Silver and Gold - Trigger - ch 10

Story by poneyboy on SoFurry

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#10 of Silver and Gold

"No. I don't hate anyone, especially Kris!" I tried to give a warm smile as I went to go up the stairs but I could feel my nervous showing through.

As I took each step I felt myself become more and more nervous as I could feel their eye watching me take each step carefully. I made my way to the top of the stairs and rounded the corner as Kris's door came into sight.

I stopped just inches from it trying to calm myself and stay forced on what I need to say and do. I gently tapped on the door with my shaky claws.

"I said LEAVE ME ALONE" it was more of a roar than words that came from within the room to only be followed by a hard thud that shook the door as something hard and heavy collided with it. The door unlatched its self from the force of the item.

A thin strand of darkness bordered the edges of the open door, I took a deep breath and tentatively made my way in.

"Kris?" the room is dark and the curtains are draw drowning out the light with the darkness, my eyes took a minute to adjust as I silently closed the door behind me. I saw a slightly hunched figure sitting on the edge of the bed, he was holding something metallic, it shone dimly in the low light, it looked like a gun.

A Pair of eyes looked at me glowing softly as silver watery streaks lined the skin beneath those beautiful but sad eyes as he moved to gun closer to him.

I lunched myself at him swiftly cutting the gap between us as I changed from running as wolf, to leaping at him in my human form, knocking the gun out of his hand, as I pinned him to his bed.

"Don't you dare! Don't you even bloody think about it!" he looked up at me in shock but a hint of sadness was still there.

"Why shouldn't I?!" newly form beads of water ran from the corners of his eyes as Kris turned his head to look away from me.

Water fell onto his soft tanned skin as it fell from my eyes, I bring my hands to softly cup his jaw, slowly and gently turn his face to mine.

"Because I don't want to lose any more of the people I love" the water from my eyes flowed freely as brought my lips to his, he was still and did nothing until I gently pushed my tongue into still mouth as gently caressing and stroking the sides of his face trying to get him to respond.

His arms gently but tightly wrapped around me as he came to life, he kissed with equal passion as his tongue ran and caressed mine while his hands ran over my back pressing my form into his.

Ours lips slowly parted as we looked into one another's eyes, his glowed in the dim light of his room, like a soft flickering flame. I gently moved my head next to his, as I rubbed my cheek to his.

"I'm so sorry ....... alpha" I softly licked his jaw as I leaned back to look at him once more. His eyes where wide and full, I could see him gently biting his lower lip as he evidently did not believe what he was hearing. Pulling me close, he hooked his chin over my shoulder and held me so very tight and protectively.

"I'm sorry pup, I didn't mean it! I'm so sorry" we both held each other tightly, not wanting it to end or let go as we nuzzled and kissed each other tenderly as our tongues explored and mapped the other's mouth for some time.

I softly nuzzled and licked his neck while he held me to him tightly, as I lay on top of him showing how sorry I was for almost driving him to the end. While he held me tightly, gently stroking my back and shoulder, as he repeatedly told me he was sorry.

"You know something pup? Your naked" I froze not knowing what to do, I tried to gently push myself off him.

"You're not going any were pup" he had a sly but loving grin as he hooked one of his legs over mine and rolled over so he lay atop of me, as he kissed me once more.

He sat up straddling my waste as he peeled off his T-shirt to reveal his well toned chest and abdomen, I just stared at him in owe, as he continued to grin at me. Kris put his chest to mine as he lay down upon me while he pulled his shorts and jockstrap off to leave him just as naked as I. He licked my chin once more and placed his knees to either side of my hips, straddling me once again. Kris could put the Greek gods to shame with his body as he kneeled above me, his bare skin rubbed mine as our bodies mixed and intertwined.

"Like what you see?" he put his hands on my rapidly rising and falling chest as looked into my eyes.

"Yes!" he smiled while leaning down and brought his lips to mine, we kissed long and hard. Feeling his skin move over mine was just so arousing and invigorating.

He moved down to my chin and neck kissing, licking and nipping at each patch if skin he found, his hands caressed my chest and sides moving up and down while gently raking my skin with his nails leaving it tingling and sensitive to everything he did.

I moaned as his lips found my right nipple as his other hand found my left, he took it between his lips and gently suckled like a new born pup while his hand gently squeezed and twisted the nipple between his fingers, the mix of pleaser and pain was getting to me as he softly nibbled and nipped further down.

I almost came when his lips touched my throbbing shaft, teasing and playing with his tongue as he ran it up and down my aching member, lapping at the freely flowing pre, he moved his lips over the head of my cock and gently sucked. He started to bob each time taking just a little more of my pulsing cock into his skilled mouth.

It was getting to much for me to bear as I tried to hold back as his hands left my pleasurably stinging nipples to play with my close to bursting balls.

My breathing was hard and erratic, I tried to regain some control as my hands found the top his head, I gently pushed him off my throbbing and pulsing shaft with not a moment too soon as I would have blow my load right then and there if I had let him continue.

He gave me a confused and wanting look as he stared up at me while I tried to get some air to stay in my lungs.

"Take me!" his eyes went wide "I want you to be my first!" he just looked at me stunned for a moment.

"Are you sure?" he brought himself up to my level, we looked into each other's eyes.

"Yes I want to be yours" I softly nuzzled his cheek as he wrapped his arms around me, licking the side of my cheek once more,

"I'll be as gentle as I can."

"I now you will." I quickly gave him kiss on the cheek before I moved out from under him, he just watched me with a silly but love filled grin as I got onto my hands and knees in front of him.

I could feel the bed move as he gently placed his hands on my hips as I tried to control my breathing as I was feeling a little nervous, his hands rubbed over my back and sides helping me to relax. They drifted down and slowly started the massage my thighs as I felt his breath on the cleft of my ass causing me to jump a little, his hands moved up to each cheek and gently pulled them apart exposing my virgin hole to the world.

I shuddered and jumped a little when his tongue touched the base of my balls, in one swift motion moving to the top of my ass, he gently started to lick around my hole sending soft waves of pleasure through me as I began to moan once more.

I let out a low deep moan as he started to push his tongue within me, trying to open me up for what was about to come, deeper and deeper his tongue went gently flicking and lapping at the walls of my not so virgin tunnel.

He pulled away for a moment to only delve deeper, stroking my walls and just touching my ever so sensitive prostate. I shuddered and moaned with each movement of his tongue as he spread my cheeks further apart and pushed his face right up to meet my loose and open hole as he contused to ravage me with passion and lust.

I had never felt anything like it before in my life but I knew I wanted it, I knew I wanted him. He pulled away panting as I kneeled there in front of him shaking and sweating lightly, I felt the bed move a little. I turned to look at him as he placed his hands on my hips hold me still as he nestled the head of his thick 8 inch member between my cheeks, just resting in front of its new home.

"Try and relax, it will be easier if you do" his eye where glowing brightly in the low light as he gave me a loving and caring look before I turned and relaxed as much as I could for him.

I felt him start to push himself into me as his thick wide cock head eased its way into me, it was painful but it was as bad as it could have been thanks to his stretching and licking.

He pushed a little harder and gently pulled my hips back onto him bit by thick bit he made his way into me, we where both grunting and moaning as he continued to bush his way past my tight ring for flesh going deeper than his tongue could ever go until his hips met mine.

He held me there for sometime letting me adjust the large piece of himself that was now berried between my cheeks as he and I caught our breath feeling each other's warmth and love while we just experienced the moment we were sharing.

I closed my eyes as he started to pull himself out, slowly drawing himself out of me making us both moan in unison, I felt so empty and hollow without him inside me, I began to whimper in need. He pushed back in slowly hilting himself once more, to only pull out again leaving only the head in leaving me with that empty feeling once more waiting and wanting him to fill me.

He kept this up of a long time, drawing out and prolonging the pleasure as he pushed in and out of me sending waves of pleasure through both of us as we continued our slow and pleasurable dance that only took two, while our moans became deeper and needier.

He picked up the pace with each thrust, grunting and moaning every time he hilted me forcing me to moan as the air was driven from my lungs, with each long thick stabbing trust he rubbed over my sensitive prostate making me whimper with each and every movement of his pulsing cock.

Each thrust becoming harder and faster as he leaned over me wrapping his arms around me pulling my body flush with his as he drove himself deeper into me, but something different he felt bigger not only his cock but his body to, I could feel hair moving across my back with each of his thrusts. I open my eyes to see a large Doberman leaning over me with his head right next to mine, he is in his were form.

His eye meat mine as he gently licks my cheek, I smile back weakly gasping and moaning between each breath as each thrust pushes the air from my lungs.

The thick piece of meat that pounds deep with me had also changed with its owner, smoother and so thick, with every thrust I could hear the mixed sounds of our moans, the soft sound of skin hitting fur as he just continued to push me closer and closer to the edge, the mix of pain and pleasure as his large swinging balls collided with mine sending spikes of pleasure as they lightly stung with each hard push.

I could feel myself getting closer with even having to touch myself, the way his cock battered and moved over my prostate was enough to leave a long trail of pre over the sheets beneath me stretching up to my abdomen. The air was not only heavy with the sounds of are matting but the scent of too was thick and potent.

I could feel myself reaching the point of no return as he continued to drive himself into me like the savage but loving beast he is, the sound of his moans and grunts spurring me on trying to fight it, I could feel something different, something large and wet, his knot.

"Tie me .....please" my voice was weak and ragged as he continued to ravage me. I looked into his eyes they looked hesitant and worried as we continued to move back and forth with each of his thrusts.

"I want... to be yours ... forever ... alpha" I said between gasps and deep moans as I rubbed my cheek of over his whimpering like a pup in need. He smiled showing me those gleaming white teeth of his as a small tear ran down his cheek, he looked so happy.

If it thought his thrusts where powerful before then these where on a whole other level as he practically ploughed me into the creaking bed below me trying to force that locking lump of flesh into me but it just wouldn't. I whimpered and groaned as he tried to push his knot into me with such force my arms gave way as I end up moaning and yipping into the covers and pillows as he just continued to push as hard as he could.

His knot felt so big, I wanted but feared it at the same time not knowing if it would fit but I wanted it so much to be connected to him on a different level, to show I truly wanted to be with him is all I want, I started to push back to meet his thrusts moaning and yipping each time his knot forced me a little wider but it still didn't move past my tight ring, I was starting to loos hope.

In one quick motion Kris wrapped his jaws around my neck clamping down tightly, puncturing the skin as he held me still, my eyes blurred and clouded over as he held me still growling dominantly and lustfully as my whole body just went limp as he held me between his jaws and continued to thrust and push into me. Just me and him nothing else mattered, I felt so protected and loved as I lay there slumped over as he just continued to take me and make me his.

He tightened his grip on my neck making small beads of blood trickle from around his teeth as he gently lapped at them soothing me as every muscle in me relaxed. I felt no pain, no discomfort just love and pleasure that was giving me.

I could feel him getting closer to bursting, with one final thrust he pushed as hard as he could and pulling me back slamming me back onto him, I yelped and whined as his knot forced its way into me, I could feel every pulls and jerk as it ballooned inside me locking us together.

His thrust where short and erratic but the new level of pressure from his knot was too much as I shot rope after rope of seed over the sheets and my chest, I could feel my muscle pulling and contracting around his knot and cock that felt so deep within me it as the room started to gently spin.

I could feel his cock starting to pulls and shake as my bowls started to heat up adding to the pressure and pleasure mixing within as I yipped and barked into the pillows below. His thrusts become hard and powerful grindings as he pushed himself into me forcing his seed deeper into me with each pulsing jet of his wonderfully thick cock.

My knees gave out pulling him with me, as he lay atop of me moaning and growling in unison with me as each jet of cum shot in to me, he gently released his tight locking hold on my neck while carefully licking where his jaws had been while he still lead atop me pinning me to the bed, not that I mined much.

I lay there pinned only feeling pleasure and the comforting presents of my boy friend, feeling his thick cock locked within me pulsing as he continued to shoot his load into me while he attentively licked and groomed the back of my head and neck. I felt his heavy breath rushing to and fro past my ears like waves crashing onto the shore soothing and relaxing me as we just lay there basking in the glorious afterglow of our union, his arms smoothly wrapped themselves around my chest and pulled me close to him.

He slowly rolled us on to our sides moaning and growing at each movement as his cock moved ever so slightly moved and shifted within me shooting jolts of pleasure through the both of us.

We lay on our sides panting heavily, with every breath I took I inhaled his spicy sweat musk, it was to strange but it felt so natural to me, his paws gently stroked and curled around my chest and stomach as we just lay there connected in more ways than one, feeling each other's hart beat, hearing each other breath.

His muzzle gently rested in the crook of my neck while he still held me close to him, I could still feel his cock pulsing and continued shooting into me, continually stimulating my prostate causing us to moan every now and then as we lay there. Something intrigued me about what he did and why he did it but my mind was too hazy to try and work it out on its own.

"W-why did y-you change?" my voice was ragged as I tried to spit out the proper words "not that I'm complaining" he chuckled as he lick the underside my jaw as couple of times.

"Because I wasn't the only one" I slowly turned my head to look at him giving a confused look as I wearily cracked open my eyes. My silver eyes met his golden, he looked very smug and proud as he looked down at as he rested on his elbow, he leaned down to affectionately licks my muzzle........MUZZLE!