Valentine's Day with Daddy(Part 1 of 2)

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#1 of Valentine's Day with Daddy

Ok, so I'm posting this in two parts because the first part is six pages and I still have quite a bit of it to write. So, here is the first part of my very VERY late Valentine's Day story. (Yes, there will be sex in the second part.)


I woke up with a yawn and a stretch, laying back before turning onto my side and seeing a box of chocolates in the shape of a heart with a letter on it. I turned on the lamp and reached over and picked the box up. It was heavy, which excited me a lot.

I looked at the letter and then opened it. I smiled as I read the valentine from my dad and grinned even wider as I read, love daddy at the end. I stood up and stretched, leaving the box of chocolates on the bedside table and taking the Valentine's card with me.

I walked downstairs, trailing my paw happily down the shiny wood of the railing. I walked into the kitchen and hugged the big wolf that was my dad from behind. "Thanks for the Valentine daddy." I said.

He turned and picked me up, hugging me to his chest and poking me on the nose. "Don't make me regret buying a five-pound box of chocolate for a seven year old and your welcome."

I giggled and burrowed my face into the black fur of his neck. He chuckled and stroked down my back, "I love you pup."

"I love you too daddy." I said. He smiled and rubbed down my fur, ruffling it.

"So," he said, "I'm going to make breakfast, then I'm going to call you off of school, we're going to take a shower, and then we are going to have a very fun Valentine's day. Just the two of us. No aunts or uncles or anything."

"I get off of school?" I asked excitedly, my tail wagging furiously behind me. "This is the best Valentine's day ever! I get chocolate, breakfast, and I don't have to go to school."

My daddy laughed as he flipped the pancakes before turning around and scooping me up in his arms, squeezing me to his chest. "Now that your mother is gone I need someone to spend the day with." He said with a smile.

I looked down and sniffled softly and he sighed, some tears forming in the corners of my eyes. My mom had left a year ago because she couldn't stand to take care of me while my dad was at work anymore. It made me feel unloved.

My dad noticed and dropped to his knee before pulling me to his chest. "I'm sorry baby, I shouldn't have brought her up."

I pressed my head under his chin, rubbing it against him. "Go sit down," he whispered, patting me on the butt, "breakfast will be done in a little bit."

I rubbed my eyes and walked to the kitchen table where I climbed up into a chair and picked up the TV remote. I turned on cartoons and waited for my daddy to give me my breakfast. I got caught up in the show and when my daddy put the food down he had to shake me so I would notice it.

"Thanks daddy," I told him as I pulled the plate closer to me and dug in. My daddy watched me for a second, smiling at how quickly I ate my food.

"In a rush pup?" he said, walking back to the food and fixing himself a plate.

I swallowed the pancakes that I had in my mouth before saying, "No, but your food is tasty."

"Well thank you pup," my dad said with a smile, patting me on the cheek as he sat down. My daddy and I were alike in a lot of things, including the way we ate. Generally we stuffed the food into our muzzles as fast as possible and chewed as little as possible. It was a good system because we were always done eating faster.

When we were both done my daddy collected the plates and came back to sit next to me with a smile. "Time for a bath pup."

"Can I finish watching this show?" I asked him, giving him a puppy dog face.

"Sure," he said, wrapping his arm around me, "but then we have to get in the tub."

I smiled up at him before leaning against him, resting my head on his shoulder and watching the rest of the episode. "Alright pup," he said when it was over, rubbing my arm, "Time for a bath."

I groaned but he picked me up, chuckling. "If you wanna have a special day with daddy you gotta take a bath puppy."

I sighed and flattened my ears to my head, giving my best puppy face. He shook his head, still smiling at me. I sighed again and said, "It was worth a shot."

He chuckled and said, "It almost worked."

I made the face again, hoping to get better results out of him. All I got was a bigger laugh and a squeeze. "Now you're just acting pathetic." He said.

I sighed as we walked into the bathroom and he set me down. He turned on the water and ran it until it went warm and put the plug in. He smiled at me as he rubbed down my side before pulling my shirt off. The chilly air felt weird on my tummy and I blushed as he rubbed a paw through my fur. "So dirty," he said, "Yuck."

He picked me up and set me down in the tub before stripping himself and stepping in after me. I looked over my dad's naked body, mainly because I had always been curious to what he looked like naked compared to me.

It was hard to compare considering that he had black fur and I had my mother's white fur with only a small part of black, but we looked generally nothing alike otherwise. Beneath his fur I could clearly see the lines of his muscles, which I had already known he had from being hugged by his strong arms.

He got into the bath tub and sat down, the water splashing as he sat down. "Alright pup," he said, pulling me over to him and grabbing the shampoo. I whined at him as he poured some of it into his paw and started to rub it into my fur, his fingers digging into my muscles.

"Ooh, that feels good daddy," I said as he rubbed more firmly while making sure not to hurt me.

"Does it pup?" he asked with a smile, moving down to my chest and rubbing in nice and good.

I murred in pleasure and said, "Yes daddy, it does."

My daddy kept washing me, making sure to get everywhere. When he was done he pushed me down into the water and rinsed me off with a cup that he had put on the side of the tub. I took deep breaths after he had me all the way rinsed off and dried my face off a bit so I wouldn't have a lot of water in my eyes.

My dad smiled when my face was dry enough that I wasn't going to drip water into my eyes and said, "Do you want to wash me baby?"

"Yes!" I said excitedly, standing up quickly and almost falling.

My daddy laughed and handed me the shampoo. "Not too much now," he warned me, "Don't want to get dandruff, now do we?"

I giggled and said, "Nope!" I poured some shampoo into my paw and rubbed them together before starting to rub the shampoo into the top of my daddy's head.

"Really get it in there now," he said as I rubbed the shampoo into his headfur. I started to rub harder, digging my fingers into his scalp. I kept washing my daddy, making sure to cover every part of his upper body before rinsing him off. I went in to wash his lower half but he caught my wrist with a smile and picked me, setting me down on the fur dryer. "I'll wash that part myself. Get dried off."

I nodded my head and said, "Ok daddy," before bending down and turning on the fur dryer. The warm air hit me in the face as I stood there, little droplets of water flying off my fur as the hot air blew it out. Soon, my daddy was getting out of the tub and moving me off of the fur dryer. He gave me a pat on my butt and said, "Go get dressed sweetheart, we'll be leaving once I'm ready."

"Ok daddy," I said. I left the bathroom, walking into my room and going to my dresser. I opened it up and I took out a pair of blue jeans and a plain green T-shirt. I looked at the money that I had on top of my dresser and I put it into my pocket, resolving to buy my daddy a Valentine's Day card.

I walked over to my nightstand where the chocolate was and I opened it, using my claw to cut the plastic and then pulled the top off. I licked my lips when I saw all the chocolate that was inside it and took the card that showed me what each chocolate was before picking up a caramel piece and I popped it into my muzzle and started to chew.

I closed my eyes and focused on the delicious flavors that were caramel and chocolate. "Enjoying that?" my daddy asked, making me yelp and spin around quickly. My daddy grinned and walked over to me, hugging me and saying, "I'm glad that you like the chocolate."

I giggled and pressed my head into his chest. "Where are we going first?" I asked him excitedly.

"Well, I only have lunch, dinner, and a movie for after dinner planned, so where do you want to go?" he asked me with a smile.

"The park?" I asked excitedly.

He smiled and nodded his head, "It's a pretty warm day outside, so why not. Get your ball and glove and we can play some catch."

I got my ball and glove from my closet before following him downstairs excitedly. "Oh!" I said, "Can we stop at the store really fast?"

"Why?" he asked me with a smile.

"Because," I said.

"Because why?" he asked.

"Because!" I said, using a whiny voice and drawing out the "aaaauuuussseeee."

"Alright, fine." He said, putting his paw on my back and leading me out the door.

I hopped into the passenger side seat and buckled up, waiting for my daddy to get in and start the car. He sat down and turned the car on, changing the radio station to a kids station so I could listen to music that I like, which is something that he doesn't do often.

When we got the store he was about to get out but I stopped him, "No! I need to go in alone!"

"Why?" he asked, an amused expression on his face.

"Because," I said, pouting at him.

"I don't like you going inside alone." He said.

"Toby's sister is working today." I said.

He glared but nodded his head and said, "Fine."

I hopped out of the car and I headed towards the door, my paw in my pocket fingering the money that I was about to spend. I went inside and went to the third checkout lane where I knew Sharon would be. The calico cat smiled at me as she finished helping the current customer. "Hey pup," she said, scanning an item, "what are you doing here all alone?"

"I wanted to buy a Valentine's Day card for my daddy," I said.

"Awww," she said, "How sweet. I can help you out here in a second pup."

"Ok," I said, leaning against the counter, waiting patiently for her to finish.

She finished scanning the items for the customer and then said, "That'll be forty-seven fourteen, sir." He paid her and then gave him her change. "There you go sir, please come again."

Once he had collected his bags and left Sharon smiled and flicked the light off that signaled the lane was open. "Alright," she said, "Let's go pick out a Valentine's day card for your daddy."

My tail wagged behind me as we walked to where there was a shelf of Valentine's day cards and I started looking at them all. I saw one shaped like a heart and pointed at it, "What does that one say?"

She looked at it and said, "'I love you with all my heart.' Kind of girly."

"I don't care," I said, my tail wagging behind me, "I wanna buy him that one."

She smiled and picked up the card and an envelope and said, "Do you want to buy him candy too?"

"I don't have enough," I said.

"I'll pay for it pup," she said with a smile.

"Ok!" I said eagerly, beaming at her.

She chuckled as I bounced off to where there were bags of all types of candy. "What kind of candy does he like?" she asked as we walked.

"I know he likes Peanut Butter Cups." I said.

She picked up a bag of heart shaped Peanut Butter Cups and smiled, "Let's go get you checked out pup."

I followed her to the lane where she worked the register and she scanned the two items, taking the money for the Peanut Butter Cups out of her wallet. She smiled as she handed me a pen for me to sign the card and I opened it, stuck my tongue between my teeth and wrote my name very carefully.

"Very good penmanship pup," she said with a smile.

"Thanks," I said.

She put it in the envelope and sealed it, smiling as she put it on top of the peanut butter cups and gave it to me. "How about I walk you out to your daddy?"

"That sounds fine." I said.

She took my paw and led me outside. I held the valentine's present in my paw as we approached my daddy's car. He was sitting on the hood smiling. "Hey pup," he said with a smile as we got close enough.

I held the present out to him and said, "Will you be my valentine daddy?"

"Awww," he said, smiling as he took the card and the candy, "Of course I'll be your valentine."

He picked me up with one arm, propping me on his forearm before opening the card and smiling. "Thank you pup," he kissed me on the cheek and said, "You even bought me my favorite candy. You're so sweet."

I blushed and looked down and he turned his head to Sharon, who was grinning. "Thanks for helping him out while he was in the store."

"You're welcome sir," she said with a smile. She turned and went back into the store as my daddy put me back in my seat.

"Now," he said as he climbed in on his side, "to the park!"

I grinned happily as he started driving towards the park. I smiled when we got there and was bouncing in my seat as he parked in the empty parking lot.