Wonderful Tonight

Story by Steamtrain on SoFurry

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This is the story of two lovers, and one magical night to themselves, and I'm fairly sure you can guess what will happen. Inspired by the musical genius of Eric Clapton.

Wonderful Tonight

the day was young as the bright and warm sun slipped through the cracks of the window shades, pushing back the darkness, as it slowly crept upon the large king size bed where one Matt Sullivan lay his head. The young eighteen year old fox rolling beneath his covers, until the unwanted ringing of his alarm filled his ears, making him growl and yawns as he reluctantly arose from his pit of a bed to prepare for the day at hand. After a nice hot shower and dressing in his long black trousers, and his white polo shirt, with the crest of his school on, he made his way down stairs "bye mum, I'll see you later" he called, soon came the response "bye Mattie". It was 7:55 a.m. When he arrived, making great haste after parking to get to class on time, pulling his book bag from his back seat and gliding down the now near empty halls, slipping into History class two minutes before it was about to start and wiping the sweat from his brow. The teacher smiled at him and motioned for him to take his seat at his desk "nice of you to join us Matt" Matt smiled back and did as was instructed "happy to be here Mrs. Smith" the dalmatian looked at her watch "hmm, well class it appears we have a new student joining us, she should be here" just after she said it their was a knock on the door.

"Ah and I think that is our new student" she said as she opened the door, everyone curious as they are to see the new student, a new students first impression is key, and if they mess it up, they are not likely to get any sympathy. "Class, this is Miss Sarah Daniels" the smiling vixen walked through the door, now Matt who was never one for remaining conscious in class was like many others curious to see the new student for whatever reason. It was from the first moment that Matt laid eyes on her, he felt something from deep with in him, this tingling in his stomach, this odd sensation that was beginning to rise and rise uncontrollably an their was nothing he could do to stop it. His eyes unmoving from her face, the sun seemed to shine brightly through the windows that day, or so it seemed to Matt, she was dressed in the schools regulation white polo shirt with the schools crest, and a blue and white plaid skirt, her auburn colored fur seemed so bright and vibrant. Her black ears twitched a little as all the attention was indeed on her "hello" she was still smiling and Matt could not help but smile himself, it was as if heaven had opened up and dropped an angel in his presence.

Matt's heart pounded hard int his chest, and then began to skip a thew beats, he had never had this feeling before, it felt strange, but it made him feel so happy and warm inside, and hearing her voice only seem to make it stronger. Her voice was sweet and like a fine symphony orchestrated by the angels themselves to make the most beautiful sound ever known, it seem to almost make him murr as it caressed the hairs of his ear making it twitch. Mrs, Smith shut the door, allowing Matt to return to reality briefly, with a lost look on his face, as if he had no idea where he was anymore "Well Sarah, welcome to the class, and please take a seat" the dalmatian motioned with her paw. The vixen nodded at her teacher and walked down the row of desks and Matt smiled at her, she returned the smile and walked passed him to the desk behind him, this new and strange feeling wrestling with him, he wanted to say something, he needed to do something. "Hi" he turned around to quickly glance, which soon turned to a gaze as she replied so warmly to him "hi" to most it would be seen as a simple greeting, yet for Matt it meant much more.

Turning back round to face the front of the room, he breathed deeply and tried to calm himself, his fluffy tail swaying quite happily behind him, only to be distracting by a giggling noise from behind him that grabbed his attention. As curious as he was he turned round to investigate "your tail is tickling my leg" she says to him as he looks at her, he did not know really how to respond, his face turning bright red with embarrassment as he slowly takes his tail in his paws "s-sorry" he smiled at her. Again she giggled "its okay, it was rather nice actually" Matt turned back around in his seat and began to run his paws through his tail, still blushing as he tried to regain his focus on class and not on the beautiful creature behind him. Every passing minute felt like an hour to Matt who wanted desperately to talk to her again, to properly introduce himself, but his moment would have to wait another hour at least as History ended and another class was to begin, not likely to have the sweet vixen in it. As it turned out he was right, and had to endure another hour of what felt like torture, but also gave him time to think, and as the bell to begin break rang loud, he seem to spring up from his seat and begin his search for the new girl.

Slipping and sliding through the hallways he made his way to the lunch room where his eyes scouted for her, finding her on a table on her own to begin with, he immediately knew what he was going to do, he was going to go over and talk to her. It almost felt like he was floating towards her table as he seem to arrive quicker than he thought, the words in his head struggling to connect with his vocal chords "h-hi" he said almost rather shyly at that, she looked up at him and gave him the same warm smile from earlier. "Hi" that voice, that fur, those eyes, he found them all increase this tingling feeling when he was around her "is this seat taken?" he asked being rather hopeful, she shook her head, and so he sat opposite her "I'm Matt" "I know, I" she blushed heavily. Matt perked his ears, what did she mean she knew?, had she asked about him?, has someone said something about him?, he had no idea where he was, hoping what may have been mentioned would have been good at least. "Well ts nice to meet you, Sarah" he said smiling at her "thanks, me and my family just moved here from Canada" in this he saw the perfect opportunity "well you could not have picked a better place, maybe you could let me show you around some time" he looked into her beautiful blue eyes and felt his heart begin to sing.

"I would like that" she responded, they seem to gaze at each other for a minute or two, and then just begin rambling on of stories, laughing together, and seeming to lose track of the time, and it went on like this for the remainder of the school day. It was over the coming couple of weeks that Matt would show her around, taking her to the major sites that the town had to offer, laughing and joking around with her as their relationship continued to blossom with each passing day. It was Friday and Matt had indeed saved the very best fro last, looking at his calendar and smiling, hoping everything would go alright, it was after school that he had told her to meet him by the corn fields at 8:00 P.M., he was very nervous. He waited and waited looking at the time on his phone, and rubbing the bottom of his shirt into a ball "hi" a voice called from behind him making him turn to see her standing there before him and looking so stunning. She wore a denim skirt, with a white cotton T-shirt, her fur looked so bright and fluffy on this night, as the light from the full moon struck her, he was almost certain he could see a halo above her head.

And then she asked him "do I look alright" and he said "Yes, you look wonderful tonight" making her blush as he offers her his paw, which she accepts as he lead her through the crops of corn, brushing them aside to reach the destination. Finally they arrived at the destination, brushing away the last of the corn, to show the lanterns and lights hung around the large flattened pace of crops, lighting the whole area of darkness around them, and joined by the shine of the full moon was surely a sight to behold. Sarah was astonished as she looked around, she had no idea of what to say, and now their appeared to be music playing in the background, turning back to see Matt, with his paw held out "may I have this dance". She still did not know what to say about any of this, but she was certain about one thing she would say "yes" she takes his paw and gasps as he pulls her close, wrapping his paws around her, and dancing with her slowly, the music plying on into the night.

"It's late in the evening she's wondering what clothes to wear

she puts on her make up and brushes her long blonde hair

and then she asks me "do I look alright" and I say "yes, you look wonderful tonight"

"Oh Matt, this is wonderful" she murrs as she leans her head on his shoulder, basking in the romantic moment as he brushes the hair from her eyes "well it can only get better, if you want it to" he tilts her head up to him.

"We go to a party and everyone turns to see this beautiful lady that's walking around with me

and then she asks me "do you feel alright" and I say "yes, I feel wonderful tonight"

he gazed deep into her glistening blue eye, becoming lost to this siren who had stolen away his heart, as she gazed back up at him, gazing into his beautiful green eyes, leaning their muzzles closer, until they finally met, locking together in a passionate kiss. It felt like such a rush as it seemed that Matt's heart was ready to leap from his throat and down into Sarah's chest, to be locked with her forever in such a sweet and memorable moment, until time itself would eventually stop. For the vixen, nothing seem to matter, apart from what was happening right now, he was so handsome on this light, and oh so romantic, she too was having the strange sensations since they had been spending a lot more time together. Both were still locked in the kiss, neither one wishing for it to end, as their tongues danced like their bodies had done this night, whilst they held each other close and basked in what was simply perfection. The music with any other distraction seem to just fade off into the background, not to be heard, as their attention lay elsewhere, as their paws gently ran through the others soft and warm fur, their tails slowly swaying behind them.

After what must have felt like a lifetime, the kiss was broken, and they both stared back to one another, smiling as her paws reaches to the hem of his shirt, slowly pulling it up his body, to show his well toned stomach, the shirt finally being pulled off. He soon returns the favor, calmly pulling the white cotton shirt up, to reveal her cleavage, held behind a black bra. Giggling some as the T-shirt tickled against her nostrils, soon being removed as he leaned in closer to her. Grabbing a hold of his jeans, she waits for him to finish with the button and zip, helping them slide to the ground, as he just proceeds to pull her in close to his chest, her paws running up and down his fur as he tugs down her denim skirt, leaving her now in her black panties as well as the bra, he was in a pair of black boxer shorts. Neither cant wait a moment longer as their tongues re-connect , twisting and twining into a knot, as he firmly grabs her behind rubbing his hard paw pads slowly up and down it, caressing it gently as he trips on his clothes, falling backwards and taking her with him. Landing on the flattened corn seem to break his fall and make them both stop their kissing a moment and just laugh, he kisses her forehead, and like clock work, it all seems to resume on the path it was going as she sots upon his waist.

Sarah began to fiddle with the hook on her bra trying to unstrap it until, Finally she heard what she wanted to hear and smiled down at Matt slowly letting her bra drop off to unleash her delicious furry mounds. Matt could not help but blush as he gazed at her face and then to her magnificent breasts, feeling his own member tent up in his underwear, making her giggle as she felt it poke her "looks like someone is ready". "What can I say?" he laughed, grabbing her, and turning so she was no on the bottom, he kissed her lightly on the lips and they shared a brief exchange of tongues from one maw to the other, then he moved down to her neck. His kisses fell softly and slowly onto her neck, making her murr quite loudly indeed as a pathway of kisses from her neck lead all the way down to her bosom, where more love was to be given. Her face flushed a deep shade of crimson as the slow and sweet kissing soon turned to liking and slow sucking upon her chest, making her girls throb with pleasure at the teasing they were being given, and making her coo for more. The rough tongue of the fox lapping away at her nipples, making them harden as he murred loudly enjoying himself thoroughly as he takes to one of her breasts like a young and eager pup, and suckles lightly, he can tell from her moans she was not about to tell him to stop anytime soon.

You could indeed tell from the look on her face that she was indeed enjoying it, every touch, every kiss, every nibble felt like nothing she had ever felt before but maybe its because he was different, yes, he was different. Matt had noticed at this time the tingling sensation had all but stopped through his chest and now was being directed somewhere else, he knew that they had not known each other that long, but from the first meeting, he had felt something. When he first laid eyes on her, when he first listened to her voice, when they had first met he had known, this feeling was not a common one, but now he was almost certain of what it was, and Sarah knew this too. "I love you" he murred into her chest, making them both stop as she gazed down at him as if she were about to cry, but if she was, they were to be no tears of sorrow, only tears of joy "I love you" she whispered back. The young fox's heart seem to go haywire, wanting to burst from his chest and shout it from the tallest mountain that he was in love was this vixen and would be forever more, his paws rubbing up her legs now as she nods at him as if to say it was time.

Slowing pulling down her black panties to reveal her moist sex, he murred lightly, feeling his member call for release from its confinement, to which the fox was more than happy to oblige, slipping them down to his ankles and murring. Sarah cooed as the cool wind blew, making her shiver as it made contact with her private parks, only seeming to make her want him inside of her more as she began to whine out for him, looking at him with a look of great need. He could not stand listening to such a beautiful angel in peril, and decided to become her savor, leaning ever closer and rubbing himself gently against her folds, making her gasp and moan in response, he tries to be as gentle as possible with her. After building up enough wetness Matt slowly starts to push his length inside of her pussy, pressing through her walls that give way to his member, his breathing deep and heavy, taking things very slowly, desperately not wanting to her this sweet and beautiful creature. The vixen knew how gentle he was being with her, and it only seem to make her happier than she already was as he leaned forward slowly making her moan, as their lips locked .

A loud and lustful moan escaping from the fox as he felt the tight flower of the vixen constrict him securely, making his already hard member throb more and more as he slowly began to thrust himself into her. A small and equal moan escaped from her as the kiss broke, her paws running up and down his back, loving the warm feeling of his fur, it was so very soft and smooth, it felt so very good to just rub and pets as she nuzzles her head into his shoulder. Those soft and delicate paws running over his body made him feel so marvelous, as he began to slowly pull himself out for another thrust into her sweetness, making her shiver as he did so. It was more than just sex, the moment appeared to be right, and the location could not have been more prime, as the moonlight bathed them both, and the lights around the corn flickered with a surge of energy. Sarah wrapped her arms around him and held onto him tight, as if she would never let him go, she began to nuzzle into his neck, leaving kisses and nibbling on it softly, causing him to murr in great approval.

"ohhhhh yes... give me more my love" she moaned as he came forward with another deep thrust, more than happy to oblige as he whaled in his own delight, feeling so wonderful, not in any rush to end such a thing as this. Sarah felt relatively the same, it all felt so perfect, if that were to be even possible, but she wanted this time they had with each other, these moment of love and care to go on living forever, to stay with them as long as they both should live. They both knew that this was anything more than just sex in the cornfield under the light of the full moon, they knew that this was making love, something neither had truly experienced before. As the two bodies continued there grinding on into the night following the music and rhythm of the heart and dancing to the beat of love, which not even the heavens could possibly stop. Both writhing and panting in the heat of the moment, both feeling so incredible, too wondrous to even try to describe in mere words, as they were to be united by body and soul.

"oh yes, yes... yes" the vixen whined starting to thrust back into Matt to meet his own thrusting, as they both knew it would not be much longer, they were both beginning to weaken under the need to release. "MMM yeah, just a little more" he panted as pumped his member deeper into her, moving faster and faster, his length throbbing with such need to release, he was so close to his goal now, and she wanted just as much as him. She could not possibly wait any longer, her body was crying out desperately for release, as it jolted her entire being in waves of pleasure, her tired body knew she would not likely reach this height again as she moaned on loudly into the night, biting into his neck and cumming. "Ahhhh" oh the pain and pleasure from that bite as he felt her orgasm swim through her body, making him spasm and unable to control himself for a moment longer as his spewed free his seed, filling her deep with his warm cum,seeming to go on for quite a while as he quivered and growled in joyous bliss. At last the earth shaking release had subsided and the exhausted fox lay on top of the panting vixen, exchanging one last kiss as he wrapped himself around her "how was that?" she murred happily yawning wide and snuggling her love and he said "my darling ,you were wonderful tonight".