Quinn's Farm: Chapter 13 - Ken's story, part 2

Story by Skipai on SoFurry

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#35 of 1998-2019 Stories

Cast:Ken - Black WolfMister Jh...

Cast :

Ken - Black Wolf

Mister Jhavs - Black Draft Horse

Qeeno - Zebra

Author's Note : This story contains gay sexual scenes with some non-consensual sexual acts. If you do not agree or are legally allowed to read such material then stop now. If there are any keywords you do not agree with then please stop reading now.


Jhavs walked into the dark room as he flicked the light on, it had been at least several weeks now since he had repeated his routine of sticking his cock up the wolf, placing the same size dildo he had made of is cock into him and then letting the tail hole recover by going back to normal. Slowly he had found that Ken wasn't complaining as much and inserting his cock was still tight but easier.

Ken woke up as soon as the lights came on as Jhavs walked around to the front and smiled. "Ah, good, you're awake." Ken nodded his head as he flattened his ears submissively which please Jhavs even more. "I think you're ready to come out now." Ken gave a sigh of relieve as he felt the large horse walk around him as he felt one of the shackles about his leg drop before it hung there and then as Jhavs unlocked the other one, he felt his body fall but Jhavs caught him by the waist and slowly walked forwards as he unlocked one of the wrists which made Ken whimper as he hung from one arm and then quickly Jhavs unlocked the last shackle and Ken fell to the dirty floor below.

Ken tried to move but he couldn't get up as Jhavs knelt down and smiled. "Sorry, but your muscles have pretty much got too weak so you need to build them up again if I allow it." Ken looked down as he rubbed his wrists with his paws anyways and Jhavs grabbed Ken, picked him up and using the fireman's technique got up and walked out of the dark room.

The first few moments were a blur to Ken as his eyes watered due to the sudden bright light that was all around him. He finally gave up and closed his eyes as he felt himself being shifted about as he slowly opened his eyes again. Ken looked about the spacious room with a large wall window as he noticed that he was sitting in the horses lap and that Jhavs was sitting there naked along with himself. Ken blushed as Jhavs spoke. "It's taken a while for you to go submissive on me but it's worth it, don't you think?"

Ken went to speak but nothing came out of his muzzle. Jhavs chuckled. "Ah for you to swear at me... That was the last thing you ever said if I recall. I got a friend to come in and cut your vocal cords so you can't speak ever again. Much better, don't you agree?" Ken nodded his head as he looked into Jhavs eyes and nuzzled the horses head with his own.

Jhavs smiled as he rubbed the wolf's side with his hand. "All those days of keeping you awake, torture, it's great when it breaks the mind, though you believe anything I tell you now, don't you?" Ken nodded as he lifted up his weak arm slowly and began to rub the horse's chest gently, fondling the nipple which made Jhavs groan slightly, his cock beginning to grow from its small sheath.

"You're still shit to me though, aren't you, a right fucking wimp?" Ken nodded his head as he listened to Jhavs as the horse continued. "Just my mare who I can fuck and abuse all I like, isn't that right?" Ken did nothing but nod his head as he felt the horse cock slowly flop onto his belly as it continued to grow in size. "And you're not to be fucked by anyone else, isn't that right?" Ken nodded as he slid his paw down to rub that thick horse cock head which made Jhavs shudder as pre began to flow from the tip. Jhavs turned his head around and with a hand; he turned the wolf's head towards him and kissed him on the muzzle gently. "You like being abused, don't you?" Ken nodded his head as he felt the tip of the cock reach the height of his chest, his paw rubbing up and down the shaft as pre oozed over the edge and down it.

Jhavs lifted up his other hand and grabbed hold of the nearest ear he could and yanked it as Ken shuddered though no noise came from his muzzle, unable to do so as Jhavs leant his head up and bit down on the other ear as a small trickle of blood formed and dripped down onto the head and down the side. "You want me to fuck you?" Jhavs asked as Ken nodded his head, his ear flicking about a bit as blood hit Jhavs in the face.

"Good decision, bitch..." Jhavs said as he lifted Ken up as his cock now fully erect, the wolf moved his tail to the side as he felt the thick head rest in between his butt cheeks and slowly his anal ring opened up as he felt the thick cock start to slip into him tightly, his insides being moved about and stretched as he slowly sank downwards. Ken's belly began to bulge from the size of the cock which he moved his paws down to rub at it which made Jhavs grown softly as the bulge got bigger, soon Ken started to pant as his rump cheeks touched the horses strong thighs and he rested back against the strong muscled torso.

Ken's cock slipped out as it leaked pre, the knot forming out quickly as he leant his head back a bit as he felt his lips around Jhavs who kissed his deeply, his hand slipped up to press against the back of the wolf's neck as he slipped his long tongue to the back of the wolf's muzzle and licked the back of the throat. Ken gagged but didn't squirm as he slowly felt the kiss ending as Jhavs pulled free with a smile. "Now, we're going to have a little fun, okay?"

Jhavs saw Ken nod as he saw Jhavs slowly lean to the side and grabbed a pair of furred handcuffs which had a strong rubber band wrapped in a soft non friction material. Slowly he placed the first hand cuff around the wrist and leant forwards, his cock pushed further into Ken who winced to the pain as he took quick deep breaths as Jhavs reached behind with his other one and quickly as he pulled and stretched the rubber band on the handcuff tightly, he snapped it around the other wrist as Ken with his weakened arms felt them snapping back around the side of the horse, stretched out as Jhavs smiled. "There, that's better..."

Ken blinked as Jhavs stood up, Ken impaled and trapped securely as his arms stopped him from falling forwards or to the sides as Jhavs smiled. "We're going for a run outside." Ken blinked as Jhavs walked across the room as he smiled, opened the door and stepped into the field where for the first time in weeks, Ken could sniff the fresh air and he panted enjoying it as he felt cooler, he licked his lips and then umph'd as Jhavs broke into a run, his cock now poking into Ken quick and fast, though with shallow thrusts as Ken rested his head to the side of Jhavs neck, his own cock bobbling about out of control as pre sprayed out everywhere onto the grass and flowers leaving a thin shiny substance in the sunlight.

Slowly Jhavs slowed down as he reached the end of the field and panted heavily, Ken still firmly trapped against the hot horse, the cock heating up the fox as he felt the bulge get bigger around his belly as pre oozed out into his intestines. Jhavs who had run about had looked down and muttered. "Hmm, I should've done something about your legs though. Never mind..." He walked about as he moved his hand around and wrapped it around the wolf cock and began to stroke it as he stopped and turned around and walked over to the hedge.

Jhavs had spotted Qeeno and he continued to walk over to the hedge and called out. "Hey, Qeeno, you wanted to see my new slave?" Qeeno who was a larger than Jhavs zebra, walked over as he smiled at the panting black wolf and he reached over and petted him on the head. "Oooh, he's cute, so can he take a horse cock then?"

"Yeah, he's actually sitting on it right now." Jhavs said as he took a step closer and Ken closed his eyes for a moment as he felt a sharp branch, small enough to slide into his cock as it made its way deeper into his cock that gripped around it and shuddered.. Another branch slowly began to poke against his balls as they started to ache in pain but Jhavs didn't care as he continued to talk to his friend. "But not sure if he can take yours though, you probably bust him up."

Ken panted heavily as he felt the pain in his cock and balls as Qeeno chuckled. "Would that be a bad thing?" Jhavs pondered and shrugged. "No, but then again I don't really care to be honest, this one is a temporary thing to abuse until I can buy a new pet which will be next week. You can take him then and do whatever you want with him if you want to kill him by fucking him if you want?"

With a sickening pop through the ball sac, the twig started to have blood leak down the bark as it dripped on the smaller leaves. Ken's breath increased as Qeeno chuckled. "It looks like something is wrong with him now." Jhavs pulled back and looked down as he saw a twig stuck into the cock as well as in the right side of the ball sac. Frowning he pulled the first twig out of the cock without any damage though Ken shivered from the pain and then he yanked the second twig out but it still leaked blood. Jhavs looked up and shrugged. "Ah well, I best get going but come around next week. I be busy training my new slave but this one you can do whatever the fuck you want with him, besides wolves aren't my thing but you don't throw away a freebie."

Qeeno nodded as he gave Ken another soft rub on the head and Jhavs spoke. "You're a worthless shit aren't you?" Ken nodded silently as Jhavs chuckled. "You want my friend here Qeeno to fuck you to death, right?" Ken nodded his head as Qeeno laughed. "Right, it's a date, call me when you want me to come over." Qeeno leant over the hedge and blew Ken a kiss. "Trust me, my dicks bigger than Jhavs and he hates me for it." Jhavs smiled. "Sometimes, but I like it up my ass, should do me this weekend as well, bring beer."

"Will do..." Qeeno said as he turned around and walked off, Jhavs smiled as he slowly walked back to the house of his. "Looks like my neighbour can't wait to get you around his cock, he likes to fuck things to death that aren't able to take his length, he's a sick bastard but he'll get you out of my hair." Ken just nodded as he felt the thick cock bounce up and down inside of him as the horse walked.

Jhavs paused outside of his home as he slowly pondered before he gripped hold of Ken's hips and lifted him up until his arms were pressed up against under the armpits and rammed the wolf down hard, his cock throbbing deep with him as Ken felt the thick cock slip in and out of his rear. Jhavs stopped and smiled as he slowly moved his hands back around to unclip the first handcuff as it shot and smacked into Ken's wrist as he opened his muzzle but nothing came out. Jhavs did the same to the other as he muttered. "I couldn't decide what to do with you but I do now, this will be painful..."

Jhavs made his way into the house again as he smiled and walked to where there was a cage, small rats moved along and sniffed as Jhavs smiled. "Aye, you know what rats are don't you Ken, the one that kicked you in the head and I ended up taking you on." Jhavs hand reached down and gave the wolf's balls a tight painful squeeze and Ken nodded his head. "Good, well I thought that since you have so little time left before being humped to death, you should at least let my pet rats have some fun as well, right?"

Jhavs laid Ken over the top of the cage which was screwed down to the table and smiled. "I adjusted it weeks ago to your height for this exact moment." He slowly pushed Ken forward with his hips as Ken looked down into the cage as he saw the rats sniff and move about at the bottom, one made its way up before it leant up and its claws scratched under the fur on the chest as blood dripped down on top of the rat who then started to lap it up.

Jhavs slowly took away a round plastic thin circular thing from the side of the cage as Ken felt his cock slowly pressing against something rubbery before it parted and gripped around his cock as it slipped into the cage itself, still leaking pre from the tip. Slowly his balls pressed against it and popped into the cage as well as Jhavs smiled as he ran his hand to the side and pressed down on a switch which made a circular lock tighten on the outside, locking Ken's dick and balls into the cage. "There we go."

Ken watched as he felt the rat on his chest jump up and used it's claws to grip to the bars as it poked his head through and bit down onto his fur and skin, breaking it as it lapped at the bleeding part while Jhavs smiled and pulled his cock out and thrusted it back in. Ken felt tears in his eyes as he opened his muzzle to only let out a silent exhale of air as he looked to where another rat slowly walked towards his cock which was leaking pre onto the cage floor. Slowly the rat sniffed at it as it spat pre onto its nose and the rat got up, rubbed itself and then placed his paws on top of it. Ken watched as the rat slowly clambered up, his paws slowly digging into the flesh as it started to hump into the moist hole and he tensed up in pain.

Another rat moved over and licked at the bleeding right side of the ball sac and then bit into it as it used its front paws to scratch at it as Jhavs just laughed as he thrusted his hips back and forth as he saw another rat attracted to the blood now coming from Kens cock and jumped onto it before biting into it. Ken clenched tightly around Jhavs cock more tightly as the horse moaned before he rammed his hips forwards and felt his cock swell and spurt his thick semen deep within the wolf who felt his belly swell before the anal ring stretched open more as horse cum splattered out.

Jhavs panted heavily as he slowly grabbed onto Ken's shouldered and lifted him up again to look over the shoulder at his pet rats, the one on top of the cave now denied access went down to where the others are scrambling over his cock and balls, which were bleeding freely now. Suddenly Ken felt his cock throb as the rat humping into the hole felt himself being soaked from wolf cum and ran away from it as the others followed.

Ken saw Jhavs lean down and unlocked as he pulled back and freed Ken's cock from the cage as he wrapped his hand around it while using the other one to secure the plastic holder onto the side again. Ken winced as he felt his cock being rubbed, the fingers irritating the cuts as he cried. Jhavs laughed. "There, that's better isn't it? That's the treatment sluts like you should get." Jhavs walked out of the room and opened the door to the dark chamber. "You won't see the outside again either, that's too good for you." Ken winced as Jhavs pulled out roughly and then he secured Ken back into his restraints as he lay there on his back in the air. Jhavs knelt down and smiled. "You really thought you would become a slave of mine, some no good thief? I've taken everything away from you, your dignity, your voice, even with your fighting spirit and mind." Ken slowly nodded his head as Jhavs laughed. "Get some sleep, huh?" Jhavs got up and left the room and with the closure of the door, Ken nodded his head in the darkness.


Authors note : Quinn's Farm, Chapter 14 is now up, it's viewable to members of Quinn's Farm group. Titled...: Quinn's Farm, Chapter 14: Timmy's Story, part 2.