Chapter Four: The next day, Kevin’s Lass and Roderick’s call

Story by Tobias Woadpaw on SoFurry

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Chapter Four: The next day, Kevin's Lass and Roderick's call .

later in the day Tobi and Cody were curled up together on Tobi's couch in front of the TV . Tobi turned around in the husky's arms to look at him. "Cody how do you think your parents would react if we told them about us?".

As he looked at the fox Cody felt a frown start to form on his face. "To be honest hun, I don't think they would take it well at all." he heaved a sigh and continued. "They are very xenophobic when it comes to mixed couples and they are not too thrilled about gays for that matter. You remember yesterday when I told you my sister has not lived with us for a while?" Tobi nods his head but otherwise stays quiet. "well that's because my parents through her out when she was eighteen, because she refused to stop dating a wolf." The fox gasped wide eyed at this revelation. "Luckily her boyfriend's family took them in," said the husky. "They don't really acknowledge that she exists, I hope you can understand why I don't want to tell them right?" Tobi nods "Yea I understand if you don't want them to know then they won't!" . Cody gives toby a tight hug "Thanks hun you're the best!". They spent the rest of the day in each other's arms.

Tobi jumped out of bead hitting his alarm clock with a preemptive strike and a satisfied smile. It was Monday and soon he would be with Cody again. Five minutes later Tobi had showered run down the stairs and sat the table. His father looked up from his newspaper at him and cocked an eyebrow. "Down in record time I see." Roderick said.

Tobi looked up from his cereal which he was currently cramming into his mouth as fast as he could. Swallowing the latest clump of cereal he made a face at his dad. When he and Brian packed and left for the bus stop Roderick watched him go with a smile on his face as he recalled what he and his brothers were like at that age. With a surprised yelp he was jolted from his revere by the ringing of the phone. Shooting the guilty appliance a dirty look he swipes it off the hook.

" Macarthy residence what can I do for ya?" Roderick said crisply into the receiver. His eyes went wide and a boyish smile spread across his face. "Robert!! It's been way to long! How are you?."

On the bus Cody and Tobi were sitting together and talking about the weekends highlights hands held discreetly between them. As they talked Cody noticed that Tobi seemed to be worried about something. "Hey babe what's the matter? You ok?" Cody asked looking at his little fox with concern. Tobi looked up at him and sighed. "I am just worried, what if someone finds out about us? What if you parents find out? I don't want you to get kicked out of your house or worse sent to some "straight" camp somewhere! " he said with fear and sadness written on his face.

Cody looked at him in the eyes. "If something happens it happens." He said simply. "I won't let any fur come between you and me Tobi no matter what! If my parents find out I have a bolt bag in my room with a rope ladder that I can use to climb out the window. I can stay with my sister at her place if I need to." Cody took quick look around to see if anyone was looking then gave Tobi a quick kiss on the lips. "If anything I am more worried what would happen to you if people found out!" Cody said. Tobi squeezed his hand tighter and smiled. As they left the bus the two reluctantly let go of the others hand and went to their lockers and off to class. They met up again at lunch and sat at their usual table with John, Keith and Kevin. Tobi, Keith and Cody were deep in conversation. They were talking about the show Bones and the main characters Dr. Brennan a very logical and dead pan tabby cat and her FBI partner the gun-ho German shepherd Agent Booth. Cody felt some one tap his shoulder and looked over to see John looking curios.

"What's up?" Cody asked, John pointed over at the Kevin who looked like he was in a dream. "Is he ok?" chirped the otter some concern in his voice. Cody looked over at the gray wolf then at where his friend was gazing. Cody let out a chuckle and rolled his eyes. "Yea he is fine just in love." . The otter giggled "Which one is it?". The husky pointed over to a black cat with white paws and a silver ear cuff at the outer tip of each ear, dressed in a wide sleeve shirt that stopped at her slender stomach and tight jeans that showed off her curves to great effect.

Cody saw an peevish grin spread across Johns muzzle. "Well it's his lucky day Norah there happens to be one of my very good friends." The otter took out his cell phone and was about to text something but was stopped by Cody. "What are you going to do? He asked in a conspiratorial voice. John winked at him and quietly said "Just keep our wolf's eyes off her for a bit." And started to text.

Cody got was in mid conversation with Kevin when he felt a tap on the shoulder before he turned around he saw the wolfs eyes go wide and his jaw go slack. Looking over his shoulder he saw Norah standing behind him looking at the stunned wolf with a coy smile on her face. "Excuse me there husky mind if I cut in?" she purred. Cody got up smiling and looking over at John who was shaking with barely contained laughter. "Not at all!" he said and went over to sit next to Tobi.

At the end of lunch Norah and Kevin were walking side by side. By the end of the day they were going out on Friday.

Who was Roderick so happy to hear from? What will happen at the movies on Friday? Are Tobi's fears going to be realized? Find out on Sunday or Monday night in: The date, the bully and the sister!