My Mistress... Godzilla

Story by The Iron Basilisk on SoFurry

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My Mistress...


This is a work of compleate and utter fiction. I do not own gozilla and this is nothing more than a

written down fantasy by a demented evil mind. Godzilla is trademarked by Toho pictures and

deserves to be forever. This is nothing more than fan boy writing so chill out and don't sue me

cause I'm not making money off of this anway.




Contains F/m D/s sexual activities and romanitc bits thrown in... BE WARNED!

James sat at the long table and shook his head, he just couldn't belive what he was hearing.

"So let me get this straight... you added DNA from the most dangerous being in the world to my

project, the cellular regeneration cell."

"Surely you know that the creature has nearly impossible abilities of regenareation, combined with

your own unique technology the CRC will be capable of healing even the most terrible of damage to

the body, the advantages are clear." said Professor Stalls. "I know that you do not favor this

decision, but the military has become interested in this progect, and sinc we are funded by the

government we have little choce but to use there celular research."

And that was it... his greatest progect, the CRC was going to have the most dangerious genes

imaginable added to the cell's mixture...

The DNA of Godzilla . . .

He awoke in a huge cell...

Surrounded by meter thick armor glass, reinforced by huge steel beams. Lights glared down at him

from above and aside lighting the place he was in as if he were the star attraction in a circus.

People walked around the huge cell checking varius machines and sensor stations that he recognized

the function of, having used things like that himself on the prodgect.. The way he saw them was odd,

so odd to him.. They were tiny, small. Tiny little people... but whenever he looked at one they

jumped into sharp and increadable focus, so clearly that he could see hairs regrowing on there faces

since the last time they shaved... what had happend to him? What was going on? He made a noise

then of uncertainty and fear and it came out as a long drawn out hiss of some giant serpent. The

people sourounding the cell all started like deer hearing a gunshot at the sound and he wondered

what had happened to him? And what was going on...

"Doctor Bonnard?" came a voice over the loudspeaker mounted on the side of the cell. He turned

towards it. There to the side of the tank stood Professor Stalls and a group of scientists all of who

were looking up at him in mixed fear and aprehention.

He gave another roaring hiss in reply and wondered what was wrong with his ability to speak and

why everything looked so strange to him... he just couldn't seem to think at the moment, too much

sensory input, he had this bizzar feeling that his mind was incased in a space that was far too big for

it, as if it had grown to be just so much larger than his own mind that he could bearly reach the edges

of it with his small intellect...

"Doctor Bonnard... I know that you are confused and disoriented by all this, but know that we are

doing everything we can at this time to come up with a solution to your problem.. We have some of

the best scientists in the world trying to come up with a plan even as we speak."

He gazed down at the tiny Professor Stalls and saw him with a clarity that was impossible to a

human being, saw even at this distance every pore in his skin, every hare on his head and even could

see the flush of his blood thue his skin, the dilation of his eyes as he faced what was to him a terror

given life... he was afraid, terrified and almost panic stricken to be this close to him... what could

make him feel this way? He thought back... to the lab... the experiment...

He stood before the large tank, checking the fluid levels. The Cellular Regeneration Cell was

perhaps the greatest advancement in medical science in this century. It appeared as a large standing

tank full of silvery liquid, the nutragen fluid. When a being was placed within the cell any damage

they had, no matter how severe could be repaired by the silver fluid. The fluid that he had developed

over years of constant research, it was the perfect blank slate, the perfect fluid that could in an

instant change and replace the cells of the body.... but to speed up the process the DNA of an

indestructible being, the one that had defied every army of the world's attempt to kill, had been

added. And they didnt know much of anything about the creature save that it regenerated instantly

any damage at all that you did to it and they thought that they could use that ability to enhance to

healing process... it was obvious why, if they could move the healing process to a matter of minutes

from a matter of weeks then there soldiers would be invincible, almost impossible to kill. And

although he understood that reasoning, he believed that the government who held such a power

would most likely be far more likely to go to war, to use this remarkable life saving technology to

evil ends...

No, he didnt like it at all.

But the experiment went on right on schedule...

The experiment in theory was simple, a base bit of cellular tissue was placed in the tank and then the

would turn it on, saturating it in just the proper mixture of nutrients and exactly the proper electrical

stimulus and it should begin to grow, to change and become the organ that it was taken from in an

increadably short span of time thanks to his invention.

But that is where things went horribly wrong....

All had gone well for a brief time... better than expected, the cellular tissue sample was replicating

without mutations perfectly at an almost impossible rate... he was elated then... perhaps it would

work after all, that the Godzilla DNA wouldn't have any effect besides making his project work

even better...

But then...

The cellular sample had mutated with the suddenness of lightning into something else.. Something

that they had no idea what it was and it grew faster and faster... they had tried to shut it down.. Stop

it from growing... he had evacuated the lab when it became clear that the mutated cells could

possibly escape there containment and do who knows what... that cell could have contained a life

form that would infect and destroy all life on earth... he had tried then to manually flood the chamber

with liquid nitrogen and hopefully freeze it to death... but the tank hadn't held... it had ruptured... he

remembered the sound of the huge lexan tank cracking and then the high pitched sound of it

shattering.. He had spun around and saw a huge mass of living matter rushing towards him...

engulfing him and dragging him under... he remembered indescribable pain as if it were eating him

alive cell by living cell and every one were screaming in agony... he remembered...

He lifted then a hand and held it before his eyes...

A huge reptilian claw filed his vision... each finger larger than six people laid end to end...

He looked out at the huge cell and sought out his reflection and saw himself with his incredible

clarity of sight in the glasses of a technician that was staring at him in near horror stricken panic...

He was... Godzilla

He roared in mindless terror and the surrounding tiny humans ran for dear life as the very building

shook with the force of that primal scream...

He felt then an unnatural calm, a reptilian edge that quelled his frail human fears and his sanity

slowly returned to him as he dealt with the certainty that nothing would ever be the same again, then

watching emotionlessly as the building was evacuated and sealed shut...

He tried to get control.. To hold on... to save what little sanity he had left... And then from

somewhere in him he felt something.. A certainty... a strength that he had never felt before... alien to

him in so many ways but like his own in so many others... and this strength held on to him,

grounding him, keeping him from madness and total dispair...

He felt then a presence... saw in his minds eye the face of a great reptile and knew somehow...

Godzilla was coming

Somehow the monster knew that he was here... knew what he was now and was now bent on finding


He didnt panic... That seemed impossible to him now... he was no longer human, no longer capable

of the same feelings of fear or despair that had plagued him his whole life...

He sat there and thought on his situation... he took some time to look at himself, thinking thru his

situation as best he could.

He looked like godzila... but not quite... he recalled that godzilla was heavily muscular with huge

legs and massive chest, a body builder of a lizard whos strength was known to be impossible to

match, standing tall and immense... He, it seemed was far slighter than the origonal... more of a

veloceraptor than tyrannosaur. He had strong slim legs and well formed strong arms and a long neck

with a triangular reptilian head, large slitted snake eyes... his back had the same serrated blades like

those worn by Godzilla down his spine, but thiner and seemingly lighter in construction... But there

on his back was one odd difference that stood out. There on his back just below his shoulders there

were two bumps, large ones. They looked like teardrop shaped shallow bowls that were stuck to his

back, one under each shoulder blade. They were formed out of overlapping scales and seemed to be

joined on the top by strong ligaments that led to a set of corded muscles that he knew weren't

supposed to be on a relatively normal back that only needed muscles to move the arms and twist the

torso... what could they be for? Or was it just some freak mutation?

Just then he heard a conversation... voices behind the walls that surrounded him... two people were

talking about him.

"Look, I understand your reluctance professor, but the simple fact is, we have a great opertunity

here to discover the secrets that have eluded us for the past twenty years. As far as we can tell the

monster in there is getting stronger by the minute, if it is allowed to reach its full power we estimate

that it will be almost as strong and certainly as indestructible as Godzilla itself." said the first voice.

"The monster you refer to not but yesterday was a leading scientist and a colleague of mine, he was

human and brilliant and might I remind you that it was your insane incompetence that led to this

disaster by your foolishly forcing us to include those Godzilla DNA structures in the first place!"

Said Professor Stalls.

"Be that as it may Professor." answered the other. "You and I both know that there isn't a single cell

of uncorrupted DNA from the good doctor left. There is not a chance in hell that the effect can be

reversed. And so for the safety of the people of this nation and to further the cause of science I must

see that monster put down. Just think of it professor, with a full exploratory autopsy who knows

what wondrous things we might find to aid mankind."

'And you call him a monster? He is a person and deserves the respect and rights that a human being

is entitled to! You can not just execute him out of convenience you ruthless fascist!" Answered the


"He, is no longer human Professor, he is a monster, and like all monsters should die. A large

shipment of liquid nitrogen is being sent here by truck, in an hour they will be attached to the side of

the containment chamber and the monster will be frozen to death as quickly and painlessly as

possible to prevent him realizing what is going on and trying to free himself before he succumbs.

Our studies show that he is nowhere near as capable a survivor as his predecessor, at least not yet.

What is obvious is that if he escapes and manages to survive he will become a creature who perhaps

will rival Godzilla, and that simply cannot be allowed. As for you and your project, it is over, this

entire matter has been classified. If you speak of this to anyone or try and interfere in anyway I will

have you shot. Good day professor."

The man now huge reptile heard it all and understood. They were going to kill him in less than an

hour. He had a simple choice... choose to accept fate and compose himself for death... or escape to

face a world that most certainly would hate and despise him... Sacrificing himself this way was not

really an option, why? Because he was certain that anything learned from his death would be used

no doubt to create weapons of horror and war the likes of which had never been seen. He was sure of

that. Worse, the knowledge gained from his demise might mean that the government would perfect

the method of creating monsters who would then be programed to obey them, that obviously being

the whole idea behind adding the reptiles DNA in the first place, causing who knew how much death

and destruction... he had no choice. He had to run.

He stood in his cage and examined his confines. The cell was built out of heavily reinforced steel

and massive plates of lexan many feet thick. A truly incredible cage indeed. But could it hold him?

He wasnt sure... certainly the real Godzilla would not be contained in anything so puny as this. But

he was obviously not the same as his predecessor.

He sat considering his options for a moment as he closed his eyes, thinking... if he was Godzilla's

relative per say then he too might possess a fearsome flaming breath weapon that would get him out

of here quite handily... but dare he use it even if he figured out how? The original Godzilla's fire

breath was a beam of tightly focused plasma, the output of the fusion reactor that was its gut.

Somehow it focused it into a tightly controlled beam that it could use with devastating effect and

incredible near impossible control... but what if he tried it and got something far less controlled?

What if he fried everything for miles?

His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of alarms in the distance that reached him even in his

cell, the sounds of disaster... a voice came to him with a single word among the many screamed and

shouted in panic... Godzilla.

The beast was here! Somehow it had found him... somehow it had known and had come for him... it

was well known Godzilla did not tolerate other monsters. He could not recall how many times he

had seen on the news the beast brutally slaying some intruder...

His time had grown far shorter than an hour in but a few seconds! He had to get the hell out of here

and run for his life. He had no doubts as to what would happen if he met the real Godzilla and the

beast took the expected extreme dislike to him. He had to try and blast his way out. The best thing

he could think of was to try and fire his beam, if he could in fact fire it, and if in fact he had one,

straight up. That way any secondary damage would be hopefully minimized.

He opened his jaws and aimed them straight up...

And the top of the building vaporized in a huge white flash of heat and light that blinded him for a

moment before he could see that the entire building's top was cut off as if with a scalpel... he blinked

and wondered where he had gotten such power when he realized that it hadnt been him.

In the distance he heard the great roar of Godzilla and knew that it had been the beast that had freed

him... the beast who was now waiting outside for him to emerge...

His choices were simple... stand here and get torched where he hid, or emerge and hopefully get

some running room to evade the monster.

He leapt to the top of the building and climbed out to perch on the roof... around him the city was in

ruins, buildings smashed, the streets pulverized... to his left there was a group of large buildings still

standing and he picked the nearest large building and leapt for it... hitting the ground in an explosion

of cement and parked cars.. Running for all he was worth, not bothering to marvel at his speed nor

that he was doing so on all fours like a Komodo dragon. He reached the buildings and slung his

body behind them only to come up short... tearing up the tarmac and sliding to a halt with eyes wide

in panic.

There it was, Godzilla. Standing there before him waiting for him to foolishly come running to the

only spot of cover that could hope to protect him from the beast's terrible fire. He knew then that the

beast had out thought him, it had known that he would run for cover and had known that this was

the only one to be found, having selectively destroyed all others. He backpedaled as fast as he could

but it was too late.. The beast opened its jaws and he saw up close the gathering of charged particles,

the fires of its hellish gut igniting, the gathering holocaust that sent heat waves out to warp the light

around its huge maw... and it aimed that death at him now... and there was no escape.

The beast held it there for a moment, a shining star of doom glittering between its jaws... its large

eyes studying him as he backed up as fast as he could, plowing thue anything in his way in a futile

attempt to get out of the line of fire...

The jaws closed.

The light went out from between its fangs and it cocked its head to the side in reptilian puzzlement.

This was his chance! He had to get clear! He had no clue as to why the beast was confused and

didn't care, all that mattered was that some miracle had bought him time! He turned around and

leapt without thinking into the air... the nodules on his back suddenly lifted and out of them like

switchblades there came wings that seemed to be formed entirely out of some white crystalline

substance, shaped like those of a beatle, four separate airfoils, two large towards the front, two small

towards the rear that spread to catch the air and then flapped up and down faster and faster until

they were at a near impossible to perceive whirring speed. Generating an enormous blast of air that

swirled dust and pieces of wrecked city around him for half a mile and with a thrust of his legs he

was airborne!

He flew up like a rocket and then settled down into a straight flight... he had no clue even how he

was doing this but he knew one thing, the farther he got from Godzilla the safer he would be! With a

thunderclap he pushed hard and his wings suddenly moved so fast they were but blurs and he

jumped ahead at what could only be described as supersonic flight...

He was miles away when he heard a voice ring thru his head like a thunderbolt out of the blue.

"Come here."

It was a simple statement, not a shout, not a scream, it was a statement of infinite command, of total

power, of absolute certainty that it would be obeyed...

He found himself just for a single second stopping in mid flight... hovering like a humming bird,

obeying that voice that had sounded in his head, but he managed to hold on and turn effortly in

place... he stared back the way he came and saw with his incredible vision Godzilla looking right at

him, right into his eyes...

There was no doubt, no uncertainty. That voice in his mind had come from Godzilla.

His mind wirled with the thought of it, that this monster was not only unstoppable but intelligent and

capable of communicating! How? Why had no one guessed this before?

"Come here!" the command was snapped at him.

"" he somehow replied.

Godzilla looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Come to me or I shall force you to." it replied.

He almost wanted to laugh... he was thirty, maybe forty miles from the monster and was ready to

turn and make it a far greater distance, he was flying! With speed and grace and power and it gave

him a heady rush that made im feel invulnerable.

"I will give you this last chance. Come here or I will bring you down. If I have to, I will make sure

you regret it." the beast said, radiating menace.

Suddenly he saw the great fin like blades on Godzilla's back light up and he turned to get the hell

out of here... he didn't think the beast could hit him from that distance but he wasn't going to stay

there and find out!

With the fury of a sunspot unleashed upon the earth the first bolt slammed right into his left wing... it

shattered like glass... he tumbled out of control and plummeted towards the earth, slamming into the

ground in a huge explosion that left him senseless in an immense crater formed by his own bodies

impact, broken and helpless...

He woke and tried to move, keening at the pain shearing thrue his body like a blowtorch, he shook

his head and tried to pull himself together... he saw the remains of his left wing, now broken and

shattered, pitifully rent asunder by Godzilla's fury... he had flown... for a brief shining moment he

had been overjoyed at what he had become... but now he would never fly again...

"I told you I would punish you if you did not obey me." rang the voice of Godzilla in his head.

He swung about at bay and stared up at the huge menacing reptile who crouched on the lip of the

crater, its great foot claws biting into the earth as it looked down at him. Its huge muscular form

dwarfing his own, casting a long massive shadow across him as he crouched there, the sun setting

behind its mammoth shoulder, only it glowing menacing yellow eyes apparent in the black shadow

that waited with the patients of a supreme predator for it's prey's next move as it sat as still as a

mountain, silhouetted against the blood red sky of the setting sun...

Deep inside him he felt then a hopless rage, a torrential flood of anger and the desire to kill. With a

scream of defyance he launged himself at the beast, claws held redy to rend, jaws ready to rip the life

from his foe...

Godzilla watched him come, still and ready. With the skill of a master the beast suddenly lifted its

tail and swung it in a sweeping arc that cracked like a gunshot as it broke the sound barrier,

slamming over one hundred tons of armored flesh into the side of his legs while not moving a single

inch of the rest of its body...

His legs were swept from under him and he fell stunned before the beast who looked down at him

with eyes full of sudden burning, all consuming intensity that he had never seen on the beast's face

before as he lay helpless on his back before it.

He watched in total confusion as the beast slowly leaned forward, planting a claw next to his head,

driving deep the huge claws in the already broken ground, a deep rumbling growl coming forth from

its huge broad chest... it slid forward, trapping his legs under its body... the great saurian head

lowering to sniff at the side of his neck... the jaws parted and the broad tongue of the beast suddenly

slid along his tender throat... tasting him, playing its smooth , warm and slick organ over the soft and

vulnerable underside of his jaw... His own throat responded with a high pitched keening, a small and

plaintive cry of submission that seemed to only excite the beast, the rumble in its chest becoming

more driving, more imperative, it wanted something, now.

Godzilla closed its jaws on his soft and helpless throat as he lay it bear to it in total surrender, and he

shuddered as something inside his new reptile brain enjoyed the feeling of this, wanted it, took great

pleasure in the strength that he was being held with, the power that had totally conquered him, the

awesome might that now held him with its absolute and unbreakable dominance...

His eyes snapped open... what was happening to him! He couldent resist... he couldent stop what was

happening... he felt a heat begin in his groin and groaned as he felt an all to familiar swelling down

below. His genetal slit spread and he felt his organ emerge and press against the beasts belly...

Godzilla lifted off of him and a huge talon reached down and grasped his member... he gasped and

pressed it into the strong and yet gentile grasp on his shaft. It swelled and soon throbbed into fullness

in the grip of the beast and he wimpered in sudden overwellming need... He gave then a single

begging chirp that had only one ultimate meaning... take me.

The great beast lifted itself and moveed forward, positioning its body over his throbbing shaft and

then slowly sat, the head of his penis felt a sudden warmth and a squirt of hot liquid as it found her


He stared up at the beast... at her... and knew then wat this all was, what the purpose had been of

Godzilla's acts all the way up to now. Godzilla was a female, and he was a male and she had chosen

him to be her mate... it all made sense now. He had read in recent dinosaur reserch that it was

belived the female was the larger, more agrressive and more dominant than the male in larger

carnivores, and evidently this was the case here. She had chosen him and then exerted her dominance

by demanding his surrneder to her, and when he had not, brutally reminded him of his place as her

infirior, but now she had conquered him and would now seal it with a no doubt ruthless and brutal

mating that would end his foolish protests...

And he wanted it to happen... she was going to rape him and he wanted it to happen, he knew that

she would not spair him the fury of her boundless strenght, nor the rage of her titanic lusts... and he

wanted desperately to serve that fury and rage with everything fiber of his being...

She slammed down on his shaft, impaling herself on it, shattering the ground beneath him as she

rammed her rear into his body with the force of a falling supertanker... she lifted then and fell again.

He cried out in ecstacy and torment, his breath driven from his lungs in that awesome impact. His

body driven into the shattered ground as she crushed him beneath her again and again, her huge

muscular legs sliding under his and lifting them to pin him helplessly as her huge arms went around

his shoulders, trapping him and crushing him in the embrace of her white hot lust... she rammed

down faster and faster, each blow upon him falling like a million hammers, driving his shaft deeper

and deeper within her... she roared in lust and pleasure as she raped her mate, foam and saliva

dripping from her mammoth jaws, the air around them shimmering in the massive released heat of

her internal fires as she stared off into space, ignoring all but her wanton need...

He wimpered and licked her chest, her neck and the bottom of her hjaw in the desire to please her, to

satisfy the holocaust of rampaging fiery lust that drove form her all but one single thought, to rape

his helpless body for her own pleasure.

As for her prey, he lay helpless, entrapped in her massive arms, pinned by her immense legs while

she rose and fell again and again... her heated sex spurting around his entrapped and servile member

as it crushed it in its warm and silken grip.

Her fury was unlike anything he had ever seen or felt, her lust boundless like the rage of a volcano...

she was beserk with lust... And she was killing him.

He felt his ribs give way with the sound of steel girders snapping, his shoulder wrenched out of its

socket as she ground it to dust... No, he was no match for her power... and payed the price for that

weakness as her chaws ripped his scales and drew blood, her ramming thrusts against him broke

bones, he was beaing raped to death...

Her pounding grew in vigor and violence even as her burning hot sex sent wave after wave of

searing hot ecstacy thrue his tourtured and battered body... his spirit warred with itself within him...

his reptile half wanted to be used by her, needed it.. Even if it killed him, even if she ripped him to

peices in her lust that was right and good... but his remaining human side wept in horror and despair

as it felt its life dripping away with every slash to his already tattered and blood soaked body...

The great beast above him rammed down hard again... paused, its vigina spuriting and then rose to

faul again even harder and then one more great titianic thrust and with an immense roar of triumph

and rampaging lust she reached her climax and from her pulsating and driping sex there gushed a

flood of her thick sexual juices that exploded from around his member like the breaking of a dam...

It flooded from her, flooding over his tail and legs as she came again and again... her body writhing

in her ultimate lust satisfied...

And as her hot juices gushed from her he felt then his own shaft buck within her, its head suddenly

swelling and locking within her cervix as it released a flood of his seed, the rightful tribute and prize

of her lustful conquest of her new mate... he cried out, a long drawn out cry as he felt his body

surrender to her and shuddered uncontrollably as if electrafied as the greatest feelings of pleasure he

had even known rushed thrue every inch of his body... his toes were having an orgasm, his claws that

flailed helplessly were in the throws of orgasm. The tip of his long bladed tail was feeling evey gush

that pounded from his massivly destended penis and experianced every moment... it was beyond sex,

beyond anything, it was a holy and sacred moment that drove everything from him but that spurting

shaft within her body, its bucking flow of seed filling his body with ecstacy that burned him as sure

as her fires with every pulse as he gave her everything he had and more...

For a long moment they lay together, great conquering beast laying upon the conquered and

mastered mate... she rested her body from the strain of her lust and waited for her nether reagons t

cease there spasoming, her lips pulled back from her teeth and eyes closed as she relished each

plesant aftershock as his shaft slowly lost its great sise and retreated from her slick and dripping

sex, its ribbed head's passage giving her jolts of pleasure as it withdrew, causing her to grip it

warmly with her body in the soft contentment of the aftermath... she stirred and lifted herself, content

in a way she had never been before, warmed in a way she had never been before.. For the very first

time in her long existence filled with war and combat she felt at peace...

As Godzilla lifted from him and sat up, her great weight rising from his chest he felt then the full

impact of the damage that had been leveled upon him during his rape and gasped at the sheer white

hot burning agony of it... All he knew was that somehow he had survived but he would never

survive another... his reptile side cried out for him to stay, that to serve her now whas his purpose,

that nothing mattered but that...but he forced it down and rolled to the side, rising to all fours he tried

to crawl away... his left arm dislocated and hanging at the shoulder, his back tattered and shreadded,

painted with the wet red colors of suffering.... His useless wings spread, the shatterd wing's base

still fluttering as he instinctually strove to fly, to escape... his body wracked with torment at every

step... his cheast buring with agony, keening in helpless deperation and ultimate suffering...

And then he heard it ... the thud of Godzilla's footfall...

She was coming after him... per haps her lust had returned or she simply decided that now that she

has satisfied her lust there was no reason to leave a potential enemy alive...

He tried to lengthen his stride. To run, but then cried out as he stretched too far and shattered ribs

sheered thru his battered and weakened lung walls to rend the breath from him and flood them with

his blood in a final act of his own bodies betrayal... he gave a shriek of agony and colapsed, blood

spurting from his jaws as he tried desparatly to breath...

Godzilla stopped standing over him, looking down at him with her large slitted eyes and he could

read little from that reptilian face... would she just kill him now or would she just stand there

impassive as all reptiles and watch him die with a cold and unfealing heart... He had no clue...

He flinched away from her as she squatted there before him, her massive form still dwarfing him as

titanic as he was. She reached out then with a massive claw and touched him upon the back of his

neck, sliding the great claw down in a gentle carress... in that moment he realised what he saw in her

face was not reptilian coldness, but reptilian concern... for him...

"I did not mean to harm you." her mind spoke, this time not roraing and full of the deadly weight of

command, but soft and pleading... he stared at her as she stroked him as his mind accepted the fact

that Godzilla cared, that she was mindful of the fact that she had hurt him and was sorry she had...

"But why?" he asked her... "if you didnt want to hurt me than why did you burn my wing off and

then do this to me?"

She rased her had and looked away, sitting back on her haunches... "that was the first time I have

ever done that, before today I did not even know that such a thing could be done... I didnt know

what to do, I had this need that burned within me stronger than the need to fight those that stand

against me and I had no choice..."

He gave a pained chuckle... it was simply too funy not to laugh. He had been raped to death by an

eighty story virgin...

"Why do you not heal?" she asked him.

"Huh?" he answered. "I guess I don't have your healing powers as well as not having your bad

breath." he said with a smile and then caughed rachetingly as he tried to go on living for another few


She stared at him deep in thought and then leaned forward and placed the side of her head gently on

his chest and seemed to listen... "You have no fire!" she exclamed as she lifted her head and gazed

down in him in amazement. "Your dying!"

"No shit? Really?" he asked sarcasticly.

"I thought you were like me, that any wound to you would heal quickly, thats why I felt free to

shatter your wing, for I thought it would only be a short time before you were whole but without the

flame within you cannot heal! And I have killed you! The only being that was like me I have ever

known, the only being who gave me the feelings you gave me..." she gave a lng keening groan of

regret as she contemplated what she had done... "But why.. Why don't you have the flame?"

"Look hun" he spoke, his mind red tinged with pain. "You were created in a nuclear blast and that

is where you got your flame as you put it. Me? I got created in a lab, not a nuke in site... the only

radiation around was the damn microwave that I cooked my pot noodles in. But don't be too hard

on yourself... if you want to blame anyone for this blame the damn military and there stupid ideas...

hell... not your fault... just... doing what comes... naturally." he said, straining to remain contious in

the face of his ever wekening life.

"If you do not have the flame... then I must give you some." she said.

His eyes snapped open and he stared at her as her dorsal plates heated up and the shimmering heat

waves flared from her lips.. Nearby oxigen in the atmosphere ignited as the flame forced the water

vapor in the air to crack and separated into hydrogen oxigen compound... her jaws opened and she

revealed that burning core of light that was the purest form of nuclear fusion, hotter than the sun's

core and just as deadly...

"Now wait a second!" he pleaded in panic. "How are you going to get it in me? It will burn me to a

crisp! Ill be charcoal if you touch me with that thing!"

"No, I shall never burn you again." she said... as her head lowered towards him the shining star

within her jaws changed, first yellow and then red in color, running down the spectrum as she neared

his face with it... and then finally blue as lifted him to his haunches and sat him before her as she

took hold of his bloody jaws with her great talons and pulled them apart, streatching them wide as

she prepared to do what she intended.

He knew right then that she was going to breathe a blast of annialating fusion plazma down his

throat, hurling the white hot fires of a solar flare into his already half dead body... "Don't do this!

All that your going to do is give me a napalm colenectemy! Are you crazy?!!"

"Have faith." she said, her words somehow filling him with calmness even in the face of his own

demise... he felt the heat of the blindingly bright blue flame as it neared his face, the heat of it on his

tongue as she leaned forward and pressed her jaws to his in a kiss of raging fire...

It burned! It seared! it annialated him... but he was still there... the fires of her compassion flooded

him and filled every inch of his form... he felt then his body mending faster than thought, his scales

replacing themselves, his bones healing and placing themselves back where they belong, his muscles

reknitting under the awsome healing power of the most destructive and dangerous lifeform on the

planet and he was whole again in a matter of seconds... he groaned as she hald him, her lips preswed

to his, not in pain but in sudden pleasure, in record time his reptilian male member emerged and

throbbed to fullness against her front and as the fires raged thrue him he felt them drive him higher

and higer until with a spasm his member swelled and he spurted white ecstasy over her front again

and again... with a parting nussle of her lips against his she withdrew her head from his and looked

down at his spurting organ and then into his eyes as she licked the pearly white seed from the

underside of her chin...

"I think your better now." she said... and gave a deep rumble in her chest, her eyes bright.

He looked into the face of his mate and lover and stared in wonder.

She was laughing at him.

He smiles and reched out to hug her around her great muscular chest, the sticky mess he had just

made be damned as he embraced her, feeling at that moment closer to her than he had ever been to

anyone in his entire life... she put a great claw on his head softly as she held him with one arm, there

long tails intertwining as they sat together there stiil and silent for hours, just enjoying the feel of not

being alone anymore as the sun finally set behind them, the great monster and the man who became

one, never alone again....

Deep in the basement of the origonal lab wher this had all started, a great pool of grey green oose

shimmered and fluxed... and then mind that lay within it thought and planed... for the day it would

be king of the monsters...

Well, thers part one all done and finished, let me know if you liked it. When I have time I'll get to

writing the second part, which will have lots of Godzilla love, Godzilla sex, lots of Godzilla D/s

and maybe some watersports or something, I havent thught that far ahead. Anyway, as you

probably guesed the real villan will be shoing up next time, who is he? Don't know... havent

made it up yet, but im thinking nasty slobbery and perverted and with the sex drive of an army of

horny goats... what do you think?

The Iron Basilisk.