A furry world - Part 10 New Beginnings

Story by Chakat Firestar on SoFurry

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We were on our way home and even though it was only noon I was dead tired. Most of the morning was spent on filling out forms for our new place and making arrangements for Sarah.

"Are you ok lupus?" said Laika holding my hand.

"Yes I'm ok" I said smiling "just a bit tired who knew signing forms can be so tiring".

Laika giggle and gave me a kiss which filled me with new energy and as we broke the kiss I looked into the eyes of my future mate and couldn't help myself from grinning broadly. I don't like to fight with others but the fight Laika and I had gave me the final push I needed and I finally asked her to be my mate.

"And that big grin" asked Laika touching my forehead "are you getting sick?"

"No I'm alright just wondering what are wedding will be like and then the image of me tripping over my own paws leapt into my mind" I said chuckling

Laika shook her head smiling "you still need to make up your mind. Do you want a normal wedding or do you want to try a chakat matting ritual".

For a moment images of us both in brides dresses, the two of us exchanging arm band and her father giving her away raced through my mind then I saw the black cloud that could ruin it. My family.

"I think it will be best if we leave it till after we move to the new place it's all going to be a bit hectic" I said focusing hard to not broadcast my worry at her.

When we got home we were greeted with congratulations and the three of us were confused about how they found out until Kristy told us that Cornè who was visiting at his new 'friend' had called and told them the news. They had prepared a party for us and I decided to tell them tomorrow about us leaving.

"Your moving out? Why?" said Alex as soon as I finished telling them about the new arrangements. Kristy had frozen in the middle of clearing the table after breakfast and was still holding a plate in midair.

"I told. They asked me to help this chakat Sarah but shi will need to move in with us and there is no more room here for another taur" I said my looking at my last piece of bacon kinda hoping it would start dancing to distract everyone.

"I knew this day would come" said Kristy finally putting the plate down and walking over to me putting her hand on my shoulder "I knew since the first day you came here looking for a place to stay you wouldn't stay to long you can't be comfortable in such a small place"

I looked up at her my eyes brimming with tears fighting to be free and with a choked voice all I could say was "Thank you".

The two weeks flew by and before I knew it I was standing in my old room all signs of me having lived there gone. All my and Laika's stuff had been loaded into a small van and Alex helped me move both bedsteads back.

The farewell was a happy sad one. Leaving our friends was hard and we took as much time as we could saying goodbye before we got into the van and drove off.

The ride wasn't too long a soon we stopped in front of a brand new building and the three of us got out and stood at the entrance.

I looked up at the four story building and then to my family.

"We have new place, I have a new mate and a new challenge now is the time for a new beginning for me and for all of us" I said holding my love and my sister in my arms

A furry world - Part 11 Just Take Small Steps and a Big Leap

Dear Mom We have moved into a new place and it's a lot bigger than our rooms at Kristy's but not much of a view since they are still building. We have a new chakat living with us and before you start thinking bad things keep reading. Shi is having...

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A furry world - Part 9 I Didn’t Want To Be This!

"Let's go talk in one of the other rooms" said Stripetail pulling my arm a little and closing the door behind us and leading me to one of the other rooms down the hall. Shi sat down on hir haunches and I did the same. Shi raised hir head and spoke...

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A furry world - Part 8 The Humans Are Coming

"Wha... what do you want?" I said sleepily batting at the hand shaking me awake. "The facility commander wants to see you" said the familiar voice of Stripes. "Ok ok just give me a minute" I said getting up carefully trying not to wake Laika and...

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