A Thief's Trials: Life and Death

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#7 of A Thief's Trials

The next chapter, hopefully the one after this will go up even quicker. Damn sorry, the stags part seems to haven't come across well and turn into italics like I wanted. too short on time to fix it right now, will soon though.

The forest was alive with color and light. The sun was filtered through brilliant greens and the soft gentle colors of the flowers that burst forth to greet the dawn. Shade and light dappled the forest floor all the way through even the largest of trees. Even through the great tree that stood as a silent guardian over his domain, it filtered its way down to a pale green form that snuggled against his base. The fur was patched with dapples of lighter almost pale gold along the haunches so that she blended in with her surroundings. She looked almost like a centaur until one came to the broad deer like ears and the hair that fell down. The strands looked more like some fine plant such as a moss or fern rather than true hair.

Tenja slept silently, her head resting against the trunk and her arms as the cervine body curled itself up on its up almost awkwardly to make herself adjust to the fact her stomach was growing heavy. Three distinct bulges were forming there, and only one of them moved and kicked with slender growing legs against her belly. The days in this peaceful place were blending together, even as part of her remained in a state of fear. Always watching, always waiting, waiting for the great tree to strike out against her again and claim her. The tree though. The tree seemed content in just her presence. She slept silently in the warmth of the sunlight and as she slept her mind took on wings and fled the glade.


Winter is the kindest season.... The voice echoed around the dryad as she stood in her dream, the world was cold and hard. The trees around her were black and bare of any fruit or even buds. The ground was hard and dry, and as her hooves touched the ground she could almost feel the burning cold against her fur. She trembled a little bit and turned her eyes blindly to look around the deadened forest. The entire area seemed as if it were unreal, blurred, and unfocused. As if she looked at it from a thickened glass. She took a few steps back and reared up to pivot on her haunches to run only to find the way barred.

"Sweet goddess..." She breathed out and her legs froze as she stood in horror of the creature that stood in front of her.

The heart does not melt in winter.... The voice breathed around her in a creaking whisper.

The creature that stood before her was a stag, one that looked almost to be the size of a horse. His horns stretched out to either side of his head and the tines reached up to stab the sky much as the deadened branches seemed to reach out for her. His pelt was so white that it seemed to glow even in this grey cold world, thickest right along the ruff of his neck and down along his chest in a line. His great head was bent to watch her with grey eyes that seemed cold, dead, fogged over and unseeing. Her grandmother's eyes seemed like that, only those had seemed more alive. It was only when she came to his side did she find any color. An arrow pierced his side so that the red blood rolled down his foreleg and side.

The stain seemed to be an insult to the monochrome world she'd be put in, even as she watched a slow roll of blood pulsed from his side. The large stag turned his clouded eyes to stare at her for a moment and a chill ran down her back. The dead creature stepped forward and for one horrible moment she thought the nightmarish being was going to touch her, but instead he passed by her. His head held high in the air while his legs rose up and then dropped down. The hooves clattered against the ground. She was sure he knew she was there, but he gave her no mind. Tenja wanted to run, her legs trembled with fear, but she watched the forlorn creature pass along a path.

"W-wait!" She called out, half dreading the ghostly stag would respond. He walked forward until he came to a path that looked newly made. Spread out and smashed down by the passage of many creatures before he turned his deadened eyes back to her.

Spring has no place here. The voice came to her again and she trembled, it sounded dry and harsh with disuse. Like bones scraping together.

"Are you a ghost?" She ventured and made no move to follow him. The stags ears lifted up on his head and she felt a rush of almost pity roll from him.

A ghost does not rise from the grave. It is a shadow of doubt, a memory of regret we carry with us as chains upon this earth. The answer made her lick her lips and nod her head a little nervously.

"What are you?"

I am the Guide. She waited for more but the Stag turned his head up and opened his jaws before bellowing out a deep cry.

The sound rang through her ears, through her legs, through her heart! The world was the sound, it shook the ground and the trees and she moved her hands up to cover her cervine ears. Even that didn't stop the sound from invading her mind. It wasn't a true stag's call, it was a scream of pain and at the same time it was almost bell like. She finally dropped to her knees while the white apparition bellowed forth his cry. Tears rolled down her face, yet she couldn't say why. The world was shattering around her, she could feel something being torn asunder and ripped out of its rightful place in the world.

She opened her lips to scream for him to stop as mist started to gather just in front of the path. It twined and rose up into a fog that seemed to grow brighter and brighter. She wanted to look away, but she couldn't. The bugling call finally drifted off as something took shape in the midst of the fog. A form that had heavy thick feathers and a long sweeping lion's tail, it formed itself from nothing as the last note faded away. The creature gleamed pure white, its feathers torn and broken along the back of its neck and the very stillness of it made her swallow. Its sides did not rise and fall, there was no tension in its muscles that suggested life. She stood up shakily and took a step beside to see the full glory and despair of what the Stag had called for.

The bleach white being was mingled of eagle and lion and human. Its face was fixed in a grimace of pain, the full lips pulled back to show sharp teeth. The wings on its back seemed to be set at an odd angle. The feather's themselves trailed down along its back all the way to the fan at the base of the lion's tail. The rest of the body was like a huge lion. She opened her mouth and shut it again. She felt a cold wind at her back and flattened her ears down. The stag stood close beside her, close enough the arrow that had pierced his side almost touched her.

The last sphinx. The voice was no longer dry as bone, it held sorrow as a cup might hold water. So full it threatened to overflow and her throat tightened in reaction. She opened her mouth to ask another question when the beast suddenly lurched upwards from the ground. Its sides were so thin she could see each rib and the definition of its pelvic bone standing out in sharp relief. The eyes on the woman's face opened and they were the same fogged grey as the stags as she heaved herself upwards onto four unsteady paws.

Come. The stag stared at her for a moment before he walked past her.

He didn't stop at the sphinx, he just walked forward and the beast stumbled after him. She never turned to stare at Tenja, instead her steps were measured forward as if the White Stag were all that existed in her mind. The dryad hesitated, her heart beating fast as the pair of them walked down the path away from her. The forest seemed colder, more desolate then before and she swallowed roughly before picking up her legs and setting off behind them. It was just a dream and no dream could harm her. A strange dream brought about by her traumatic ordeals she told herself. A fantasy that was like so many other nightmares she had experienced.

Her hooves seemed loud in her ears as she followed the pair of white forms over the rocky path. The trees came in closer and closer, while the rocks that jutted up seemed larger. Soon they were larger than her body and even that of the stags and the beast that followed him. She wanted to run away, she wanted to see sunlight burst forth and feel heat against her back. She wrapped her arms around her upper body as she picked her way through the rocks until she saw the stag stop and the sphinx continue on its painfully slow way. It dropped down from sight and she picked up her pace to come to the end of the path. She made sure she was as far away from the ghostly stag as she could be, but thoughts of his bloody wound and strange eyes were lost when she saw the valley.

"What..." She managed and swallowed roughly.

The valley spilled out endlessly it seemed. The only movement was that of the sphinx as it made its way down along the rocks to a ground that seemed to be made of grey snow. No, not snow. They were ashes, ashes that were fluffy and almost white as they were pushed aside by the movements of the sphinx's paws. Weariness was in each step of the beast, it's sides labored and the head was dropped down almost at a level with her knees. Tenja felt frozen as she trudged ahead past the stones that surrounded her, the body seemed to tremble with weariness.

"Why don't you help her?!" She finally asked the stag, outrage in her voice.

All who come here must walk this path alone. I only guide them to the Valley of the Dead, I cannot lead them any further. The voice was soft as the fogged eyes watched the beast come to a place near a larger stone and collapse down into the ashes.

It was only when she was no longer watching the pitiful creatures walk did she realize that stones weren't decorating the landscape. They were creatures! The ashes that filled the valley lay over them until they were grey and marred, but they were once living beings. There was a reclining horse like creature, a unicorn! The horn stood up proudly in a spire and its head was tucked against its chest for all the world as if it were sleeping. Next to it lay a creature that seemed a mingling of rooster and serpent. The head tucked under one wing while she saw the scaled tail wrapped around itself and against the feathers.

Hundreds of them lay here! Each stone was a creature that seemed to lay in repose, some more sharply defined then others, but all of them were animals. Even as she watched the ashes seemed to flutter down over the Sphinx's reclining body as she laid her human-like head down on her forepaws. The rock near her seemed to be a lion as well, no not a lion. The animal had the head of a goat and of a serpent, each one relaxed as if it had come here and fallen asleep. Silence reigned in the valley and she took a trembling step back from the dreadful sight. It was morbid and wrong, it made her stomach clench in fear.

You stand in the ashes of man-kinds dreams, doe. Bitter ashes where the creatures you see have no knowledge or memory of who and what they once were. The voice came from the stag and she could taste the bitterness on her tongue. These are animals that no longer walk in your world, the last one of each species comes here.

"Why? Are they still alive? Oh god are they still alive down there. " She heard a note of panic come to her own voice at the idea that beneath all of that ash they were still alive.

No. Not as you know it. The stag gave his head a shake and started to turn away from the sad sight and make his way along the path. She didn't hesitate to follow, the sleeping creatures made her uncomfortable, almost afraid.

They remain only as memories in the minds of man-kind, as long as they are remembered a ghost of them remains. Their magic is gone. The stag almost seemed to sigh and the sound made her tail flag in alarm. I stand in this place and I can't recall my name. I only hear their whispered voices. They come in greater numbers now, each day another one gasps its last breath.

They come from the oceans and the air, from the land and from the heart of the earth. Starvation, hunting, old age. They fade away as your world dies. Shadows and memories are all that really remain. One day not even that will remain here, their names and images will be lost and they will turn to ash like so many before. The stag stopped and for a moment he seemed to look at her, truly at her and an almost wistful tone came to him. Do they still tell tales of me, little doe? Do they remember me on the other side?

"I-" Tenja blinked, startled, by the question. She paused as the Stag came to the opening of the path and turned his gleaming white head to her and waited for her answer. "They tell of a white deer that cannot be caught by any hunter. "

Once, yes. I remember once that was so. Once I was so fleet no hunter born could release an arrow fast enough. Tenja looked down at his injured side and swallowed. Once it was true that the dragon could not be taken from the skies or the sphinx have her riddle answered. When the magic was still flowing through the world we were beasts of wonder. That time is gone. The Sphinx had her riddle answered and lost her place guarding the Thames. The Bard's Boar who's tongue sang so sweetly that none could resist it's lure was slain as a common beast when his voice faltered.. The Snow Bird that was famed for its tail of spun snowflakes and ice died when her magic no longer protected her from the cold.

"But why is it failing!" She stomped one cloven hoof and the flat dead eyes stared at her.

To each world there is a time of greatness. A time where man-kind and beast-kind walk together. A time of heroes and wonder. That time is over, we are fading. It is fading. What creature is left that has not been hunted and caught? What magic pulses through the world to enflame the mind and heart with the desire to set out on quests as of old? The Stag shook his head and turned towards a blackened tree, frost and ashes rimmed the base of it. Once we were believed in. A flash in the forest, a yawning of fangs, and the strike of a claw. All the beauty and the wonder beheld in an instant of seeing a rare magical creature. It's over... All over... They will come sooner in greater numbers. When the last Beast walks past this boundary, there the world ends. All that was magical and wondrous will have been sucked from it leaving it a hollow empty thing.

Tenja blinked her eyes and tried to grasp the Stag's words. The sound of his voice was sorrowful and heavy. A slain creature that retained who and what he was just so he might lead others to their place. A place to fade away from the minds of the world into nothingness. The emotions pressed around her and she felt a sob in her throat and her vision waver. One day he too would fade to ash. Trapped looking as he had when he died, trapped with his only company the dumb pain and weariness of the dead Beasts that came to him. A single tear rolled down her cheek and she pushed it away to feel the world start to fade around her.

Do not weep for me, little doe. You carry in you some hope. The end comes to us all, but it need not end as soon as I fear it will. Look.. Look again so you will not fear when your time to walk this path comes. You only have seen it with your mortal eyes.

The world faded around her, but for one instant she saw the coldness of the trees flicker and brighten. Had she not been staring at the Stag she might have missed it. His form fluttered and his eyes turned into a clear sapphire blue that regarded her with a weary sort of sadness. His side free of the arrow that had pierced it and the world around him turned into a brilliant green and gold. His horns gleamed and his head raised high before he turned around on the path and bounded off. The strange dream ended in a darkening and a stab of pain as the Stag's voice came to her one last time.

You who have seen death, now you must remember what life is.


Pain! Tenja awoke with a rippling contraction that ran along her side and pushed away from the tree. The world seemed brighter and warmer then she could ever remember feeling it. Her dream lingered in her mind that she almost missed the way her stomach muscles tensed down for a moment and she gasped out before lurching to her feet. Her hooves clattered partially against the base of the tree and hit the bone white curve of a set of antlers. The bases smoothly broken off as if they had just been shorn off a deer that had wandered by. And frost rimmed the edges so that they glittered with perspiration in the sunlight.

Her mind wasn't awake yet, still jumbled with what she'd dreamt, seen, experienced. The Tree stirred behind her with a creaking noise of its branches and she was left with a feel of fear it was about to snatch her up again. Instead she watched the tendrils shift and push down against the thick moss that had been growing along a hollow at the trunk. They curled around it as if forming a strange nest of its own appendages. Another stab of pain struck through her stomach and she lets out an inarticulate cry as she took a step back. She was going to give birth, she was actually going to give birth!

Tenja's stomach ached so, it was as if her muscles were tightened down so much that she could feel the sharp definition of her filled womb and the seeds that had been planted in her ovaries. What she wanted to do was run, but what her body demanded was to lay down. She felt weighted down and heavy along the middle. Her mind was made up when a few of the vines started to slip down towards her as if the Tree were about to force her to lay in the moss. The last thing she wanted for was it to touch her again. The next pains made her bleat out a cry like an injured deer and flatten her ears back. Why hadn't the start of the contractions awoken her?


Illthar woke up with a start from his desk, his cheek pulling the page of the book he'd been reading up at the sound of a popping crackling hiss. He blinked his eyes a few times to see Rufus sprawled out in the fire place. His spade shaped head rested against his paws as the flames crackled around him. Were the flames lower then they had been? The beast always seemed to know when to make sure the Mage rested, even if he didn't think he had the time to spare for it. He straightened up and pulled his robe downwards to straighten it.

"Well?" He demanded more waspishly then he meant to.

"She is in labor, Mage." The Salamander lifted his head and the piercing white blue eyes locked with the humans. For a moment he felt uncomfortable with that frank gaze, as if the beast were trying to tell him something.

"Good, good. We can get her back before she lays the seeds as well?" He pushed his hair out of his eyes and Rufus nodded his head slightly.

"Yggdrasil will worry over the new dryad, I can bring her back here." He hissed softly and continued that penetrating stare.

"Blast it all, Rufus, what? Is she hurt? Ill? What's wrong?" He snapped the words out, his empty stomach and ill temper at short sleep both trying his normally placid nature.

"We had forgotten what Yggdrasil was, Mage." The Salamander rested his head down again.

"He is the Tree of Life." Illthar retorted.

"And of Death. Where Life starts, so to it must end. The tree dies a little death each winter and each spring unfurls itself again." Rufus stretched and pushed himself up from his log as he stepped down. "Tenja saw what hides beneath the trees roots. She will need time to recover after this, time to process what has happened."

"We don't have time!" Illthar ran his fingers through his hair and flopped back into his chair. "Each day the night comes quicker. True it is only by a minute or so, but at the height of summer the days are waning. Dare we wait longer? What if it is too late? What if one of the Beasts die while we wait?"

Rufus wisely remained quiet while his mind mulled over what still needed done. The Fire and the Venom. The last two things he needed to call up enough magic to do what needed to be done. Water was represented by the tears of the samebito, air and ice by the Ice Wyvern's scale and spine, earth by the tree's seed, they needed the essence of fire and the venom to spark life in it all. Every mage had their own designs in the past, their own flare for what they created. Be it evil or good, each creature had started from the base elements. Only the Beasts they came from truly changed, that and intent.

"Go to her, watch her. I know you cannot breach the glade, but be ready to snatch her free. We cannot lose her, not even to Yggdrasil's will." He looked down towards Rufus and something like pain struck his heart. The Salamander's spine was laced over with darkness. Not with a color, but a place the flames did not touch. A place where the scales seemed to melt into one another. A place the magic was bleeding out of his oldest and dearest friend. The rainbow of scales flickered and flared, the fire place empty before he could say anything. Perhaps he didn't need too. How long until the flames the Salamander reveled in ate him alive? How long until the magic failed?


Tenja stretched out on her side and let out a groan of pain as the pressure was growing inside of her. Her body ached and her hooves pawed at the thick softness of the moss that cushioned her side and haunches. The dryad's back arched as the muscles along her stomach rippled over and she was left gasping for air. Her upper elven body was stretched out and she moved her hands to grasp the rough bark of one of the tendrils that made up the small nest she was cushioned in. The pressure reached an apex with a sudden twitch of her tail and she opened her lips to let out a sharp almost bleat.

Wetness rushed against her inner thighs as her water broke and spilled downwards to be soaked up by the moss when her water broke. Her uterus' contractions started to grow more powerful and squeezed down around the fawn inside of her angling the small body tucked inside of her. Her hooves scuffed and pushed against the moss partially tearing it up. This wasn't like with the samebito's eggs at all. The pressure hit a crescendo as something slick and soft was pushed up against her cervix and it started to be shoved and wedged open. Her muscles closed down to ripple and pull at the young fawn inside of her as the head crowned from her cervix.

Tenja's sides gleamed with a sheen of sweat as she opened her lips in a wordless cry. Her muscles were molded around the slickly wet form that was pushed from her stretching cervix. The rippling and pulling motions of her inner body started to feel the bulk of the fawn's centaur like body being forced from her. The ring of muscle formed a tight seal around the slippery for as the legs slid free easily to move along her channel. She bleated out again while the broadest point of the shoulders pushed forward from her womb. Only dimly did she feel tendrils of the vines wrapping up and coiling around her hind legs.

She only gave a kick and strangled sound of shock when the upper hind leg was pulled up to splay her legs wider. The swollen expanse of her stomach was revealed so that each twitch and spasm was exposed to the clearing. Another set of tendrils stroked just along the damp folds as they spread wider and bulged outwards. They parted as she pushed harder and tugged against the vines that forced her legs to remain parted. A pale green flash of skin was visible as the young fawn crowned and she felt the bulk of that young body holding her cervix open painfully wide. It was too much! She couldn't possibly handle any more, but there was nothing she could to stop it.

She pushed back and let out an ear splitting bleat as she clenched the powerful muscles of her birthing canal down around the young form. The force made the cervine body to push steadily from her passage. As the upper body slipped free the tendrils coiled itself beneath to cradle the young form. Rather than looking like a human infant, the upper body looked more deer like then elven. All the way to a slight muzzle and pale green fur that was slicked down against the chest and arms that ended in hoof like hands.

The internal muscles closed down and put more pressure around the fawn. She could feel the legs shifting and hitting against her passage while her haunches curled downwards. The Tree never faltered in its grip against her hind legs. Though at this point she was thankful they were kept spread as she felt her outer lips being strained open around the fore shoulders of the fawn. The widest point held her open until she was sure that she couldn't take it, she was going to tear, it would break her. She flattened her ears against her head and cried out before there was a final spasm of her walls.

The pressure grew until she was afraid she was going to be turn in two. Her vine held hind legs stretched out and quivered as the felt the shoulders slip free from her stretched outer walls. There was a rush of slickness against her tail as the small wet furred creature came free of its dam's body. So young it looked more corvine then centaur, with broad expressive eyes that blinked at the bright light. The long legs tangled beneath it while Tenja turned her head and felt a tremor run through her. This was not like the Samebito, here was proof positive she had been bred and bred successfully by the great Tree.

For a moment the world trembled and she flicked her ears back weakly. It was if a great bell had sounded in her mind, it tolled not with the sorrow of a mourning bell. It rang out a clear note of joy. It came from everywhere and nowhere, her ears and her mind. The moss that she was laid out on stirred and blossomed out hundreds of tiny violet flowers in a strange rippling wave. The tendrils released her hind legs and started to twine themselves around the young fawn while she watched. They were oddly tender as they helped the wobbly legged thing get her bearing and her legs splayed out wide on her first steps.

:TENJA!: The voice erupted in her mind past the tolling of the bell. Her ears went down flat and she winced before fire erupted around her entire body. She bleated out in fear as it encased her form and for a moment she saw the incredibly bright eyes of the Salamander regarding her.


Yggdrasil snapped his tendrils too slowly when the Salamander appeared above his lovely dryad. The fire rose up and drove him back as he let out a soundless cry of anger and sorrow at seeing her snatched from him. Did he still have other Tree's with which to connect to he could have chased after her, but as his days of glory had faded he was left alone. Still he strained after her until a weak bleat brought him back to the present. The new life pulsed in his mind's eye. Strong and young, she would grow well in the shade of his trunk.

She would prosper in his forest where he could protect her. He kept his vines around the fawn as she hesitantly nibbled up the flowers that had bloomed beneath her. He would have luck this time, he would not so easily ignore the gift that he had been given. He could only hope that the lovely dryad who had sought him would fare well, she carried his seeds. And through them perhaps he would once more stretch his consciousness out into the world. He would see her well and give her what protection he could for the gift she had offered him.


Tenja stumbled and her hooves clattered on the stone beneath her hooves. Her stomach ached and her body was strained past all reason. Even while she stumbled she became aware of Illthar's form striding to her and she gave up trying to stay on four legs. Her hind legs splayed wide showing the slick inner haunches before she dropped down to the ground with a groan. She had only a few moments to see the Salamander staring at her before his form faded into flames to let the Mage past to reach her. What had he done? One moment she was laying upon the ground beside the tree and the next here. The world seemed to refuse to focus.

"Shhh, shhh, Tenja. Shh. It is alright, you are back here now." The Mage's voice was deep and soothing as his hand rested on the side of her furred chest.

She opened one eye to glare at him and parted her lips to snap a retort when her stomach rippled with another contraction. Fear flared inside of her, was she going to give birth again? The pain that was so recent made her tremble as the mage's hand stroked along her fur. She wanted to snarl at him to leave her alone, she didn't want anyone or anything to see what had happened to her, what had become of her! The very idea sent a stab of humiliation through her that made her cheeks darken in a hot flush and she drew in a shuddering breath.

"Go...way.." She panted out, trying for a snarl.

"I cannot, you can push the seeds out of you, Tenja, but you are weak and stressed. It will hurt for you to try and force them out properly." Illthar's voice was entirely too reasonable and she twisted her lips back in a silent snarl. "I can help you as I did with your eggs."

"NO!" She got the word out immediately and tensed up as another spasm ran along her stomach. Higher up then her womb. Her ovaries were trying to ovulate, but instead of one single tiny egg, they were seeds the size of the ovaries themselves.

"I am sorry, Tenja." The words made her twitch and she tried to kick her legs back as his hand stroked along her haunch. "Please, hold still. It will be faster."

"He speaks the truth, little thief. It would be a bad bargain indeed if you died here trying to push out eggs for the sake of your pride." Rufus' voice was mild, almost rebuking her and she thinned her lips down in a frown.

The Mage did not wait for her to say yes or no, instead he moved his hand down to lightly push her tail up from her back. The fingers were gentle, or at least they tried to be, but she hurt so soon after giving birth. When they ran lightly over her folds she bleated and her fore legs scrambled against the ground in shock. The gentle touch started to grow more probing as she felt the fingers run up and down her folds and then press forward. Already stretched and strained from the fawn her folds yawned open around the fingers that formed a wedge when joined with the thumb.

They opened up wider and wider as she let out short frantic bleats and her eyes bulged slightly. Although she had already been prepped by the tree the shock at feeling something pushing in made her body clench down. Contractions ran along her channel trying to expel the fingers and the Mage's other hand moved down to brace himself against her hindquarters. A tear rolled down her face as she felt the folds yawning wider and wider around his fingers until she was opened up right around his knuckles. Something inside of her gave out when she felt the apex of his fist and she let out a bleating cry.

"Stop! Please...Stop!!" Her words didn't move the Mage to stop what he was doing.

Her ovary contracted and her fallopian tube was stretched open as something hard and rough was forced into that too thin duct. It was brutally forcing places that should never feel something so large to snap around it and push its way towards her womb. Her walls dimly felt the mages wrist being pushed against her folds as he continued to penetrate her. Instead she scrabbled her hooves against the ground trying to pull herself away. Her cries growing louder and more desperate as the force of the penetration continued. It mingled with the pain as the seed was squeezed and pushed down the duct and scrapped sensitive tissues raw in its passage.

A massive paw suddenly pushed down against her side as she tried to heave herself up and she found herself staring into the size-changed Salamander as he kept her pinned. She sobbed out and let out a gasping noise of relief when the seed was pushed out of the tract and into her emptied uterus. Any chance for relaxation was taken away when her second ovary started to contract and squeeze brutally around the foreign object lodged inside of her.

"Most dryads would only take seed or fawn, not both. It is not normally so painful." Rufus' voice was unruffled as he peered down at the tear streaked dryad's face.

Illthar's hand pushed up while his arm started to creep along her passage. Her body forced to swallow the inches as she shrieked out when the second seed was forcefully expelled from the trembling doe's ovary. It forced the duct to snap around it as tight as a glove. The rough texture abrading her as the Mage added to her torment. She pushed and struggled against the Salamander's large forepaw as the hand started to push itself up against her cervix. She felt it opening up slowly and steadily as it had in the forest. Except now she was being stretched inwards rather then having something trying to escape.

The Mage spoke in a deep calm tone, his words were meaningless to the frantic Tenja though. All she knew was that she hurt and ached. Her fallopian tube was being scraped and forced to contract down around the too large seed. Fingers stroked inside of her womb before she felt his fingers fist around something and a soft noise of satisfaction came from him. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the hand pulling backwards and bulging out her cervix. Now gripping what could only have been the first seed.

The second seed kept her from doing much more then breathing out shallowly and trying to jerk her hips back from the procedure. It was making her stomach cramp up in pain far worse than the simple contractions from the fawn. Instead she was clenching and pushing around the arm as it pulled and tried to retreat. Each contraction like pain that forced the second seed closer to her womb forced the arm out as well. All the way until she felt a lewd popping when the fist pulled free from her cervix and the Mage's hand drifted to grip against her haunch as he pulled backwards.

Tenja was beyond feeling embarrassment. She could hear the wet splatter from her own outer walls as the Mage pulled free. Her entire body was locked in trying to expel the seed from where it did not belong. She arched her back and her eyes snapped open wide as the seed was pushed up close against the opening of the duct. She drew in a breath only to squeal it out raggedly as she clenched down her walls entirely trying to force it just that much further. The Mage's fist pulled against her outer lips, puffing them out as her body forced him out of her.

Just before the clenched fist left her body though she felt a sudden wave of relief as the seed pushed its way out of her sore tract. Her body shown with a gleam of sweat, her cheeks streaked with tears and face reddened from the effort as she dropped back for a moment and panted. She could even hear the light clicking noise as her legs trembled in exhaustion. Rufus did not lift his paw, instead he peered down at her from those bright blue-white eyes and then back at the Mage again. She heard the clack of something heavy being set down on the stone.

"The other, Mage. I gave my word, the first will be gifted to her family." At least the beast remembered his words.

"Aye, I know." The Mage almost snapped the answer back, "Easy Tenja, the worst is over. You have one more seed left."

The second part was meant to be comforting, but it wasn't. Her body was exhausted, she didn't want to move, she didn't want to get up. She wanted to pass out. Yet through that exhaustion her body refused to let her have even that small relief. Her uterine walls contracted around the seed and she let out a weak cry as they forced it right up against her sore and abused cervix. The mage kept his hand against her haunch and moved to stroke her folds again. She let out a cry and kicked her hind legs out almost violently.

"Don't touch me!" She tried to push up only to feel Rufus pushing harder and a venomous hiss spilling from his lips in warning.

The Mage's touch didn't go away, instead he forced her walls to once again wrap around her fingers as her body clenched down. He had to struggle against the way she'd contract and push around him to try and keep him from sliding deeper. The knuckles were the worst. They pushed up against her folds and forced them in on themselves and stretched her almost to the point of it being unbearable. She drew in a ragged breath and pushed harder around his fingers as his knuckles meshed her lips in and then forced her to yawn open around them.

Though the pushing also had the effect of forcing the seed in harder against her cervix and she could feel it bow outwards. The slender opening already so abused was forced to wrap around the rough texture of the seed. It scraped against her flesh until she forced herself to relax and her legs stretched out and held stiff to her side. The seed was lodged inside of her cervix, painfully stretched and she started to hyperventilate. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, dreading to feel the pain again but wanting the pressure gone.

The hand pushed deeper into her body, it rubbed and stroked places that ached and hurt. As she held still she could even admit to herself that it started to almost feel soothing to her abused body. Her walls spasmed in reaction as the knuckles grazed along inside of her and she let out a whimper. The movement jostled the egg and started to push around it again. Each groove, each bump, was a new pain that flashed through her body. Another one she had to live through. Another one she had to try to deal with. Just when she was sure that she was about to pass out she felt the mage brush his fingers against the seed.

"Brace yourself girl, I cannot protect you with my hand to pull it out until it's past your cervix." The Mage's voice was almost rough and she blanched a little at the words.

For a moment all the world was pain, red hot pain that flashed through her body as the Mage gripped the seed and pulled it from her cervix. He had tried to rip it fast as if it were a bandage stuck to a wound. Faster was better. She opened her lips and her scream was soundless as she felt the rough seed tear along the channel of her cervix and his hands wrap around it. Finally protecting her as her clenching and contracting walls forced him from her. For a moment all she knew was that she hurt and the feel of the smooth human skin stroking along her passage. She blinked up at Rufus who's head was turned away and slowly sank down into unconsciousness. Blessed, painless, unconsciousness.

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