Sorority: Night of Bells.

Story by Charos on SoFurry

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#1 of Saxton University

:Author's Note: Well if finally happened again. After, you know, I don't really want to count back how long it's been. But the inspiration bug has bitten! This was written over a non-stop period of about... I'll say twenty hours. That's close enough, wasn't really paying attention to when I started but it was somewhere around 9pm, yesterday, and I quite literally could not stop until this had gotten out of my head.

That being said, proceed with caution! Those keywords are down there for a reason, if that doesn't sound like your cup of tea kindly take the flaming elsewhere. Constructive criticism, questions, and simple praise, votes, or faves are more than appreciated.

But regardless of what you my dear reader think, I'm just stocked beyond all reason to have finally cranked out another story! I'd almost forgotten how much I loved writing...

This story is © me, all of the characters are © me. Any and all resemblances to real people or places are purely coincidental or accidental.

_ Sorority: Night of Bells. _

The moon shone out bright and round, escorted across the endless black by countless glimmering stars. Already, that celestial orb had reached the apex of its journey on this cool autumn night, washing the dense canopy below in soft, silvery hues. Multitudes of leaves and branches swayed to the whim of a gentle breeze; oak, ash, pine, maple, each added their own note to the uncanny woodland music that echoed though the old growth. The forest floor was a tangled, wild mess of brush and scrub, at times looming well over the height of a man. Untamed save for a scant few winding paths hardly wide enough for two people to pass abreast. There was only the rare beam from above to light the gloom even during the day, now, the proto-maze was shrouded in a stubborn dark haze.

That is, except for the clearings that cropped up whenever one of the giants released its hold on the earth. One such place had been prepared hours before to host the beginnings of an ancient rite. Wooden, whitewashed signs had been placed around the fringes at every hint of a possible path. Each bore the same short message, just six words, printed out in large black letters. "THE HUNT BEGINS! RETURN BY DAWN!" Both an order, and a threat to those it was meant for. Failure was a poor option, for reasons best left unsaid.

Packed into the clearing, was an unmoving mass of still forms, each cradled by the long grass they lay atop. They varied widely from one to another. Some sporting fur, of many different lengths and patters. Others, scales that glinted or trapped the light that shone down on them. Feathers marked one or two. A select few boasted only soft, supple skin. Height and build wandered form one end of the spectrum and back again. Colors were impossible to pick out, other than shades of grey, black, and white.

For all their variety, there were similarities too strong to ignore. Each and every last one... was a female, ranging from age eighteen to mid twenties. All as bare as the day they came into this world. A harsh ring gag forced every mouth to open to their fullest, firmly strapped in place with blindingly white leather bands. There was a heavy steel collar locked around every neck, d-rings welded to both sides, front, and back. While the sides were bare, thick chains ran from the others. At the front, a large bronze cowbell rested at just the right height to bounce off each individual's bosom. From the back a matching chain trailed just as far. But here, the ends were locked by way of twin padlocks to a pair of weighty steel cuffs, forcing each female to keep their hands in utterly useless positions.

Several began to stir, groans slipping unbidden from their throats as heads throbbed and eyes refocused. Among them was a lithe she-wolf, lying on her stomach, who could still smell the too-sweet scent that had dragged her, and no doubt many of the others, into unconsciousness. She didn't even try to move at first; muscles still feeling too limp to budge so much as an inch, not to mention the second heartbeat that was pounding behind her eyes. A few shrilly inarticulate screams, garbled curses, and ringing bells sounded out loudly in the quiet night as others began to waken. Fighting off the grogginess and lingering weakness, she tried to mover her arms. Which only lead to a tug at her neck and a painful twinge, her wrists staying quite firmly between her shoulder blades.

As her senses drifted back, an ache in her jaw made itself known. A whimper rose in her throat as her tongue pushed futilely against the wide ring set behind her canines, that wasn't going anywhere. All around her, the others were scrambling to their paws and feet, though a few of the less limber rolled impudently around making quite a din. The she-wolf however, had little trouble managing the feat. Easing herself up to her knees and then the rest of the way. Her gaze wandered around the odd throng, catching sight of the sings and their warning in short order. She shivered from more than the night's chill, her heart beginning to quicken as everything clicked into place.

It was happening. The Elimination. Night of Bells.

Seconds ticked by, turning into minutes as the group milled about, eyes wide and darting, minds churning and coming up with nothing. More than one babbled with a touch of hysteria evident in their indecipherable words, some paced back and forth like caged animals, others just stood around. Waiting for someone else to make the first move. Finally, after a small eternity, the she-wolf caught sight of a rabbit at the far end of the clearing. Soon all eyes were upon the bound female as she took hesitant, jerky steps towards one of the paths. Every step announced by the brazen ringing of her bell. She paused at the fringe, glancing back over her shoulder before edging onward. No one moved, every set of ears perked and tilted towards the slowly fading ringing.

Silence. Every heart skipped a beat at the sudden stop, only to jump out of their collective skins as a terrified scream rent the night. Then, the rings sounded again, coming louder and closer together as the rabbit fled back to the others. With wide, frightened eyes they backed away from the ruckus, leaving am open stretch that the female stumbled into. Her paw had caught on a protruding root, and she fell heavily into the clearing, screaming more from sheer abject terror than pain as she writhed on the ground, struggling to get back up.

She never had a chance.

The brush rustled loudly as something large forced its way through the undergrowth along that path. A fragment of some half-forgotten nightmare, a dark cord from the abyss lashing out to claim its prize. In an instant, it wrapped around the fallen rabbit, destroying any hope of escape as mighty coils squeezed the breath from her lings, ending her witless screams. Two hellish slits leered down at her mindless eyes as at the others stood, frozen ridged in their horror. Until the thing hissed out in a venomous, sadistic rasp. "You're mine now, fuckmeat!"

The she-wolf was the first to snap out of it, enough to see and hear many other, things, rushing towards them from wherever that thing had come from. "Uunn!" She shrieked, turning tail and bolting down the nearest trail. That broke the spell for the others. In an instant the females were swarming away from the sight. Bells rang out madly, mixing with screams and shattering the woodland's music as they fled their unseen pursuers.

Many just streamed down the little trails, gambling on the path of least resistance to get some distance. Or, they just mindlessly ran, terror overrunning everything but the need to get away. A few tried to force their way through the brush, as the hunters were. But handicapped as they were, unable to use their arms. Well, they soon shared the rabbit's fate whether it was desperation or fear that drove them to risk leaving a path. As did those who tripped or became tangled in some meddling strand of vegetation or another. Some were just unlucky enough to be at the rear of the herd, or they lacked the fleetness or stamina to outrun the hunters.

Perhaps it was because she had been lucky enough, or fast enough, but the she-wolf lasted through the next harrowing hour as the multitude of bells slowly dwindled. She wound up alone on her path, walking carefully to avoid any betraying tolls, but her panting still seemed loud to her ears. There wasn't a damn thing she could do about that, other than slow down some more. Her ears twitched and flicked at every little sound, every nerve raw and on edge as each shadow loomed up as one of the pursuers, only to become a shrub or bush two steps latter.

After several more twists and turns, she froze. The sound of frantic ringing that came along with a mad dash thundered up ahead of her, closing quickly. Without a doubt, that female was running for her life. The she-wolf panicked, eyes darting around before she took a stupid, hopeless risk. She flung herself off the path. Hitting the ground rolling so she ended up curled out of the way under the flimsy protection of some kind of leafy shrubbery. Praying that the other female's clamor had covered the sound of her own bell, and the yelp that had slipped out as she rolled over her restrained arms.

Her heart pounded. To her ears just as loudly as the pounding steps that raced up the path. The fleeing female let out a cry that was more sob than scream as her flight came to an end, not three feet from the she-wolf's nose. She was a deer of some kind, more than that was impossible to tell in the gloom. But she had been tackled and pinned by what at first glance was a large wolf, confirmed as the male let loose a savage victory howl. It sent thrills down the she-wolf's back, and she had to fight back every instinct that strained to call back.

The pinned female however, wasn't so thrilled. Her sides heaved as she sobbed, squirming impotently under the wolf who easily kept her on the ground. His howl ended in a long, drawn out growl as he worked his legs between her own. Pressing cruelly down on her wrists, making her squeal when she didn't open for him. Right then, it became apparent that he was just as bare as his prey, though obviously not so encumbered. His knotted length swelled as one arm hooked under her waist, hiking her up on her knees while the other kept her face down in the dust.

"Welcome to your new life bitch..." He snarled, lunging forward with a primal grunt and forcing himself into her unwilling cleft. She screamed again, thrashing about in his grip as he set a vicious pace, which only seemed to encourage him. Growling and grunting, he leaned over her back, pinning her with his full weight and putting every ounce of it into ravaging her violated womanhood. Such was the strength of his rutting, that the pair actually inched forward in the dirt. The doe's face, shoulders, and knees digging little furrows as her body shook with every slam of his groin against her ass.

He continued on like that for some time, fucking with ever increasing rawness. His musk stained the air, the scent of a viral male flooding over the as of yet unnoticed she-wolf. Who was forced to watch the depraved act, to hear the sinful sound of his knot popping in and out of the doe's channel. His tongue had flopped out of his maw at some point, letting his drool spool down onto his captive's face. She had a thoroughly wet sheen by the time his fingers dug harshly into her thigh and scalp, his final thrust burying his length oh so deeply and tying them together as his knot swelled.

Another triumphant howl echoed through the woods, accompanied this time by the feverish cries of the female he mounted so roughly. His body trembled as he forced her to take his seed, wave after wave filling and swelling the doe's cunt as the overflow was trapped inside. Tears ran from her eyes to mingle with his drool as the male let her sag to the ground, still buried to the hilt and pumping in the odd blast as his climax wound down. He stayed focused on his prize, much to the guilty relief of the she-wolf. Contenting himself with leering down at the conquered doe until his knot had softened enough to pull out, with let out a miniature torrent of wolf spunk to stain her thighs and the forest floor.

But he still wasn't done. Reaching down he took a hold of the chain that ran from collar to cuff, and yanked the female up with it. Causing her to cry out in strangled anguish as her wrists were pulled in ways they were never meant to, while the collar dug into her neck until she worked her knees underneath herself. A dark chuckle echoed up from his chest as he whispered "Now for my favorite part." The female's teary eyes stretched wide as she shook her head slowly, but rapidly building to an almost blurring speed as she struggled once again. Struggles that were meaningless considering the wolf's grip, and that he wrapped his other arm around her waist to held her still. "Oooh, I like that spirit of yours. I'll try not to break it too quickly!"

His jaws opened wide, showcasing twin rows of gleaming white teeth. Slowly, he lowered his maw over her right shoulder, teeth just resting on her flesh as his wide tongue lashed over her fur. "Nu! Nu! Nu nu nu nu nnNUUUUUAGH!" The female cried out desperately through her gag, her plea falling on deaf and equally helpless ears as his teeth san a half inch into her body. Screaming and writhing in agony, the wolf firmly held her still as blood welled up into his maw. He didn't relinquish his bite for a full two minutes, after which she slumped in his grip. Blood still seeping up from the scars that now marred her shoulder. Scars that marked her irrevocably as the wolf's property.

Licking his lips of the coppery liquid, he let out another dark chuckle. "Delicious. Maybe I'll use you as more than a cock warmer hmm? Heh heh." Standing up, he hefted the much abused female up over his shoulder, holding her there with little apparent effort and no more respect than a sack of grain. Bent at the waist, her legs dangled on his front, held steady by a possessive grip to her thigh. With a feral grin her gave her rump a stinging smack, watching it jiggle out of the corner of his eye and enjoying the yelp he was able to draw from her still. "Come along, I want to show off my new bitch. Not like you have a choice. Ha!"

The she-wolf didn't dare move a muscle until the male had pushed his way into the undergrowth, and she could no longer hear his passage or the ring of his female's bell. Then, she let out a quiet sob. Relived beyond no end that she hadn't been spotted, and determined that she wouldn't meet the same fate as that poor doe. Slowly, gingerly, she eased her way out of her fortunate shelter, wincing every time her bell sounded out despite her efforts. Back on her paws, she strained her senses out into the surrounding woods. She was alone again, and at an impasse.

She was utterly and completely lost, but that was true even before she and the others had started their mad flight. Oh, they knew where they needed to be by sunrise. Just not how to get there. After the initial rush, she had though that simply following the trail would eventually lead to the forest edge. But since the doe came from in front of her, it likely meant at least this trail looped around. Others probably did as well. Even if they didn't, she did not have the luxury to try them all. Time was against every female in these woods. Really, that left one stupid, absurd scheme.

Follow the hunter. They wouldn't want to... meet, in the woodlands. No, their camp would be on the edge. The she-wolf could easily make out where the male had gone, the broken track stood out clear enough to follow. If she was careful. And lucky beyond all reason. But it had paid off twice before, she may as well go for broke. It was her only real chance anyway.

One. Oh. So. Very. Careful. Step. At. A. Time. The she-wolf eased herself along the male's track, hunched over so her bell had less to bang against. Her heart thundered in her chest, pounding away as her breaths surged like bellows. At least, that's what she had convinced herself of, after she had been inching her paws over the treacherous ground for what must have been another hour or more.

Then, light! There, up ahead she could see the foliage thinning out, and the flickering dance of flame and shadow from a bonfire. She crouched down even lower, drifted ever slower, her overstrained senses turning every rustled leaf into a firecracker, every disturbed twig a clap of thunder. And still, she drew no attention from the figures that were no where near distant enough for her tastes. By the time she breached another trail, the she-wolf was close enough to pick out individual silhouettes, and a snippet or two of their banter.

To her right, this trail wound back into the forest proper. But the left, oh, down that way she could just barely catch sight of artificial lights in the distance through the thinning trees. Unfortunately, it also arched within a stones throw of the hunter's campsite. At least the trail was empty. For the moment. Having come so far, what was there left but to go on? She didn't have a hope of being able to sneak passed off the trail; thinner the underbrush may have been, but there was far more than enough to give her away if she tried to move through it.

Trembling, the she-wolf placed one paw out on the open trail, then the second as she all but doubled over at the waist. There was enough cover left to obscure her for several more yards at least, provided none of the hunters had to use the path. And keep that damn bell from ringing, or rattling the chains. Breathing too hard. After that though, she just had to pray they were too... occupied to glance her way.

Moments turned to days as she ghosted forth, every muscle taunt and aching to bolt but knowing that would mean certain doom. Their voices tumbled together with the crackle and roar of the flames, each masculine and often deep, with harsh edges and steely undertones. Beneath that chatter, were the softer, distressed sounds of their captives. They bonded in a twisted symphony that sent shivers down her spine, threatening to betray her with a clanking chain, cuff, or heavens forbid, a ring.

Eventually, she made it to the end of her cover, though how long it had taken to move twenty feet was beyond her ability to tell. The she-wolf hesitated, knowing that this was all to likely the end of her, but lacking any plan other than the one a fool wouldn't chance. Even so, freedom lay ahead. All that lurked behind, or to the sides, was the nonexistent mercy of the hunting males.

She went on. Hardly daring to so much as breathe as she left the flimsy safety of the brush, moving as quickly as she could now, while staying silent. A snail's pace may have worked before, but out in the open, every moment was one more chance for a wandering eye to land on her. She kept her eyes averted from the dancing flames, to so much as glace in that direction would set off the glow in them. Painting twin green bull's-eyes on her face. Though the temptation was there, both mundane and morbid.

Savory meats drifted on the breeze, making her mouth water with that peculiar hunger that only makes itself felt once there's food to be had. Wines, whisky, and other alcohols lent their aromas to the mix. Smoke of course. And sex. The combined musk of so many males hung heavy in the air. They'd been busy here, were. The faint tang of blood from the many Claiming marks mingled with a touch of feminine perfume. More than one female had been forced to climax as she was raped by her new owner. Idly, she wondered if the doe or rabbit were among them. Or if she'd be counted in their numbers before the night was out.

The sound that played across her ears didn't help much with the whole 'do not look' ideal. There was burning and snapping from the fire, laughter and the sound of the males feasting. One or two spun the perverse tale of his capture, reenacting it if the squeals yelps and moans from feminine throats were any judge. Not all of which sounded pain induced, though more than enough of them most certainly did.

It was just a little farther, she could see he last of the outlying trees, and the gentle slope of rolling hills beyond them. Roofs and streetlights could just be seen, a quarter mile or so out. Not too far after that, was her destination. A glance up through the thinned canopy, revealed the gleam of the moon midway on its downward trek for the horizon. Plenty of time, she was in the clear-


"Huk!" The she-wolf's luck apparently didn't cover user error. A momentary lapse of judgment. Just a touch premature. She had relaxed, straightened just enough for her bell to swing in, and bounce of her chest. The sounds behind her had changed, quieted for heartbeat before mad calls of 'What the?!' 'Hot damn!' 'Get her!' and a few other outbursts in the same vein boomed out.

Wisely, she didn't look back.

Now her own run began in earnest, heralded by the rabid clanging of her bell as it danced between her breasts. Each impact from the heavy metal driving a little huff of air from her lungs. But bigger things were on her mind, like how hard it was to keep one's balance while running downhill with their arms pinned behind their back. The less thought of the pounding steps that gave chase, the better.

She almost fell more than once, managing to save herself with a stumble that only lost a pace or so of her lead, rather than ending it. There was no room for any thought other than RUN and STAY UP. All that nervous energy that had built up sneaking burst out now, lending wings to her paws as she fled over the open hillsides. By some miracle, likely that she had taken them by surprise as much as herself, and that they had probably done this at least once already, the she-wolf reached the outskirts of Saxton with a usable lead on the hunters. Though her heart hammered away in her throat, and every limb burned and ached with fatigue. She couldn't run forever.

Dodging between buildings, and down alleyways, she hoped to at least slow them down. But the constant ringing of her bell would always lead them right to her so long as she ran, and slowing down was not an option. Panting heavily, tongue lolling out she stumbled onto an empty Main Street, planting herself in the shadowed recess of a doorway to get out of the betraying lights. It wasn't much, but she stopped for several valuable moments to let her heaving chest and heart slow, catch a second wind. Stop the blasted ringing.

She caught that second wind, as well as a decent look around. It wasn't promising. There wasn't a single store, bar, or business of any kind open on either side of the street. Though their lights, and all the lamps were blazing away, making even the half shadow she hid in a rare commodity. For all the world, it seemed like the public had been... warned. A groan echoed across the silent expanse. Of course the townsfolk would have been given a heads up. It would have been too easy if some kind soul was around to help. Besides, most of them had gone through this ordeal themselves at some point.

Pushing off from the doorway with only a tiny jingle, she set her tired limbs back to the task at hand. Slinking down alleys and avoiding any area that passed from more than dim lighting, the she-wolf cut her way across the sprawling little town. Eyes and ears pealed for any sign of her pursuers, though her senses were beginning to fray from all the constant vigilance. Shadows taking on a half-life of there own, startling her just badly enough to get a ring from her bell before being dismissed as harmless.

Though there were a few close brushes, the she-wolf eluded capture as she snuck into the outskirts again. She had learned from her mistake, and didn't let down her guard even after going some fifteen, twenty minutes without seeing another living soul. Only seeing him a fraction of a second before he lunged, did she manage to dodge the lizard. She ended up off-balance with her bell sent bounding and sounding out again, heart sent into overdrive as she sprinted for freedom.

Or tried to, at least.

His tail lashed out, whipping her paws right out from under her, and sending the she-wolf careening face first onto the asphalt. The impact knocked the wind right out of her, dazed and unable to do more than groan for a life altering moment. He lunged again, slamming down onto he waist, straddling her as his tail coiled around her ankles quick as blinking. It forced what little air she had left out in a rough whoosh, leaving her to wheeze as the male gloated. "Sssoo closse you were, little ssslave. Almosssst sslipped passsed." His voice slithered into her ears, an almost physical coil wrapping around her thoughts.

"Jussst relaxsss now..." He hissed, beginning to rock his hips as he leaned down to breathe into her ear, tongue flicking out taste the downy fur. "'ssss over, accssssept your new life." His tail coiled higher, entwining from ankle to knee, before slowly pulling her legs open with that versatile appendage. "Ssssavor it. You will come to love ssserving me, sssslave!" All the while, his reptilian member swelled from his slit, to be ground into the lovely soft fur of her back.

Her head stopped spinning long enough to catch the tail end of his little speech, to feel the imposing length smearing its lube along her back. The spreading of her legs. No. this couldn't be happening! Not after all she'd gone through, how close she was! She launched into furious writhing, jumping from passive to bucking bronco. Putting everything she had into throwing him off and escaping, the struggles sending her traitorous bell on a wild, jangling ride.

But all to no avail. The male simply had too much leverage, too firm a hold on her legs. He pushed down on her wrists with one hand, sending jagged lances of agony up her arms and out her throat in a delightful series of yelps. "Now now," he chided, "there'ssss no need for all that. You'll ssssing and ssssquirm for me ssssoon enough." He lifted away from her ear, scooting himself down her back until he was resting on her thighs. Easing up on her wrists and silencing her yelping for the moment, he took careful aim. Lining up the rough head of his member with the tantalizing softness of his captives nether lips. "But if you are sssssso eager, I'll let you have Masssster'sss cock!"

She cried out into the waning night as he stormed into her; sandpaper was less abrasive than, that... thing! Her back arched helplessly as he took a hold of her hair, jerking her head up as her thrust in, and out. Over and over, building an intolerable friction until she swore her sex was torn, bleeding, and burning. In reality, she was just being rubbed increasingly raw, but holy hell it hurt! "Ull eh ow! Ull eh ow! ULL EH OW!" She screamed over and over again, begging for him to stop as forsaken tears ran down her cheeks.

The lizard just let out a mocking laugh and thrust a little harder, smacking into her bottom as his free hand latched onto her breasts. Tugging and mauling her tits for no other reason but to draw out a new tune from her throat. "Yessss! Yessss, ssssing for Massster!" A sadistic smile stretched across his muzzle, deliberately pouring as much pain into her body as he could. Taking as much pleasure from her many screams and yelps, as from the unwilling embrace of her silken passage. He began to let out heated hisses, working against her all the more as his climax built. Until with one final, ruthless lunge, he sank entirely into his soon-to-be slave's sex.

She almost thanked him for stopping. Even as he tugged more firmly on her hair, forcing her muzzle to tilt up towards the sky. The moon only a length or so above the horizon. An hour left, maybe. Not that it mattered to her anymore. She felt her new owner's shaft twitch and pulse from where it was buried so deeply in her body. The first blast erupted into her, and her eyes dilated, contracted. Spasms spawning in her core and making her tremble as a second wave joined the first. A blissful howl ripped from her throat. A third, and spools of drool leaked from her forcibly opened mouth. After the fourth, she lost track. His cum splashing and coating every nook and cranny that he had so abused, transmuting all that pain into uncontrollable pleasure!

Her own juices splashed out, wetting her thighs and pooling with his leaking seed between her knees. Her tail flared high and wanting, waving about like a welcoming flag as he pumped more of his essence into her. Spurring her on from one climax to the next, with no chance for rest until his flow ceased. Even after which, her body was still wracked with jolting pleasure. Until the last of her strength flowed out of her, leaving her limp and dull-eyed. Thoughts moving too sluggishly through a blissful haze to comprehend what would happen next.

"SssSss, I told you, my ssslave. You would love it... One. Lassst. Formality..." His maw opened wide, bearing rows of fine, needle like teeth as he tugged her head off to the left side, exposing her right shoulder. Leaning down, he ran his tongue through her soft fur, working his lips around as he savored the moments before the Claiming Bite. A loud, angry whinny trumpeted out from his left, startling him into raising his head and looking over.

Just in time to catch the oncoming hoof with the end of his muzzle! The mighty blow snapped his head back in an instant, the lizard was unconscious before he hit the ground. And would be nursing a mild concussion once he woke up, if he was lucky. His member slid from the she-wolf with a slick plop as they both slumped to the ground. Neither twitching more than a finger or toe.

The hoof prodded her side once, twice, thrice before she snapped out of her daze. Gaze shooting to her should to find... some slobber. No blood. No mark. Having resigned herself to her fate somewhere along the ride from hell to heaven she'd been taken on, she didn't quite know what to think at first. Then she was poked again, more firmly this time. Groaning, she worked herself up to her knees, thighs clenched together as the lizard's thick seed slowly dribbled out, hit tail limply unwinding. Finally looking over at her 'rescuer' which was undoubtedly some stallion who wanted her to himself. Nothing had changed, not really.

Smooth black hooves supported a myriad of ebony and ivory bands, clearly visible even in the low light. A zebra then. Slowly her gaze worked up, taking in sculpted, muscular thighs and his... pussy? What?! Her eyes jumped up, and probably couldn't look any more surprised if someone had blindsided her with a board. The mare before her was bound as well, though it looked as if her bell had been crushed and crumpled into a useless mass of bronze. "Eh uh!" Snorted the larger female, hoof scuffing impatiently at the ground.

Blinking, the she-wolf rose up to unsteady paws, swaying on the verge of falling before she found a hard wall of muscle at her side. Looking up, her flushed cheeks unseen in the dark, she gargled out a soft "Ang u."

"U uah on ha hame. Ehs ho, ahoh awhn."

The pair left the senseless lizard where he lay, heading on up a winding road without incident. Though the she-wolf's bell did sound out more often as she had to take several steps for each of the zebra's long strides. Within ten minutes the reached the open gate of Saxton University's campus. There was a robbed and hooded figure standing on the inside, eyes focused on the ever lowering moon. As they passed, a soft teasing voice drifted out from under the hood. "I wouldn't slow down if I were you. Outside after dawn in those getups? If you thought the run here was bad...hehehehe..."

They took the advice to heart, forcing tired legs into a jog that took them across the empty campus. Silence lying thick in the pre-dawn air, broken only by a ringing bell, the clip-clop of hooves striking the stone paths, and the panting of an exhausted she-wolf. The moon had fallen from the sky for another night by the time they finally made it to the Sorority House, leaving the world cloaked in a heavy blackness. Lifted only by the pool of a porch light that illuminated a wide double door, one bearing a sign reading 'RING TO ENTER, PLEDGE.' Reaching that tiny island of light, they found the doorbell covered by a hard plastic case. The words 'try again' sprawled across it with a black marker.

It was clear what they were being asked to do, and the zebra looked sheepishly down at the crushed metal hanging from her collar. Quite clearly having second thoughts about what had seems like such a sound choice. A spark of panic flaring up in her eyes, only to die back down as the she-wolf shook herself vigorously. Hopping up and down, side to side to get her bell ringing nice and loud, giving whoever was watching a nice little show. She slowed to a stop after a minute or so, plainly having lost her reserves some time ago and running only on the thin hope of getting inside.

The doors creaked open, reveling a golden furred lioness of middling height, with piercing green eyes and blond tresses that flowed down to her waist. By way of clothing, she had a full length robe of a rich, royal purple, emblazoned by the Sorority's Crest. The triple yin-yang symbol often linked with BDSM, with each 'eye' being replaced by an angled Greek letter. "I am Cadwyn, head of this house." She intoned, her voice holding the duality of steel cloaked in silk. "Please, step out of the cold so we can welcome you properly." A beckoning wave invited the pair inside, who were only too happy to oblige.

They were in a brightly lit foyer, the air warm and comforting after so long in the chill night. Gesturing for them to stand still, Cadwyn circled each of the girls. Examining them as a farmer might before they bought livestock.

First was the she-wolf. Her fur and shoulder-length hair were mussed and tangled to no end, but that was to be expected. Fingers trailed along her shoulders confirmed both the softness, and the fact that she hadn't been Claimed. Eyes were a touch dull from fatigue, but otherwise a lovely shade of sea-green. Tail a good deal fluffier than the wolf norm, a nice asset. Roughly five foot four inches tall if she were to guess, a lithe build to her body that suited her well. Generous bosom. Fur pattern wasn't so impressive; a uniform ashen grey that faded to a dusty white from muzzle to groin, and from elbow/knee down. Something was off though, a scent that shouldn't have been. Two plunged into the she-wolf's sex, eliciting a sudden gasp, swirling around and drawing out the digits with a thick, sticky white coating. "Hmm, had a close call, bitch?" She smeared the cum just below the she-wolf's nose, wiping down her muzzle until her fingers were dry once more.

Then she shifted over to the zebra without another word. She stood a good two feet over her companion, with muscles that may as well have been sculpted by master artisans. She'd be an oddity among the house for those facets alone. Not to mention the exotic latticework of black and white that played across her coarser fur in eye dazzling patterns. Her mane had been cropped recently, hardly standing more than two inches above her neck. But that would grow back. A more cursory perusal of her shoulders confirmed that she had not been Claimed either, not much of a surprise really. Her eyes were a deep, midnight blue that bordered on the very edge of black. Her endowments larger than average, but fitting her statuesque frame nicely. Cadwyn narrowed her eye briefly, reaching up to pointedly tap against the crushed bell. "Very unorthodox, lucky you had help getting in this time eh?"

That last comment brushed a guilty flush across the mare's muzzle, and prompted a raised brow from the canine. In that brief moment of distraction, Cadwyn had deftly undone the straps of both their gags. Which she then pulled out with a flourish that spawned a pair of surprised 'umphs' from the females. Both of whom groaned and winced as their jaws were finally given the freedom to close. The lioness waited several patient moments to allow them to work the worst of the kinks out before demanding their names.

"C-Caethes, ma'am." Murmured the she-wolf though her stiff jaw, wrinkling her nose a bit as every breath was tainted with the lizard's essence. She tilted her head over to one side, intent on wiping the offending substance if not off, than at least off of her muzzle.

She was stopped by a gold-furred finger, just a hint of claw poking through her fur. "Tisk tisk, we'll have none of that now. You'll wear that for the rest of the night as punishment for being caught. If it gets wiped off, I'll send you out for another coating."

A pointed glance was enough to prompt the zebra. "Kenda." She said stiffly, though whether from her nature or being gagged so long was hard to tell.

Cadwyn shook her head with an overly dramatic sigh. "We'll have to work on your manners. For a start, you will be keeping that collar and bell until you have compensated the House for damage to our property." That said, she walked once more around the pair before nodding to herself, apparently satisfied for the time being. "It is my honor to welcome you, Caethes, and you, Kenda, into the venerable House Upsilon Delta Upsilon. From this moment on, you two are Pledges, having managed to pass The Elimination, Night of Bells. Whether you will advance farther remains to be seen, but if you will come with me, we'll find someone who has the keys to your cuffs." The lioness turned on her heels and strode of into the house, both of the new pledges following in her wake.

Outside, there wouldn't be a Sorority candidate left by dawn's first light that had not been Claimed by her new Master. She would have to serve him unquestionably until his mark on her shoulder completely fades. For some, the servitude would never end. There wasn't any rule about re-Claiming, after all...