The Last Fight

Story by CWolf on SoFurry

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Story is based on the matrix trilogy, the people in this story are the last ones left on earth and they are still fighting the machines. Story takes place a hundred years before the actual matrix story -only fiction!

The Last Fight

The world is dark and there is only silence, no laughter and no more sun. The buildings are black and fear can be felt everywhere, down a black road someone is running. His shoes touch the ground as he runs, behind him a machine is shooting at him. He falls and runs backwards; shooting the large machine with a trusty Uzi he was carrying.

He keeps on shooting till he hears two click sounds from his gun and quickly turns around and says:

"Shut, out of bullets!"

The machine flies behind him -keeping on with the assault, he jumps up the building and his claws helps him running against it. He runs toward the machine and lands on top of it, he removes a revolver from his jacket and keeps on shooting the machine's head. He uses his claw and starts ripping out the wires, the machines grab his feet and pull him off.

Just as the machine was going to tranquilize him someone else jumps on the machine. His paw enters the machine and he rips out a large wire, he falls on the ground and stares at the machine.

"Fall down damn it" He gets up and picks up his friend, they both run down the road and enter an opened door.

"Connor, are you alright?" He looks at the brown wolf in front of him. The wolf has a brown bomber jacket and black shirt, he is wearing jeans. His brown eyes are kind and he is around the age of twenty two.

"Yes Red, we better get back down stairs." Red is tall and muscular, he has golden fur and grey, blue eyes. He is wearing a leather jacket and leather pants, he is twenty three.

Red walks to a door, he looks at Connor and says with a grin:

"Remember nothing is always what it seems, just look at this door. But say I opened it, what really lies on the other side."

He turns the knob five times, he presses the knob and the door opens, Red and Connor does not enter it but looks at a room slowly blurring a little. They walk threw but disappear as they do so, they walk out in a tall lab; a wolf walks towards them and says:

"Transportation, one of man's best creations before these Artificial Intelligent machines .We have the last transportation device on earth."

Red replies with an angry face:

"Yes, but it is their entire fault we are suffering like this. There are a few women and children left of their race. All the others were taken captive by the machines; I myself had to watch men screaming as the machines took them and their families captive. I don't know how we are going to keep them save, there are only two percent women, children and men left. We furs share this planet that's why it is our fight too, furs might be inferior species to humans and we are stronger, faster fighters but one mecha can rip us apart.

Connor walks to a computer and enters a code, the door opens and he walks into a great hall. Women, children and a few men of the humans and furs sit on the floor under blankets; they greet Connor as he walks past them. He walks down a smaller hall and enter a room, he looks up and search for his suitcase.

"Where is that thing?''

He picks it up from the ground and takes a card from it; he slides the card at a door in the back of the room. The door slides open and he walks inside, he walks to a big screen and sits on a chair. He looks up at the machine and says:

"Computer on."

The screen lights up and a virtual projection of a vixen stands in front of him, he gets up and orders:

"Computer, show files 002B."

The computer replies:

"Accessing family files."

Red looks at the files in front of him, only three appears.

"Show file three."

The screen turns black and a video appears on the screen, Connor walks closer and looks at the video. He looks at him holding a little boy, next to him a vixen is standing. They stare at the camera and waves at the person who was holding it; Red appears in the back and he walks closer, he puts his hand on Connor's shoulder. Connor blushes and quickly orders:

"End file."

Red looks at Connor and says with care in his voice:

"I am sorry about your family; I know how much you loved them."

Connor looks down and says angrily:

"If only we did not screw around that night, I could have saved them."

Red hugs Connor and whispers:

"I love you Connor, that night changed my life for the better. We made love like I never felt before; it was not your fault Connor."

Red pushes Connor away and screams:

"Because of that night I lost my family Red!"

Connor cries against Red's shoulder:

"Sorry love, I did not mean to scream at you. It's just...hard to carry on in these times."

Red caresses Connor's back and says softly:

"I am here for you and we will never be apart Connor, I love you so much. You are the most important thing in my life."

Connor rests his head on Red's shoulder and hugs him lovingly:

"Thanks, I need someone like you during these times."

Connor starts removing Red's black leather pants; Red pulls them up and says:

"Connor, we can do this tonight. We need to go on a mission right now, I promise tonight will be special."

Connor moans and looks at Red:

"I really wanted to do it right now but tonights good."

Connor and Red exits the room, the door slides close and locks. They walk back to the hall and lock the door behind them.

The wolf waiting in the lab walks to them; he gives them their guns and says:

"Ready for action?"

Red and Connor stand at the door and say:

"Let's go."

The wolf presses a button on the computer and they disappear again, they exit this time under the city in the sewer. Red and Connor looks at a computerized map showing where they were, they run down the pipes.

"Connor, we need to get a small mecha. You know the old fool wants to try and convert it, this sounds crazy but I know exactly how to get the thing to sleep."

Connor looks confused and asks:

"Sleep? Does he want to get us killed?"

They run down the pipes till they reach a light in the front, they climb out and stare at the dark sky. Connor says angrily:

"Those damn humans destroyed something beautiful, just because of their pride. They brought all of this upon themselves because they can't accept the fact that their own inventions are more inferior in every possible way."

Red replies in his normal tone:

"Yes, the humans made too much of them too smart and too strong, they reached a state where they believed that they were Gods. They might have made the greatest break threw this last decade but it caused their extinction. We have lost many furs thanks to

Their 'future' "

As Red and Connor keeps on with their conversation a vixen appears behind them, she starts shooting at them and screams:

"Intruders, I will destroy you!"

Red and Connor turn around and jump away from the bullets, Red jumps on the vixen and takes out a knife. Red cuts open her head, he quickly screams at Connor:

"Come and hold her down!"

Connor grabs the vixen and pushes her against the floor while Red scans her head with a small computer.

"She is a new version, they are upgrading every day it seems."

His computer beeps as he searches her head for a certain wire; He grabs a thin wire and cuts it. The vixen's body becomes lame and she does not move, Red looks at her and closes her head.

"We got to get her back to the lab, she could be of great help to us."

Connor shakes his head and picks her up, carrying her like a doll. Red lifts her feet and they climb back into the opening. As they do so they hear growls behind them, Red and Connor stares at a big male mecha-wolf behind them. Red's eye twitches and he screams out loud:

"We better run her husband found out what we did!"

Red and Connor start to run as fast as possible carrying the mecha-vixen. They run towards the opening they came from and stop in front.

Red signals something on his computer and the opening blurs, they both jump inside and it closes behind them.

They fall on top of each other as they fall in the lab; the wolf walks closer to them and picks up the vixen.

"Nice catch, I knew you wouldn't hurt a male, would you?"

Red and Connor blushes and looks at the wolf:

"You know about us?"

The wolf answers with a grin:

"Sure, you two touch each other too much to be straight."

Connor answers the wolf angrily:

"Zack, I am not completely gay. Why do you think I was married to a wife and we did have a child?"

Red smiles and puts his hand on Connor's shoulder, he then stands in front of him and kiss Connor on the muzzle.

"But that turned you on, didn't it?"

Connor blushes because of the doctor smiling at them, he turns around and says:

"Not as much as you would think."

Zack puts the vixen and removes her clothes; he puts he body on a metal table. Connor walks closer and grins:

"Free porn and I can touch it."

Red walks closer and hits Connor's hands, he looks up and says:

"No, we don't use our visitors Connor. I need to scan her body for damages not screw around with her."

Connor says angrily:

"She didn't even turn me on Zack; I was just going to test how she feels."

Zack rolls his eyes and says:

"You two should go get some sleep, I need to work now."

Red and Connor open the door and walk down the big hall, past the small hall and into a small room on the left. They close the door as they walk inside; Connor and Red look at each other and sit on the bed. Red looks are Connor and asks:

"Are you in the right mood?"

Connor whispers in Red's ear:

"Yes, I want you to screw me this time."

Red grins and pulls of Connor's pants, he removes his own and his shirt and jacket. Connor takes of his shirt and jacket and throws them to one side; they both jump in bed and stare at each other -panting hard. Connor looks down as he sees Red's wolf cock dripping pre- on his leg, his own member is pushing against Red's sac.

Connor turns around and lifts his tail for him, Red caresses Connor's tail hole and pushes his member inside...

Chapter 2

Zack is working on the young mecha-vixen; he looks at his computer and says:

"They have put new technology in you, these chips and circuits are alien technology to us."

He sits on the computer and types data on her memory bank, just as he does so the computer goes blank. He jumps up and hits it with his hand; a small red message appears on the screen. He wipes his eyes in shock as he reads it:

"You have made an illegal system error; please remove any wires from the computer that came from my body."

Zack smashes his paw on the wall and screams:

"That's not possible I removed the data from your memory that might cause you to malfunction. I must finish this transfer right now or you'll crash; do you understand?"

The computer displays a new message and he reads it:

"I understand 343, I will not crash. Do it or I will activate emergency mode and continue destroying and collecting data from your computers. My scans show there are a lot of data I can send to the master computer and we will take you and your friends captive."

Sweat drips from Zack's chin and he orders quickly:

"Tell me why you called me 343?"

The message changes again but this time it shows information about him and his family, he reads the message:

"We call you 343 because you will be put in pod 343 and steps will be followed to connect you to the program. We will connect you all to the program and you won't even remember a thing. I suggest you and the people here give up, there is no world anymore. Everything you could love is inside the program."

Zack asks with a scared voice:

"My wife, my little boy?"

The screen displays a picture of a young boy and a vixen, tears drip from Zack's eyes as he touches the pictures. He looks down at the message:

"No 223 and 312 are connected and alive, you could be with them if you give up 343. They will be happy to know you are coming."

Zack asks with a sad voice:

"What is the program and what does it do?"

The computer displays a timer counting down:

"I am sending data to the master computer, do not stop me. You can be with your family if you allow us to connect you to the program."

The screen displays codes flying over the screen, and then suddenly stops.

A small message appears and he reads it as he wipes the tears from his eyes:

"Please restore me"

Zack turns around and slowly puts the wires back in her head. He presses with his fingers behind her ear and watches as she turns on. She gets up and pushes a needle sticking out of her finger in his arm. Zack falls on the floor as she takes it out; she walks over to the main power and pulls the lever down.

Red and Connor are kissing each other; the room suddenly becomes dark and the people outside start panicking. Red falls on the ground and puts his pants on, Connor panics and falls on top of Red.

"I can't find my clothes"

Red lays Connor on the bed and caresses his crotch; he lies next to him and whispers:

"Don't worry, I will just go and put the power back on."

Red exits the door; he closes it and starts running in the darkness towards the lab. He stops as soon as he touches the door, he screams:

"Zack! Turn on the lights, this is not funny."

He smells at the air and screams at the people:

"What is going on?"

Someone out of the crowd chokes as he screams:

"We are falling unconscious! It's gas!"

Red starts running back at the room he came from but trips over someone and falls unconscious.

Connor gets up but smashes his head against the ceiling and falls of the bed, he rolls under the bed and falls unconscious as blood slowly drips from his head.

Chapter 3

"Where am I? Pain...ouch...who hit me?"

Connor's eyes blur and he falls on the ground, he vomits but gets up again. He leans against the wall and makes his way threw the door. He stares at the empty hall and runs towards the door; he trips over a gun on the floor.

He looks at the ceiling and turns around; he picks up the gun and says with a trembling voice:

"Red...Red...where are you?"

Connor pulls himself up; his naked body is cold and soars all over. He looks down at the blood on his shoulder, he asks softly:

"What happened here?"

He enters the lab and sees a hole in the roof; he looks at the computer and turns it on. The computer's screen explodes and he falls on the ground. He rips a piece of glass from his arm and his stomach; he opens the emergency kit under the metal table. He removes a small machine and presses it in his wound; the wound slowly heals as he enters it in both cuts.

He runs back to the room and puts on his clothes; he walks out and enters the other computer room behind the locked door.

As he runs to the computer he screams:

"Computer on"

The computer turns on and he quickly asks:

"What is the date?"

The computer replies:

"It is exactly 30 March the year is 2401, it is six o' clock the morning."

He scratches his head and asks:

"When last did I ask you something?"

The computer displays his last question and the date, Connor looks shocked and says:

"I have been unconscious for two days, that's not possible. I couldn't where is everyone?"

The computer displays a video; machines enter the room and take the people away. Then the video disappears, he looks down and he trembles. He runs out of the door and grabs a few guns from a metallic chest in the lab; he runs out of the door and slowly climbs up a pipe. He carries on till he reaches an opening, he enters a code at the small screen and it opens. He climbs out and stares at the dark street and says:

"They won't get away with this; they won't take away Red too."

He runs down the street and he enters a building, he stands in front of a door. He pulls the knob two times and turns around, as he does so the floor opens and he jumps inside.

"Zack was right; we are going to use this."

He presses a button and enters the jet, the roof slides away and he turns it on. The jet shoots in the air and starts flying over the city. Connor puts on the small computer inside the jet and orders:

"Where is 01?"

The computer displays a map and shows with a red dot the precise location. The plane turns towards the giving direction and an hour later arrives at the location.

Connor stares at the city; he looks at all the machines flying over it and the robots and androids walking from machine to machine. He flies over something that caught his eyes; he flies closer and then around it.

"What the hell is that?"

He stares at millions of small pods; he was just about to scan the pods as three machines appear behind the jet.

"What the hell are those things?"

They rip threw the plane and he panics as the jet falls towards the ground, he presses the button and he is ejected out of the jet.

He lands on the computer wires going up to the pods; he looks up in shock and says:

"Those are all people"

A machine grabs him from behind; the machine picks him up and flies him to an empty pod. He screams as the machine forces wires into his back and his neck, he screams even harder as the wires spreads threw his brain. Finally the machine injects fluid into one of the wires, as he turns around he stares at the person next to him.


He screams as electricity runs threw the wires to his brain, he tries to move but can't. He looks at Red as a tear drops from his eyes and rolls into the fluid filling around him.

He closes his eyes and whispers as everything fades away, his memory and his love for Red.

"I will find you Red, I will see you again...I love you..."

Connor's pod closes and the machine flies away into a distance, all around Connor are the people he has loved in his life.

Meanwhile under Connor a human gets out of the pod, the war has just begun. The war that which will carry on for one hundred years...

The End