My Highschool Dream Love Part 3

Story by Tyrant Dragon on SoFurry

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Two weeks went by after that incident with Brad. I would see him in the hall all the time with that girl all over him. I got so sick of him for that moment, I lost all my attraction to him. However, there was a bright side. My birthday passed and I got my license. Along with my license, I got my mom's car. She got a new one. I decided that I would start driving to school.

One morning, I drove to school and went on with my day. I went to lunch with Billy as usual but this time he brought up an unusual conversation.

"So, who do you have the hots for?" he asked me.

"Well...." I said, hesitating.

"Oh come on, you can trust me. I promise I won't make fun of you." he said, smiling.

"I did have the hots for Brad, that junior husky who is muscular as hell." I said, begining to drool al ittle.

"Ha, I honestly don't blame you. If I were bi or gay, I would be attracted to him as well." he said.

That response really surprised me. I knew Billy was straight. However, I wouldn't think any straight guy would give that response. I shrugged and continued on towards the school.

"Yo, wanna hang out tonight?" Billy asked me.

"Sure why not, it is Friday." I replied.

For some reason, I was actually really looking foward to tonight with Billy. The rest of the day went on smoothly and I didn't get a lot of homework. I was on my way through the front door to get to my car, when I saw Brad. He was sitting by himself and looking kind of depressed. I decided to walk up to him and try to talk to him.

"What's wrong, Brad?" I asked.

"My girlfriend got pissed at me and I think she's going to dump me. Now I don't have a ride." he replied, looking up.

I almost fell over, this was my chance.

"Well, I could you give you a ride, if you want." I said, slightly shaking.

"That would be really awesome." he said getting up, smiling.

He's so fucking hot. I thought to myself, begining to get anothre hard-on. We continued towards the car, him getting in the passenger seat. We put our backpacks in the back seat and I started driving.

"So where to?" I asked, paying attention to the road.

"Just make a left at this light and then go down to Waterman and make a right. It's the third house to the left." he said.

He put his seat down and put his hands behind his head. His muscles started bulging and his tight shirt showed his abs and pecs. I almost hit a car I was so mesmorized. I started shaking a little bit but I controlled myself. It didn't take long to get to his house. When we pulled up into his driveway, he sat up and put the chair back to it's original position.

"Thanks man, I owe ya one." he said, smiling at me.

"Oh it was nothing." I said, smiling.

He leaned in towards me.

"No, I owe ya one." he said, smiling widely.

I got a great smell of his fragrance and I almost fainted. I wanted to kiss his lips right there and now but I stopped. I started sweating and I knew it was noticeable. He got out of the car and started walking to his front door. He got in and drove home. It was 4 o' clock when I got home so I decided to get started on my homework right away. I didn't like leaving my homework until the last minute.

I hoped into the shower after an hour and half of brain throbbing homework. It was so relaxing to have the hot water hit me. After about a fifteen minute shower I hopped out and got ready. I looked at the time and it was always six. I had to go pick up Billy. I got into the car and went off. He didn't live too far away from me. I got into his driveway and honked the horn for him to hurry his ass up. He ran out the front door and got into the car.

"Hola." I said, smiling.

"Yo." he replied.

I started driving back home when I realized Billy was starting to sweat. I checked if the heater was on. It wasn't.

"Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Y...ya. I'm fine." he said, trying to act smooth.

"No you're not, something is on your mind. What is it?" I asked, slightly concerned now.

"Seriously, I'm fine." he said.

I couldn't push it out of him completely so I decided to leave it alone for awhile. We arrived to my house and sat on the couch.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked.

I knew this was a dumb question because everytime Billy came over he wanted to play videogames and talk.

"What do you think?" he replied in a sarcastic tone.

I nodded and went to get the controllers. As I bent down, I could sense that Billy was checking me out. What the hell? I thought. I turned around and he was sitting the exact same way before. Not even looking my way. I tossed the controller to him and sat down right next to him. I started the game. Unfortunately, Billy picked a game that I was really good at. We ended up playing about three matches when Billy was starting to get angry.

"How the hell are you so good at this game?" he asked in frustration.

"Well, when you play it almost every other day, you get good at it." I replied, smiling.

Two more matches when by and Billy put the controller down.

"Is that enough domination for one day?" I said, being cocky.

"Dude, I have to ask you something." he said, starting to shake a little.

Aha! I knew there was something on this kid's mind. I thought.

"I haven't had a girlfriend in almost a year and a half. I haven't gotten lucky with any either. So I decided to try something different."

I know where this is going. I thought, starting to slightly shake myself.

"Can I give you a blowjob?" he said, becoming furiously red.

After that question a million thoughts ran through my mind. He's not gay though! He's not that attrative either.... What am I going to say? No? That would hurt his feelings. Where just a few that ran through.

"I knew you think I was crazy. Just take me home." he said, looking depressed.

"No wait." I replied quickly.

"What?" he asked.

"I..I guess so" I said.

Before I knew it the golden retriever was on my lap, locking his lips with mine. Thank god my parents arn't home yet. I thought. Billy's ass was grinding against my cock and I was begining to get erect almost instantly. He broke the kiss and smiled at me.

"You're so fucking hot." he said.

This is not the Billy I know. I thought, But he is a good kisser. He got down on the floor, his arms and head above the couch, looking at my bulge. He looked at me, seeing if he could get the ok todo it. I nodded slowly. He undid my pants and pulled them down slowly, revealing the big bulge in my boxers. He carressed it with his hand through my boxers and I began moaning.

'You like that?" he said, smiling.

"Ohh....fuck ya." I said.

He took the boxers from the top and pulled them down. I had to lift my ass up so there wasn't anything preventing it from going down. My member was revealed and Billy began drooling.

"You wanna suck that?" I said, putting the cock around his the outside of his lips.

He murred softly and nodded. I put my cock right infront of his face and he opened his mouth and took the head in. He slid his tongue all around the head and through the slit.

"Ohh. suck so good." I managed to get out between moans.

He took about half of it in his mouth while masturbating the other half. I leaned back, relaxing and just moaning loudly. I could tell I was close to ejaculation, but I wasn't going to do it just yet. I tilted my head to the side, watching his head bop up and down. I took my hand and carressed the back of his head. I took the cock out of his mouth after a few minutes and got up?

"What are you doing cutie?" he asked anxiously.

"You'll see. Just kneel down infront of my cock and open your mouth." I said, now standing.

He did it and slowly insearted my cock into his mouth. I took it out sowly and then back in. I began to fuck his mouth, so I wasn't quite ready for anal yet. I could take he was liking it cause he was moaning to. I titled my head back in pleasure as I began to show my whole cock into his mouth. He gagged a little but didn't mind it after that. After two more deep thrusts into the back of his throats, I said loudly,

"Oh fuck ya baby...hold still....I'm gonig to fucking cum in your throat...." I said moaning loudly.

He nodded the best as he could and I shoved my dick in way down his throat, his eyes getting into my pubes. I felt my cum come out in about four waves and he swallowed it all. Barely gagging.

"That was fucking awesome." Billy said, kissing my lips softly.

I went to the bathroom, wiping my cock with whatever cum was left and got dressed. I heard the garage door open. Just in time... I thought. We turned the t.v on and sat there, next to each other, and began watching.

"Hey guys." my dad said cheerfully.

"Hey." we both responded, almost at the same time, acting as if nothing happened.

We all ate dinner together and after some more videogame playing, I had to take Billy home. I got to his house and before he left, he turned around and kissed me on the lips, deeply.

"That was fun." he said, smilig.

"Sure was." I responded.

He got out and I drove home. It was getting late and I was tired. I had quite the adventure today. I got into bed, thinking of what happened today. And of course, the thought of the day came over me, So who is my dream love? Billy? Or Brad?

Well, there's part 3. You know the deal, leave comments, helps me decide rather to go on or not.