Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 7

Story by G-man2014 on SoFurry

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#7 of Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 1

Finally finished chapter 7 and I do apologize for the wait I have been REALLY busy -_-; I am proud to say that this is my longest chapter so far so enjoy...

I own all the rights to my own characters which include Gabe, Nathan, Garret, and more to come in later chapters now with that out of the way, on with the story...

Chapter 7

Garret came up worried about all the screaming, "Hey Nathan are you alright?" he asked as he walked in. He looked at Nathan and panicked, "What did you do to him?!" I answered, "I asked him if he wanted to turn into something like me, and he did so I injected him with something that would transform him."

He just shook his head disappointed and said, "Did you stop to think about what would happen if the transformation has a negative effect on him, or if he wasn't the same person? Like if he can't control his new body and starts attacking people." I answered nervously, "My transformation didn't make me forget who I am and I'm in total control of my body."

He gave me a stern look, "Yours was natural though, his was forced. When he wakes up, be prepared for the worst." As if on cue Nathan started coming to.

I stepped in front of Garret ready to protect him if Nathan lost control. Nathan sat up and started groaning in pain, I walked over to him with Garret still behind me, "Ow!! Why does every part of my body hurt?" I answered, "I did what you wanted, I changed you into a dragon."

He looked at himself, he wasn't showing any signs of panic, he actually looked pretty thrilled about his new body. He looked at the wings on his back and his newly grown tail, he started flapping his wings and what he did next completely threw me of guard.

He burst through his window and started flying, I jumped through the window and yelled at Garret, "Stay inside G, I'm going to see if I can get him back!!" I ran after Nathan as fast as I could and Garret yelled something back at me but I couldn't understand him, so I just ignored it and ran faster towards Nathan.

He was too high so I jumped on top of the houses and ran along the roofs, soon he was within my reach but he spotted me when he looked over his shoulder at me. He made a powerful stride with his wings and accelerated forward putting some distance between us, but I wasn't ready to give up.

There was something different about him but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I finally got close enough to him and jumped onto his back, he wasn't prepared for the extra weight so it sent us spiraling straight into the ground. We crashed into the ground hard but he shook it off like it was nothing.

I got up and looked at him, he wasn't the same Nathan that I knew so well, he was a savage monster that was angry at me. He threw a punch at me but I wasn't fast enough to counter it so the punch made direct contact with my jaw with tremendous force that threw me back at least twenty feet.

"NATHAN?!!! What the hell is wrong with you?"He just let out a mighty roar that gave me chills in return. He got airborne with s powerful flap of his wings, and he let himself drop trying to stomp on me. I rolled out of the way just in time to see his attack leave a small crater.

I got to my feet quickly and sweep kicked him, I pinned his shoulders down to the ground, "Nathan why are you attacking me? We're friends remember?" He shook his head angrily and kicked me off of him, he put no effort into the kick but it nearly broke my ribs.

I thought to myself, 'Garret was right, how could I have missed the fact that Nathan's transformation would have a negative effect on him and now he has no control of himself because of me. DAMMIT!!! I'm such an idiot.'

I watched him get up and let out another terrifying roar. He charged me again but this time I'm ready, he went for a kick to my head followed by a swing of his tail, I ducked his kick but I took the full blow of his tail sending me back a few feet.

I wiped the blood coming from the corner of my mouth, and growled at him. He threw another punch at me but I blocked it, this only pissed him off and he raked his claws across my chest.

I gave him a deep throated growl, spun around and elbowed him in the stomach, I heard him cough and I knew that I knocked the wind out of him, I took this chance to throw him over my shoulder and put him in a triangle choke. I knew I had him but he wasn't ready to admit defeat so he dug his claws into my leg, I yelped in pain and pinched his arm nerve making it limp but his claws were still boring into my flesh.

"AHHH!!! Gabe that hurts and why the hell are you attacking me?" He asked with a huff. I answered in a furious tone, "You attacked me remember?" He looked at me confused and said, "No, I was flying and you were following me, the next thing I know we are on the ground with you holding me in a headlock."

I was shocked 'He doesn't even know we were fighting, he could have killed me and he would have had no idea until it was too late.' I thought to myself. "Sorry Nathan, don't know what came over me." I said lying through my teeth, I released him from my hold trying to figure out how he is himself again and what triggered his savage behavior.

I helped him up and quickly removed his claws from my leg, luckily he didn't notice and we started running home hoping no one had witnessed our fight.

Unfortunately I was completely oblivious to the fact that we had been spotted. The run back home was boring and uneventful but I wasn't thinking about our run home, I was thinking how Nathan went completely berserk and have no recollection of it.

It had been three days since Nathan lost control, and I'm constantly paranoid, just waiting for him to attack again but luckily he hasn't attacked me since then. It's been boring as hell since either me or Nathan can leave the house during the day or else we might be spotted and cause panic.

So every day we would just stay in the house, surprisingly I only got a minor ass kicking from Nathans parents for turning him into a dragon and the worst thing I got out of it was a black eye, and a dislocated shoulder.

Today was the same as the other three, we woke up, ate, said our goodbyes to Nathans parents and Garret as they left for work and school, we stayed away from the windows to avoid being seen by any neighbors, and just talked or played video games until it got dark.

We were sitting on the couch watching some commercials until Nathan broke the silence, "Hey Gabe?" "Yeah..." I said plainly. "How did we end up on the ground when I was flying for the first time three days ago?" He asked curiously.

Thoughts were racing through my head 'I can't just tell him he attacked me' I was trying to make up a believable story but all that came out was, "Oh umm... you kind of zoned out and lost control leading up to your crash."

I looked at the dragon hoping he would believe my story, he gave me a skeptical look and opened his mouth to say something but decided against it, I let out a sigh of relief. "So anything else?" He looked out the window and shook his head, "Nah, I was just curious about what happened."I looked out the window with him and watched the sunset give off a light orange glow as it finally disappeared under the horizon.

"Alright it's dark now so can we go walk around outside pleeeeease?" I looked at him giving him the puppy dog eyes just begging to go outside. "Sounds good to me." He said with a smile. We walked out the door and headed to the canyon, I wasn't afraid of getting attacked by a mountain lion again since I had a 7 foot tall dragon with me.

I'm still curious about why that cheetah helped me but I pushed it out of my mind. We chose our usual spot by a river bank, the cool sand felt great under my sore feet, even Nathan was enjoying the cool night air.

The sound of rushing water was just relaxing to me and Nathan, we sat down to enjoy the peace and freedom, what must have been minutes felt like hours of peace for us.

But my peace was interrupted as my ears twitched at the sound of heavy footsteps and snapping twigs, "Listen... Do you hear that?" Nathan opened an eye and looked down at me, "It's probably the wind bro."

I listened for the footsteps again... but there were no heavy footsteps or snapping twigs, only the sound of rushing water.

"You're probably right... just the wind." I wanted to believe what I said but I know I heard footsteps. The next thing I knew I had a blindfold on me and my hands were tied behind my back. I heard Nathan let out a loud roar followed by the screams of unknown men.

"Nathan? What's going on?" I heard a lot of men fall to the ground groaning, "I don't know... but we're being attacked!" I started panicking, "WHAT?!!!" My ears twitched as I heard someone run at me, I gave the person a roundhouse kick to the head, I heard the unknown person fall to the ground groaning, I identified the person as a male from his groans.

I could hear Nathan struggling with what sounded like 7 other men, he screamed and I heard him fall to the ground, "Nathan? NATHAN!!!? What did you bastards do to him?"

I started growling uncontrollably as one of them charged me. I was able to tell his distance from me and waited for him to get close enough, he was within spitting distance of me so I kneed him in the stomach, he let out a hard cough and I dropped him to the ground.

Now I was really pissed and growled showing my teeth yelling, "You jerks better hope Nathan is okay or I swear I will kick your ass!!!" An unknown voice that belonged to a male answered, "Impressive fighting skills you've got, your little dragon isn't half bad either but you two aren't in control here."

This only pissed me off even more, "What the hell are you- AHHHHH!!!" I felt something stick into my back and start electrocuting me. I fell to the ground with a THUD and passed out.

Well there is chapter 7 for you, I hope the length was standard for everyone and please comment and rate.