Daddy's kitten Ch 3

Story by Jake Brian Purplecat on SoFurry


The following story has yiff in it, which you probably expected since I don't know how else you got to it other than a naughty website unless someone stole this story and posted it elsewhere (in that case fuck you stealing people). If you are under the age of 18 (or whatever the legal age of reading porn is where you are) then you should not read it because you'll get in trouble if you do. I know this won't stop anyone but at least i won't be held accountable (Yay)

Authors- Kiyoto Suzaka & Jake Brian Purplecat

Chapter 3

Through out the night the kitten would whimper and squirm in her bed still feeling the toy on her clit, even though it wasn't on it still aroused her to no end. Getting little sleep that night she remained in bed with the sheet on her head glad it was a Saturday but sad her father would have to work till later that night. Sighing she laid there waiting for him like always.

Drumming his fingers on his desk boredly he looked over at the photo of him and his daughter wondering if she got up yet. He was excited to get back home to tell her about the promotion he'd just got, but was stuck at work with nothing to do for the day. "Well, just because i've got nothing to do doesn't mean that she can't have a little fun." Smirking he reached into his pocket and turned on the vibrating bead putting it on the medium setting.

She had already went downstairs after being awake for a good hour to watch her favorite morning cartoon and eating the trademark cereal as she watched. As she was guzzling down another half bowl of milk she couldn't help but scream spilling a little on her as she felt the vibrator go off on her clit. "Nnn ha ahh w-wha!?" Blushing as she stopped her paws from going into her panties remembering what 'daddy' had said for her to do. Whimpering she laid on the couch opening her legs wide letting the toy do its job as it was bringing her close to cumming already, "Nnn haaa ahh..d-daddy..."

He purred to himself thinking about how the toy was effecting his little kitten. Grinning a little wider as he realized that even if she was up yet she must have been in the house still to watch cartoons, so he turned up the vibration to max.

Whimpering louder her legs had raised up revealing her little pantied butt to the open air, an evident wet spot on the crotch, if someone were to walk in, just lookign at her panties they would know what was up. "Nnngh s-stop stop please!" She screamed into the open room as her hips bucked and twisted ready to cum at any second, "Nnn please make it stop!"

"I wonder how far the IT guy is into setting up the computer..." Casually he set his watch's alarm for ten minutes to remind him to turn down the vibrator before getting up and heading towards what would soon be his new office.

Whimpering as her body twitched helplessly on the couch shaking even more. "Nnngh haa ahh haaaa!!! C-Cum...I-I'm gonna cum!!!" Screams cumming hard squirting a little into her panties and she cupped her pussy as if trying to stop it, her little nipples pushing against the thin white shirt, showing a little bit of pink through it.

After a while he sits back down at his desk, reaching in his pocekt to turn down the vibe not getting the chance when the alarm went off being in the middle of a conversation. "Oh sweet, it's nearly time for my lunch break. Think I'll go home for lunch today." Grins a little as he calls the house and waits for his kitten to pick up.

Pants laying on the couch limply after the orgasm as she still twitched. Hearing the phone she slowly sat up glad it was on an end table next to the couch, moving she crawled over to it picking it up and looks at the called ID, seeing the word 'Daddy' in plain letting her pussy gave another twitch as she was getting wet all over again. Whimpering she tried her best to sound as normal as possible, "H-Hello?" Softly whispered in a fake sleepy tone.

"Hello kitten, glad to see you're still home. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be coming home for lunch, so don't go anywhere ok?"

"Mmm y-yes daddy..." Whimpers after saying good byes and quickly stumbles upstairs to get changed.

Chuckles a little to himself, leaving the vibe on medium still as he gets into the car driving off for home. Pulling up and walking up towards the door he took his time before putting his paw in his pocket again and turning the toy off completely, grabbing his keys and walking inside. "Kitten, I'm home!"

She had been in her room riding out yet another orgasm, hearing the voice of her dad she quickly got out of bed fixing the little skirt down her legs and set off downstairs forgetting how flushed her face was. "W-Welcome home daddy! was work?" Looked up to him with her big adorable eyes as she pounces him lightly hugging him, the smell of her pussy juices evident in the air.

"It was alright kitten. Sounds like you've been up to something though, you hiding anything from me kitten?" He hugs her back, rubbing on her ear lightly looking down into her adorable eyes concernedly.

"No daddy! O-Of course not!" Shakes head mewing to him cutely as she slips right off him purirng happily at his ear rubbing, "Mmm what's for lunch today?" Smiles looking up to him.

"Does PB and J sound good to you?" Smiles back and rubs a little more before heading for the kitchen. "Oh, and I got the promotion today."

She nods purring and giggled skipping aorund him excitedly, "Yes yes yes!!! PB & J yaaaaaa!!" She followed him in then looked to him even more excited at the news, "Really!? Congrads daddy I told you you could do it!"

"Thanks for believing in me kitten. Hey, we should go out and celebrate!" He said making the sandwiches and handing one to her. "Watch a movie, eat somewhere really nice, doesn't that sound fun?"

"Y-Yeah can we daddy? Can we can we?!" Hops up and down nomming on the sandwich excitedly and happily smiled up to him with her big shining eyes.

Smiles back to her warmly, taking a bite of his own sandwich. "Of course. You wanna do that tonight?" He eats some more, wondering if she'd rather spend the night with daddy or 'daddy'.

"Um sure but can it be early? I promised Tenchi I'd help him finish a project later on..." Blushes twirling a lock of her hair, she wanted to spend as much time with her daddy as possible but needed to see 'daddy' to have him remove the vibrator as soon as possible.

"Can do, I'll pick you up first thing after I get off of work." Finishing off his lunch and leaning in kissing his daughter on the cheek. "I'll see you later, got to get back to work. By the time I drive back there my lunch break will probably be over."

"Awwww!" Pouts sadly following him to the door, "Please hurry back soon daddy..." Whimpers gently wanting him to stay a little longer. Soon waves as he drives off back to work and whimpers closing the door and goes to take a bath.

Getting back to his desk he groaned a little, hating being stuck there just for the sake of attendance. For the rest of the work day he played some solitare on the computer and every now and again turned the vibrator to random settings. When it was time to clock out he went to his car eagerly and drove back home.

Through out the day the kitten couldn't help but think of her daddy in such a naughty way, the vibrator helping her climax a few times and also feel frustrated hoping she didn't embarass herself that night while they went to dinner and movies. Seeing the time the kitten quickly rushed to her room and changed clothes getting ready for the evening, packing a slutty maid outfit in her school backpack so her dad can drop her off unknowingly for work that night. Once she got dressed in a short chinese dress with the thighs slit to show a little leg just for him she placed her hair in pigtail buns and a little makeup wanting to impress him. Soon she was down stairs and waiting on the couch for her daddy to arrive.

Walking in the door he smiled looking her over. "You look nice kitten. Almost like you're going out on a date or something." Smirking a little and kissing her cheek. "I feel like I need to go change out of my work clothes and into something nicer. Think I should?"

Blushing she flailed and whined at him, "D-Daddy!?!?" Her paws lightly whacked at his chest and arms blushing even more at his comment, "Urm urm...yes g-go change..."

Nodding he went up to his room and changed into a nice suit. Putting on some nice colougne before going back downstairs. "What do you think? Nice enough to go out on the town?"

Looking up to him she nearly fainted, "W-Wow daddy!? You look so handsome!?" Sniffing she purred and nuzzled into him wrapping her arms around his waist, "Mmmm and smell so good too tehehe!"

"Yep, now we both look nice enough to be going out on a date or something." He smirked as he teased her, cuddling back with her for a while. Then going out with her and watching a new romantic comedy in a theatre, afterwards driving out to a nice sitdown restaruant. Moving his paw into his pocket again as he got out and walked around the car to open her door, turning the toy on low.

Blushing she moved her feet a little bashful and rubs the back of her neck, "Daddy..." Once they left they watched one of the movies she wanted but was a little sad that she couldn't kiss daddy like she wanted to at the romantic scenes. On the way to the restaurant her body tensed at feeling of the toy begin to move on her clit and whimpers a little nervous and trying to contain herself, "Nnngh urm um...d-daddy w-which place are w-w-we going to?" Tries to make light converstaion to keep her mind off the toy teasing her clit, upset that she didn't wear panties that night so her juices were free to leak right down her legs.

"The nicest Italian restaruant in town kitten, I know you've been wanting to come here again." Smiles to her warmly as he looks her over quickly, knowing she'd be too busy trying to ignore the toy to notice wandering eyes.

Nods and softly mews to him trying to put as much attention as possible. "R-Really? T-thank you daddy! I-I can...h-hardly wait!!" Mews as ears goes down and watches other cars go past. Soon after driving around they were in front of the restaurant as a valle opened their doors and she hopped out waiting for him on the red carpet shivering.

Gets out of the car and stands next to her, taking her paw and going inside. Soon after they get seated and start looking through the menus. "So kitten, what do you think you'll have?"

"Urm how about some chicken parmesan with a salad?" Wrinkles nose a bit and squirms more in seat feeling pussy getting soaked from the toy and ears flat on head straining to keep under control.

"That sounds delicious, might have some myself." Looks around as if trying to see when a waiter would be coming, casually turning the vibe up another notch.

Jumps and lightly sqeaks and kneads paws in lap panting, "Nnngh u-urm...!" Tries to think of something to talk about.

His ears perk and looks over to her acting like he has no idea what's going on. "Is something the matter kitten?"

"N-Nothing daddy thought I saw a bug..." Blushes and purrs lightly looking around and slips paw between legs to rub on thighs a little to try and soothe the feeling quickly stopping as a waiter came to take orders.

He turns the toy off for a while as he orders then his daughter ordering her meal. Waiting for a few minutes after the waiter leaves so it wouldn't seem to suspicious then turning it back on. "So tell me kitten, how's school been lately?"

"U-Urm i-its I got another star f-for another book reading...." Shivers mewing deeply and bites on bottom lip tip of tail fluffed up. Squirms even more and moves closer to the table so legs could be under the cloth and starts to rub on pussy slowly hoping you wouldn't notice. "Um s-so how did it feel to be promoted?"

"It felt very nice. It was kind of boring today though, since they were changing out the computers in the office i'm moving into." Takes a sip of his water imagining what she must be doing scooted so close to the table.

Nods purring and slowly plays with clit and pushes the vibrator against it wanting to cum as fast as possible. "Urm I-I see...maybe we can spend more time together now t-that urm you'll be one of the top guys there?" Mews gently and looks down blushing a little embarassed.

"That sounds lovely, of course we can spend more time together kitten." He drinks a little more. "There's no reason for you to be acting so nervious kitten. Relax a little."

"Nyaaa o-ok daddy..." Relaxes very little but still shivers while playing with the vibrator wishing 'daddy' would turn it off soon.

Leans over and kisses her on the cheek turning the toy off. The waiter came over with thier meals and he decided to let her have a break until they meet later. While they ate he tried not to purr to much from what he was planning.

She blushed cumming a little right on the spot from the sweet kiss and mews lightly pawing at his cheek. "D-Dadddy!!!!" Giggles then relieved that the toy stopped and the food had arrived. Smiles and starts digging right in happily purring and swaying tail.

Smiles back as they continue eating, having some more light conversation before finishing up his meal. "Say, when did you have to go and work on that project with that friend of yours?"

"Um in a little bit, can you drop me off there please daddy?" Smiles up to him brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. Her thoughts soon thinking about 'daddy' and the time they will have with her wearing the slutty maid costume, she was hoping he'd like it.

"Anything for you kitten." Tail sways a bit as he waited for her to finish before paying the bill. They got out and went to the car, soon he dropped her off. "Try not to take too long ok kitten? I really enjoyed spending this time with you."

"Ok daddy I had lots of fun!" Smiles and waves watching him leave. Looking around she took off running and went through about 4 blocks before reaching her own territory and lightly pants. Soon we rested against the fence and looked at the time waiting on him to show up. Blinking she smacked her forehead and took off running toward the park, "Dammit how could I forget! Then again..." Blushes at this being a first job request meeting and moved faster till she seen it coming up ahead, she ran past a few couples taking a late night stroll going into a more deserted area of it to finally find the bench she was looking for and sat down to catch her breath once again.

Grinning from somewhere behind some trees as he saw his daughter sit down on the bench he turned the vibrator onto the highest setting. Stepping out onto the path infront of her already dressed up in his disguse and mask. "Well hello there kitten. Hope that my itchy trigger finger didn't trouble you too much today." Waving the controller in his paw infront of her teasingly as he spoke.

She whimpered out as she squirmed in the seat at feeling the vibrator go off like crazy on her. "Nnngh ahh haaa!" She gasped out only to hear the familiar voice of 'daddy' approaching her, "U-Urm hello hasn't teheheh urm..." Blushes looking to the side and shivering before him.

"Sounds like you're sugar coating it, but i'm sure you handled it well." Sits down next to her on the bench purring lowly. "So, how was your day kitten? Was it fun? You didn't ever take off the vibrator did you?"

"N-No sir! And today was fun..." Softly smiles to him and rubs legs together. "Urm I got to eat at my favorite place..." Purrs gently sways tail as nipples press against the thin fabric of the dress.

"That's nice, and you can take it off if you want now." He puts the controller into her paw. "Looking forward to having fun with daddy?"

"Mmm y-yes!!!" Purrs turning the vibe down to low and blushes, "C-can daddy fuck me with the vib on?" Purrs and licks his cheek.

Rubs his paw on her cheek gently. "Of course kitten. Let's go into the clearing of trees I came from though. If we did it on the bench people might pass by and see us, wouldn't want that happening."

Slowly nods and blushes, "Urm can I change first daddy? I think you might like it..." Purrs and wags tail a little more excitedly.

"Mmm, I'm sure i'll love it kitten. Be quick about it." He walked back into the trees from where he was, waiting for her to change wondering what she would be in.

She nodded running to a bathroom close by and slips out of the chinese dress into the skimpy little maid costume. Tugs her hair out of the messy bun taking a once over in the mirror then runs back blushing shyly till she was standing a few steps away from him, "Um h-how does it look?"

"The slutty maid look is great on you kitten. About time you got to your 'other' duties don't you think?" Chuckles a little as he pulled out his cock and rububbed on it.

Blushes and giggles cutely doing a little twirl to reveal no panties udner the skirt and nuzzles against his chest, "Mmmmm what shall we do now? Go for a walk?"

With his other paw he grabbed at her ass, squeezing it teasingly. "As nice as that sounds, your daddy needs his cock tended to. No one better than you to help daddy right?"

Smiles and nods, "That's right daddy! Mmm did he miss me today?" Carefully grabs his cock getting to her knees in from of him and begins to lick on it, twirls her tongue slowly around the tip before slipping it into her warm mouth, her other hand slowly strokes on his length.

Nodding while he lightly gripped her ear and rubbed on it. "I was thinking about you all day sweety. I couldn't wait to see you tonight."

"Me too, I couldn't wait at all..." Purrs up to him and licks at his balls rubbing her soft warm cheek against the side of his cock, "Mmm puuuuuur!"

"Glad to hear that. Does being around your real daddy remind you of me kitten? Or vice versa?" Purrs back and grinds his cock against her face.

Blushes and lightly mews, "H-Hai...why?" Goes back to sucking on the tip her hand rubs and massages on his balls and she sucked on him harder, ""

He rubbed more on her ear, using his footpaw to lift up her skirt and look at her pussy. "It's great knowing that you connect us like that. Even though I use this mask to make sure no one blackmails me for crusing around the redlight district, the fact that I have it on easily means anyone could be behind it. I could be your real dad for all you know, right?"

She giggled thinking he's messing with her, "If it is, wouldn't daddy be mad and upset with his kitten? Wouldn't he want to spank and punish her for doing such dirty things with men at such a young age?" Purrs and squeezes his balls harder slowly deep throating him.

"Well if that's what your daddy would do then I might not be your real daddy after all. You can still pretend I am if that turns you on though." Moaning out and throbbing in her mouth lightly he scratched behind her ear. "As much as I'd love to fill your mouth, didn't you want to be fucked with the toy still on you my dirty naughty kitten?"

"Mm it would be pretty cool if you was my real daddy though...." Smiles up to him licking hard on the underside of his warm cock her nipples brushes against his balls, "Nyaaaa y-yes, please daddy! I'm sure it'll feel really good for us both!" Looks up to him using her large irresistable begging eyes.

Smiling down at her he picked her up at the legs and held her so her pussy was level with his cock. "Beg daddy for it. Beg like the slutty maid you are."

Mewing her tail swayed as her pussy was getting even wetter from the cold breeze tickling her, "Nnngh p-please fuck me daddy! Please fuck my slutty cunt!" She panted out, cheeks flushed as she slowly looked up to him using her begging eyes technique on him, "Please master? Please?"

Looking right into her eyes he wondered for a second how well she could see his eyes and if she'd be able to tell it was her real dad's she was looking into. Then he thrust into her pussy, knowing his weakness to her begging would be bad some day but for now was just turning him on more. "Ooh yes, take daddy's cock you naughty girl!"

"Oohhh!" She moans out only catching a good glimpse of his eyes feeling like she has seen them once before but was to distracted by his hard cock moving inside of her tight hole. "Mmmm ohh daddy...nyaa y-you're so good to me!" Her pussy tightens hard on his cock it had been starving for him all day.

"I want you to be happy of course kitten. Bet you'd enjoy if you got spanked by daddy for being so naughty." Nuzzling her slightly he pistoned his cock quickly in and out of her warm cunt. "Then you'd love to have your spanked red ass fucked wouldn't you?"

"Mmm oh y-yesh I would daddy!" Mews to him giggling her hips very lightly moving back to his hard cock, "Mmmm meooow oh d-daddy such wonderful naughty ideas, c-can we do it please!"

"Gladly, tomorrow I could take you to daddy's office at night and punish you there for how naughty you're being tonight." He licked on the side of her neck and nibbled on it gently. "Mmmm, turn that vibe up to high kitten, so we can both feel it."

"Mmmm o-oh yes daddy!!" Nods turning the vibe on high making her moan out and softly scream feeling it moving rapidly, her toes curling as her body and tail twitches helplessly at the overstimulated feeling, barely able to keep her eyes open and body under control.

He moaned out with her as the vibrations went through his crotch as well barely keeping himself from cumming. "I'm getting close kitten, do you want my seed inside of you?"

"Mmm oh y-yes...please cum inside! I want daddy's seed inside of me!" Moans out looking to him, her whole face blushing as she panted out.

Purring he kissed her as well as he could through the mask. Holding his daughter close to him as he filled her up with cum.

Moans kissing him back deeply grinding against him as she bit her bottom lip whimpering shivering. "Mmm..mmm...!!!"

Pulls away from the kiss and rubs on her ear lightly. "Fantastic as always kitten." Grinding into her a little more enjoying the feel of her pussy full of his cum.

Mews happily lightly moving on his warm cock feeling the juices squishing inside of her a little oozing out and dripping to the ground. "Mmmmmm puuuur! T-thank you daddy!"

"No problem kitten, Daddy has a lot more planned for tonight." Smiling to her from underneath the mask as he pulled out, completely unaware of the person hiding behind a tree recording them as the night went on.

They enjoyed the rest of the night together completely oblivious to the peeping tom that was recording their every move and sin of pleasure all the way to the very late morning hours.