My Highschool Dream Love Part 2

Story by Tyrant Dragon on SoFurry

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I got up in the morning and had the usual run through. I was a little depressed cause I'm sensing that something is going to happen today. Something that will not go in my favor. My mom noticed that I was trouble. She was usually good at detecting that with me. I guess I made it too obvious.

"Is something wrong?" she said looking at me with a concerned look.

"No." I said, not saying that directly in her face.

"Look at me and say that." she said.

Dammit I thought. I turned my head and looked right at her.

"There is nothing bothering me." I said, kind of aggrevated for repeating myself.

"Hm..." she said, looking away. Meaning she believed me.

That was too close.... I thought, sighing in relief. I saw that she gave me a second glance, trying to detect anything. However, I was able to hide it enough that she didn't bring up the conversation again. When she dropped me off, I decided that I would ignore the fact for awhile and continue on with my day. Web Programming and Math went by quickly and I went on to my next class. On my way there, I met Chris. Oh shit... I thought to myself.

"You man, what's up?" he said, smiling widely.

"Nothing man, just going to class before I'm late." I replied.

"Before you go, what did you want to talk to me about?"

Shit I thought. I pulled him to the side so no one would hear us.

"Listen man, I have something to tell you." I said, my heart begining to pound.

"What is it?" he asked. I could see he was anxious to find out what it was.

"You need to promise me that you won't tell anyone. I've been keeping this a secret for some time now and I can't hold it in anymore. I need to tell someone. I know you're a close friend that's why I'm telling you first." I said, making everything clear.

"Sure, what's up? We're going to be late!" he said quickly.

The bell rang. I ran off shouting back,

"I tell you later!"

Thank god for the bell.... I thought to myself. I ran to my World History class. Before I knew it, the teacher was assigning the homework and the bell rang. I ran off, anxious to see my cutie for the first time of the day. Sure enough, he was there. Luckily, it was one of those situations where you bump into someone and you try to go around them and they end up going the same way you're trying to go. This happened three times before he just moved me to the side gently patting my back and smiling at me. I almost fainted right there. I got a good glimpse of his beutiful green eyes. Rare for a husky. I also was able to get a smell of the colone he was wearing. I was begining to get a hard-on right there. I wanted to jump on him and start to kiss him deeply. However, I knew he would go ballistic and probably beat me up. I walked to a water fountain and took a long drink so it can go back to hiding. I went to lunch and of course saw Billy there waiting. We ended up going to the same place as we did yesterday. The main conversation was about video games. We started hanging back and there was something bothering me. I have to tell him. I thought.

"Billy, I gotta tell you a secret of mine."

"What is it?" he asked, tilting his head towards me.

"I think I might be..." I said, hesitating on the final word.


"Bi." I said, becoming furiously red.

His eyes widened a little bit, which wasn't a surprised. However, his next response really shocked me.

"Dude, that's totally ok. I'm ok with you being bi. You're not attract to me-"

"No." I said quickly, cutting him off.

"Alright good." he responded.

I just wanted to hug him right there. So I did.

"You're one of the best friends I could have ever have. I really appreciate having a friend like you." I said.

"Dude, it's no problem, seriously." he said, smiling.

What a relief. I thought, Maybe that hunch that I had this morning was wrong... We got back to school and I ended up seeing Chris again. I told him the same thing I told Billy and he gave the same answer. Which also reallly shocked me. As usual, he asked the same question that billy asked as well. I gave the same answer.

Brad continued on with his day as usual and was looking foward to meeting someone. His friends wanted him to meet this girl that supposedly had the hots for him. They were supposed to meet at 1:30 and it was 1:25 now. Brad went to the spot that he was told to meet. He waited for awhile and at exactly 1:30 and he saw his friends walking towards him.

"Well, where is she?" Brad said, sounding anxious.

"She's coming, don't worry." one of his friends said while the others were grinning widely.

Brad didn't care about being late to class, so he decided to wait for this girl. After about five more minutes she arrived. Brad was instantly attracted to her. It was a female lion who simply looked beutiful to Brad. Or in the language Brad uses, "hot". She walked up to him slowly and smiled,

"Hey cutie." she said to Brad.

Brad couldn't hold it in anymore and just wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply. She was surprised from the sudden action at first but slowly relaxed after.

"Let's go sit by the gym, I'll ditch class." Brad said, taking her by the hand. They went to an area that's by the gym where you could sit down. He sat down first and she ended up sitting ontop of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and cuddled with her, kissing her neck softly.

I was on my way to my final class, gym. I slightly hurried because sometimes I could catch Brad sitting around. I hurried and I saw Brad alright. I saw Brad sitting with a girl in his lap. He was kissing the back of her neck and she was murring softly. I ran on, doing my best not to cry. However, some tears did get through and I think Brad saw them.

After gym, I went to tennis practice. Being able to play tennis with my friends sometimes relieves stress. After practice, my uncle took me home. I decided to hop into the shower since I wasn't smelling that great. Of course, there was something else that relieves stress as well. I started rubbing my sac softly to get started. I murred slowly as my member began to become erect. I decided not to think about Brad this time since he kind of disappointed me so I decided to think about someone else. One of my best's friends younger brother, Spiro. I guess you should know about him:

One of my other closest friends, Peter had a younger brother. Only twos year younger and a horse so it didn't seem that weird. I got to know Peter and his brother after my friendship with Mirzet died off. His younger brother was kind of cute as well. Every so often, we would be funny by acting gay and everyone would get a good laugh. However, after a period of time, we did more then just acting. Like Mirzet, we would joke fuck as well. Unlike Mirzet though, I was able to feel Spiro's member, through clothes of course, while we joke fucked. I enjoyed this a lot. This lasted longer than Mirzet did. However, one time at the salon my friend's parent's owns, we got a little more busy than that. His brother was getting a hair cut so we decided to sneak out into their back yard. In the back yard, they had this older shed that didn't belong to anyone anymore. So we decided to go with that. We went inside and I began feeling Spiro's upper body. Especially his nipples.

"You like my nipples?" I remember him saying to me.

"Fuck ya." I responded, continuing with my actions.

"Wanna suck them?" he said.

I nodded and he lifted up his shirt, revealing them. I leaned in and started sucking on the one. He moaned softly as I moved over to the other one and did the same. After a few minutes of doing that, we decided to start joke fucking. I was usually the dominant one, since I was slightly older so I got behind him and started fucking him, with only our boxes on. After a few minutes, I leaned into his ear and asked,

"Want me to give you a hand-job?"

He nodded slowly and I reached into his cock and started giving him a hand-job. He was moaning loudly from the pleasure. It didn't take him too long to orgasm. It went all over my hand. This was the first time I was able to taste cum. It tasted pretty good, in my opinion. This was the first time I was able to cum as well. My member rimmed his hole sometimes and this time it felt so good that I exploded in cum in my boxers. I didn't tell anyone about it though. Unfortunately though, he got more mature and we started doing it less and less. After awhile, we stopped doing it all. However, he was coming to the highschool I go to next year, so maybe I can start something up again with him.

This thought is what I used to ejaculate in the shower. It didn't take too long either. I really got turned on by this. I hoped out of the shower and dried off. I ate dinner and started doing my homework. I finished after awhile and decided to go to bed. Before slumber took over me I had one last thought go through me. I guess it's true what they say. Always go with your first hunch.

Well, there's part 2 for ya! Please leave comments! Your comments help me decide rather or not I should continue on with the series. It would be really appreciated. Thanks!