Within The Cave

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#37 of M/M Fun

A short story commission for Moonshade :)


Jason leaned ...

A short story commission for avatar?user=38299&character=0&clevel=2 Moonshade :)

Jason leaned back against his best friend with a smile crossing his chubby cheeks as they were tucked away from their home. Phillip grinned and looked backwards before shoving another fistful of berry pie into his mouth. Their fingers were tacky with the dark berry juices, it clung to the skin and over their lips and mouths. Their prize was tucked down in front of them, the iron pan starting to show at the very bottom. The older of the two, Jason, licked his lips and rested his fingers against his rounded belly.

The pair sprawled out in a cave just outside of town and more importantly the farms their parents worked on. It was the one day that neither of them savored, the start of the harvest where even they ended up in the fields helping to cut down the grain and bail it together to dry. They always ended up with the luckless job of helping tie off the twine. It was hard, hot and not fun in any way shape or form. So they'd taken off and stopped by the main house to snag one of the pies cooling off on the window. With much giggling and jostling they'd bolted off towards a small cave they'd found last winter.

Jason rubbed his nose a little and wrinkled it at the sticky berries that clung against his lips. He flicked his tongue out before sprawling out right next to his younger friend. The lad had sandy blonde hair that fell over his eyes and seemed to still be distracted by trying to single handedly finish the pie. Jason was far more lanky and had a dark black thatch of hair and pale brown eyes that were almost topaz instead of true brown. He looked around and poked about the cave with one toe, digesting his food as he dreamed about Indian's hiding out here and them the brave cowboys coming to hunt them down.

"Hey Phillip, ya ever think the indian's used to hide out in here?" He wiggled himself out of his suspenders and pushed his hat off his head.

"Pro'bly, lotsa indian' 'round here. Pa said they useta be all over the valley." The mumbled voice came out as he shoved in another handful of pie. Most of his lower face seemed covered and Jason wrinkled his nose up.

"Wonder if they left anything.." He trailed off a little bit and leaned himself up on his elbows while giving his head a slight toss, his dark hair flopping back from his face. "Like arrows an' stuff." "I found one thing." The younger boy brightened as Jason sat up fast enough to jostle his full belly.

"Why didn't ya tell me?! What'd ya find?"


Phillip flushed a little bit and ducked his head when his older friend burst out like that. He moved his hand and felt around in his pocket for the hard stone that he'd found the other day. It took a while before his sticky hands found it and he pulled it out proudly. It always seemed as if Jason had seen it all and done it all. From knowing where in the barn there was a little cubby hole to store treasures to knowing the swiftest routes between both of their houses. He thought the stone looked neat, the little carvings on it felt nice to rub with his thumb. He finally held it out and grinned eagerly.

"Found it the other day! I was lookin' round for a penny I dropped. But I found this instead!" He shoved it towards his best friend who took it and tried to lean towards the light coming in from the entrance of the cave.

"Huh, it's all covered in berry juice." He squinted a little bit, "There's a little pool back here, we can wash it off there an' then get a good look!"

"B-back there?" Phillip shifted a little and glanced to where his friend was starting to drop down to all fours to crawl back too. "But we don't gotta torch, Jason!"

"We don't need one! C'mon, it'll be okay, promise!" He heard his friends voice come back before he swallowed and dropped down to his belly before starting to wriggle his way forward.

He hated going into the back portion of the cave! It was always the worst part of being in here. It was so dark once you got past the little low section that you couldn't even see your hand in front of your face! Still he wasn't going to be left behind so he scooted behind his best friend and got beneath the low portion of the cave and around the tight little bend. He heard Jason mutter and squirm as he couldn't get through. With a curse that would have made his Pa tan his hide, he unblocked the passage and Phillip wiggled in after. At least he was still small enough to pass through the opening alright.


Jason rubbed his chest where he could feel his shirt torn a little bit. His Ma was gonna kill him for tearing it! Still he was at least in the broad opening of the cave and could stretch out a little bit and sit down next to the wet sound of the water dribbling its way into the pool. He felt his younger friend snuggle up next to him and didn't push him away. Phillip was always a bit scared of being in such a dark place, but he wanted to see what was on the stone! Was it some great Indian chief's necklace charm? Maybe it was a burial piece! He shivered at the exciting and scary idea of the cave having been made a grave. He pushed his hand all the way into the icy cold water before swirling it back and forth in an attempt to wash off the jam.

"OW!" He helped out as something burned his finger tips and jerked his hand backwards. A sickly green light filled the cave as he stuck his fingers into his mouth and saw the small medallion glowing in the water. "Phil! Get it!"

"But-" he looked over to see his friends eyes wide open.

Jason opened his mouth to chastise the younger boy just as he pulled off his shirt. The trembling youth wrapped it around his hand and shoved it down into the water to try and grasp the glowing medallion. The magic pulsed in the small confines of the cave. The medallion was older then the native's that had lived here. Far older. A more primal and ancient magic then either of the pair could imagine. Just as Phillip's fingers brushed the tip Jason felt something stir inside of him before the high pitched yelp burst forth. The smaller boy tumbled back and yanked his hand against himself as a slow tear welled up.

For a moment there was silence before the pulsing light cast by the medallion wrapped around the pair of young boys. It didn't care if they were years away from being mature. It didn't care that they didn't understand what they had done. The mineral rich magic wrapped around the stone and latched onto both of them. Jason felt a deep baritone growl spill from his throat before he forcefully stopped it. His entire body started to pulse and the pounding flooded out into his ears as he stared wide eyed at his best friend. What was happening?


Phillip felt weird. He felt like he had the time he had caught a bad fever last winter. It made everything dizzy and too hot. He opened his lips to complain to his friend when he felt a sudden ripple flood out from his chest. It was hot like water and flooded over his mind before something far far older then himself looked out and licked his lips for him. He whimpered fearfully before the thing seized hold of his entire body for his own. He felt his body go limp before his eyes closed and somewhere deep insie of him he felt fur rubbing along the inside of his skin.

It brushed back and forth in places he knew no one should touch before his back rippled and the muscles started to spasm. He could feel his skin stretching and straining as his muscles began to bulge outwards and harden. His shoulders nearly tripled in size so that his hands wouldn't hold him up and he dropped to the ground with an incoherent sob. His chest was growing as well! He moved his hands up and tried to hold the places that ached and felt his skin tremble and roll beneath his touch. It was if smooth velvet were replacing his skin!

He struggled and opened his eyes to see Jason curled on his side, his lips were open and he was panting shallowly. It looked as if his entire body as underwater as things wavered and blurred. He opened his mouth to cry out for help when he felt his jaws spread and his neck start to thicken. The change centered in his belly and rapidly started to run outwards. The hair along his head shortened and his hat fell off just as he felt an incredible pressure on his skull. It was like it was threatening to burst open and he screamed out raggedly until it turned into a sharp snarl. His teeth grew and he almost nicked his tongue when the thickened fangs curved downwards towards his teeth.


Jason wanted to pull himself over to Phillip, but he couldn't. Something wasn't right. His body was racked with tremors that he couldn't control. The sickly green light showed him his friend writhing on the floor while all he could do was watch. His lips spread open in a wordless cry before his heart beat started to thunder inside of his ears. Muscles bulged against his arms and he felt the back of his shirt tearing as he started to grow. He forced himself up onto his knees as he felt bones sliding and popping beneath his skin. Though he felt no pain, he could feel pressure as they reformed.

Over the bone he felt muscles shifting around until he thought he was going to be sick. They didn't just grow, the defined themselves. What might have taken a decade of growth started to form within minutes and seconds. His shoulders grew broader and heavier as his forearms hardened when he balled his fists. In the dim light cast from the stone he saw his hands start to spread out and his fingers thicken. They didn't grow longer, they grew broader until he called out when he felt his nails curve downwards and turn into blunt black claws that clicked against the ground. His jaws stretched and strained out to form a dark lipped muzzle and his sounds came out as snarls.

His pants strained at the seams before tearing along the edges when his thighs started to grow. He had to roll onto his side and something in him made him tear franticly at them. His claws shredded them and as he curled up in a half sit up he watched his legs lengthen and his feet turn into broad paws. The muscles shifted under his skin as shadows started to appear along the bulging appendages. He watched in horror as the darkness spread wider and trailed up along his hips and chest. It was like water rushing over him as black fur started to coat his body.


Phillip bared his teeth and felt the long canines click together roughly as he sucked in ragged breath after breath. His sharp noises came out as hisses and snarls while he felts his arms broaden and his nails change. They drew back into his fingers and he realized that they were retracting! It was only when he flexed them that they came back into sight again. Just as sharp and wicked looking as he could imagine. He wanted nothing more than to curl up and sob but the strange being that started to push at his mind was having none of that.

A wave of heat broke over him as he felt the thick fur ripple down his back and his pants split and fall away from him. The heat centered in his stomach and made him arch his back before he felt newly formed stomach muscles clench. He opened one eye and stared over his short blunt muzzle to see his abdominal muscles packed tightly together. Shock forced the other sensations away for a moment as he stared at his own member. His broad thighs flexed while he watched a pale white pouch roll up to cover his girth and the fur coat his orbs. He pushed his hips back and twisted before he felt the writhing form of his friend at his back.

The feel of another furred body brushing against his own flared the heat back into life and before his eyes he watched the tapered tip start to expel itself. It was darker than it should be and the boy changed mountain lion widened his eyes. It pushed out inch by inch so he saw the rubbery barbs bristling against it. Another tremor passed through him and then incredible pressure before he felt a tail push from his body and lash back and forth wildly. It snapped against the air and for a moment he tried to talk before he drew in a breath of hot masculine scent. Something primal and far older then his tender years flooded into his mind. It pushed his mind aside as he rolled over in the cramped cave to look at the midnight black wolf in the strange green light.


Jason writhed and twisted on the ground as it felt as if water was rolling over his body. His muscles twitched and contracted against his body as thick plush fur flooded over his form. It grew heavier against his ruff and the dark black coat trailed down before a splash of white appeared on his chest. He flexed his large paws and felt a sudden warmth push against his body. The cave seemed smaller, cramped and the walls closed in around him as he let out a shuddered breath before sucked it in again. His nose twitched rapidly at the thick leonine musk and twisted his head to the side to see the tawny face and white muzzle of a mountain lion where his friend should be.

His eyes widened in shock for a moment at the sight, the feline was muscled even more heavily than his father! He felt the large arm close down around his stomach and drag him back just before a set of white fangs dug right in against nape of his neck. The feel of pressure against the sensitive tissue made his eyes flash open wide and he cried out roughly. He felt something bigger then himself welling up inside of him. It was pulled from deep in his core and erupted out in a snarling cry as something older looked out over his ebony muzzle. Another's personality overwhelmed his mind and a surge of desire rolled through him.

The golden fingers clenched against his stomach fur right above the dark pouch of his sheath before the weight shoved firmly against his back. The hard muscled body shoved roughly against his back and he twisted his lips backwards as he felt the hips cupping up against his own curved rump. A heavy sheath shoved right up against the crease of his rump and he twisted his body with a sharp snarl. The powerful thighs pushed down on either side of his hips as something slippery and heavy pushed just along the side of the tail. He breathed in rush of musk before he felt the pouch of fur on his sheath peeling backwards.


Phillip dug his fangs in against the wolf's scruff a bit more firmly. He felt fur beneath him and the hard muscle of the curved ass rub right along his shaft. The heavy slippery red girth pushed up and a thick drop of pearly precum welled out of the tip before rubbing right against the fur. He wanted to take the wolf like nothing else. His body thrummed with his desire and he pushed his hips upwards and raised himself up on his arms as well. The wolf pushed himself up just as the lion thought he would and just before he tried to wriggle out he pulled back on the scruff and his arm wrapped just under the muscled belly.

He felt the thick fleshy spire as it rose up from the sheath and against the edge of his wrist while he drew his hips backwards. Another drooling spill of pre splattered down against the dark fur before shifting his hips about. He probed and jabbed right against the under tail before he felt the wrinkled pucker of the anal ring. His body shuddered for a moment before his hips drove forward and he caught right up against that opening. The slender tip probed before he felt it yawn open around him and he arched his back higher into the air with a hiss of pure pleasure.


The wolf let out a howling cry as the tip pierced right up against his tight ring and forced it to spread open. He clamped his walls down as inch by slow inch of the girth sank into him. His body shuddered and he pushed his foot paws down against his back as his ass rose into the air. The hot splashes of slippery pre erupted into his channel as inch by slow inch pierced into his body. The internal muscles clutched and suckled around the girth as he writhed and jerked his head backwards. His jaws spread open wide as he felt a hot glob of pre drooled into him lubricating his body. The powerful feline pulled backwards sliding the slickened passage and making his pucker puff outwards.

Jason let out a muted howl of pleasure as he felt the barbs flare open inside of his passage; they pulled back and teased inside of him. His cock lurched up against his belly and thudded against the underside of his belly and a hot rush of watery pre caught against his belly. His claws clenched down beneath him while his muscled strained before another hard thrust slammed against him. The tip stabbed in deeper, delving until he felt the fat base force its way into him. There was a sudden coughing roar above him before the next thrust rocked him forward and he cried out as the heavy furred balls slapped up against his dark ones.


Phillip shuddered at the tight silken walls that gripped around him, they pulsed and squeezed. It was almost painfully tight as he worked his hips back and forth. The inches drove into the dark form as he panted hotly against the back of his neck. His rough tongue lapped out to drag against the soft fur and then nipped against the supple flesh found there. He tensed up the curve of his ass while he tensed his muscles up and slammed forward with a sudden rough motion. Every dark red inch of him buried into the bucking wolf and he felt the shaft bumping up against his wrist as groaned out and dragged his hips backwards again.

His barbs raked along the tight passage as they flared open wide and scrubbed against the prostate. He pulled and stroked over it with sharp hard thrusts. His thighs crashed up against the dark furred ass with each movement of his lower body. His claws curled into the thick fur along the wolf's chest while his tail lashed back and forth wildly behind him. Each pulse of the internal muscles made him tremble and move faster. The movements in and then out pulled out slippery ropes of precum so that they gathered along the curve of the rump. The pearly wetness trailed downwards towards the muscular wolf's orbs.


Jason's ears flattened back against his skull as the thrusts started to pump in and out of his body. The tugging movements made his back arch and his hips push down as if thrusting against his own stomach. Each time the barbs flared out to catch against that spot inside of him he wanted to howl out a sound of pleasure. He muffled them with deep snarls and pushed his hips back hard so that he could feel the thickest part of the base slam home with each thrust and ground their orbs together before feeling the tawny form draw backwards. His tail jerked as he clenched his walls down tightly around him.

He could feel his shaft as it rubbed right up against his belly, the movements brushed back and forth against the thick fur. His tip jerked and spilled out another rush of precum that drooled down to the cave floor as he lowered his head a little bit. His ears splayed to either side of his head as he started to breath faster and harder. His chest swelled out with each great sucking breath before panting it out again. His walls molded around that barbed shaft and clamped down as tightly as he could as the shaft pulled backwards and the barbs caught sharply right along the ridge of his prostate. His base pushed out from the sheath and the bulb started to engorge as he tensed himself up. His claws clamped down roughly against the rock beneath him.


The pair of muscled animals mated with a savage intensity. Their teeth bared to the glow of the cave while the powerful beasts bounded together. The tawny mountain lion that had been Phillip partially stood up as his hips slammed forward and forced tight against the dark male. His snarling roar erupted from his throat as his girth swelled upwards and the balls pulled up tight against his body. The force of his release welled up along his passage and splashed out along the inner walls. Thick ropes of it poured into the tightened anal ring and into the bowels while he gave a sudden jerk of his hips before pulling back again.

Jason's body shuddered as the first ropes of cum spilled inside of him, his shaft swelled open wider and wider. His knot forced his sheath downwards until it nearly tripled in size as his tapered tip jutted up against his belly. He clamped down tight around the slippery red length inside of him, milking and suckling around it eagerly. He pulled each drop of the seed out of the lion while his own creamy semen hit right up against the underside of his belly. It splashed and spilled over the edges while he rocked his hips back and forth, his cock throbbed up and down with every beat of his heart as he let loose a deep howl that vibrated his throat and cave around them.

The pair came together many times in the cave. The afternoon sun rose and then set as the cave pulsed it's sickly green glow and the feral snarls of the beasts echoed in the woods. The wolf claimed the lion just as thoroughly as he had been claimed until both collapsed with exhaustion. When the moon started to rise over the horizon the forms of the great muscled beasts wavered and melted away. The boys were awoken the next day by the cries of their worried families as they were hunted for. They were found with shredded clothes and wild tales of huge monsters that lurked in the woods. To this day stories are told of the crazed beasts that hunt forest for victims.

Do you enjoy my stories? If you do and would like to think about tipping. It encourages me to write more and if you include a note on what you enjoy most I'll strive to make more stories with that sort of theme.
