Encounter with a Mider.

Story by Caroo on SoFurry

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Encounter with a Mider.

This story is classed as soft core erotica. Mainly revolving around the concepts of predator and prey, seduction and bondage. I do hope you enjoy this light twist on the subjects written below.

And who can't love happy endings?


Chapter 1: Rescue.

"Someone please help me! I'm stuck in a Drider web!!"

His ears perk up and his booted feet stop on the path before him. Feline ears flicker as the young man listened in horror to the pleas in the distance.

"Someone.. Help me! I don't want to be eaten!!" The desperate cry echoes across the forest and continued to do so drowning out the sounds of birds and rustling trees.

The feline didn't waste any time. Ears picking up the noise to the north. It didn't seem to far away at all. His legs taking speed and moving in distance to the cries for help. The young boy could've kept walking but decided today was his day to be a knight in shinning armor. Jumping over fallen trees and bushes. One hand holds tight to his backpack as another holds a small utility knife.

The felines name was Ardean. A prime example of what a normal, average Feli male should look like. The Feli are an anthro feline race. They possess no magical abilities and are quite mortal in all senses. In this world they are known to be a civilized and helpful race mostly consisting of traders and laborers. Ardean is a general practitioner or better known as a "small things doctor"

Ardean is 20 years old by maturity standards. His fur a nice onyx black with white socks on his feet, hands and tail tip. The boys' body was soft and plush. By no means overweight, but the male didn't have abs of steel. Most of all though he was a shortie for his race. Most Feli male at his age are a tall 7feet. Ardean was a small 5.1.

Reaching the source of the pleas and screams. His eyes widen as he stops just a few feet from the victim. Struggling before Ardean was a snow-white lupine woman. Her arms and legs bonded in twines to the white and gooey looking web that she lies on behind her. The poor woman looks weakened and afraid. How long has she been struggling for? Tears have matted her soft cheeks. Her soft green eyes seek upon the feline.

"H..help me sir..please! Get me down form here!" Her pleas desperate and repetitive. But she didn't need to say it again. Adrean padded over and looked the webbing up and down. Putting his knife away and grabbing.. A stick?

"Don't worry miss. You'll be free soon enough. This webbing seems to be coated in relaxant. So it's not a strong web. It just incapacitates those who touch it." He explained while he gently weaved the stick along the webbing. It was like fairy floss, coming out without hesitation. If he used his knife it would of just gotten all over him as well and that would be no good to ether of them. He knew this from the webbings softer texture. It was used as a relaxant in healing procedures. A few more soft sways of the web and the bunny would fall to the ground. Soft groans as she peers up to him with a soft smile. "T..thank you..sir..thank you." Spoken from quivering and tired lips.

Then after the whole ordeal, after all that effort, she faints. drained from all the struggling and screaming, But safe now with this stranger.

Adrean smiled softly. It was almost too easy. The web was so fragile and nothing came to oppose him. But at this point he wasn't complaining. He scooped the bunny into his paws. Now realizing how very much taller she is. At least a good 7 feet tall from toes to hair. She looked too peaceful now. So soft and gentle...this was totally worth the trouble.

Now then...

If he could only find his way back to the path. He was quite lost now. Running so deep into the forest. But confident he could get out of the trouble he got himself into.

Taking a few steps forward Ardean hears a soft stirring form the woman in his paws. A smile as he looks down. She quickly came to.. what a recovery! Her green eyes open like flowers and her smile so tender.

"Thank you sir." She said. Her voice quite soft but no longer strained. How odd that someone could recover herself in a matter of a few minutes.

Suddenly something quite unexpected happened. She leans herself up and without any warning her lips contact with his. His blue eyes widen as his lips co-operate with her desires without consent. Feeling sweet fluids pass between. He churrs when she finally let the lips part after a minute. A small blush and shy smile on his face. On hers however a little grin.

"Wow..what was that for miss?" The feline speaks softly. Strange. He started to feel so weak at the knees.

"Oh.. Just to capture you. Sweet dreams my prisoner." She replies with a sexy, soft tone of dominance. Slipping out of his paws and standing up like she was never strained at all. Motioning to behind the Feline and gently cuddling his quickly weakening form. Soft coos and purrs into his ears. "Sleep my darling." She repeated every once in a while.

As this was happening, Ardean felt so....so tried. His ears and tail lop down in lazy tiredness. His maw to drowned in sleepiness that he couldn't bring himself to say a word. Slowly falling to his knees. His muscles shutting off and his eyes closing. The toxin that she kissed into his body was very strong. And after only a minute of this action. He was sleeping with gentle purrs .. head resting at her big bunny feet. Now at the mercy of this strange woman.

The bunny giggled. "Such a pure heart. Such softness. Come my pet." She chittered happily as she picked the short feline up like he weighed nothing at all.

"Time to go home."

Chapter 2:

Ardean was dreaming of home. A small smile on his face as the bliss of dreams swirls in his mind. A dream is a wonderful thing as it detaches one self from the world around you. Ardeans dream was a pleasant one. He is a small child, couldn't be any older then 8 years old. A soft purr as he feels his long soft hair played with by his mum. The young kitten purring as he felt so relaxed. Covered in warmth and love.

Yet sadly all dreams come to an end and the feli would slowly come to the living world. A cute and purred groan as his eyes open. Revealing the room around him.

A room?

Ardean was no longer in the deep forest. It seemed he has been taken to a log cabin of sorts. The room he is in looked to be a woman's bedroom with a fireplace. His eyes radiate towards the soft warmth the fireplace provides.. warming up his naked chest.

Wait. Naked chest?!

Looking down at the boys own body as his mind was coming to grips with his bodies state. A soft squeak as he finds himself quite naked as the day he was born. His clothing nowhere to be seen. But it got much more distressing from there on. Ardean is sitting on his knees on what seemed to be a large round bed... it felt nice and smooth against his knees and legs. Like the blanket on top of it was made of fine rich silk. As eyes focus on more and more detail he starts to realize he was indeed also bound to his position.

Arms are hanging above his head. Not tightly but they where indeed tied together at the wrists. A strange white thick twine sticks to his wrists. And below him at his legs his ankles and upper thighs seem to be also binded together with the substance. Keeping him in that sitting position. His toes softly wiggle under his rump. The bondage was strange. It was almost like...webbing.

Ardean squeaks out in a cute man meep. A giggle creeping up from behind his back. The captured feli feeling a single finger running down his spine, making him gasp. A soft voice teases him with whispers.

"Welcome to my parlor sweetheart. I hope I've left you in a nice and cozy position." The seductive and sweet voice tones, Feminine and gentle yet commanding a desired loyalty out of the world around her. Ardean shivered gently. His own lips open.

"Y..you tricked me. I was trying to save you..b.but why all this!..w..what do you plan to do to me?" he feline asks in a small stutter. He is no warrior, no fighter. He was terrorized! The stories of young helpless furs being drunken dry of their blood or slowly digested from the inside filled his mind. His heart beating fast and fearful now. Not knowing the fate that will fall before him.

The woman behind him smiles and gently purred against his soft kitten ear. "My dear, do not be afraid of me. My desires do not require your death, and while I have that power in my paws, I have no need or want to hurt you. Although I congratulate you for figuring out that I am indeed your capturer." She churrs out with a gentle giggle. Feeling the sheets below him shift a little as she slides over to sit before him. "It's time to see your new mistress."

Ardeans eyes widened with surprise. She was indeed the same white bunny he had meet in the forest. Still a tall and slender 7 feet tall. But there where now new features to the woman. Her body was scantly covered now here and there with black tribal like tattoos that circles her entire body. Most noticeable where the 4 long appendages that sprout form her back, Spider legs. Long and smooth limbs with three joints. The outer shell a sooth shinny black. While at the joints there would be no armor.. Bubblegum pink goo can be seen as the organics that held the legs together. These 4 limbs would rest behind her back for now.

The bunny woman grins and giggles. leaning forward and gently nuzzling his muzzle. Ardean gasps and pulls away at first. But her cute little chitters and affectionate nuzzles confuse the poor kitten to no end. "I see you've observed your bindings my cute captive. There the same webbing that I used to bind myself. It's actually rather weak and fragile. But the goo that coats it is a nice muscle relaxant.. making my cute little captive as weak as a kitten." She giggles and winks. Slowly her two paws moves up to the males sides.. Feeling her gently starting to rub and caress silk soft paws at his hips. He couldn't help but mew gently. A blush forms in his cheeks.

"As for your fate. well.. be a good, playful kitten. And I think we'll start to have an understanding. My name is Tabby" She winked. Sliding her back to his back. Feeling her large breasts press up against his back and paws move to his hips again. The slow and soft massage to his hips comes at a surprise to the feli. Didn't she want to drink his blood and eat him?

The contradictions kept coming as she leaned in and gently started to nip and suckle on the side of his ear. Quite a tender point. "Ah! Oooohhh w..what are you..d.doing?" he mews out. Arching somewhat and blushing even more. A nice sexy pink on his cheeks now. The bunny mistress giggled.

"Playing with my prey of course. Making him all nice and teased for when I take what's mine." And with that said the paws at his hips moved downwards to his inner thighs. A soft moan as he could feel those soft fingers caress his tender area.. claws running over muscles and tendons making his balls jump and flex. The feline helpless to her advances as his bindings held him to her position.

"You know I've been told Felis have quite. Ticklish areas." The bunny churred.. Her paws staying right where they where.. just shy of touching his sheath and balls. But a new sensation came. He could feel the tips of those pointed spider legs get in on the act against him. Two of these appendages caress over his soles which are laid exposed.. and two more to his armpits. Soft caresses along the fur and flesh. The reaction was just as she wanted.

"Hehe..meep.. hehe hey!..l..leave my f..feeet hehehehahaa alone.. hehehehahah" he starts to meep and yip at first..but after a few seconds of soft caress's up and down his kitten soles and his armpits the Felis voice started to form into a giggle fit. His soft belly dancer like wiggles followed as he felt his soles and pits caressed. The bunny churrs in utter delight.

"Good boy! Mmmmm a sensitive kitten all for me..mmm you've made a woman so happy." She purrs into his ear before kissing the tip. Making Adrean Squeak out and chuckle. "hehehehhahah please nooouuu ehehhaha" his smile and closed eyes told all. He is an incredibility ticklish Feli.

The tickles slowed for a moment but never stopped.. her paws make the advance as one paw slips under his thighs and cupped his fuzzy balls and started to slowly fondle him..the other paw would open the sheath and start to gently rub at the head of his cock. Ardeans reaction more then she could ever hope for. A long moan with a sweet arch in his back and wiggling ears and toes.

"Oh god! S..soo soft!" he groans. Her paws so smooth and silky it was like being wanked off by warm flowing water. His cock quickly erects. A giggle from the bunny as it was now at a full lovely 7 inches. A growl from the bunny emanates out.

"Good boy..very good boy." She teases him and complimented.. Her fingers continue to gently tease and caress the length as she positioned a spider leg before him. Her body now presses tightly against his back. Her paws tickle his tummy as she kisses and nipped his neck. Making him squeak.

"This might seem a little scary at first..but don't worry, relax my pet." She churres and giggled. Slowly before Ardeans eyes the spider legs ending section shell started to crack and brake apart. The shell flakes onto the floor at the end of the bed. Now a long tentacle like limb of pink brightness.

"Mmmm now watch this hon. it's very important." She giggles and licks his neck. Making his soft moan even sweeter to the ears. The tentacle before him started to shape and mold at the head like jelly until it started to form a familiar shape.

Forming what looked to be a snakes head at first, It slowly became more cartoonish with bigger eyes and a nice wide maw.. It seems to smile at the Feli and wink. Opening up its maw wide. To Ardeans surprise there is no teeth or fangs..only a smooth..warm looking set of wet, rippling muscles.. The feline gasps and blushes red. Looking to the bunny as if to ask something. But the bunny nodded.

"Mmmhmmm it's quite hungry my pet. Help me feet it and you'll be given a reward." She giggled. Before the Feli could even really object the snake was at his cock head.. A soft kiss to it at first makes the feline moan gently..then a slip over the head of his cock and a warm..tender suckle treatment. Ardean quivered in his binds and relaxed into the snake. And after a few seconds the snake hissed in a pleased and happy manner. And starts to slide over his cock until the snakes' lips hit the sheath. A soft..loving suckling to his entire cock as the walls around his member quivered and purred.

Ardean moans so load and sweet. The feline in such ecstasy as the snake happily sucked him off. The squeezes to his cock grow tighter and faster.. the bunny giggled. "You see my captive, my cute little pet. Your seed is one of the things I need to stay alive... A few orgasms from you could feed me more then your blood ever could." She churrs andgiggles. Her fingers now gently rubs and squeezes his nipples to extract even more musical sounds from him.

The Feli was on fire with pleasure.. Arching and moaning. Straining even though his movements are weak and softened by the toxins running over his body. His hips bucking into the shake to which the snake suckled harder on him. A sexy and orgasmic cycle. The bunny behind him kissing his neck and shoulders. "mmmm that's right kitty..cum for your mistress." The Feli howled out in pleasure unable to take such heaven.

Finally as he howls it happened. His cock shooting off his sweet seed into the snake. The pink cartoony being that has a firm grip on his cock happily drinks it all down. A purr even as it suckles and vacuums up every last drip and drop. The Feli reduced to weak and hot panting. The bunny squealed gently. Hugging him tight to her.

"Good kitty! See. Wasn't that fun?" She asked with a giggle. Licking his cheek softly as the shake slowly slipped away.. letting the spent cock slide slowly back into the sheath for another time. The bunnies' paws rub all over him. The Feli.was in heaven.

Why wouldn't he be? The Feline just got an orgasm of a lifetime. Her teasing so sweet to him and the shake was warmer and softer then any woman he had been inside. His mind clouded and fuzzy as he purred and churred weakly.

"S..so..now..what happens..y..you..have my seed." He smile gently. Nuzzling her from behind as best he could. The bunny giggling and nuzzling back.

"Sleep my kitten. Your reward comes in the morning." She purred. A small kiss to his lips follow. And the sleep along with it.

Chapter 3:

Ardeans eyes gently dilute as he comes back form the dreaming world. His gentle and tender eyes look up to the small flickers of candlelight around him.

Where was he now? Again in the same room it seemed. He wasn't moved. Still night. But he felt as strong and fit. Did he sleep through an entire day through to the next night?! A soft gasp as exploring eyes linger to the freshly laid out webbing that binds his wrists and ankles to the bed posts now. Naked once more and helpless. A soft whimper. What was his fate now?

He didn't have to wait long to find out. The bunny woman who had captured him last night padded in with a small intensive smile and giggle to her lips. It seems she wasn't quite done with this feli yet. She is buck-naked and sways her sexy hips as she walks to the end of the bed. Her spider legs now missing. Retracted into her back.

Ardean gulps and meeps gently. The woman moving up and crawling onto the silken bed until her slender and tall form would be right above him.. A soft paw gently touches his lips and slowly slides a sole finger down his neck..chest..waistline to his sheath. A finger pokes inside and rubs the head of his cock so softly and teasingly. A small whine and groan came from his lips. Struggling and trying to break free..but yet again the toxin in the webbing flowed into his fur and flesh. Weakened to kitten state. The bunny giggles at his efforts. A finger gently placed on his lips.

"Shhhhhh.. I have no intension to kill you my pet.. remember." She winks and continued the soft rubs and caresses to his cock. Slowly coxing it out.

"Your mistress is very very happy about last night. Your love and essence is so pure and strong." She purrs into his ear gently nibbling down the side of it. Making the feli groan gently and arch a little.. so sensitive is his ears to the touch of paws so soft. His member now a nice and hard rod again. Eyes in a daze but widen as he realizes her position above him.

Soft moans and arches as he felt her lips..so hot and puffed touch the head of his cock. She purrs to him. "This will be your gift for being such a lovely pet." The mistress adds. Her fingers holding his member nice and straight for what's to come.

"Are you ready my pet..my hero?" leaning in to kiss his lips and purr into him. Seducing his body and mind. The feli couldn't defend against such advances. Looking down.. he took a deep breath.

"I'm. I'm yours mistress." He churred.. Closing his eyes and smiling. Such a weight lifted off his back as those words are mewed out. Of course there was no time to feel relief just yet as the bunny immediately and slowly engulfed her pussy around his cock.

It is such an intense feeling. Her pussy so incredibility tight and snug.. It literally feels like her muscles where squeezing his cock perfectly. What he didn't know that it was indeed the case. The bunny Miders pussy was unlike that of normal woman. Her strong and wet inner muscles mold a perfect shape around his cock. Sealing tightly at the lips. A meep from the feli as he is unable to budge an inch out of her hole.

A big grin from the Mider. She knows exactly what is going on. "You see my pet. You're not dealing with a normal woman. Let me show you." She churrs and giggled. A sudden and intense sensation of bliss as her inner muscles rapidly ripple around his cock. A purring pussy!

Ardean moaned loudly at first. He never felt such a sensation before. Her fingers and hands resting on his chest as she purred heavily on top of him. Looking down and licking her lips. "It's just starting my dear. This might feel a little odd. But trust me you'll just love it."

Ardrean looks up.. huff and moans.. He just didn't understand at first.. But as he feeks a small thin entity enter his cocks' hole he gasps out and grips the sheets. The worm like creature sliding inside was so thin it didn't really hurt..it did feel very awkward..

In it went. Deeper and deeper. making Ardean whimper and wiggle gently. The tight hold on his cock made sure it wasn't disturbed. The movement of the warm stopped but is now felt by a new sensation. A tingle that makes him gasp and groan gently. In reality the worm that now had gone as deep as to enter his testicles was sprouting dozens of small roots into his member and reproductive organs. Linking them both together. A churr on her lips.. a soothing feeling washed over the feli.

"You and me are now one my pet. Well.. I'm really in control of your pleasure system. For example." A giggle and wink form the bunny..the male didn't understand. That was until something licked his neck. A soft moaning and meep followed by a series of long moans as the feeling of dozens of bunny tongues licking all over his fur is felt. His cock throbbing so hard inside her he thought it would explode, yet it kept it's cream inside and built it up while the feli was reduced to a heavily moaning and purring mess of boi pleasure.

It was so strange! Shouldn't of he been gasming by now? The pleasure is so overwhelming ..so intense.. soft howls of purring pleasure. The bunny Mider giggles. "Does my kitten want to cum?" She asks straight out kissing his purring lips. Ardean nodded quickly ..his lust and need for release overriding logic and sense. The bunny grinned evilly.

"Very well my dear. You will orgasm for..hmmm.. 2 minutes." She churred and winked. And for good reason.

Ardean howled so load the entire forest would know. An intense wave of shattering pleasure racks his body. The Mider lighting off every pleasure nerve in his body. In an orgasm that state of bliss is only felt for a fraction of a second for most.. so 120 seconds of this pleasure reduced poor Adrean to a state of drooling heaven. His mind lost and eyes blank as he creamed steadily into the worm. A long and moany churr coming from the bunny as she shivers in the intense experience.

When, for what seemed like an eternity had passed the two. Ardean comes down from his intense high.. a low and withered mew as his body arched in such a good way. A way that melted his muscles until only a jelly would be left inside his husk..or at least that's what it felt like.

The strange thing however. Is the bunny now collapsed and snuggling into the fur in his chest. Her soft churrs and big smiles that told him she was spent and weak as well.. her friendly pleasure worm still inside him as pussy and cock never detached. The Mider grins and kiss's his neck gently.

"Mmmmmm oh my pet..your essence is so pure and so fulfilling." She purred and giggled. Her kisses continue affectionately. Feli purrs and soft smiles on the boys' maw. He had never felt such heaven and love before. So confused was the young man. Was he just raped? Why didn't be struggle? And why of all things was he now snuggling her.

'Hell with it. Just sleep and escape tomorrow' He thought to himself. His eyes to heavy to keep open as his body and mind falls into a slumber of dreams.

Chapter 4:

Ardean slowly wakes up again. Day 3 in the Miders house of wood and silk and candles. A grin on his maw. What position was he bound in silk web this time? Brushing a paw over his hair with a chuckle to himself.

Wait. Brushing a paw?

Looking up and smiling. The paw before him devoid of any web or bondage device on him what so ever. Looking around. Now in a smaller room then before. A nice sunny ray of light comes form large windows facing outside the huge tree cabin the rooms where settled in. Ardean laying on a smaller silk bed and his muscles seemed to be as fine as ever.

"I see my pet wakes again. You must be so hungry!" The mistress bunny walks in. A tray in her paws with a nice bowl of soup.

Wait. Was he dreaming this?. This was so odd! So bizarre. Ardean looked to her for a few moments. As if trying to decode her ankle for being so sweet all of I sudden.

The Mider knew his reaction all to well and giggled. Setting the tray to the coffee table as she leaned onto the bed where she sat to the side and cuddled beside him. Surprisingly he didn't retaliate. Ardean lets her explain at the least.

"You see dear. I'm sure you're quite aware of what driders are?" She motioned. The feli indeed nodded.

"Good.. Well to sum it up. I'm not one of them. I'm a Mider. I..have the same body and magic as a drider..but my feeding doesn't come from your blood or soul. It comes from your pleasure and essence." She giggled and blushed slightly. Continuing on. Ardean himself started to loosen up.

"But I can't ever look back on my nature as a predator.. you understand right? I did capture you. I admit it to be true. But if you where in pain or frightened you would've been nice and safe in the nearest village. But.. well...you didn't." She giggled again and snuggled her chin against his neck.

"But..if you..got what you needed. then why be so nice now? Why have me free..and bring me soup?" Ardean asked in a confused and yet curious manner. Eyes trying to break the woman down into some form of understanding between the two. But she was an enigma.

"Because that's not the way of our people... that's not what we do." She said quite seriously for a moment. Then smiled and winked. "Well.. you are free to go now if you wish it." The bunny chuckled gently and motioned her paw over to the door. "The village is just a few miles down the track. The village beside me is very friendly." The Mider added. but still cuddled somewhat close to the male. Her grip actually tight on him. Like she didn't want him to leave.

Ardean didn't quite know what to think at this time. So confused. What did she want.. for him to leave or stay? The feli leaned over and rubbed his head a little.

"Would. you mind if I stayed for another day miss?" gently rolled form his lips. The bunny ears on the Mider. A churr and nod. "Oh of course!" She giggled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Stay as long as you like. I get so lonely out here all alone." She smiled. Her nuzzling getting more and more imposed on him to the point were he giggled gently

The feli smiled softly. Leaning back onto the bed and taking the Mider with him. a small cuddle as he kissed her sweet lips.

He was in no rush. He wanted to know more about his new friend. His new mistress.

The end.