thinking about food for at least a few more hours. Although he may come looking for an ice pack or some coffee when he starts to come around. See you outside Katie."

Dor and I walked out the kitchen door onto the side walkway, rounding the corner of the house to see Val and Jenna in the shade of the main patio area next to the pool. It was a warm morning for the beginning of fall. I looked at the thermometer hanging on the fence, seeing that it read close to sixty-seven in near full sun, not bad for quarter till nine in the morning. Dor and I parted ways. I continued on to the table, Dor went over to a small shed in one corner of the patio to fetch his necessary art supplies.

As I approached the large patio table I saw Jenna staring at me intently. Val was leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed and still hadn't seen me.

I saw Jenna's mouth open and expected the worst, "Hey, handsome, I like the outfit. The bare-chest thing really works for you. You do have something on under that thing I trust?"

She tugged at the breechcloth around my waist playfully.

"Yes I do, quit that!" I stepped back out of her reach straightening the cloth over my thighs once again.

Val opened an eye at the sound of my voice, "Jeez, Tai aren't you dressed yet? It's..." He took in the rest of my outfit as he spoke, "Oh, OK. I guess you are dressed, in a manner of sorts. Sorry."

Val sat up looking intently at my clothes, then at where Dor was coming toward us with a variety of art supplies in his arms. "I hope Dor appreciates how much you go through for him," He paused looking at me thoughtfully, "You do have something on under that, right? Katie almost died last night with Marcello, I don't think she could survive another feline flashing."

I rolled my eyes, "Of course, you don't think I go nude under these things, see?"

I turned side on to Val and Jenna hooking my thumb through the waistband of the briefs I wore under the costume.

"Thanks, Tai that was more than I needed." Val grinned at me shaking his head.

Jenna looked at me suggestively, "Not me, if I give you fifty bucks would you take everything but the leggings off and let me sit in your lap?"

I shook my head vigorously, "Jenna, No!"

Jen's tail swished across the cement, "All right, an even hundred but there would be a squirt-gun filled with baby-oil involved."


Not to be deterred Jen tried again, "OK, OK, how about an even forty for you to just bend over in those briefs, how 'bout that? God, you have such a killer ass Tai."

Jenna was playing with me by this point. "For the last time no, leave my ass alone and let go of my tail!"

I pulled away and sat down at the table.

I saw that Katie had been busy in the kitchen as I picked up a piece of toast and chewed at it thoughtfully, watching Dorien set up an easel and stand in the near full sun next to the pool. Our pool is small by some standards, about three quarters the size of a pool you might find in a gym or park. It's an oblong kidney shape, only about ten meters long by three and a half wide. At it's deepest it only about eight feet to the bottom. It's heated and usable nearly year-round, except for the dead of winter.

While it usually doesn't ice up, the snow and wind make it crazy to think about using it. A persons' fur would freeze before you got half out of the water. We also have a large hot-tub set against the back of the house, which is usable year-round being it has more wind cover than the pool. It's only a short mad-dash to the house to get out of the cold.

I can remember Dor and I had once made love in the hot-tub in the middle of January. That year we had hung tarps around the spa, creating a sort of an enclosed cubicle around it against the wind. I can recall that outside it had been in the nearly sub-zero temperatures, while inside of the makeshift sauna it had been steamy and just above body-temperature. It had been almost magical, steam swirling around our bodies as we mated with each other in the hot water. The amber light of a single hurricane lamp the only luminescence showing against the black winter night.

I picked at the food on the table as I saw Katie come around the side of the house carrying a plate of eggs to add to the array of dishes already on the table.

I called Dor's name, "Why don't we eat first Babe, it's a nice day and the weather doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon." He nodded coming back to the table and sitting down next to me. The five of us enjoyed a casual meal dotted with small talk.

Dor chatted at me animatedly about how he wanted to do the painting, explaining light levels and angles, tones and colors. He focused mainly on the relationship between the warm morning light and the tones and highlights of my fur. Dor and Jenna began a debate on which color Dorien should substitute for the not exactly academically correct green shade of my own hair. They finally settled on a dark black color, with a little input from Val stating the fact that a large percentage of Native Americans have very dark shades of brown or black hair, despite fur or skin tone of many individuals. Not exactly rocket science but there were some good points to his argument.

Katie had begun some minute changes to my hair as the other three had argued, fixing the thongs in place more securely and adjusting some of the cords throughout my hair. She also moved the tie-off of the headband from the back of my head to next to my right temple. Letting the excess drape down the side of my face, explaining that it let more of the headband show against my fur. I felt a little left out, feeling more like the center of a scientific study than an art model.

Dor, Jen and Val had just finished settling on what color my hair should be in the painting when I heard the kitchen door swish shut. All the Morphs at the table looked over at the house almost simultaneously, with Katie shifting her gaze up to see what we were looking at. All of us but her had heard the door shut. I saw a barefooted Marcello emerge from around the side of the house, dressed in the T-shirt and drawstring shorts I had set out for him before coming outside.

The leopard's long chestnut hair was still wild from sleep and his eyes were hidden behind a pair of my dark sunglasses. He slouched toward us, shading his eyes as he passed through a stray patch of sunlight. I marveled at the way the morning light caught the brilliant yellow fur, highlighting the mottled spots on his arms and legs as he walked. I noted that his tail was held low and limply, almost dragging on the concrete, hardly moving at all as he walked. He must have still been feeling pretty bad despite his appearance in our midst.

Dorien got up advancing on his cousin. Marcello smiled weakly as Dor approached him hesitantly, putting his arms around his younger relative's shoulders and embracing him warmly. I saw my lover stiffen, setting his jaw as Marcello touched his injured shoulder, but returning the hug no less heartily despite the pain. Marcello looked down at Dor who had encircled the leopard's chest with his arms, placing his cheek against the fur on Marcello's neck.

"Hey little Cous, sorry I missed you last night, I was kinda fucked up in the head till this morning."

"That's alright, I'm sorry to hear about you and Charlotte." Dor looked into Marc's shaded eyes as he spoke.

"I know, thanks, I think things will work out for the best now that it's she and I can drop the happy marriage act and get on with our lives."

Dorien took Marcello by the arm, leading him to the table and introducing him. Jenna knows Marcello, but Val and Katie have never met him directly. "Val, Katie, this my cousin, Marcello, he'll be staying with us for a while. Marcello, this is Val and Katie."

There was a brief exchange of handshakes and greetings between Marc and Val and Katie, the latter I noticed blushed slightly as Marcello shook her hand. Marc sat down in between Dorien and myself.

I saw him glancing at me out of the corner of his eye, "Wild get-up Tai. What? I miss theme day around here? I guess I can be the hung-over, drunken loser. My costume looks pretty authentic, don't you think?"

Marcello looked around at the others who had sunk back into a discussion on the politics surrounding the US in the 1800's, then at me. "You mind showing me where the coffee supplies are in the house Tai, my man? I could use a strong cup right about now."

I glanced at him trying to see his eyes behind the pair of black sunglasses, "Sure Marcello, follow me."

I got up with Marc in tow, "Be right back Hon, I'm going to put some more coffee on." I passed my hand over Dor's back as I brushed past him.

I saw him look up, "OK love, hurry back."

We touched hands as I walked away toward the house. Marcello and I stepped inside walking into the kitchen, and going to the coffee maker. I stopped suddenly as I saw that the pot itself was almost half full. My tail bristled as Marc, not having seen me stop short, bumped into me from behind. I jumped, turning and back-pedaling till I was against the sink.

"I suppose I deserve that reaction." The leopard spoke slowly looking at the floor as he stood away to one side of the doorway. "I'm not going to force myself on you again Tai, don't worry."

I looked at Marc in surprise, "You remember last night?"

Marcello nodded slowly, "Yeah, like the song says, It's all coming back to me now, or some of it at least."

His tail flipped against his leg, showing his stress, coiling and relaxing as he spoke, "It's funny how you always seem to remember the shit-brained stuff you do while you're drunk. Almost like it's a built-in punishment."

I stepped closer as Marc talked. Breaking down, he lowered his head till his hair curtained across the sunglasses he wore, blocking most his face from view. Marcello's shoulders flexed as I came to stand next to him. I placed my hand on his neck, feeling Marc startle then relax as I rubbed his nape in small circular motions.

"God Tai, I don't know what's happening to me! I'm scared, my marriage finally breaks and crumbles. My life is going nowhere slow, and to top it all off I try to ruin the relationship of two of the most wonderful people I have in my life! Christ, I'm so sorry!"

Marcello was crying openly now, the drops falling from his face to the floor. I steered him to the table sitting him down gently then going through the house to the back door directly off from the patio. I saw Dor seated at the table facing me, I slid the door open a few feet, seeing him look up at me. I gestured to him, and he got to his feet. I saw him speaking to the others, no doubt saying he would be right back.

I saw something approaching worry in his eyes as he walked toward me. "What is it?"

I shook my head, "Not here, it's Marcello, inside."

We walked back to the kitchen, Dor gasped as he saw Marc hunched over the table. He lowered himself next to Marc's spotted form, slowly rubbing Marc's back and shoulders.

"Oh, Marcello. What is it?"

Marcello looked up, wiping at his face with his shaking paws, "Dorien?! Oh God. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" Marc resumed sobbing as he held onto Dorien's paw.

I moved to Marcello's other side, pushing back his hair and removing the sunglasses, "Oh, Damn..." I breathed as I saw the raw, red eyes Marcello had been hiding. The whites of his eyes were nearly full pink, shot through with crimson blood vessels.

"Tell Dorien, Marc. It's OK, it's all right." I resumed massaging Marc's nape, trying to soothe the weeping, distraught leopard morph in the best way I knew how.

Marcello was breathing hard, still gripping Dorien's paw. I felt a wave of Deja Vu sweep over me as I had experienced many scenes like this one myself with Dorien as the sobbing individual.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what's going on, I'm so fucked up, I'm sorry, God I'm so sorry."

Dor looked up at me, seeking some explanation to the stream of apologies emanating from Marcello, motioning at me with his head.

"Last night." I prompted, seeing Dorien nod.

"It's all right Marc, Tai told me all about last night. It's not your fault, it's OK. I'm not mad and neither is Tai. All we want is for you to get better and straighten things out. Like I said you can stay here as long as you need to, that's not a problem."

Marcello's shoulders had stopped wracking so badly as he spoke again, "That's not the whole thing, I'm such a loser. I'm not anything like you two. I'm nearly twenty-four, my marriage is over. I don't have an education like you two, not even a roof over my head. I'm worthless. Where am I going to go? What am I gonna do?! I can't intrude on you forever."

Dorien and I looked at each other, "That's not true Marcello, you couldn't have known what was going to happen. You got married out of high school because you and Charlotte were happy then. You couldn't have known that happiness wasn't going to last. You can still have an education, it's never too late. You just have to want it badly enough."

I continued where Dor had left off, "And with last night, don't worry, I'll write that off to sexual frustration. If you decide that's what you really want later on, maybe we can fix you up with someone or something. That one incident won't break Dor and I up. We've worked too hard at being together to allow that, most people don't know what we've been through. You want to know what a rough time looks like, come see us and we'll tell you some of what we've been through."

Marcello had raised his head as I talked to him, looking at me blearily, I smiled at him. "Dorien and I have worked at being happy with ourselves and each other for damn near ten years, and it's been Hell the whole way. But if you want something badly enough you can obtain it. Getting past other people, their ideas and thoughts and your own insecurities and demons are only half of the battle. Once you've done all that you have to find that one person, the other half of your being to complete yourself.

"Dorien and I had that last part down first and have been struggling with the rest all this time. You thought you had it all done but you didn't have that second thing. That's what you have to work on now, starting over and finding yourself then finding your other half. Dor and I got lucky, for some people it takes years, decades, a lifetime, but it eventually comes. And once you have it, that other half of your self, you'll know it and you'll work as hard as you can to never lose it again."

Dorien looked at me, holding my paw as we spoke to Marc. "I almost lost that part of myself a long time ago and I swore that I would never let him slip through my grasp again, and we're still together. But only because we've walked through Hell and back with each other and haven't let go of one another since. A lot of people will have a lot of ideas about who you should love or who you should marry, but the only person who it matters to is you.

"If you find that one person who completes you in a way that no other ever could, grab them and never let go no matter what anyone else says or does. The Hell with them and their opinions. Never let go and never stop loving them and you'll never regret it. I can promise you that. You'll find some one new that you'll love just as much as Charlotte and more. Who'll love you back even more, just be patient. Let things come, and they will."

Marcello regarded me earnestly, his eyes now drying as he rubbed them, making them even redder. "I want to believe that, I really do."

Dorien took his hand once again, "Tai is telling the truth, let us help you Marc. You can stay here with us indefinitely as far as we're concerned. If you want to learn, really want to, we can enroll you at the university starting next semester, part time at the beginning, while you keep working for your father and Carmen. Tai and I love you Marcello, a lot, and we want to help you if you'll let us. You can rebuild your life, just let us help with the foundation."

"You would really do all that for me?" Marc looked stunned as though no one had ever done anything for him in the world before now.

"Of course we would, but you have to want it, and please, no more drinking. Look at what you do to yourself and others when you drink, no more drinking. That's one of the only rules for this to work."

Marc was sitting quietly between us pondering what Dorien and I had just offered. "It's your choice Marcello, we won't force you into anything. But look at the choices; We're offering to help give you the opportunity to rebuild your life, go to school, find someone worthy of your attentions. All you face alone is more drinking and God knows what else. Going nowhere and doing nothing until you finally hit rock bottom."

I paused letting my statement sink in, "And then, it's over. I can't see how hard this choice is."

I broke off looking solemnly at Marcello, his paws were tangling around each other as he sat staring hard at the table top.

"And it is your choice, but I'm not trying to lure you into anything that will force you in over your head. We'll go at whatever pace you choose. I, we, just want to help you, Marc, believe that."

Dorien was still rubbing Marcello's back, slowly moving his paw up and down in between Marc's shoulder blades. I assumed it was working as Marcello seemed more relaxed now although he was still looking down at the table, not meeting either Dor's eyes or my own.

I put my paws on the tabletop offering them to Marcello who slowly grasped one of them in his own paws. I watched as Dorien embraced our paws in his warmly.

I looked into Dor's grey eyes then Marc's red tinted blue eyes, "It's OK, we'll do this together."

Marcello nodded at me then frowned slowly, "I'm still scared, I don't want to be, but I can't help it."

Dorien smiled, "It's all right to be scared, just don't be frightened of the unknown when you have friends and family to help you face it. I know what it's like to have fear, absolute terror, stalk your life, it's a terrible, horrifying, debilitating thing. But believe me, it doesn't rule you. Once you realize that, you're so free it's indescribable. Be afraid, but control your fear, harness it. Don't let it control you."

I stood slowly, thinking it was not too long ago that it was Dorien being coaxed out of his fear and rage and pain and into the real world. Rage is a dangerous thing. It breeds and festers at the core of your being. Eventually it comes blasting to the surface when you least expect, painfully, violently and more often than not, destructively. I was just glad we had gotten to Marcello before he had hurt himself or someone else. If we can get through these fledgling months I think he'll do just fine.

I watched as two loving people hugged each other smiling softly to myself. I had been a long time since I had seen Marcello so open and relaxed. Now that his pain had been exorcised somewhat and a new hope filled its place I think he had found a new reason to live, for himself rather than for someone else. Dor and Marcello parted, still standing close to one another both looking at me.

"You want to go lie down again for a while or do you feel up to coming back outside for the art exposé? There's probably still some food left. But knowing Jenna and Val I'm guessing not much."

Dorien laughed grabbing my arm and hanging on to me tightly. Marc scratched his head, flipping a strand of hair back out of his face, "I think I'd like to come outside again for a while. I've done enough hiding and sleeping my life away, but no food. My head is still pounding and I feel sick."

"Here these will help a little." I handed the sunglasses back to Marc. "There's hot water here, I can make you some tea, ginger root will help with the nausea, hang on a minute."

Dor moved to the cabinet above the coffee maker, withdrawing a cup and a tea bag. He poured some hot water from the side of the coffee maker opposite the coffee, in our house we keep a pot of water hot on one side of the coffee maker for tea if anyone is so inclined.

After the bag had steeped for a few minutes Dorien handed the cup to Marcello, "Here, drink it slow. Your stomach is empty, and if you shock your system you will throw-up."

I gestured to Marcello, "We'll meet you outside, go on, the others will be wondering what happened."

Marcello nodded and stepped past us. Then in a gesture un-like him turned back and hugged both Dorien and myself, kissing Dorien on the forehead and me on the muzzle, allowing the fur on our cheeks to rub as we parted. Grabbing up his tea Marcello hurried out the door before we could react.

"Mind if I try that?"

Dorien hugged me connecting our muzzles as we embraced. I could feel his paws roving along my bare torso as we kissed, then flicking at the feathers in my hair as we stood for a minute. While Dor was still pressed against me I reached down behind him and caressed the base of his full tail, squeezing it slightly, making him squirm and gasp at me, "Ohh, later Tai, I promise."

I looked at Dor as we walked to the door, "Still feel like painting?"

"Of course, among other things I would like to do with you, or to you. You didn't have to offer all that stuff to Marcello you know."

My tail flitted against Dorien's leg softly, "I know, but I love you and I don't like to see you unhappy especially with family matters. If we can help Marc get away from Charlotte and build a life that he can be proud of, shouldn't we?"

"I suppose, yes. Now let's get back out there before I get the feeling I need to satisfy my impulses from the 'Other things' category instead of painting like I should."

Dor was playing with the loose ends of the headband I wore, then amused himself by rubbing the fur on my neck as I opened the door. He nearly had a hold of my ear but I stepped outside suddenly, leaving his arm dangling in space. Dor shot me a playful look then matched my pace back to the table, where Marcello was once again seated talking in a subdued tone to Jenna.

As we rejoined the group, Dor and I remained standing against one another at Jenna's side. As we listened to the discussions around the table Jen leaned over toward Dorien reaching out to his side.

"Dor, hon, you've got something sticking out of your shirt. Looks like a tag or something. C'mere, I'll see if I can pull it loose."

I suddenly realized what Jen was referring to as she grabbed hold of the edge of the bandage around Dor's shoulder that had most likely come loose as Dor moved. I heard my lover inhale sharply as Jen yanked on the errant piece of gauze, making the whole bandage squeeze his shoulder tightly.

Val, Katie and Marcello all looked up questioningly at Dorien after hearing his distress. I saw the surprise in Jenna's face as she quickly let go of the bandage, pulling her hand back as though she had been shocked by electricity. I held Dor's arm as he breathed hard for a moment at the sudden pain.

"Dorien? Are you all right? What's the matter?" Concern laced everyone's face as Jenna spoke.

Dorien looked at me squinting and holding his arm, "Bandage must have come loose."

I nodded, "Take your shirt off, let me look at it." Dorien nodded at me seating himself lightly on the edge of his chair as I helped him pull off the sweatshirt he wore. I saw his slender chest heaving slightly as he breathed sharply, ears tinting lightly, a little embarrassed at suddenly being the center of attention. I saw that the gauze bandage I had wound around his shoulder had indeed come loose and the end Jen had tugged on now dangled freely down the side of Dor's chest.

Katie stood and looked over my shoulder as I unwound the bandage from Dor's arm, removing it and looking at his injuries, "Those look like scratches, what happened? Did you hurt yourself on something Dorien?"

Dorien's swiftly reddening ears pivoted sharply backward toward me and I could hear the waver in his voice, "Uh, not exactly."

Val had gotten up as well and now stood next to me looking at the spot Katie was examining. "Those aren't just scratches, they almost look like claw marks... TAI!"

I jumped, "What?! OK, OK, I did it, those are marks from my claws. It was an accident."

I saw Jenna smile, "So, a little of the rough stuff gone wrong, Eh? Jeez, Tai control yourself!"

From Dorien's flattened ears and hunched posture I assumed he wanted nothing else than to curl up and die. I looked up to see Katie blushing as she put a hand on Dorien's unhurt shoulder.

Val was grinning at me, "I told you not to hurt each other last night. Got a little too amorous Tai? If things got that heavy I'm surprised we couldn't hear you. Doesn't look too serious though, I remember that bite you had on your arm last year was worse than these are."

I saw that Val was right, the stress hadn't caused the scratches to reopen, so I figured the bandage wouldn't be necessary any longer.

I looked at Marcello, the only person who hadn't yet commented.

As I caught his eye he only shrugged, "Those are OK but I've needed stitches in the past, and in more unpleasant spots than on the shoulder. I once rutted with a bitch of a female tiger, damn near bit my ear off when she came."

Marc leaned forward showing us his ear, there was a barely visible line around it, showing where he had stitches or sutures at one time. He also brandished his tail at us, showing us a gouge in the fur near the tip.

"This one was Charlotte, then she hit me in the face and kicked me out of the bedroom. She was pissed that I fell asleep while we were going at it. Hey, I couldn't help it, it had been a long day at work, I was tired. I've also got a scar on the left side of my ass from Char, but I'll spare you that one." He grinned at us, shrugging again as he sat back.

"I wouldn't mind seeing it, tall, lean and spotted." I glared at Jenna as she leaned toward Marcello purring.

I put my paw on Dor's arm, "I don't think the bandage'll be necessary anymore, the cuts seem to be healing fast. Although you may want to put on a shirt a little more loose around the shoulder and back, let the scratches breath. I'll go get you a new shirt, maybe one of mine."

I turned to go back to the house when I saw Marcello get up out of the corner of my eye, "Here, Tai, this is one of your shirts. Go ahead and take it Dor."

Marcello pulled the borrowed shirt off of his torso, tossing it to Dorien who slipped it on. I saw Jenna shift in her seat, her tail was flipping rapidly back and forth on the concrete below where she sat. I put my paw on her shoulder, squeezing her arm to make my intent clear. Jen was practically drooling down the front of her shirt and I sighed, shaking my head. I looked at Marcello who was now reclined in his chair, arms behind his head as his sunglass-encased eyes regarded Dorien.

Dor was busy adjusting the shirt over his lean frame and injured shoulder with help from Val. I silently wished that Marcello wasn't so immodest as I looked at him. Marcello is one of those dangerous individuals who has a good body, knows it and isn't afraid to show it off. This was fairly obvious as he sat with his head back, chest flared out, exposing his chiseled stomach and waist. I looked at Marc, seeing the light catch his bright golden fur and making the dappled spots that lined his back and arms stand out.

Just for an instant I thought about the opportunity I had given up last night. I then turned to Dorien, who was now dressed in one of my shirts that draped down his body somewhat loosely. "So love, where do you want me?"

I glanced back over my shoulder at Marc who had retrieved Dor's discarded cut-off sweatshirt and was busy pulling it over his muscled chest. Unbelievably, this was even more provocative than his bare body. He was now clad in the snug sweat-shirt, which clung to his muscles like it was painted on and was too short, just coming barely to within a few inches of his waist line, giving a tantalizing glimpse of amber fur over a taut, sculpted stomach.

I tried hard not to think about it as I turned my attention back to my lover. He was regarding Marcello, shaking his head slowly, almost imperceptibly, to me, I leaned closer as Dor pulled my arm.

I heard him whisper into my ear conspiratorially, "He would have been more demure looking without that on, Jenna looks about ready to melt."

I nodded at his comment, thinking it was funny how Dorien and my thoughts had synched without us knowing it. "I know, I know. Have you seen the chair I normally sit on for this?"

Dorien gazed around for the short four-legged stool I prefer to sit on to pose on for Dor's art projects, "Ah, there it is over there." He pointed over to the side of the side of the patio, next to the sliding door leading to the den. I walked over and hefted the stool back to where Dor was standing.

"Well, where do you want me?" Dorien looked here and there finally settling for a spot next to the shallow end of the pool not far from the patio table but out in full sunlight.

I spread the patterned blanket over the stool, letting its edges drape down to touch the concrete, effectively hiding my seat from view and adding a large swath of color to the painting. The stool is short enough to let my toes rest on the ground with little discomfort as I sit on it. I seated myself on the blanket positioning my legs together and slightly off side to my left, I left my face full forward while pivoting my torso slightly in the direction of my legs. I draped my left arm in my lap while leaning on my right to push my right shoulder forward to Dorien.

I felt comfortable enough in this position allowing myself to relax a little once I was situated properly. I knew I would only have to hold this pose for around an hour or so, give-or-take, unlike some people think, most artists need models only for enough time to build a reference to body structure and color scheme. Once Dor had gotten my basic form down I could relax, from then on Dor would only need me as a reference point for my fur tones and colors, and for the costumes structure and colors.

I looked at Dorien who was visible from the neck up behind his canvas. "This good Hon?"

"Yeah, although could you move your head a little to the right? I can hardly see the loose ends of the headband at that angle."

I complied, shifting my head to allow the dangling ends of the headband to come into view better. I squinted a little, it was bright out where we were even though we weren't turned all the way toward the sun. I saw that Dorien had an array of plastic bottles sitting near his feet.

"No water-color?" I asked, he shook his head, "No, I decided on Tempera, the classics always work best. That, and it's water soluble, I hate turpentine."

I sat nearly motionless for the better part of an hour, occasionally conversing with Val or Marcello, who still sat at the table. Katie had gone back inside after clearing the table with Val's and Marcello's help. Jenna had said something about the morning news and a nap before lunch.