Quinn's Farm: Chapter 11 - New slaves arrive

Story by Skipai on SoFurry

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#33 of 1998-2019 Stories

Cast:Quinn - OtterJack

Cast :

Quinn - Otter

Jack - Rat

Jimzo - Cheetah

Benny - Bear

Mick - Monkey

Humjo - Gorilla

Author's Note : This story contains gay sexual scenes with some non-consensual sexual acts. If you do not agree or are legally allowed to read such material then stop now. If there are any keywords you do not agree with then please stop reading now.


The sun was shining over Quinn's Farm as all four were standing near the edge of the wall as they watched over the field. Jack smiled as he watched Hickjo swat a bunny on the rear and run off. "Ah, glad we managed to name him." Quinn nodded his head as he turned his head to where Jack was. "So, did you get word back from Jim on how Timmy was getting along?"

Jack nodded his head. "Aye, I got a letter from him yesterday, seems earlier this week he had his first encounter with Javo, another brother of ours." Jack smiled. "Seems that they come up with an idea to have a clan session, let everyone get introduced to Timmy and have fun."

Benny chuckled. "Can Timmy take that, I've heard you rodents have some really wild parties when it comes to clan sex parties?" Jack nodded his head as he rubbed a hand over the side of his head and flicked a bee on its way. "Oh I think he'll survive. It's not like he be doing the fucking really, though I don't think he walk for a week afterwards."

Jimzo sighed happily. "So is this a closed session or can anyone be invited?" Jack shook his head. "It's a closed session but if you want rodent action..." He gave Jimzo and Benny a smile. "Just ask and well I'll be happy to oblige..." Jack paused and looked at Quinn. "If you don't mind that is?" Quinn laughed heartedly as he grabbed hold of his belly. "Seriously I like you all to enjoy yourselves, so knock yourself out."

Jimzo gave Benny a wink as he nodded which left Jack staring at the two. Quinn pushed himself off the wall as he spoke. "Okay, work time, the new slaves are here. Best get to your posts." Benny, Jack and Jimzo nodded and walked off to the barn as Quinn stood there and saw the truck pull into the yard and came to a stop. As Quinn walked up to the truck, he saw Mick climb out a gorilla hopped out from the other side. Mick walked up to Quinn and gave him a tight hug. "It's nice to see you again."

Quinn smiled as he saw Mick lean in and planted a kiss on the otter's lips. Quinn smiled as he kissed Mick back. "So how was the journey?" Mick shrugged his shoulders. "Hell, was some sort of accident on the road, hence we're a bit late but we're here now." Mick looked about. "So, where are the others? Where's Jack?" Quinn pointed a webbed thumb in the direction of the barn. "They're in there to help put the slaves through the process. I thought me and you could go inside for a cup of tea and a chat." Quinn paused as he looked at the gorilla. "So who's the muscle?"

Mick smiled as he replied. "This is Humjo, you didn't see him at the farm the last time you were about as he was busy elsewhere." Mick wrapped his arm about Quinn's neck and leant in. "We've been having some problems on the road during deliveries. I had to hire someone who knew how to do protection, you see. For some reason there's some group that actually listens to those whacked out human calls to our radio stations. I'm surprised our leaders actually allow it though. Sooner they cut off all communication to that part of the world and stop them contacting us the better."

Quinn nodded as he slowly walked with Mick to the back of the truck where Humjo, jumped up and opened the back door of the truck and hopped back down again before he spoke in a heavy based voice. "Okay, you lot, get out." Mick smiled as the slaves hopped out onto the yard as Quinn saw Benny walk back across the yard and looked at Quinn who nodded his head as he waited until all of them were standing there in the yard naked.

Breaking from Micks hold, Quinn walked about them with a thoughtful look and then spoke. "You're one step away now from being own and perhaps if you're really lucky to earn the right of citizenship, that's if you do earn it. Some of us are born into it, you though are not." Quinn placed his paws to the back and looked at each one slowly as he spoke. "I run an easy going farm for you, you're free to do pretty much as you've done at the breeding farm you've just left but I will stamp down hard on anyone that gives me or any of my staff or guests. I won't hesitate to either send you back to Mick who I know you know what he would do. Or I will send you to our army so they can practise killing on you or I'll send you to one of our food processing plants to feed the citizenships and some slaves. Do you understand?"

Quinn saw the entire group of slaves nod their heads as they spoke out at the exact same time. "Yes sir!" Quinn held up a paw and smiled. "Thank you, now if you be so kind and follow Benny here." The otter pointed to the bear. "Then you will be processed, given a name and then if you have been good and make the process go quickly, should be able to meet the others out on the field. I'm sure they will be happy to give you that famous slaves welcome by doing the cock shake in your rear or mouth for you."

Mick chuckled as he looked towards the field as he turned his head to Humjo. "If Benny here doesn't mind, could you go help them out." Benny smiled as he looked at the gorilla. "Oh I don't think I mind. Come and I show you how we do things from here on in." Humjo walked up to Benny and held out his hand. "Thank you. I'm rather interested to see what goes on here, never been to the farms that sold slaves before. I only looked after them and all with the others as they were growing up."

The slaves followed Benny and Humjo towards the barn as Quinn turned around and walked up to Mick. "Do you think Humjo will be able talk Benny around from quitting, he's a great person and I rather not want to lose him, you know." Mick smiled as he slipped his arm around Quinn's and replied back. "We will only know when it had played out, now what about that cup of tea?" Quinn nodded as he and Mick walked towards the farm house and headed inside.


Jack watched as the slaves began to come into the barn after Benny and Humjo. Jack looked at Jimzo who was whistling softly. "Wow, don't think I want to meet him in a dark alley." The cheetah gave a shudder as he smiled at Benny and Humjo as they stopped in front of them. Benny spoke. "Jack, this is Humjo." Jack held out his rat hand and shook the much larger hand of the gorilla. "Please to see you mate. Hope you have a good time here." Benny chuckled as he turned to face Jimzo. "And this is our resident cool cat, Jimzo." Jimzo smiled as he held out his paw and shook the large hand of the gorilla. "Welcome."

Jack moved away to the side as he called out. "Right, I want you all to form a line, starting right here." The rat pointed out with his finger where he wanted the line to start.." Benny explained things to Humjo. "Not that we don't trust you but everything has to be checked and doubled checked by those that have decided." Benny smiled as he continued to talk. "We have to medically check them, see that they're clean and wash them so that on their way over here they haven't brought anything like fleas or the like that would ruin the current stock."

Humjo nodded. "Aye, that is perfectly understandable. May I help with a station?" Benny nodded. "Which would you like to do?" Humjo replied back. "Don't think this is a stereotype or anything but I am not exactly part of the crowd so I share my station with one of you. I think I take on the check for flea's station."

Jimzo smiled. "Then you're with me then." The cheetah purred softly. "We're the first in the queue so we wait here." Benny nodded. "I'm the second and will be washing and drying them, even if they don't need it, just to be sure." Jack piped in. "And I be checking them all over to check on their quality and if passed they will be split into two groups, though hopefully they all be in the same one to go out to the field. After we've filled in the paperwork, taken a photograph and named them.

Benny spoke out now. "Okay, let's get started!" As everyone moved off to their posts the first one in the queue stepped up and looked up to the larger bear and cheetah in front of him as Benny and Humjo looked down at the white rat. Slowly Humjo pulled the white rat to him as he began to run his fingers all over the rat's body as he looked for signs of fleas and anything else.


Inside of the farm house, Quinn was pouring hot water into the teapot as he replied back to Mick's question. "Well, you know all about what happened with Jhavs right?" The otter turned around and placed the teapot into the middle of the table and sat down into a chair beside Mick.

Mick nodded his head. "I've heard things, yes. But I think I would've done the same thing in letting him take that wolf though, stealing from another is a really nasty law to break. We don't do it." The monkey rested his hands on top of the table and sighed. "We're slowly turning into them though, we've managed to have our own ways and customs, this being one of them." Mick said as he looked out of the window though even as he couldn't see the field from his current position, Quinn knew what he was hinting at. "We've somehow managed over a long time to pick up other habits. It's not about how is fittest and should survive anymore but some think they can get around that by doing unspeakable things."

Quinn nodded as he picked up the teapot and poured two mugs of tea before he handed one mug over as Mick took it with a nod and Quinn replied back as he wrapped his webbed paws around the hot mug. "It'll probably be a phased, thankfully it's only one or two and it's still rare thing to happen. They're usually found and dealt with." Mick nodded as he took a sip of the hot tea. "I know, sorry for being a bit down."

Quinn wrapped an arm about the monkey and chrr'ed. "That's okay, anything you want to do to cheer up or relax?" Mick paused as he looked into his tea and nodded. Quinn got up from his chair and slowly walked behind where Mick was sitting and placed his webbed paws onto his shoulders and smiled. He gently rubbed the shoulders until he heard Mick sigh softly and then he stopped and moved to the side as his webbed paw took the hand of the monkey and pulled him up. "Come on let's do something to forget about the problems of the world."


Back in the barn, Benny was busy washing a tiger under the cold shower. The tiger smiled and looked to be enjoying it as Benny rubbed soap all over the tiger's chest and belly, his large fingers slipping down to the sheath as he rubbed it softly, feeling it twitch a bit under his fingers as he pulled it down and allowed the water to run over the half erect feline cock and made sure he was careful of the spikes at the head.

Jack was checking the first customer out as he looked into the rat's ear and slowly ran his fingers over as he turned the rat around and spoke. "Open your mouth and stick your tongue out." The white rat nodded his head as he stuck his tongue out and Jack carefully took hold of it and inspected it carefully before he lifted it up and checked underneath. "Okay, put your tongue in but keep your mouth open." Jack ordered as he pulled the rat's lips down and inspected the teeth.


Quinn slowly walked into the bedroom with Mick holding onto his paw as he smiled. "My, should come more often if you treat your guests like this?" Quinn smiled and turned around to give the monkey a hug. "Well, it's my clan way. We're a very friendly bunch and stick to the old ways. If a visitor comes we have to treat them well." Mick smiled as he kissed the otter on the lips. "Mmm, yes, just as it should be." Slowly Quinn moved his paws up to begin undressing the monkey's shirt as he unbuttons it to see the thick black hair underneath. Slowly he walked around the monkey and helped to pull it away from the arms as he chrrs softly.

Mick returned the favour, his black fingers undoing the buttons easily and quickly as he leant in and kissed the otter again on the muzzle while smiling softly back. Both looked at each other in the eyes for a few seconds until the monkey slipped around and helped to pull the shirt off and dropped it to the floor. Without moving from behind Quinn, Mick slipped his arms around the otter's waist as he slowly worked the belt loose and whispered. "I know we wear clothes to prove we're better than them but I wish we thought up a better way and stayed naked."

Quinn chrr'd softly. "Hmm, perhaps we should send a suggestion to our leaders on thinking of something else. May help to distance our ways with the humans?" Mick nodded as he slowly unbuttons the jeans and pulled down the zip. "But what about me, I'm more like them though. Perhaps they'll decide that we don't belong here?"

Quinn felt his jeans being pulled down and frowned. "They wouldn't dare, you chose to be on our side, and all of you other apes did. We respect that as you respect our ways..." Quinn stepped out of his jeans and turned around as he looked at Mick. "Besides I'd lose a good business colleague and more importantly a friend."

Quinn knelt down as he felt the hand of Mick resting on his head and gently the fingers stroked the otter's thick fur as Mick blushed. "You're a good friend to me as well, Quinn." The otter slowly unbuckled the belt and then unbuttoning the button, he worked the jeans down as he blushed. "You don't wear underwear?" The otter now looking at a placid but large pink cock as Mick grinned. "No, thinking of secretly removing my clothes until the day we can all walk about naked. Slaves have it you know."

Quinn got back up onto this feet and quickly removed his y-fronts as they both stood facing each other naked as Mick lifted up a hand as Quinn took it and slowly they moved onto the bed and slid up until their elbows rested on the plump pillows. Mick reached over and brushed his hand over the otter's cheek as the otter leant closer and nuzzled the monkey gently. Mick chuckled a bit as his face scrunched up as he felt the whiskers brush over his bare cheek skin.

Gently they both turned their heads to look into each other eyes, the otter staring into the soft eyes of Micks as Mick stared back into Quinn's before they slowly pressed their lips together and deep kissed. Mick slid his arm over and began to run his fingers over the thick otter fur as Quinn murred deeply into the kiss as their tongues wrestled with each other.

Slowly Mick fingers slipped down until he felt the erect otter cock and slipped his fingers around the moist shaft and began to stroke it up and down, which made Quinn break the kiss with a groan. Quinn not wanting to not share, slid his own webbed paw as he felt around the semi-hard cock, feeling the loose forehead skin as he rubbed it about within his fingers as the monkey groaned and felt his cock harden to its fullest size.

Quinn smiled as he kissed Mick on the lips again gently. "So, who is going to do what?" Mick blushed as he fondled the otter cock and replied back. "Can you take me?" He said softly as he smiled more as Quinn nodded. Mick laid more onto his back as Quinn shifted about until he was over the top of him, looking down with a playful grin on his muzzle. "You sure?" Mick nodded as his rear lifted up and Quinn looked down to see the firm monkey rear and slowly he ran his cock head along the cleft, feeling it shift into it as it left thick otter pre.

Mick slowly lifted his legs and as Quinn found the spot, he felt the otter cock begin to press against his rear opening, the anal ring parting open as Quinn felt his cock sink into the tight hot inners as Mick wrapped his legs about the waist of the otter and gasped loudly, screeching with the loud chirrps Quinn gave out with his wide open muzzle."

Quinn cock poked deeper and deeper as he finally felt his groin press against the monkey's rear and slowly he lifted his hips and thrusted hard as he pressed his groin into the bottom. Slowly he moved his paws up and gripped them around the shoulders of the monkey as he gritted his teeth, the otter hips moved in and out forcefully as the bed springs groaned until the sudden movements. Mick used one hand as he wrapped it around his own cock, pre spurting out onto Quinn's belly fur and his own and began to stroke it in earnest as he kissed the otter deeply, tongues exchanging their fluids.

Micks cock head slipped in and out of its foreskin the head spurting out pre as he felt the thick otter cock slam into his ass as he groaned out noisily, the bed springs groaning all around him as he continued to slink his tongue over the sharp otter teeth. Quinn was busy feeling around the weird teeth that the monkey had as he broke the kiss as his cock throbbed and spurted thick ropes of otter semen deep within the monkey's bowels as Mick screeched and felt his cock shoot out his own cum all over his and Quinn's belly and chest fur.

Slowly both began to slow down and Quinn collapsed on top of Mick as the monkey pulled out his white cum covered hand and hugged the otter with both his arms and his legs, kissing the otter's side of the head gently as he moaned as he felt the otter nibbling and licking his large furless ears. "Quinn..." Mick said after a while, softly. "Glad you're my friend..." Quinn smiled as he kissed Mick on the ear. "Glad you're my friend as well."


It was several hours before Jack, Humjo, Jimzo and Benny had gone through all of the slaves who were all standing in one group as they took a rest. Benny was next to Jack who had his hand slipped into the bear's shirt and rubbing the large belly while Benny was leaning his head down and kissing Jack on the top of the head. "Glad that's over with..." Benny said as he ruffled Jack's head fur in between his ears.

Jimzo was a bit more forthcoming as he had his paw down the pants of Humjo and his furred fingers were playing with a very large thick gorilla cock. "Aye..." Humjo smiled as he took a card from his pocket and handed it to Jimzo. "Mind if I end this, need to have a chat with Benny." Jimzo nodded as he pulled out his wet paw and took the card before placing it into his pocket.

Benny blinked and nodded his head. "Oh okay. You okay with it Jack?" Jack nodded as he watched them move to where the slaves are and Benny said. "You may as well follow us to the field. Come on." As Benny and Humjo walked out, Jimzo slinked up alongside Jack as he sniffed his paw. "Damn, all horny now." Jack looked about and grabbed the arm of Jimzo as he grinned. "Come on..."

Jimzo blinked as he was dragged by the rat who pointed up the ladder at the far back of the barn to where hay was stored. "Let them have their talk, we can do more than talk." Jimzo smiled as he watched Jack slip up the ladder and watched the tight rat butt wiggle on his way up. "Hmm, that will do as well." The cheetah said as he gripped hold of the ladder rung and pulled himself up as well.


Humjo waited until they had all of the slaves into the field. Then they ran off to meet those that they have known seasons ago or recently and hugged as Benny turned to face the gorilla and spoke. "So what's all this about then?"

Humjo didn't speak at first as he looked about them. After a short while he spoke. "Are you going to miss this?" Benny shrugged as he looked about himself and found himself nodding. "I suppose so yeah." Benny turned around and leant on the wall. "I don't know what to do, I'm still fucked off over that Jhavs business but yet I enjoy my job here, it's not every day you can sink your cock into a slave or your co-worker." Humjo nodded as he turned around as well and watched the slaves. "So what would you do if you did leave?"

Benny closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. "Back to security work but that just means walking about empty buildings again without much company. I quit that mainly as I got depressed and applied for a place here."

Humjo placed a paw on Benny's back and patted it gently. "Friend, you need to take time away from here, I can tell that. But I don't think you would be happy if you actually left. I know you won't listen to anyone here that works as they're too close but would you take my advice?" Benny nodded his head as Humjo continued. "Then as soon as you can, speak to your boss and request a few weeks holiday. Go relax, wind down and I bet after you've done that you be ready to come back here again and it be something you like doing." Benny nodded as he watched the goings on in the field and he turned his heard around as he heard a very loud squeak coming from the barn as he laughed hard. "I see Jimzo has finally managed to get his spiked cock into Jack..." Humjo laughed as he heard Jimzo's voice come out from the small opening at the back of the barn that they couldn't see. "Oh come on, it's not that bad!"

Authors note : Quinn's Farm will be back in chapter 12, Quinn's quality milk